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The Ozar Triad

Page 5

by Charmaine Ross

  “That may be the case, brothers. We’ll need to install a translator so we can at least talk to her. When we can explain to her who we are, she will calm.”

  Klaej went to the steri-cabinet set into the wall and selected a translator small enough for a child. It was a small metallic disc with wires that would become organic once it merged with her ear canal and the language receptor in her brain. When he turned, instrument in hand, their mate began speaking again. This time, her voice was hard and choppy.

  The confusion in her eyes was replaced with anger. Such a spitfire. He was used to quiet mates. He was finding a more spirited mate intriguing, but she was so different to those females of his own race, he was at a loss to know exactly how to treat her.

  “Make sure she doesn’t feel any pain. Her species might not react like ours,” Setzan said.

  “She’s under the effects of the analgesic. She shouldn’t feel any pain.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Klaej said as he moved to her side.

  He placed the translator onto the applicator and readied it for insertion. Her panting was audible as he placed the Analdev to her ear. It would deliver the translator deep within the ear canal and change the soundwaves into something her brain would interpret and understand. The language center in her brain would also change so that when she spoke, she could produce sound waves suitable for other translators. It was very basic technology.

  She uttered words that ran into each other as her gaze bounced between them. He held her hand, knowing she could feel him and that it might bring her comfort.

  He pressed the button to administer the inserter. There was a slight click as the translator was delivered. Their mate’s face tensed and her mouth fell open wordlessly. Her pupils dilated, the color of her eyes an incandescent brown.

  Rujali caught a concerned glance between Setzan and Klaej. Her harsh breath as her lungs finally opened up was the best thing he had ever heard.

  She sucked in two quick breaths. “What the fuck did you just do to me, you asshats? If you’ve tagged me to sell in some slavers’ market like some livestock, after you’ve raped and pillaged me, I’m gonna tear your balls right off your body and stuff ’em down your throat.”

  Setzan’s eyes lit. His gaze roamed between Rujali and Klaej before dropped to their mate. “I can understand her!”

  “We will not sell you as livestock. You are much too valuable for that,” Klaej said.

  “You will not swear like that either, mate. It is unattractive for a female of your beauty,” Rujali said, a slight frown warred with his worry.

  Her plump, kissable mouth fell open. Her tongue darted out.

  There was an answering tightening in his groin.

  “What? How?” Her voice was breathy and thin, as though she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs.

  “Klaej fitted you with a translator device,” he said.

  “How do you feel, mate? I hope I did not hurt you.” Klaej bent over her, his skin flashing with spots of crimson.

  Setzan took a hold of her hand. “Just say the word, and I will knock Klaej’s skull with my fist if he has caused you any discomfort at all.”

  Her startled gaze went from Klaej to Setzan. “I… I… Give me back my body.”

  Setzan’s gaze drew down her naked form and back up to her eyes again. Her cheeks grew a delectable shade of pink.

  “I’m enjoying the view too much to do that,” Setzan said.

  She whimpered, and Rujali growled at Setzan. She might be angry, but she was also scared.

  Rujali shifted and her eyes locked in him. “My apologies. It’s not my intention to scare you, however you are hurt and your shoulder will cause you pain if the analgesic is removed. Klaej will have to treat it, and if we allowed the pain receptors to return, you would be uncomfortable.”

  “I don’t care. Let me move. I know you can do it. Just flick that red button with that device thing. I’m used to pain. It won’t be anything different to me,” she said.

  Rujali caught the distraught look on Klaej’s face.

  “Our mate will not feel pain,” he said.

  He was right. It was up to them to make these types of decisions for their mate. “You will remain like this until we are sure you will not suffer.”

  “You can’t do that to me! I demand you set me free.” The muscles worked at her jaw.

  He would like to have softened and given in to her wish, but the thought of her suffering was greater. Besides, he wouldn’t put it past her to fight again and cause herself more injury. That would not do at all. She had to be healed and free of any pain before they would claim her.

