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G.E.S.S.: Genetically Engineered Super Soldier

Page 9

by Frank Pisauro

  We stared at each other for a few seconds, me shocked silent by her beauty, Tabby waiting on me to do something. Embarrassed, she turned and started walking again. Then she called back at my still unmoving self, “come on, Rho! Shapeshift, let’s go.”

  Tabby had asked me to upgrade shapeshifting to novice for this very purpose. I had agreed but told her my points were my own, “so, don’t get used to spending them for me.” I activated the skill, jogging to catch up to her. Shapeshifting always made the inside of my skin itch. There was no pain, it happened instantly, yet still gave me shivers to do it. I looked… the same, just my ears were a little pointy. Other than that, nothing changed. Yeah, my skin color was a tan Mediterranean color, with dirty blond hair, but it wasn’t as if I grew a new limb or changed body shape like Tabby did.

  After a few more hours of travel, we slowed our pace, now on the edge of the jungle, in both the elves’, and the wereboars’ territory. I never really understood the difference between a forest and a jungle, but was told it was a jungle, whatever. I will admit that the jungle was denser, with less light hitting the ground, and in some way, it just feels more primal.

  We traveled another few miles, hugging the edge of the grassland and jungle. Tabby stopped when we heard loud noises ahead of us just a few yards into the jungle. We didn’t rush forward, but I did unsheathe my sword, preparing myself for violence. I held up my hand to Tabby, indicating for her to stay back. I could use the mind link to instantly contact her, so I didn’t want to risk her getting in a fight if possible. I didn’t bother trying to be stealthy, whatever was making the noise was loud enough to mask my approach.

  Wereboar Father

  Level 10

  Description: a bestial combination of man and pig. Wereboars share a herd mentality, and while having minor intelligence, are not considered intelligent life. This wereboar is the father of a herd of wereboars, and as such has command over them.


  Level 7

  Description: a bestial combination of man and pig. Wereboars share a herd mentality, and while having minor intelligence, are not considered intelligent life.

  There were eight of the disgusting creatures, seven of them fighting over meat. Not just any meat either. Quickly deciding it was worth it, I mentally contacted Tabby, stay back there. You don’t want to see this, but keep me in sight, I’m about to go HAM. The eight wereboars were eating the remains of a young female elf no older than twelve. I didn’t care to find out any other details of the disturbingly gruesome scene, yet I could see tusk wounds on the upper body.

  The “father” sat at the right side of the kill, eating without a care. He was massive, at least seven feet tall from what I could tell with him sitting down, weighing in at half a ton at least. Still, they all looked the same to me. UGLY! I went to work throwing a dense star. Seemingly, my go to right now, I grumbled to myself. Five of the pig-like creatures were caught in the star’s pull, making them no longer a concern to me.

  The two closest to me dropped the meat they were fighting over, turning toward me as they did so. It was too late. I had closed the distance before the star had taken effect. Casting haste at the same time as my star, thanks to my concentration perk. My sword cut through the first one’s neck to the bone, as I spun past to stop in front of the second wereboar, extending my blade in a lunge that pierced its heart. Stepping back, I flicked my blade clean while looking at the daddy pig. Even without the perks, I was still a master swordsman, and these creatures didn’t have a natural predator. They didn’t even try to defend themselves until it was too late. It was too easy… well, I hope so, anyway. Still have to see what daddy dearest has to say on the matter. He took his time standing, hate mixed with rage all over his blood-soaked face. As he stared at me, I noticed his tusks were a good foot long, while he carried a primitive club in his hand.

  Swinging it overhand, he charged at me. The strike was fast, I could say faster than I thought he could manage, but his fat ass said it for me. I effortlessly dodged the blow, but he surprised me, having activated an ability of some kind. Suddenly, I found his tusks sticking out of my midsection.

