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A Very Perry Wedding

Page 20

by Marie Landry

  His mouth moves to my neck, and his hot, wet kisses leave me weak in the knees. I need to be closer to him, need to feel more than the softness of his shirt. I give him another minute because he just found one of my sweet spots and then, with great effort, I free myself and take a step back, gripping the hem of his sweater. Our eyes lock as I pull the material up and over his head. My eyes lower to his chest and stomach, my hands soon following to run over his soft skin. I look up to find him watching me with hooded eyes. When my fingers trail through the light dusting of hair that disappears under the waistband of his jeans, he lays his hands over mine to stop them.

  He swoops in to cover my mouth with his again. His hands releases mine, and they go back to their exploration as his hands sneak under the hem of my shirt. His fingers brush back and forth against my stomach, making my muscles quiver. I don’t normally like it when men touch my belly—it’s soft and squishy and, while I’ve come to love and accept it as part of who I am, it still sometimes makes me self-conscious—but I have no desire to brush Jasper’s hands away. I want to feel them everywhere.

  Before I know it, my shirt joins Jasper’s on the floor. I wriggle out of my jeans as Jasper trails kisses over my collarbones and chest. My jeans catch on my ankles and, when I free myself to pull them off, Jasper shucks his own pants and socks.

  We face each other, wearing nothing but our underwear. My eyes dip below his waist, taking in the hard outline of his cock encased in black boxer briefs. The sight of Jasper in just his underwear is sexy as hell and yet my nerves must be catching up to me because for some inexplicable reason the sight forces me to stifle a laugh. I think part of me pictured Jasper wearing tighty whities.

  He must see my lips twitching because he lets out a strangled laugh. “Willow, a man doesn’t really like to see a woman trying to hide laughter when he takes off his clothes.”

  I lean against his chest, hiding my face and allowing the laughter to come. “I’m so sorry. The reality of this situation is hitting me and I can’t quite believe it.”

  He grips my upper arms, gently pushing me away from him. His searching look makes the giggles die in my throat. “Do you want to stop?”

  The fact he’d ask me that while we’re both standing here in nothing but our underwear makes me want him even more. Instead of answering, I reach behind me and unclasp my bra, letting it fall to the floor with the rest of our clothes. Jasper’s eyes stay on mine for a moment, as if making sure I’m certain, and then his gaze drifts down. Heat flares in his eyes as his hands release my arms to cup my breasts.

  Things become a blur of sensation at that point. The next thing I know, I’m reclining on the bed and Jasper is moving over me. His underwear has disappeared, and he peels mine off slowly, kissing my thighs and stomach and breasts, then my neck and face, before our lips finally lock once more.

  His fingers move between my legs. As I writhe beneath him, he keeps his mouth on mine, swallowing my whimpers and soft cries. When I tell him I need him inside me, he takes a condom from the bedside table and rolls it on.

  He braces himself on his forearms on either side of me and positions himself between my legs. “Willow,” he whispers. “We may not have known each other long, but I feel as if I’ve wanted you forever.”

  My heart swells at his words, then feels like it’s going to burst when he follows them with the sweetest, softest kiss. When our lips part, I trail my fingers over his cheeks, my gaze sweeping his face. “You sure hid it well.”

  His smile is rueful. “It seemed impossible that you might want someone like me or think of me in that way.”

  “I want you, Jasper. I want all of you.”

  And then there are no more words. I clutch at his back as he pushes inside me, stretching and filling me in the most perfect way. His movements are slow and controlled at first, and he maintains eye contact with me as we move together. It’s too much and not enough at the same time, and I know Jasper is going to have little half moon marks from my nails all over his back and ass tomorrow from my clutching hands.

  We move together, picking up the pace until it’s almost frantic. When he reaches between us to touch me, it doesn’t take long before I’m throwing my head back, clenching my eyes closed, and riding wave after wave of indescribable pleasure. Jasper’s not far behind, his hips pinning me to the bed, hot breath on my neck, murmuring things my overwrought brain can’t comprehend.