  And he did like looking at her naked body too much. It was selfish, but she was their mate and would soon be comfortable in such a state. He also intended to be naked in her presence in return and spend many a pleasurable hour without the need for any clothing.

  “Klaej will clean and dress your wounds, then after that we will bathe you and wash off the residue of the refuse we found you in.” Rujali said.

  Klaej grunted his affirmation. He pushed on one of the inlaid cabinets in the wall and the steri-cabinet opened silently, sliding out to reveal packed shelves of equipment. He set about retrieving the materials he needed, placing them on a metallic table that he could wheel closer to her when he had everything in place.

  “How did you come to be there? Tell us who put you there and we will seek retribution,” Setzan said.

  Their mate kept her gaze trained on Klaej. She was wary. That meant she was also intelligent and aware. That was good. He wanted an intelligent mate who would keep him on his toes. It seemed the fates had heard their prayers after all.

  Klaej set the steri-cleansers and bandages on the table next to the medi-bed. Her attention remained on the objects. He went to wipe away the blood that streaked her arm.

  “Stop,” she said.

  Klaej’s hand hovered over her wound. “My mate?”

  Her gaze darted to Rujali. “Why are you helping me? What do you want from me?”

  She made a demand of them, but spoke to him. Had she detected him as the alpha of the brothers? She was intelligent as well as shrewd. He folded his arms over his chest, trying to ignore the hardening of his cock.

  Rujali nodded to Klaej to continue to attend to her. “Why would you say that?”

  He watched for any indication that she might be in pain as Klaej worked, but she merely glanced at what he was doing and then focused her attention back to him. Interesting. Her injury didn’t faze her. That was unusual.

  “Because there is always an ulterior motive,” she said.

  His arms fell to his side and frowned. “Who has wronged you to make you think that way?”

  “Why do you even care? God, this is some nightmare I’m having. Maybe it’s not a nightmare. Maybe I’ve finally lost it. PTSD. They said it would happen sooner or later. Too much shit for it not to have some sort of effect.” She made an angry strangled noise, trying to fight the effects of the analgesic. She clenched her eyes shut and tossed her head from side to side. She didn’t seem to know it couldn’t be released without the Corrective. “Who are you people? What do you want with me? Where am I even?”

  A tear leaked from beneath her lashes. The monitor that was wirelessly connected to the medi-bed detected alarmingly elevated heart rate. He worried that her frail body might be harmed through fighting.

  He put his hand on her cheek, stroking her with his thumb. “Calm, Little One. This fighting is not doing you any good.”

  Her eyes snapped open. “I wouldn’t be fighting if you hadn’t done this… this thing to me. If you really wanted me to be calm, you’d take this away.”

  She clenched her teeth as more tears fell from her eyes and made a sound born of anger and frustration.

  “There are other ways to calm you,” he said.

  He continued to stroke her cheek, marveling at the soft smoothness of her skin. She tilted her head into his palm, just slightly, as her breath hi
tched. Although her heart still raced, the monitor showed her heart rate marginally slowing.

  Could it be that she also felt the effects of the mate-sync? She’d calmed when Klaej had kissed her, but it would seem that she needed something more than a mere kiss.

  “Like what?” Her voice was angry, but when he cupped her other cheek, her eyes opened and she looked right up at him. In those beautiful depths was a turmoil of emotions, doubt, despair, but he also recognized interest—just a grain, but enough of one to act on his instinct and to know she needed this as much as he did. She might not understand what was happening to her, but he did and it was his job to educate her.

  Rujali bent and kissed her. Although he’d been satisfied watching his brother treat their mate to her first kiss from them, he’d also wanted a taste for himself. He started gently, sliding his lips over hers. Her breath hitched and stuttered.

  He massaged her lips with his, lightly kissing, almost teasing. She kept her mouth clamped shut, but she stopped struggling.