  The wereboar father bellowed as he hoisted me in the air, tearing me in half. I screamed in pain, one arm grabbing onto his right shoulder, the other slipping on his shit covered back as he did. The back of my head slammed across his back. I could feel my intestines falling to the ground, wrapping up in his tusks as he moved. I was lost to the pain and adrenaline of battle, barely making out Tabby’s scream as it mingled in with my own. I was in bad shape and knew it. Still, I wouldn’t go alone. Grabbing at the ions all around me, I channeled as much electricity as I could right into the beast’s upper body. Daddy boar shook as the electricity coursed through him, causing me more pain. I held on for as long as I could, yet, in the end, the darkness claimed me once again.

  Chapter Eleven

  ...Rho! I jolted up, immediately looking down. My body was back in one piece as far as I could see, though it was hard to tell for certain. Numb from the waist down, I was covered in blood and other things I didn’t want to think about. Kneeling over me, Tabby was crying, chanting my name with her hands on my abdomen.

  “Hey, hush,” I said, trying to calm us both down at the same time. “You did it, okay, I’m alive and will heal.” I lifted my arm, rubbing her back as I talked. It hurt like hell, but I could tell it helped her. We stayed that way for a while. Tabby crying, me comforting her as I was healed of the worst of my wounds.

  “That shouldn’t have happened, you’re so much stronger than it was.” She was still a little shaken up, this was the first time I had been seriously injured, and justifiably, it was hitting her hard.

  “I used to be,” I said in a pained whisper, mostly to myself. I was still laying down and could feel my lower body, I really wish I couldn’t, though.

  Tabby got up, starting to make a campsite for us. It was getting late afternoon, and I couldn’t travel in the condition I was in. So, she went about making camp, fretting over everything, stress, evidently in a mild shock. Our Gess senses made it almost impossible for something to sneak up on us. Yet she was frantically going about her tasks, looking around for threats as she did, almost in a panic the entire time. “Thanks for saving me.” I told her in a playful tone. “Again. Got to say you’re pretty good at it. Helps, as I end up needing saving a lot.” My words had the desired effect. She slowed her pace, shooting me a dirty look. And while I could tell she was still constantly checking her senses, she’ll get better at hiding it in time, she had settled down, pulling herself back from the edge. Seeing how she was getting everything ready for the night, I cleared my prompts while still recovering.

  EXP Earned: 10,075

  Bonus EXP: 400

  EXP Total: 31,000

  EXP Until Next Level: 32,000

  You have reached level six! Good for you!

  Ion control: + 1

  Dismissing the notifications, I looked over in her direction. Tabby was standing behind me, everything had been set up, and she was looking over the food that was being cooked. I couldn’t see her head, because of the angle I was laying at, but knew she was looking at me.

  “The rules are... flexible for me.” she started talking without preamble. “I can’t really tell you much or know how to explain it. Because I don’t know it myself,” she hurried to say the last bit before I could cut her off. “One thing I have found though, is that in high stress, well truthfully, any strong emotional situations, I can control the… flow?” she paused, thinking. Sighing, she continued, “no, that’s not right. Harness, I guess is a better term, the power of the system, bending it a little to my will. I was able to do that just now. To sa...” she stopped, a hitch in her voice. Clearing her throat, she changed what she was going to say. “I gave you some of my exp, and… well, you will see.” She said, sounding like she was trying to explain what had happened, but not quite able to. By the end, Tabby also sounded quite pleased with herself. After she finished
talking, I heard her sit down, though I could no longer see her. Waiting for the food to cook and still healing, I decided to level up. I only had skill points to distribute, so it didn’t take long, but the surprise I received made me sit up and shout for joy. Well, metaphorically anyway.

  Charged particle (Ion) control (J): 20 + 5 (25)

  ●Journeyman Perk: Plasma!

  ○Plasma!: Can now use this spell to create a plasma stream. One-inch radius. Does not have a cone effect. If fired as a bolt travels until resistance is met. Plasma damage type dependent on resource used. e.g.: electricity and heat damage when producing lightning. When channeled, stream travels 100 feet into the distance. Channeled spells cost double. Can be used in crafting.

