Book Read Free

Dalian Crystals

Page 13

by Barbara Robertson


  Space Base 5

  Steph’N ran down the narrow corridor to the storage bays off the main dock. He slapped his sweaty palm on the recognition pad and opened his private storage compartment door. He grabbed a packed backpack, and picked up the laser pistol and its holster. The holster was strapped low on his thigh, ready for quick action. The belt of extra ammo cartridges was the last thing he took. The compartment door was slammed shut, and Steph’N ran through the corridor, putting his arms through the backpack straps.

  In his more than two years impersonating “Major S’Loc,” Steph’N never did anything to give the Rebels the slightest suspicion he was a spy for the Emperor, or a Ranger. He had gained the trust of Colonel Vas and Duma Wat, and obeyed their orders to him. He did whatever they asked him to do to keep the ships functioning, but was never ordered to kill Imperial troops or Rangers, or attack Space Cadre vessels. But today was different.

  The two Shi’Lon Rangers surprised Duma Wat on SB5 while the Rebel destroyer was docked there. They were sent to negotiate for Novice Dan’L’s return, but Duma Wat was in no mood for negotiations. He supposedly paid half a million credits for Novice Dan’L, determined to discover the secrets and location of the green alien “Power crystals” the boy’s Father, M.C. K’Ser, was given by alien androids. But K’Ser’s Son Dan’L knew nothing about the green alien crystals. Duma Wat was uncharacteristically furious.

  After making certain the three Rangers were safely off the Rebel destroyer, Steph’N put his escape plan in high gear. This was his last day working for the Rebels, and for their Leader, Duma Wat. He made it count. Steph’N ran down the corridor to the main hangar bay, jumped through the last hatch, and crouched low against the hangar wall. He reached inside his backpack for a small homing tracker and stuck the round device behind some crates, affixed to the wall. Duma Wat could not hide his destroyer from the Space Cadre any longer. Silently, he made his way to the fighter nearest the hangar bay doors. Up the open hatch of the fighter he ran, and punched the hatch lock.

  It felt good to sit in the pilot’s seat again. The old fighter’s fuel cells showed 92% full. It had been more than two years since he had piloted a fighter, but he was trained on these older model warbirds, and knew them well. He took off his backpack and ammo belt, initiated the launch sequence, and strapped in.

  In the fastest launch of his life, Steph’N rocketed off the main hangar bay of the Rebel destroyer full throttle, and flew straight towards the oncoming Space Cadre battle group. The Rebel destroyer didn’t even fire at him, or send fighters in pursuit. Duma Wat was more interested in finding a good place to hide from the Space Cadre battleship.

  Punching in the secret comm link numbers to C.S. Vu’Duc, Steph’N quickly relayed his information and current situation. Vu’Duc said, “Surrender to the Space Cadre Battleship, but maintain cover until you are delivered to me on Home World.” The orders were expected. Better for Duma Wat to think Major S’Loc turned tail and ran away in the face of an approaching Space Cadre battleship group, than for word of a Ranger/agent’s uncovering to potentially make it back to the Rebels.

  He surrendered to the Space Cadre, and they sent two fighters to escort his old warbird to their landing deck. They confiscated his gear and laser pistol, and threw Major S’Loc in the brig. When the Battleship Captain reported his capture of the Rebel officer, he was ordered to leave him alone in the brig and return him to Space Cadre security on Home World. Steph’N was spared interrogation aboard the Battleship, and his gear was left untouched in the security lock-up. The battleship was ordered by Fleet Admiral U’Ret to not enter the dangerous White Belt. Major S’Loc was flown to Home World by a Space Cadre fighter. Duma Wat avoided capture again, and safely flew his Rebel destroyer group to the secret base near M’Wati.

  One week later on Home World, Major S’Loc and his belongings were transferred to the Royal Palace prison. In the wee hours of his second day there, Steph’N was secretly smuggled out of his prison cell, and a dead man’s body was left in his place, wearing Major S’Loc’s uniform. The official report read Major S’Loc committed suicide by cyanide capsule.

