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New Boss Old Enemy.: An Enemies To Lovers Office Romance

Page 14

by Iona Rose

  I am quite enjoying this little impromptu photo shoot now and I take a few more photos, one a full length shot of me in the mirror, and another couple where I’m draped over the ground or the bed. I take one with one leg on a chair.

  I sit back down on the edge of the bed and begin to look through the photos. I choose the chair shot. I smile to myself as I text Ashton back.

  Your wish is my command x.

  I send the text message and then I send the photo. I wait, anticipation throbbing through my whole body. I don’t have long to wait before my phone beeps.

  The things I want to do to you x.

  Like what? I send back.

  Like lick your pussy until you come in my mouth and then fuck you raw.

  A shiver goes through my body at the thought of Ashton licking my pussy, at the thought of him fucking me, stretching my pussy out and filling me up. I think for a second, and then in a moment of daring, I send Ashton the photo of me on my knees bending forward. I’ll be waiting x, I send.

  I can almost taste you. Ashton sends back almost instantly.

  I am so wet now I can feel my juices soaking into my new panties and dampening the tops of my thighs. I lay back on the bed and push my hand into the panties. I start to stroke my clit as I send a text back to Ashton with my other hand. I’d like to taste you too.

  Imagining Ashton’s reaction to the text makes me even more turned on. My fingers are moving faster and my breath is coming in short pants. My clit is throbbing deliciously and my whole body feels warm and alive. I drop my phone onto the bed and grab the duvet with my now spare hand, twisting it into my fist as my stomach contracts and my pussy clenches.

  I am working myself faster and harder, on the brink of orgasm when my phone beeps again. I can’t stop now. I keep going, momentarily ignoring the phone. Knowing that Ashton’s text is waiting for me spurs me on and I let myself go over the edge. My orgasm blooms through me, spreading heat through my body and out into my limbs. I let out a quiet moan as pleasure bursts inside of me. My pussy tightens and relaxes and I start to coast down from my pleasure.

  I pull my hand out of my panties and lay in place for a moment, getting my breath back. My limbs feel heavy, my body sated, yet at the same time, I feel light, like I might just float away.

  Chapter Twenty-eight


  Once I get my breath back, I reach for my phone and read Ashton’s text.

  I can’t wait until dinner to see you. Let’s have lunch. I’ll pick you up in half an hour.

  A delicious tingle runs through me at the thought of seeing Ashton so soon. I smile to myself and push my hand back into my panties. I lift my ass up from the mattress a little and close my eyes and then I raise my phone and snap another picture. I check the picture and smile.

  I sit up and debate for a moment and then I type out a text. I am a little hungry from my workout. I send the text and wait a couple of seconds, long enough for Ashton to read the message and be a little confused by it. I send the picture. That will clear up his confusion I think to myself with a grin. His reply comes back almost instantly and it’s just one word.


  I think it sums this up nicely.

  I decide to leave the new lingerie on. It would be rude not to after Ashton went to the trouble of sending me it, and maybe I can give him a little peek of what’s to come in the car on the way to lunch. I remove the suspender belt, stockings and high heels though.

  I go to my wardrobe and throw it open, deciding what to wear. I settle on a short navy blue sundress and a pair of matching wedges. I get dressed and pull a brush through my hair. I tidy up my makeup – having an orgasm really messes with your eyeliner game it seems.

  I’ve just finished getting ready when I hear a car pull up outside. I pick up my phone, hurry down the stairs to grab my handbag and keys. I’m pulling the door open as Ashton opens the gate. I pause. If I let him come to me, he could come in, and I know exactly where that would lead.

  Instead, I step out of the door. I’m done taking it slow, playing hard to get. But I am hungry and I think knowing what’s coming after lunch will make it all the more delicious. Both lunch and the feeling of anticipation inside of me.

  I pull the door closed and lock it then I turn to walk down the path, but Ashton is right behind me, blocking my exit. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of him. He’s wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt and he is totally rocking the look. His hair is in its usual messy style and I just want to run my hands through it.

  He doesn’t speak, he just pulls me into his arms and presses his lips against mine.

  I melt into his kiss, wrapping my arms around him and pressing myself against him, needing to feel his body against mine. I kiss him back with the same intensity he has when he kisses me, and somewhere in that kiss, a silent understanding passes between us. An understanding — today, anything can and will happen.

  Ashton finally pulls his lips from mine. He keeps his arms wrapped around me and moves his head back slightly so he can look at my face. He smiles. “Hi,” he whispers.

  “Hi,” I reply with a soft laugh.

  When I was sending him those pictures, I was a little worried that I would feel awkward or embarrassed with him when I saw him again, but in fact, the opposite is true. I feel completely relaxed and I know I’m starting to trust Ashton. I’m finally letting my walls come down and letting him in.

  He leans forward and kisses the top of my head and then he releases me. “Let’s go.”

  I follow him to his car where he pauses to open the passenger side door for me. I smile my thanks to him and get in. He waits until I’m settled and then he closes my door and walks around to the driver’s side of the car and gets in. He starts the engine and pulls away, heading away from the town center and instead, towards the outskirts of town.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, thinking he must have found somewhere nice in the next town.