  “That’s the expert perk! Tabby, you have no idea how much I’ve missed this. Well, I guess you do.” I stared up at the sky, a huge smile on my face as exhaustion kicked in. “Hey, heh.” I snorted, knowing what I was going to say was ridiculous, saying it anyways, because my brain was just too tired, the pain too intense. “Don’t suppose you’ll loot those corpses for me, and oh, I don’t know, maybe reward me with a new set of armor? Mine seems to be ruined. Anyway… I think I’m going to take a nap.”

  “What. Oh, for fu…” I heard her mumble as she did as I asked. “You don’t even need sleep!”

  I may have chuckled as I went to my mindscape, and sat in my favorite chair, closed my eyes and slept.


  I might have taken things a bit too far because Tabby, and regrettably dinner, were nowhere to be seen. I did, however, see a new set of armor lying next to me. This armor looked close to the set I was wearing before, but with a few upgrades.

  ●Chain (Mithril)/leather mixed armor set:

  ○Does not include helmet or gloves.

  ○Mystically forged: This armor is steeped in magic and is extremely resistant to durability damage.

  ○Quality: Masterwork

  ○Durability: 100%

  ○Titanium alloy (Mithril) simple staff used in making.

  ○Named set: The Ingrate!

  ■Set bonus: none!

  Well, if the name is any indicator, I definitely took it too far, I chuckled to myself. The armor was studded leather on the outside with chainmail sewed on the inside. It had a soft cloth liner to help prevent the wearer from chafing. The armor was a deep red color, almost mahogany, the studs holding the chainmail to the leather the same white gold as my sword.

  Looking around, I noticed the fire was still blazing. The sun hadn’t set, so I couldn’t have slept too long. I rolled over, a smile leaping onto my face as I noticed that Tabby’s sleeping bag and bedroll were still right next to mine. Glad she’s not that mad.

  Rolling out of bed, I stretched my body, making sure everything was working properly. Changed into my new armor and giving one last wistful look at the now cleaned cooking pot, I set off to find Tabby. Whom I still didn’t sense anywhere near, which was starting to make me concerned. I still can’t believe she named herself that. I thought, shaking my head. I was a shit tracker, but not for the lack of trying. It just wasn’t something I was good at, compared to rangers at least. However, here it was fairly obvious. Looking toward the edge of camp, a wide trail of grass leading into the jungle was laid flat that was not there before my nap.

  Worried, I made my way toward the jungle, unsure what I would find but hoping that the lack of any signs of a struggle was a good thing. So, I wasn’t frantic, yet. At the jungle’s edge, the trail through the wavy, waist high grass connected to an old game trail that twisted and turned, leading farther in. I followed the trail deeper into the jungle for a few miles, until my senses picked up on the sounds and smells of many beings ahead. Elves! We had found them. Well, looks like they found us, but whatever. Works for me, I shrugged. Continuing on the trail for a few more minutes, I couldn’t see the village proper yet, but the sounds of people going about their daily lives could be heard with my enhanced senses. I stopped when I was a few yards from the two elves I sensed on either side of the trail in front of me. I didn’t make a move toward them, wanting them to get a look at me without becoming too spooked. After a few moments had passed, and hoping it didn’t result in violence I stood up fully, slowly walking forward in a relaxed manner. Ready for violence if necessary. The two elves were frozen on the spot. I could tell they were aware of me, yet they didn’t seem to know what to do about me. Deciding to take advantage of their confused state, I walked up the trail, stopping to turn to each elf as I got to where they were.

  “Sorry to disturb you, but my friend is missing and I was wondering if you had seen her.” I said, walking slowly. They had no idea what I was saying, but the calm tone with which I said it helped to keep them at ease as they were further confused. “Her name is Tabby, and well, I will kill you all if she is harmed,” I smiled as I said it, using the same calm tone. Still, they didn’t move, curiosity mixed with shock written all over their faces. Continuing to smile, I turned my back to them and moved out of the jungle into the clearing that held the village.