  Steph’N was sequestered in a private, secure suite in the Palace, and debriefed for several days. Inside his backpack were Rebel uniforms, with hidden micro data crystals containing all the information he could gather during more than two years of his deep immersion mission. Everything from the hierarchy of the Rebel leadership to the location and defensive capabilities of their bases and outposts was stored on those micro crystals. He even managed to download Duma Wat’s accounting files from his command destroyer. Emperor P’Lau immediately ordered the Rebel account funds confiscated. Duma Wat would have to dip into his personal treasury to pay his men for the next few months. The Emperor was very pleased with Steph’N’s results.

  Steph’N was tired from being interrogated by his own Ranger superiors and High Command officers every day. He wanted a few weeks off to see his family, and have time to himself. When the debriefings were finally over, Steph’N stayed one more night in the Palace private suite to rest in peace. He was allowed to go back to his quarters in the Ranger section the next day. He finally tried the comm link number for Va’Pal, but the number was not working any more. She probably gave up on him two years ago, and found another man. She was a beautiful warrior woman, after all.

  Palace psychiatrists and doctors cautioned Steph’N about the transition to his former life, and reminded him it would take a long time for him to adjust. They were right in saying his personality had been altered by his deep immersion and assumption of another man’s persona. He would need time to get used to being a Ranger again. Major S’Loc was a hard, brutal taskmaster, intolerant of his men committing any errors; unforgiving, callous, and anti-social. These were not Steph’N’s traits, and it would take time to discard them. Hopefully, he would become himself again.

  C.S. Vu’Duc ordered stress counseling and mission de-programming for Steph’N to commence immediately. After the doctors and psychiatrists approved, he would be given a three-week vacation. He agreed to whatever treatments they recommended; he knew how close he came to surrendering to Major S’Loc’s life and personality, and giving up hope of returning. He wanted to become Steph’N the Borgund Ranger again, and have his life back. But he made it out alive. And, he never compromised himself with another man. Steph’N looked at his face, and his own natural blue eyes in the mirror for the first time in two years, and silently thanked the Creator. He came back.

  During his continued debriefing the following week in the Ranger High Command office, Novice Dan’L was asked by C.S. Vu’Duc if he would agree to be injected with hallucinogens, and be questioned in depth. Dan’L considered the request, and then answered, “Sir, I was sedated with strong synthetic drugs and heroin for five days and not given any food, nor water, or any fluids. I nearly died, and the Rebel doctors spent weeks helping me recover. I have been sprayed with truth gas for days on end while being questioned by the Traitor Duma Wat and his officers, and beaten, at the end. A truth analyzer was used on me while I answered his questions, too. May I be permitted to ask, sir: What do you possibly hope to discover that I have not been forced to reveal to Duma Wat, and you, already?”

  Sitting at a table in the back, Javette listened to her Son’s response. Dan’L was every bit as logical as her late husband, K’Ser, yet respectful. He had been through a lot. She was anxious to hear the official response, too.

  C.S. Vu’Duc took a deep breath and replied, “We acknowledge the facts of your delicate situation and your mistreatment while in captivity, Novice Dan’L. It is not my intent to make you the subject of more inquiries. But we’re dealing with alien technology, and alien methods. The Royal Physician has recommended hallucinogenic injections be used, to discover whether or not you were given subconscious suggestions or information without your awareness. The best kept secret is one which is carried unknowingly, Dan’L,” Vu’Duc said. “Will you agree to submit, Novic
e Dan’L?”

  Dan’L sighed heavily and said, “Yes, I will submit. But I would like for my Mother to witness the session.” Vu’Duc and the Royal Physician agreed.

  The Royal Physician led them to a quiet room, and motioned for Javette to sit along the wall, not facing her Son. He lowered the lights, and explained to Dan’L what would happen to him, “I will inject you one time with a compound of hallucinogens and tranquilizers slowly, and attempt to induce a hypnotic trance to make the experience easier on you, Novice. No harsh interrogations or touching of your body will take place during our session. It may even be a pleasant experience for you. We will take a little trip through your memories, all right?”

  Dan’L nodded apprehensively. The Royal Physician activated the vid recorder, and slowly injected him intravenously with a vile, orange serum. The Physician held up a large white crystal, and gently swung it back and forth on its gold chain while Dan’L watched. The Physician spoke softly and rhythmically, and Dan’L went into a hypnotic trance deeply. He began to move his head a little from side to side. He moaned a little, as if he was in pain.