  “The park,” he says.

  “The park?” I repeat. “Didn’t the café there shut down like three years ago?”

  “Yeah.” He glances at me and then his eyes go back to the road.

  For a fleeting second, I’m jealous that the road has his attention.

  “I brought a picnic,” he says.

  “That sounds perfect.” I smile.

  It’s a warm, sunny day, and a picnic really does sound good, although that’s not why I think it sounds perfect. I’m imagining a secluded little spot somewhere where we can be alone and I can show him what I’m wearing beneath my dress. It also tells me something about Ashton. It tells me that he really does listen to me and takes in what I’m saying to him. The other night at dinner, we got to talking about the local area, and I told him that the park was one of my favorite spots.

  Ashton glances away from the road and looks at me again. He sees my smile and returns it. He glances back at the road and laughs a little. “I was worried you would be disappointed,” he says.

  “Disappointed? No, of course not. I couldn’t think of a better way to enjoy lunch.”

  “I remembered you saying how much you liked the park, but a picnic is always a risk isn’t it? Some people just aren’t the outdoorsy type when it comes to eating,” he says.

  “Oh, I definitely am,” I hurry to reassure him. “I love picnics, barbecues, eating on the terrace of restaurants.”

  “Me too,” Ashton agrees.

  We reach the car park adjacent to the park. Ashton finds us a parking spot and we get out of the car. He goes around to the back of the car and opens the trunk. I can’t help but watch as he bends down slightly, his ass perfect in his jeans. I think it would be even more perfect out of them.

  He reaches in and pulls out a large checkered blanket and a cooler.

  “Well, look at you with all the right equipment,” I say.

  He glances back over his shoulder and smiles at me.

  I feel myself blushing slightly when I realize the double meaning of what I’v
e said. I return his smile.

  “Oh I definitely have all of the right equipment,” he says. “And don’t worry. I know how to use it too.”

  My blush deepens.

  Ashton is almost laughing as he closes the trunk and locks the car.

  We start to walk and he takes my hand in his. My skin tingles where it touches his and it suddenly hits me that I’m no longer just driving him crazy. I’m driving myself crazy too. It’s going to be hard getting through this picnic without jumping on Ashton right here in broad daylight and riding him.

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  We enter the park. It’s busy, full of families with small children and other couples out for a stroll, everyone enjoying the sun. We walk past the small lake. Families crowd around it, feeding the eager ducks. Children scream with delight as the almost tame ducks eat bread from their hands. A few remote-controlled boats float lazily across the water.

  By unspoken agreement, we pass the lake, both of us looking for a slightly more secluded spot. I lead Ashton past the bandstand where a group of teenagers sit on the steps sunbathing. We cross a large open expanse where several ball games are underway and children run around. I lead Ashton through a gap in the trees and into the flower beds. We weave through them, pointing out pretty flowers to each other. I keep walking past the flower beds.

  “Do you have a spot in mind?” Ashton asks me.

  I nod as we leave the flower beds behind and cross another grassy expanse. At the end of the grass, a little brook trickles lazily. Trees line the area behind the brook. I point to a spot beside the brook. “Here.” I smile.

  Ashton smiles back at me and spreads the blanket out. I move to help him and we get it laid down flat. I step onto it and sit down. Ashton sits beside me and we look out across the grassy area. It’s quieter here, although there are still families engaged in ball games and games of tag. Their laughter floats on the air, and instead of making me feel like we’re not in as private a spot as I would like, the sound makes me happy.

  I’ve waited this long for Ashton. I can get through a picnic and wait until we get home for anything more.

  Ashton opens the cooler. He pulls out a bottle of sparkling white wine and two glasses which are almost frosted from their time in the cooler. He opens the wine and pours two glasses of it out. He hands one of the glasses to me. He smiles at me and raises his glass. “To us,” he says.

  “To us,” I repeat, clinking my glass against his.

  We both take a sip of the wine. It’s cold, crisp and refreshing. I take another sip as I watch him.

  Ashton sets his glass down beside the bottle and goes back into the cooler. He pulls out a tub of salad and two large chicken breasts. He digs back in and comes out with two plastic plates and plastic cutlery. He’s humming to himself as he puts a chicken breast on each plate then adds lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber slices to each of them. He hands one to me, along with a knife and fork.

  I put my wine glass down and take the offered plate. I take a bite of the chicken and smile. “It’s yummy.”

  Ashton takes a forkful of his and nods his head as he chews. “It is,” he agrees when he swallows.

  “You cooked it. You must have already known that,” I say.

  “I bought it at the deli down the road from your house.” Ashton laughs. “Seriously Elena, how quickly do you think I could have cooked these?”

  I laugh with him. Of course, he’s right. He only gave me half an hour from the moment he texted me.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been here,” Ashton tells me. “It’s beautiful here.”

  “You’ve never been to the park?”

  “Oh no, I’ve been to the park. We used to come here after school sometimes and play football. I mean I’ve never been over this side of the place. We always stayed around the lake area or on the first field.”

