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WitchWar 05

Page 18

by Emma Mills

  ‘I suppose we should talk to Leo and ask him if there are any places she ever talked about wanting to go to,’ I said, frowning.

  We still hadn’t spoken to Luke, Caoimhe or Leo ever since I told them to leave. I was still annoyed with them. Annoyed with Luke for not coming back and annoyed with Caoimhe for saying what she did after we’d just lost Sebastian. I knew she was right in her own way. I recognised that it must be tough in their world to be friends with us and I knew that other members of the Guard called them names. Any other time I might have forgiven her but Brittany had told me the whole story since and Luke and Caoimhe had barely tried to come to our aid, so I was still furious.

  ‘Let’s not think about it anymore. If we pack now, we can leave at sunset and be in the States before midnight. It would be good to have a day to recover and discuss what’s going on before the coven turn up en masse,’ Brittany said.

  I nodded and grabbed my rucksack from the wardrobe. Travelling through the ley lines taught you how to pack light. The more weight you carried the tougher it was.

  ‘Jess, can I come in?’ Daniel said, pushing open the door, his eyes widening as he took in the bag in my hand.

  ‘I’ll go get my stuff,’ Brittany said, quietly slipping past Daniel.

  ‘What’s going on Jess?’ he asked after she closed the door.

  ‘I’m going to Boston. Susannah has called a coven meeting. We need to leave tonight,’ I said, failing to keep the hurt out of my voice.

  ‘Jess, you can’t go. You’re needed here,’ he said.

  ‘No, I’m not! You ask Eva, she doesn’t think I’m needed. She thinks it’s hysterical that Pierre would want me to work for him,’ I said sourly.

  ‘She doesn’t, she’s just mourning Sebastian and she doesn’t want to believe that Pierre did it, because she wants a reason to join him and be with all her friends again. Isabel and more than half of the remaining Manchester vamps have already joined up,’ he said.

  ‘Well it was my refusal to join him that killed Sebastian in the first place so I am sure as hell never going to go back on my words, even if all my friends turn against me,’ I said hotly.

  ‘They will never turn against you, Jessie, and I believe you. If you don’t want to join Pierre then I won’t either,’ he said, pulling me into his arms. ‘I don’t want you to go to America, Jessie. It’s dangerous for witches over there.’

  ‘Well it’s dangerous for vampires over here, so it seems there’s nowhere safe for me,’ I said with a shrug. ‘I could do with getting away for a bit as well. It’s been pretty tough recently, what with you being in London and uncontactable… and then this, and Eva,’ I whispered.

  He stiffened.

  ‘You don’t want me to come?’ he asked quietly.

  ‘I think you need to stay,’ I said, avoiding the question.

  ‘Right. Well if that’s what you want…’ he pulled away and stepped back.

  ‘Daniel! I…’

  ‘No, Jessica, it’s fine. I understand,’ he said, swiftly turning on his heel and darting from the room.

  ‘Shit!’ I murmured.

  ‘Men! Don’t worry about it. You’ve done nothing wrong. You can call him when we get there,’ Brittany said, walking back into my room with her daysack already stuffed so full the zip was bulging.

  ‘Brit, you do realise that we keep stuff over there, don’t you?’ I asked, smiling again.

  ‘Clothes yes, coven robes yes, spell books yes, but it’s all the other stuff I need.’

  ‘Like what?’ I asked.

  ‘Duh! Like these new tops I only just bought and my Book of Shadows, and these new books. They only arrived today…’

  ‘Brit, you can’t take four books… they’ll slow you right down,’ I said, pulling the bag out of her hands and grinning as I pulled a bag full of jewellery and make-up out. ‘And this?’

  Brittany shrugged and a flush spread across her cheeks as she snatched it back and stuffed it in her bag.

  ‘Hey, I’m sorry. What’s up?’ I asked.

  ‘Nothing, it’s fine,’ she mumbled.

  I looked at the new tops and the jewellery box and suddenly it hit me.

  ‘Ooh, Noah is single again, isn’t he?’ I said quietly.

  ‘Oh shut up, Jess, it’s nothing to do with that. Can’t a girl want to look nice without there being a reason?’

  I grinned.