  The Physician asked, “Where are you now, Dan’L?”

  “In the barracks with the guys. We all have skin burns from the hot sulphur springs. The ointment smells almost as bad as the spring water. I’m tired of throwing up. I’m burned, like they are,” Dan’L said. “My belly is on fire! But I passed.”

  “The vid comm link is for you, Dan’L. Who’s calling you so late?” The Physician enquired.

  “It’s Father! He says Mother is away on a mission tonight. Father seems anxious. Is someone listening, Father?” Dan’L asked in his trance, “Are you alone, Father? What’s the matter?” He rolled his head, side to side.

  “What did your Father say to you, Dan’L?”

  “He asked me about the swimming finals in the sulphur springs, while the music plays. I told him I passed, but have some skin burns, like the other guys. They hurt,” the boy answered, now moving his shoulders a bit. Dan’L’s face relaxed, he smiled, and began humming.

  The Royal Physician noticed his body movements, and asked, “Is the music pretty? What are the lyrics?” He watched Dan’L move his head and shoulders before answering.

  “The music is strange. It’s kind of like electronic dance music, but different. Rhythm without any drums. Mechanical. No bass. Sounds so unusual,” he answered, moving his body to the beat in his trance.

  This was information not divulged in any of Dan’L’s admitted interrogation answers. The Physician pursued the line further. He asked in a gentle, punctuated voice, “Can you hear the lyrics, Dan’L? What do they say?” Not getting any response, the Doctor asked, “Are the lyrics fun to listen to?”

  Dan’L was moving his shoulders, torso, and head to the music in his trance. He answered, “Backwards. It’s all backwards. Father says I am almost through training now, and that he and Mother will be proud when I am confirmed, and take my blood oath to the Emperor. It’s fun music, but backwards. Everything backwards, so strange.” He began humming.

  “Can you sing it for me, Dan’L?” The Physician asked.

  Dan’L sang a tune for two minutes in an incomprehensible language, rocking his shoulders and singing. Then he said, “That’s all.” He fell into a deep sleep. The Physician let him sleep for thirty minutes, and then slowly awakened him. They brought him back into Vu’Duc’s office again. “The Emperor P’Lau has ordered our meeting to be reconvened in his private Royal Court now, Dan’L. Please follow me,” C.S. Vu’Duc said.

  “Did I do something wrong, Mother?” Dan’L whispered. She shook her head “No,” and continued walking with them. When they reached the Royal Court, they discovered several other Rangers were present, awaiting their arrival. All knelt before Emperor P’Lau. The Royal Physician stood off to one side.

  Emperor P’Lau sat stoically during the official greetings while his Rangers knelt, saluted, and bowed their heads. Then he stated, “Rise, my Beloved Daughters and Faithful Sons. Your debriefings have all been elevated to an official inquiry. Due to the gravity of this situation, as well as the recently obtained information, formal charges may be brought against certain parties.” The side vid screens activated, and C.S. G’Rosk and C.S. Bette were conferenced in from K’Halon Prime.

  Dan’L and Kayla looked at each other, then Dan’L looked at Javette. Was he to be charged with some crime? Would he be kicked out of the Borgund Rangers, disgrace his Mother, and possibly be imprisoned? He controlled his initial panic and remained at attention, fully aware of the moment and those with him. M.C. T’Anh looked at Kayla and Dan’L for a moment, her brows deeply furrowed. Did they do something wrong?

  C.S. G’Rosk received a hand signal from the Emperor, and read from his com tablet: “Three months ago, Master Commander K’Ser was sent to SB5 to investigate signals emanating from the dead, abandoned space base, on a top-secret mission. Upon arrival, K’Ser discovered a damaged ship of alien origin had crash landed on SB5 from some malfunction. On board were highly-advanced androids, one of which was still fully functioning. They were peaceful.”

  “Unable to communicate with the android verbally, K’Ser requested assistance from our High Command. Various means of communications were attempted over several days: all known languages, both in spoken and written form; hieroglyphs; pictographs; mathematics; hand signs; and so on. Then, feeling exasperated from all his futile attempts to communicate with the alien androids, he climbed back into his warbird,” G’Rosk said. “Eventually, K’Ser realized the androids were repairing themselves and their ship while his communications attempts continued.”