  The clearing was perfectly circular, built around a colossal boulder. The boulder in the center of the clearing must have been a magical weapon in the war. Weapons such as these were used by the alliance to blockade the dwellers in the ground, making vast stretches of land uninhabitable. However, they did slow the dwellers down for a while. The uniform circle that surrounded it wasn’t something generally found in nature. The boulder itself was over five hundred feet tall, while being double that in diameter. The boulder was flat on the top, with a gentle slope up to it all around it. To the south of me, on the opposite end of the mile-wide circular clearing, there was a wide river cutting through it and becoming lost again in the jungle’s depths. The ground had grass mixed in with small bushes growing on it, but it was a far cry from what was found in the jungle.

  I made my way up the slope on what was some type of bamboo analogue path to the top of the boulder. It was here that I got my first look at the elven village. It was filthy. I mean, my goodness, I had seen animals live better! There was a line of hut like tepees. Yurts. I think, these aren’t quite those, but they might as well be. The yurts were oval shaped with dips and bulges along their outside that had nothing to do with bad craftsmanship, instead there was some kind of pattern to it, but it was lost on me. Plus, I really don’t care.

  Each of them was covered in animal hide, and shit from the smell of it. The yurts were arranged in an ovoid pattern with the same dips and bulges in their placement as was with their shape. The yurt’s oval centered around the eight giant trees that grew in the center of the boulder’s top. The ground was a muddy mess, at least I hope it’s all mud, with all the natural debris removed, and a thin layer of bamboo-like sticks creating a path between the yurts. Stepping from the path that led from the jungle onto one that circled the village, I followed it for a while, trying to find Tabby and what was going on. After several minutes, I noticed a few elves walking down a different path that led to a large group around a fire. As I approached the gathering, I started to make out the individual elves, and other than the layers of filth, they looked just as the elves of old looked. But that is where the two stopped being the same.

  These elves were covered in animal furs instead of clothing, but that was just the beginning. They didn’t speak to each other, just grunted and shoved, along with lots of miming. The crowd seemed to be focused on two elves in the middle on either side of the fire, pointing and grunting angrily at one another while occasionally pointing at Tabby who stood halfway between the two, looking bored. Coming to a stop at the edge of the gathered elves and circling the scene, I stopped, waved at Tabby who was now looking embarrassed for some reason, and said, “hey, Tabby. So, what the fuck’s going on here?”

  “Hi, Rho. Not too much. A group of elves led by the gentleman on the right,” she pointed to the redheaded elf with a long, angular face, “came to our camp a few hours ago and invited me to join their group.” She shrugged, “so, I decid
ed to come along. It is the reason we came here after all.”

  “True, I gathered as much.” I said. “I was referring to what’s going on with Tweedledee, and Tweedledum. Oh, and well, all this,” I said, indicating the two in front of me, then those all around me. The elves—all of them, in all their dirty glory—were staring at us. A mix of fear, confusion, hope, wonder, and a host of other emotions clear on their gathered faces. The two in the middle were looking at me with open hostility, but no one was moving. Yet.

  “Well, if I understand correctly,” she was blushing and clearly stalling, “they are fighting for the right to mate with me.” At this, I lost it. I folded in half, my sides hurting with the intensity of just how hard I was laughing. I looked up to see the red in Tabby’s face go from embarrassed red, to kick my ass red in a few seconds. This, of course, only made me laugh all the more. “What’s so damn funny, Rho? Huh? That two males would fight for me?” That was the icing on the cake, and the bad thing was I couldn’t tell her I was just laughing at the silliness of it all.

  Finally, while I was still giggling one of the two elves walked up to me, snarled, and shoved me. This, unfortunately for him, was not a wise idea. “Rho, don’t kill them, please!” Tabby yelled at me as I struck the elf with the pommel of my sword, which I had drawn without thinking. I finished casting haste and feather fall, looking around at the gathered elves with my sword drawn, their bodies rigid with fear.

  “Okay, but two things. One, I’m going to beat that other dude unconscious, because… well, I really just want to. And two, no it’s not funny that two guys would fight over you,” I said as I rushed forward with a jumping knee to the other elf’s face, instantly knocking him out.


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