  ‘Of course… but I still don’t think you’ll get through four books, especially if you’re out on the town with Noah,’ I laughed.

  She shot me a dark look but it swiftly turned into a grin.

  ‘Well if you’re travelling so light you can take two of them for me,’ she said, handing me two. ‘You always borrow my books anyway, and these are going to be gut-wrenching classics, I can tell.’

  I shook my head at her and took the offered books, shoving them easily into my daysack.

  ‘Your bag is almost empty!’ Brittany said.

  ‘I only need my Book of Shadows, the amulet I made and… the t-shirt I sleep in…’

  ‘Daniel’s t-shirt that you cuddle when he’s not around, you mean?’ Brittany laughed. ‘Look, go and see him, say goodbye.’

  I nodded and shoved the bag on my bed but as I reached the door he darted round the corner so fast we almost smacked into each other.

  ‘Jess! Oh!’

  ‘Daniel!’ I exclaimed, as we disentangled ourselves.

  Brittany shook her head and squeezed past us.

  ‘Jess, you can’t leave thinking I’m not on your side; I’m always on your side,’ Daniel said quietly, leading me over to the bed where we perched on the edge.

  ‘I know… I think,’ I whispered. ‘It’s just Eva…’

  ‘I know. Eva’s really struggling at the moment. Even after almost two hundred and fifty years and several partners she always returned to him… They were close.’

  ‘I know, but it started before this week,’ I said. This whole last year she’s been hot and cold with me. Like she enjoys putting me down and frankly I’m sick and tired of it, plus I feel guilty because you’re stuck in the middle.’

  ‘Jessie, Jess, relationships are always tested in stressful times… and this has been a stressful year. Eva enjoys winding people up and all year Sebastian has been trying to persuade her to take on the role in London whilst at the same time trying his damnedest to employ you!’

  I frowned.

  ‘She thinks she lost me to you, and she thought she was going to lose Sebastian to you as well, and then she was sent to London. She’s not as tough as she looks, Jess.’

  I sighed.

  ‘She is, she’s like a bloody Avenger! She should be the Master Vamp, not Connor,’ I said with a rue smile.

  ‘I’m more worried about us though. I mean it. I can’t let you leave thinking there might be some doubt between us, I just can’t.’

  I looked up and lifted my hand, running my fingers through his dark curls. He cupped my chin in his cool hand and pulled my face towards his. His lips touched mine and his breath whispered across my skin, sending jolts of electricity down my spine. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. They had lost their chocolatey softness and were black with hunger and desire, making me tremble.

  He squeezed my arms and lifted me across his body, turning me so that I straddled his lap. I pushed him back onto the bed and leant down, my lips meeting his hungrily, both our fangs clashing as they exploded out of our gums. He groaned and ran his hands under my top.

  ‘Uh, Jess?’ Eva’s voice interrupted, from the doorway.

  ‘Go away,’ Daniel grumbled, between kisses.

  ‘No, don’t,’ I said quickly. ‘I love you,’ I whispered into Daniel’s ear before pulling back and gently climbing off him.

  Eva stood in the doorway of my room, a smile playing across her lips.

  ‘I’m sorry, but I thought we should talk. Brittany told me you were going to Malden and I didn’t want you to leave without say goodbye…’ she paused and looked at th
e floor. ‘I don’t want you to leave because I’m being a bitch. Sebastian would hate that… and so would I.’

  I smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, patting the space next to me. Daniel groaned and rolled onto his belly. Eva walked tentatively into the room but chose to perch on my desk.

  ‘I just told Daniel I thought you should have been made the Master Vamp, didn’t I?’ I said, nudging Daniel.

  He grumbled, nodding. Eva’s eyes widened, but she said nothing.

  ‘I meant it, why weren’t you? Both you and Isabel have more authority than that sleaze bucket!’ I said.

  She grinned.

  ‘He is a bit slimy,’ she laughed.

  I nodded.

  ‘But Sebastian trusted him,’ she added.

  ‘I’m not so sure… and Sebastian is dead,’ I said flatly.

  She turned away.

  ‘Eva, I’m so sorry, it was my fault…’

  ‘No Jess! No! It wasn’t your fault and I was out of order for making you think that. I’m just a jealous bitch! I still loved Sebastian and I can’t believe he’s gone.’