  We stay like that for a few moments, both trying to catch our breath. Jasper peppers my face with kisses and then pulls out of me, rolling away to take care of the condom. I slip out of the bed and grab his sweater, yanking it over my head as I dash to the bathroom. When I emerge a couple minutes later, I’m relieved and delighted to find Jasper reclining on the bed, the sheets covering him from the waist down.

  “Is it okay if I stay?” he asks as I climb into bed beside him.

  “Are you kidding? There’s no way I’d let you leave.” I shuck his shirt and toss it back onto the pile of our discarded clothes before snuggling against him under the sheets. His arm goes around me, and I fall asleep to the soft sound of Jasper’s breathing and the gentle caress of his fingers on my arm.


  Before even opening my eyes the next morning, I can feel the smile on my face. The faint scent of Jasper’s soap and cologne hangs in the air and clings to my skin. I roll onto my back and stretch my aching muscles, then turn to reach for Jasper. My eyes pop open when my hand is met by cool sheets instead of warm, solid man.

  I sit up and look around. He’s not in the ensuite, and his clothes are gone from the floor. A glance at the bedside clock has me feeling slightly better; it’s nine o’clock, which is late for early risers like Jasper and me. He probably got up ages ago, likely out of habit or maybe because he didn’t want to have to explain anything to Evan and Gwen. Still, I’d hoped to wake up next to him. I was looking forward to a little morning snuggle that possibly turned into something more.

  After showering and dressing, I head downstairs, surprised by how quiet the house is. The door to Gwen and Evan’s room was open, so I know they’re up. Jasper’s room looked like it was unoccupied and, when I reach the bottom of the stairs and see his old brown leather suitcase by the door, it makes sense why the room appeared so neat and empty.

  For some reason, the sight of his suitcase has nerves flitting through my stomach. I assumed we’d have a chance to talk first thing this morning before getting up and spending time with Gwen and Evan. It’s a good thing we’ll have the long drive from Honeywell to Bellevue alone together.

  “Morning,” Gwen says brightly when I enter the kitchen. She turns from where she’s rummaging through one of the cupboards and spies me glancing around the kitchen. “Evan and Jasper went downtown for some mystery errand a while ago. They should be back soon and then we’ll have breakfast at Sweet Escapes.”

  She returns her attention to the cupboard, looking longingly at whatever’s inside. My curiosity compels me across the room. The shelves are full of various packages of flavored teas and coffees. At my raised eyebrow, she scrunches her face and laughs.

  “Evan ‘suggested’ I wait until breakfast to have coffee,” she says, using sarcastic air quotes. “You know what my tiny bladder is like in the mornings. If I have more than one cup, I have to pee every half hour, and since we’re driving home after breakfast…”

  “Ahh, gotcha.” I survey the contents of the cupboard. I deal with drinks as part of my business and even I’m impressed by the selection Mrs. Murphy has left for guests.

  “I’m really wondering about that chocolate mint tea, though,” she says slowly. “And the boys have been gone longer than they said they would be.”

  “And Evan really loves you,” I say, matching her tone as I reach for the box of tea and close the cupboard door. “He’ll understand if it takes you twice as long to get home because of rest stops.”

  With a giggle, she kisses my cheek and goes to sit at the kitchen table while I put the k
ettle on. I join her a few minutes later with two steaming mugs of fragrant tea.

  “I wish we could stay here longer.” Gwen lifts her mug and inhales deeply, then sets the cup down again. She and I are alike in that it takes a solid five minutes for hot drinks to cool enough for us to drink them.

  “I do too.” My voice comes out dreamy. “I love it here.”

  “Would that have anything to do with what happened last night between you and Jasper?”

  “What…happened last night?” I ask innocently.

  “On the porch? After I very smoothly and subtly left you two alone?”

  “Oh, right, that.” From the open, curious expression on her face, I’m guessing she doesn’t know anything. “I took a page from your book and decided subtlety hadn't been working for me, so I told him how I feel about him.”

