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The MILF Man Deliveries Series- Complete Set

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by Holly Ardent

  The MILF Man Deliveries Series

  (Cheating Wife MILF Erotica)

  Complete Set

  (Books 1-5)

  Holly Ardent

  Table of Contents

  Cheryl's Special Delivery

  Brenda's Package

  Linda's Revenge

  Erin's Errands

  Jessie's Attitude Adjustment

  Cheryl's Special Delivery

  (Cheating Wife MILF Erotica)

  The MILF Man Deliveries #1

  Holly Ardent

  Text copyright © 2014, Holly Ardent

  All Rights Reserved

  Jack stood at the end of the conveyor belt, bagging groceries.

  I can't believe that I've got a degree in business and this is the only job I could find.

  The forced smile that was plastered on his face wavered slightly at the thought. It came back quickly when he saw the next customer in line.

  Wow, she's hot. Older than me though. I bet she's got kids too. Damn, I love MILFs.

  When the customer finished paying for her items and Jack had her cart full of bags he looked up at her again.

  “Would you like some help out to your car?” he asked.

  She looked him up and down, then smiled.

  “I'd like that,” she said.

  Jack dutifully took the cart and followed her out to her car, all the while staring at her ass. He was certain she was putting some extra sway into it just for his benefit. She talked to him as they went.

  “I wish they still had things like in the old days, where you could get your groceries delivered to your home,” she said. “I hear some of the larger stores are going to try that as a business model again. I'd certainly use it. This store tried it, but they canceled the service last year.”

  Jack, even as distracted as he was by her ass, knew a good idea when he heard it. One of his professors in college had sworn that you could never go too wrong by imitating the ideas of the larger companies. Even if he started such a business and things went wrong, he was no worse off than he was now.

  “Well ma'am, I'm starting a business that will do just that. When I got my degree I never thought I'd have to take a job as a bagger, but it was all I could find. It did spark an idea similar to what you were just saying though. I haven't finished setting it up yet, but I'll probably have it done within the month.”

  She looked at Jack and, once again, her eyes crawled up and down his body. He openly returned the stare, thinking that the front of her looked at least as good as the back.

  Now I know what women mean when they say 'he undressed me with his eyes', he thought. I don't get why they complain though, this will give me fantasy material for a week or more.

  “Well then, you'll need a customer base to start,” she said. “Especially if you want to quit your job. Let me give you my number and when you're all ready give me a call. I'll check out your service, and I know of a few other ladies that would interested as well, if it's satisfactory.”

  * * *

  He spent the next few weeks setting up his new business. Business cards, a web site, setting up a form on the site that allowed people to import a shopping list or type it in by hand, getting magnetic decals for his car with his business name, the list of things to do went on and on. Fortunately there wasn't much money involved. His savings account was low and he needed to save some of that to pay for the first orders before he delivered them and got paid himself.

  The lowest cost method of advertising he could think of that might work was flyers, so he printed handfuls of them and distributed them the day before he was ready to start his deliveries. Then he looked at the number he'd written down from the lady that had given him the idea. Before he could change his mind, he dialed the number.

  “Hello? Cheryl speaking.”

  Her voice was sultry and warm. It made him recall her appearance, and the week's worth of masturbatory fantasies it had provided him.

  He spoke rapidly, trying to get everything he'd planned to say out before he could freeze.

  “Cheryl? This is Jack, you asked me to call you when my grocery delivering business was ready to go. I'm ready to start deliveries anytime now.”

  “You are? What good news. I've mentioned you to several of my friends and they're all eager to give you a try if your service works out for me.”

  “Thank you,” Jack said. “I wasn't sure how I'd get a customer base but that will certainly help.”

  “Think nothing of it. I won't need groceries for several more days, but if you're willing I'd like to take you to lunch tomorrow. After all, you'll be coming in my house and I ought to know something about you first, don't you think? Since you don't have any prior references and such.”

  “Um, sure? I'm available tomorrow. Where would you like to meet and when?”

  “Meet me at that restaurant on the other side of the parking lot, across from the store I met you at. Say, 11:45?”

  “I'll be there ma'am.”

  “Oh please, call me Cheryl. I'm not that old.”

  “Yes, ma … I mean Cheryl. Yes Cheryl, I'll be there.”

  “Thank you Jack. I'm looking forward to it.”