  He pulled back. Just a little so that he could peer into her eyes to judge her emotions. If she didn’t want them to kiss her, then there would be no argument. They would stop, but if what he thought was right, then she was feeling their arousal as her own. It was the away of the mate-sync. What one felt, the others also felt. If she did feel their arousal, it wouldn’t do to leave her unfulfilled. “Do you like that, Little One?”

  She drew in a quick breath. “I…” Her lips parted. Her eyes flickered over his face before they caught in his gaze. Her pupils enlarged and he fell into those warm, interested depths. He was right. She was aroused, but perhaps she needed a little persuasion to admit it.

  “Shall I kiss you again, so you can make sure?” he murmured, lowering her head until their lips touched.

  He kissed her lightly, a little pressure. Once. Twice, then he lingered, massaging her lips with his and ran the tip of his tongue along the seam of her lips. In the corner of his vision, he saw Klaej caress along her arms, and Setzan trace swirling patterns on her thighs.

  Her body tensed before relaxing. Again, it was only marginally, but it was something. He massaged her with his fingertips. A sigh escaped her and as she opened her mouth, he allowed the tip of his tongue to trace the seam of her lips.

  “Do you like this, Little One? I would like to taste you. Would you like me to kiss you. Would you like me to taste you?” Rujali said.

  She panted, her lips gleaming. It took absolute control, but he held back, letting her make up her mind. She would come to them and until that time, he would not take advantage. He was not, however, above being as persuasive as he could.

  He nuzzled her, trailing his lips over her jawline, her cheek, the corner of her mouth. He smiled a little as pursed her lips, readying herself for his kiss, but he would need more than that to proceed.

  “I need to hear it from you. Tell me you want me to kiss you. That you want Klaej to touch you. That you want Setzan to being you pleasure,” Rujali rasped.

  Her lips fell open, her gasp audible. “I…”

  He peppered teasing little kisses across her mouth, satisfied as she followed his movements. “Just say the word as we will give you more. What do you say, mate? More?”

  He watched her struggle, knowing that she would not be strong enough to deny their mate-bond. Nobody was, but their little mate was a fighter His blood ran hot in the knowledge that they were perfect for each other.

  Her mouth fell open and he knew the exact moment she capitulated. “More.”

  He didn’t waste time. He caught her mouth with his and kissed her with all of his bottled up passion. Her tongue touched his, tentative at first, but as he dove in a little more, she swept her tongue against his. Her lips moved against his, actively partaking in his kiss. A soft moan sounded from the base of her throat. His blood heated. His entire instinct ignited with the need to claim her, but he resolutely controlled it.

  He trailed the gentlest touch from her throat to her shoulder and up again. She shuddered and goosebumps broke out over her skin. Her eyes had closed and her tears had dried up. A faint pink flush colored her skin. So delicate and so sexy. Their mate responded so well to their touch.

  He glanced at Klaej. “Touch her breast, brother. Help calm her.”

  Klaej’s hand covered their mate’s breast, his deft fingers gently massaging her. She clenched her lip between her teeth, desperately trying to swallow a moan while Rujali caressed her neck and shoulders.

  “Do you like Klaej’s hand on your breast, Little One?’ Rujali rasped. His cock was thick and heavy in his pants, but he would ignore that. Bringing their mate pleasure was more important than his urges.

  She sucked in her bottom lip, glistening with their kiss. He waited, watching. She nodded, just a little movement, but enough to give him the permission he needed. Their mate wanted them and he would give his mate what she asked for.

  “She likes it, brother. Kiss her there now,” Rujali ordered. His cock pressed painfully against his clothing, but this was not about him. This was about their mate. She would need to learn that she would experience only good things at their touch and he was happy to guide his brothers. Klaej dipped his head and took her breast into his mouth.

  Her eyes flew open, but before she could startle again, Rujali took her mouth with his. A shudder worked through her body, but not one of tension. It had a different edge to it, as though it was climbing, but to a different peak.

  He suckled her lips, and then thrust his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss. The sound she made was a little more desperate. A little more needy. He swallowed the sound as though it was an elixir.