  Gwen lets out an ear-piercing squeal and bounces in her seat. “And?”

  “And then I kissed him, just to make extra sure he got the message.”

  Gwen gasps. “Oh my god. Then what?”

  I take a deep breath and brace myself for her reaction. I kind of wish I had earplugs. “And then…we had sex.”

  I was expecting another squeal—something in the range of sound only dogs can hear—but Gwen’s wide eyes and open mouth combo are one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. “You saucy minx!” she cries, slapping my arm. “Good for you! Wait, was it good for you?”

  I cover my face with my hands. “Jasper’s going to be your brother-in-law in a few days!”

  “So? Jasper is hot. Not that forty is old by any stretch of the imagination, but when I met him, I remember thinking how well Perry men age. I just want an idea of what I can expect in a few years time.”

  I can’t help laughing, despite the fact my cheeks feel like they’re on fire. It’s been a long time since I’ve talked about sex with anyone, mostly because until last night, I hadn’t had sex in…well, way too long. “Let’s just say he gave me the intense attention he gives to everything else in life.”

  Gwen lets out a swoony little sigh and takes a sip of her tea. “Mm, this is delicious. Totally worth the seventeen bathroom breaks I’m going to need on the way home.” We laugh. While I take a sip of my drink, she asks, “So what now?”

  “Now?” I set my tea down and blow out a breath. “I’m trying hard to stay in the moment and not think too far ahead, you know? Especially before I have a chance to talk to him.”

  “You’ve thought about it, though, right? What you want to happen, hope will happen? I know this goes way beyond physical attraction and sex.”

  “I want to be with Jasper, whatever that looks like. I’ve never done long distance before, and I don’t love the idea, but I know Jasper is worth it. Toronto and Bellevue are only two hours apart, after all. I made the drive often enough when I was living in Toronto, and Jasper clearly has no qualms about it with how often he’s come to town for wedding stuff.”

  Gwen nods. “It’s totally doable.”

  “Marisol and I talked recently about how I need to have more of a life outside the café. I think I can figure out a balance between making Cravings a priority while also doing long distance with Jasper. We can take turns visiting each other and maybe meet halfway occasionally.”

  “Sounds like you’ve made a good start figuring it out.” Gwen’s smile is so genuinely pleased, it makes my heart squeeze with affection. She reaches across the table and lays her hand on my arm. “I’m thrilled for you. I love you and Jasper so much, and you both deserve to be happy. The thought of you being happy together?” She makes a little hum of pleasure and squeezes my arm again. “You two will figure it out. Love always finds a way.”

  Love. Is this love? The thought fills my chest and stomach with effervescent bubbles. Yeah, this could very well be love.


  Jasper and Evan haven’t returned by the time Gwen and I finish our tea, so we go upstairs to pack. It only takes me a few minutes—unlike Gwen, who packs half her belongings no matter where she’s going, I only have exactly what I needed for the two-day trip—and then I go help Gwen.

  We’ve just brought everything downstairs and are contemplating another cup of flavored tea when Evan’s car pulls into the driveway.

  “Finally,” Gwen says. “I’ll take Evan’s and my stuff to the car and send Jasper in so you can have a minute alone.” She stuffs her feet into her boots and grabs her jacket before disappearing out the door with the suitcases.

  I take my time putting my own jacket and shoes on. Butterflies are staging a riot in my stomach by the time Jasper comes in the door.

  “Good morning,” he says, offering me a tentative smile. He takes a few steps toward me and then stops. I close the distance and we have the world’s most awkward moment of flailing arms and bobbing heads as we try to decide whether to hug or kiss. Finally, Jasper grips my hands, pinning them in place at my sides, before leaning in to gently press his lips to mine. “Good morning,” he says again, his voice a low rumble that makes me want to haul him upstairs for a repeat of last night.

  “Good morning. Better morning now that you’re here.”

  An absentminded smile flits across his face as he releases my hands and peers around the room, his gaze landing on my suitcase. “Do you want to take your bag out while I do a final sweep of the house to make sure we haven’t forgotten anything?”