  ‘Neither can I… Look, let’s forget it, and when I get back from America we’ll schedule an entire night of crap girlie TV. We need to get back to the old times,’ I said. ‘In the meantime, while I’m away, please try and overpower Connor. You might not want to believe that Pierre killed Sebastian but please believe that I’m telling the truth when I say that Sebastian’s last dying words told me to not trust anyone, except…’ I paused, not wanting to say Daniel, not wanting her to think Sebastian didn’t trust her. ‘…you guys. He didn’t trust Connor and he certainly didn’t trust Pierre.’

  Eva sighed and nodded her head.

  ‘Okay,’ she murmured.

  ‘Jess, we have to go. The sun has almost gone and it’s going to take at least six hours to get there,’ Brittany said, walking into the room wearing a black wool beanie and the thermal black bodysuit my aunt had bought her for Christmas.

  ‘You look like a curvy ninja,’ I said, grinning.

  ‘I don’t care. With my warmth amulet and this bodysuit I’m toasty warm,’ she said, pulling on a sheepskin-lined leather jacket.

  ‘You should wear your leathers,’ Eva said to me. ‘It will be freezing up there, even for vampires.’

  ‘I’ve got them here,’ I said, patting the pile of black clothes on my pillow.

  She nodded.

  ‘I’ll let you get sorted then… and Jess? Be careful over there, won’t you?’ she said.

  I smiled and nodded.


  ‘Come on!’ Brittany urged. ‘I just called Suze and told her we were leaving.’

  Daniel groaned and rolled over, placing his hands behind his head and looking up at me darkly.

  I grinned and wriggled out of my jeans, enjoying his expression of desire as his eyes scoured my body. I grabbed my leather pants and pulled them on, turning my back on him as I pulled them over my hips with a wiggle. He moved with viper-like speed, sitting up and grabbing me round the waist, pulling me back onto his lap as I let out a scream of surprise. Brittany laughed.

  ‘Next time,’ he growled in my ear, sending more electric shocks through my body as he pressed his lips to my neck, dragging his fangs lightly across my skin.

  ‘Brittany, do we really have to go now?’ I asked.

  She grinned.

  ‘Yep, sorry. Daniel, put your fangs away!’

  He released me and I pulled on my leather jacket and biker boots and picked up my bag. I was ready.

  ‘Bye, baby,’ he whispered in my ear, pausing before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. ‘Be careful.’

  I nodded and kissed him back.

  ‘God, you make me puke,’ Brittany interjected.

  I grinned and released him.

  ‘See you soon.’

  Eva was right, the air was freezing and full of sleet high in the ley lines. I pulled my beanie out of my back pocket and pulled it down over my ears. We were hovering high above the trees of Daniel’s garden, the phosphorescence of the lines crossing in several directions.

  ‘Are you warm enough?’ I asked Brittany.

  She nodded.

  ‘Come on then, let’s get it over with,’ I said.

  Chapter Twenty

  The females in my family had always carried the witch gene. Historically the eldest daughter was always the strongest and therefore was trained to be the High Priestess. My mother should have been the High Priestess, except she ran away and married my dad, never telling him of our heritage, and dying giving birth to me… hence the whole drama of my witch-blood when I was turned into a vampire. When Sebastian eventually found my family, it turned out that my mother’s little sister, my Aunt Sarah, had taken on the role of High Priestess, training her eldest daughter Susannah to take her place. That had happened the previous year when Sarah had declared that she had had enough. I loved Daniel’s house in Manchester and it had really become a home to me, but visiting my cousins was different. It had that warm, relaxed feeling you get when you visit your childhood home. It had never been mine but it had been my mother’s and somehow I could feel her there.

  Another reason both Brittany and I loved it was its location. It was an archetypal, white, wooden American house set miles from the nearest small town in the middle of a forest. We didn’t have to worry about human neighbours seeing something they shouldn’t. We had our own glade to practice elemental magic in and a ready-made family… even if the smells of home-cooked stews and casseroles made my vampire stomach churn.