  “Do you want more, Little One? Can we touch your body all over? Can we give you the release you need?” Rujali said. He trembled with the need to touch her, yet he would take this as slowly a she needed. He didn’t need to wait long at all.

  Her voice was little more than a whisper, but he heard it as loudly as if she yelled it, “Yes….please.”

  Satisfaction wound through him as he looked at his brother. “Setzan, touch her delicate folds. Let her find her peak.” Rujali’s voice was hard gravel as he watched their mate shiver. A beautiful flush washed over her cheeks as she grew more and more aroused. It was good that she found pleasure in their touch.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice, brother,” Setzan said.

  Rujali returned to his kiss. He felt the moment his brother touched their mate in the most sensitive place in her body when she whimpered. A beautiful little frown formed on her brow as tension was unlocked and built.

  “There now, Little One. Just relax and we will tend to you,” Rujali said.

  “Please… I need…” Her voice ended on a breathy moan. Her lids were heavy, her gaze unfocused. A sigh escaped her, the sound sexy as all hells and went straight to the pleasure center in his entire being. By all the gods, he’d never heard a sound quite like that.

  “We know what you need. Keep going, brothers,” Rujali said. “Let her reach her peak. She is close.”

  Klaej moved to her other breast. The one he’d paid attention to was wet from his mouth, and the puckered nipple stood to rigid attention. He couldn’t help but work it between two fingers, pinching it lightly.

  “What are you… ohh…” She closed her eyes, drifting. She responded so beautifully, he couldn’t wait until she was fully healed so they could enjoy each other to the fullest extent.

  “Enter her with your fingers, Setzan.” Rujali almost didn’t recognize his own voice. It was raw with need and low with desire. But there would be no slaking his craving. Not until she was well and truly ready for all of them.

  She moaned. “Oh God…more…”

  Setzan slid his fingers through her folds, gently rubbing up and down until his middle finger disappeared inside her. She panted heavily, her chest heaving.

  “How does she feel?” Klaej asked.

  “Hot and wet and so, so good.” Setzan’s face was set in tense lines. />
  Rujali could feel how close he was to his own release at a mere touch of her. How close they all were. He rubbed his thumb over the sensitive nub at the top of her lips and another sensual sigh escaped her.

  “Lick her essence, Setzan. Tell us what she tastes like,” Klaej growled.

  Setzan stepped between her thighs and eased her legs apart. He bent down, his tongue slipping down her slit. He drew his tongue from deep between her legs to the end of her slit where he latched onto the little nub and kissed her tenderly there.

  “Mm. Delicious. Sweet and savory and everything in between. I can’t get enough of her.” To illustrate his point, he tipped his head and laved her slit.

  “Ahhhhh” Her feminine moan came from deep within her chest, heavy with awakening excitement. She moaned loudly, her breath whooshing out. Her mouth fell open as her eyes closed. He was pleased with the expression on her face. She was succumbing to their attentions, losing herself in their touch.

  Rujali traced her bottom lip, wet from their kiss, with the pad of his thumb. “That’s it, Little One. Let us take care of you. Relax and let us calm you.”

  Her eyes slowly opened. He caught her gaze. Tension gripped her body. Her heart raced as she rode her heights, until slowly, slowly she came down. They all had their hands on her, rubbing her with soothing movements.

  Her head fell to the side, her breathing leveled out, and her heart rate finally lowered into a slow steady pace. He was proud of the distant look she had in her eyes and the languid feel of her muscles.

  They had successfully calmed her. For now, however, given her disposition for fighting, Rujali had to wonder for how long.

  Chapter Seven


  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  Three mouths. Three tongues. Six hands. Enough testosterone to fuel a city.

  She’d helplessly lain beneath the administrations of three enormous horned men and had the orgasm of her life. When a captor usually had a powerless prisoner at their fingertips, it didn’t usually end with an almost violent orgasm that left her body boneless.


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