  “I used to come here in the summer holidays with my friends,” I tell him. “We’d come out here to the brook and spend the day reading, gossiping, and working on our tans.”

  “That actually sounds more appealing than running around playing football.” Ashton grins.

  “Maybe now.” I laugh. “But I can’t see it having much appeal to a teenage boy.”

  “I think it would. They would just never admit it,” he replies.

  “We used to sit here and plan our weddings, Lottie and me. You remember Lottie?” He nods and I go on. “We were going to have a joint wedding, where we both married our true loves. The ceremony was going to be in the bandstand, and we’d have tables and chairs set up and we’d all dance until it got dark, and then we’d have strings of fairy lights so we could keep going before we went off on our joint honeymoon. It sounds kind of stupid now doesn’t it?”

  “No,” Ashton says. “I could see it. Ok, maybe not the joint wedding and honeymoon, but this place would look pretty good strung up with fairy lights, with a band playing and people dancing.”

  “I see you have given this some thought,” I tease him.

  “Oh, no.” He laughs. “Wedding planning? That’s one thing teenage boys don’t do. Or even wish they could admit to wanting to do.”

  I laugh with him. “No you’re all too busy dreaming of being professional footballers.”

  “That’s so cliché,” Ashton mock-scolds me.

  “Oh, really?” I laugh. “So you’re telling me that wasn’t your dream as a kid?”

  “No. I wasn’t a cliché at all.” He pauses and smiles. “I wanted to be an astronaut.”

  We both laugh.

  “What about you? What did you want to be when you grew up?” Ashton asks me.

  “I always wanted to be a teacher. I changed my mind right before college. I’m glad I did now.”

  “You don’t like kids?” Ashton asks me.

  “Oh, I love kids. Just not thirty at once. And not the ones with attitude problems. I wouldn’t have lasted two minutes in a school. The first cocky little shit who pushed his luck would have had me fired when I told him exactly what I thought of him.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I’d have been no good as an astronaut either. I hate flying.”

  “You’re scared of flying?” I ask.

  “I said hate, not scared,” Ashton corrects me. “I don’t have panic attacks or anything. I just don’t enjoy it. And I’m always a little bit relieved when the plane touches down.”

  “Yeah, I’m thinking that’s not a good qualification for an astronaut.” I laugh.

  “I think maybe it was a good thing that life had other plans for us though. Imagine now if you were a teacher and I was an astronaut. What would have been the chances we’d have met again?”

  “Slim,” I agree. “But I guess if something’s meant to be, the universe would have found a way.”

  “Yeah maybe, I could have come to your school to give the kids some sort of talk about outer space. We could have had our first date on a rocket.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad.” I smile. “And it’s not like I’d had to have been nervous. You were hardly going to launch the rocket being that you’re afraid of flying.”

  He laughs and shakes his head. “I knew I shouldn’t have told you that.”

  I smile at him as I put my plate down.

  Ashton has already finished his. He pulls a little carrier bag from the cooler and scrapes the left overs into it.

  “Is that your doggy bag?” I tease him.

  “Hey, it’s one thing mocking me about my dislike of flying. But having a trash bag is just the socially responsible thing to do,” he says, with a stern tone that’s given away by the way his eyes sparkle with amusement. He puts our used plates and cutlery back into the cooler. He pulls out a container of strawberries and opens it. He offers it to me and I take a strawberry. He tops off my wine glass and then he takes a strawberry for himself. We eat them and he takes another one. This one, he holds out to me. I go to take it, but he shakes his head, bringing it up to my mouth.

  I l
augh and shake my head, but I play along, biting into the strawberry.

  He eats the other half and then picks up another one. He holds it up and I bite it. He watches as I chew it and then he brings the remaining half up to my mouth again. I go to take a bite, but Ashton rubs it over my lips. “Aww well, would you look at that. You have juice on your face,” he grins as he leans towards me. He runs his lips gently over mine, and then he licks the tip of his tongue over my lips, lapping at the juice and licking me clean.

  As his tongue moves across my lips, I feel desire flooding through me. I want Ashton so badly, and the more time we spend together laughing and joking like this, the more and more I want him. I have definitely let myself fall for him.

  I bring my hand up and place it on Ashton’s cheek and when he starts to move his head back from mine, I push my hand back into his hair, holding his mouth in place on mine. I kiss him slowly at first, a soft, tender kiss, that soon becomes deeper and more passionate. It takes everything I have not to start stripping him on the spot, but I’m still aware of the voices in the distance and I don’t think being arrested for public indecency would be a good ending for our date.

  Still, I do nothing to stop him when Ashton slowly lays me down on my back and comes with me. He’s not exactly lying on top of me, he’s more beside me, his upper body raised and turned so he can keep kissing me. His hand goes to the bare skin of my thigh, running over my skin and going underneath the hem of my dress.

  He runs his fingers over my inner thigh, making my skin tingle and my breath catch in my throat. His touch is light, just enough to make me want more. I can feel myself getting wet at his touch, his kiss. Maybe we could get away with going further here. No one has been close enough to know what we’re doing the whole time we’ve been eating.


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