  I grinned at Brittany and shook out my freezing fingers before we swooped down out of the starry sky and landed perfectly on the flat lawn at the back of the house. It was a little after midnight but all the lights in the house were on as they knew we were coming.

  ‘Hi!’ Susannah called from the back door. ‘Hurry up, it’s freezing and there’s snow on the way.’

  We ran inside and were met by Saffy, Noah and my aunt, all sitting round the kitchen table.

  ‘Wow! This is a nice welcome,’ I laughed. ‘What’s going on?’ I added, noticing their serious expressions.

  My aunt shook her head slowly. Her face was pale and there were dark rings under her eyes. I went to her and wrapped my arms around her.

  ‘Oh my goodness, Jessica, you’re frozen!’ she exclaimed, shivering beneath my embrace.

  ‘Sorry!’ I stepped back, noticing her expression darken as she checked me over. She glanced at Susannah, whose expression had also darkened. I swallowed and turned around, seeing Noah grinning at me, his lop-sided smile warming me.

  ‘Hi, Vampy,’ he said, uncurling his long legs and coming over to hug me. ‘Your ice-queen quality doesn’t put me off.’

  ‘What about Brit?’ I asked. ‘She needs a hug too. In fact she needs a hug much more than me, as she is possibly turning to ice.’

  Brittany glared at me, a blush quickly rising to her cheeks.

  ‘I’m fine,’ she said, shoving her hands in her pockets and self-consciously tugging the hem of her jacket down her bodysuit-clad thighs.

  I watched Noah as his eyes swept over her body approvingly.

  ‘Hey Brit,’ he said, a smile quirking at the corner of his mouth.

  ‘Here,’ Susannah said, interrupting the sudden awkward silence. ‘I have some hot chocolate on the stove for you.’

  She handed Brittany a steaming mug and glanced at me.

  ‘Sorry, Jess.’

  I smiled.

  ‘It’s fine. I don’t expect you to serve up a mug of the red stuff.’

  I sat down at the table and tucked my legs up, rubbing to warm them up just past freezing point.

  ‘So what’s with the welcoming committee?’ I asked, looking at my aunt.

  ‘Firstly we are all genuinely happy to see you arrive here safely. We saw both news reports from the UK and I imagine more went down than we saw,’ she said pointedly.

  I frowned and looked quickly at Brittany. Could she see
my aura?

  ‘Jessica, what on earth happened? Your aura is severely stained,’ she confirmed.

  I closed my eyes and sighed.

  ‘How can you see my aura? Brittany said that it was just the angels who could?’ I asked, looking at her.

  ‘Yes, that is true, but Susannah and I both have the power and responsibilities of High Priestesses. Only a High Priestess will have the ability to see your aura without you willingly showing it. It enables us to keep our covens safe and know who is dabbling in dark magic,’ Sarah said. ‘And your aura is almost completed shrouded in black.’

  ‘I don’t want to talk about it now, okay?’ I said, opening my eyes and defying her to challenge me. I knew her views on dark magic and I was dreading the lecture.

  ‘Tomorrow then, but I want to see you in my study straight after breakfast.’

  ‘I’m not a teenager,’ I muttered sullenly, feeling very much like a teenager again.

  Noah laughed.

  ‘That’s a point of contention,’ he retorted, breaking the tension.

  I let myself smile and looked around.

  ‘So without my black magic stain, which you couldn’t have known about before I entered this room, why else are you all here? And I thought you had moved from New York to Boston?’ I asked, turning to Noah.

  ‘I have, but things have become… worrying around here so Mom asked if I’d come home for a while… act as a security guard,’ he said, his eyes crinkling.

  ‘You? Guard us?’ I asked, totally baffled.

  Noah was Susannah’s twin, but being male he had none of the genetic powers. He was a regular human.

  ‘Having a house full of women with no male presence is virtually a death sentence in North East America at the moment,’ my aunt said quietly.

  ‘But they couldn’t take us!’ I scoffed. ‘Even in the seventeenth century they always got the wrong people. It was the human women they murdered. They never caught an actual witch!’

  ‘They caught one I think, but that’s not the point. We don’t want to be investigated. We don’t want it to get to point where we have to fight… and possibly kill people in order to survive,’ she said, eyeing me.


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