  It takes my brain a minute to catch up with the question. It’s not like I expected declarations of love or an in-depth discussion right now—we do have an entire two-plus-hour drive for that—but he seems in a hurry to get out of here. He doesn’t wait for me to answer before he strides further into the house.

  I scoop up both of our bags and head for Jasper’s car. I’ve just closed the trunk when Gwen appears, startling me. “Jasper’s still inside. Why don’t you and I go ahead so we can wander downtown for a few minutes? Evan can wait for Jasper and they can meet us at the café.”

  I only hesitate for a second before agreeing. It’s not like Jasper and I would have much time to talk on the short drive downtown anyway.

  “Farewell, house,” Gwen says with a sigh as we back out of the driveway. “Thanks for the memories.”

  I laugh, but say my own silent thanks to the house for finally bringing Jasper and me together.

  When we reach downtown, Gwen finds a parking spot on the street. We wander arm in arm, like we did last night, stopping occasionally to peer into shop windows and take selfies in front of the elaborate autumn decor.

  “Did Jasper tell you the family has decided to spread out Christmas celebrations instead of doing their usual week-long gathering?” Gwen asks. At my nod, she says, “I’m going to push for us to come to Honeywell for a weekend, maybe in early December to hopefully beat the bad weather. We can see who else wants to come, although I kind of hope it’s just the four of us.”

  “I’d love that. This trip has been so much fun, but it’s been a whirlwind. It’d be nice to check things out properly. Maybe we could plan it around one of the town’s many holiday festivals Liam mentioned last night.”

  “Hey, Gwen, look at this.” We turn at the sound of Evan’s voice. He’s standing in front of a store window a few feet back. Down the street, I spy Jasper’s car parked next to Evan’s, but the man himself is nowhere in sight. I release Gwen and she joins Evan while I continue on ahead, taking out my phone to snap a few more pictures.

  I sense someone approaching me as I line up a shot of the pile of pumpkins in front of Sweet Escapes. I smile to myself, hoping it’s Jasper, but it’s Liam’s voice that says, “Have you enjoyed your time in Honeywell?”

  Despite my disappointment over it not being the elder Perry brother, the smile remains on my face as I turn to face Liam. “I have. I’m completely charmed by this place.”

  I shift closer to him as a couple walk past us on the sidewalk, weighed down with bags from what looks like a toy store. Liam greets them and speaks to them for a minute before returning his attenti
on to me.

  “Can I ask you a really weird favor?” I ask.

  One of his eyebrows quirks up, along with one side of his mouth. “Sure.”

  “I don’t know if anyone has ever told you this, but you look an awful lot like Oscar Isaac…”

  “I’ve heard that a time or two, yeah,” he says with a slight smirk. “My sister convinced me to dress like Poe Dameron last Halloween.”

  I just barely stop myself from asking him to send me a picture since what I’m about to ask him is strange enough. “Can we take a selfie together? My friend Marisol is obsessed with Oscar. I want to see if I can trick her, and how much she’ll freak out at the thought I met him and she didn’t. You know, like the good friend I am.”

  He’s chuckling before I even finish speaking. “Let’s do it.” He comes to stand beside me, slinging his arm around my shoulders and ducking so our faces are side by side. I snap a couple of pictures and then he suggests kissing my cheek for one of the shots, which I agree to. I’m sure my blush and grin will go a long way in convincing Marisol that Liam really is her celeb crush.

  We’re both laughing as he gives me a friendly squeeze and releases me. “I hope to see you and Jasper back in Honeywell someday soon. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him as happy as he was yesterday.”

  My cheeks heat again, this time from pure pleasure. I’m telling Liam about Gwen’s idea to do a couples or family trip near Christmas when the others join us. There are handshakes all around and thank-yous for Liam’s help yesterday with setting up the park for the photoshoot. He declines Evan’s invitation to join us for breakfast, saying he has to go meet his business partner, but promises to take a rain check for the next time we’re in town.


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