  “K’Ser began humming a tune inside his cockpit, and sang a popular song aloud to himself while he drummed on his console in rhythm to the music. The androids stopped everything they were doing and walked up the hatch into K’Ser’s warbird. They blinked their eyes, turned their heads back and forth a little, and began making drumming movements with their metallic fingers. K’Ser had a brainstorm: electrical signaling codes. They had been used for centuries in military drum signaling, telegraph and electrical communications, and were still in use for emergency signaling by maritime vessels. Could they understand the old ‘dots and dashes?’ He called our High Command and requested information and transcription help for the old maritime electrical codes. We found the old transcriptions and codes for the alphabet and sent the table of on-off tones, lights, or clicks. K’Ser showed the information to the androids, but they did not respond,” G’Rosk read from the report.

  “When K’Ser began to drum to them instead of talk, the androids drummed back exactly what K’Ser had drummed. Then, K’Ser drummed the elementary ‘A, B, C’ code transcription table to them while saying the letters, and flashed the light on his space suit on and off to correspond to the code. The androids repeated the information, and quickly learned our language. The androids flashed their eyes in electronic code while they drummed, and sang along with K’Ser. He then played dance music, popular songs, opera and symphonic music; and had them listen to talk shows on his ship’s entertainment broadcast channel, and they were fascinated,” G’Rosk stated.

  Reading from his com tablet, C.S. Vu’Duc continued the report, “The androids continued singing and drumming with K’Ser for hours. Anything he sang or drummed, they repeated perfectly; but when they spoke directly to him, their vernacular was backwards. Then they asked him for more music and narrated stories. The recordings from inside his ES warbird show him taking memory crystals from his personal gear containing music and audiobooks to give them.”

  “When the alien androids saw K’Ser’s red memory crystals, they went back to their ship for powerful, fifth dimension red crystals of their own, and gave them to him with an encoder. The androids taught K’Ser how to use the crystals; but his report did not specify exactly how to use the encoder, or what form it took. A larger, green crystal was also shown to K’Ser, and the android handed it to him with extreme care. They called it a ‘Power Crystal.�
� We are not certain whether or not K’Ser was allowed to keep the green Power Crystal. He flew back to the nearest Space Cadre ship the next day to transmit his report to us, and arranged for the red crystals to be sent. One was sent to Emperor P’Lau by military top-secret document express, and the two others to his Son, Novice Dan’L, by common carrier,” Vu’Duc finished.

  G'Rosk concluded, “Master Commander K’Ser was ordered to return to SB5 and continue to communicate with the alien androids. He was there only two more days when Rebel ships reached SB5. The Rebels fired on the alien android ship, and it flew away in an instant. That’s the information K’Ser’s ship recorded. A battle ensued between the Rebel landing party and K’Ser. Our recorded file stops when the Rebel Petrov fired their plasma disrupter arc cannon at K’Ser’s ship. Space Cadre ships arrived too late to capture the Rebels. Their forensics officers found the remains of K’Ser, and they were subsequently delivered to Master Commander Javette, his Partner.”

  Emperor P’Lau rose in his levitating throne and hovered above them. He said, “There are conflicting reports concerning the battle at SB5 and its aftermath, as some of you are aware. These reports are still under investigation. Our undercover assets reported the Traitor Duma Wat sent reconnaissance ships to SB5 periodically after the battle. We did not know what the Rebel Leader was after until our newest Borgund Ranger Novice Dan’L was kidnapped. Since then, Dan’L has endured more hardship, suffering, and personal injury than we ever envisioned, and it has sorrowed us greatly.”

  P’Lau lowered his throne to its place on the top of the golden steps, and said, “One hour ago, contact was made with an alien ship entering our solar system near Space Base Orioc. Our attempts at communication using the old electronic maritime codes have determined they are on search and rescue, to recover their property at SB5. Hopefully, we have translated their transmissions correctly. We gave permission to them to search and recover their property, the so-called “blinking android,” as reported by Novices Dan’L and Kayla, and Master Commander T’Anh.”


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