  * * *

  Jack arrived a couple of minutes early. He recognized Cheryl's car when she pulled into the parking lot, but when she got out of it, he felt under-dressed. Cheryl was wearing what looked like a miniature silk broomstick skirt. It only came down to her knees and showed off her gorgeously toned calves. Her shirt was also silk, a sheer silk that flashed her bra when the light caught it correctly. Her long, blonde hair was placed in a ponytail that spilled down her back. He gulped and got out of his car.

  “Cheryl,” he called.

  She turned and walked over to him. Once again her gaze traveled his body. She gave a tiny nod, as though confirming something with herself.

  “Jack, good to see you,” she said.

  Jack's own eyes were trapped on her calves. When she spoke, he lifted his gaze. Cheryl was slightly shorter than he was, even with the slip on heels she was wearing, and he found himself still looking down in order to see her face. She shifted position slightly and the sunlight made her shirt go transparent. Jack was trying to make eye contact but beneath her chin, the sunlight had revealed a canyon of creamy white cleavage. He stuttered for a moment.

  “Um, wonderful to see you again also,” he finally managed.

  “Shall we go in?” Cheryl asked.

  Jack nodded.

  Cheryl led the way in and Jack found himself staring at her ass again.

  I'm sure there's some extra sway to that ass. If she walked like this all the time, she'd be in jail on lewd and lascivious behavior charges.

  Cheryl turned to Jack when they reached the hostess.

  “Shall we sit outside? It's so nice out today.”

  “Whatever you like is fine with me,” Jack answered.

  When they stepped outside, Cheryl glanced at the sun for a moment, then chose the seat that would leave her upper torso exposed to it. When Jack sat down opposite from her, he realized that he'd be spending the entire meal staring at her bra and the flesh exposed by the light on her shirt.

  He gulped.

  Nah, I can't be this lucky. I've got to be misreading things.

  With a glance at his lap.

  Behave yourself, this is business, he thought.

  After ordering, Cheryl starting asking him questions about himself. She drew out how he'd ended up getting his entire degree from the community college instead of finishing it at the state university as he's intended. When his dad lost his job, there was no hope of going to State.

  She found out he
was living on his own in a small apartment, and that he'd taken the bagger job when his savings started running low. She also heard his opinion that not having the state degree was killing his chances of getting a job in his field.

  “Well,” she said, “if this works out for you, then you won't need a job like that. You can run your own business.”

  “If it works well enough, I can expand and maybe hire others to do the deliveries. Actually put my degree to use all the time running the business,” he replied.

  The tip of Cheryl's tongue appeared against her top lip for a moment. When it disappeared again, a tiny portion of her lip sparkled in the sunlight.

  “I think you'll find that you enjoy the … personal touch involved with your job enough that you'll want to continue making some of the deliveries on your own,” she said.

  Jack nearly jumped out of his chair when he felt her toes slide up under the leg of his jeans. Once the toes found bare skin, they started rubbing back and forth against it.

  Behave, he told himself sternly. If that's what she wants, I've got no problem with it. But she has to make all the moves up to a point. If she's just teasing, you'll deal with it. If she isn't … Well, if she isn't you'll deal with it another way. God, I hope she isn't just teasing.

  They finished their meal, Cheryl's toes stroked Jack's skin and ran up and down his pant leg throughout the whole thing. After they were done, there was a comfortable silence for several minutes. Cheryl finally broke it.

  “I think I can use my groceries a little earlier than I thought. You'll probably find an order waiting for you tonight. You'll deliver that tomorrow during the day, right?”

  “There's a section for requested delivery time on the form. If it isn't grayed out, it's available. So you can choose whatever time you want,” Jack said.

  “Oh good. Then I'll see you ...” Cheryl's foot traveled up the inseam of his pants. She tapped her toes lightly against his crotch. “tomorrow, won't I?”

  Jack gulped again.

  “You can count on it.”

  Cheryl rose from the table.

  “I will, I'll count on seeing you then. I think I need this delivery badly.”

  She turned and walked away. Jack just stared at her ass until she entered the restaurant and was out of sight.

  What are you getting yourself into Jack? He asked himself. Are you sure you can handle this?

  A part of his mind that he forcefully kept asleep most of the time answered him.

  Don't be an idiot. Take what she's offering. Take as much of it as you can, as often as you can. Plus, she was talking about friends.

  Jack smiled and walked back to his car, fantasizing all the way.

  * * *

  Jack was sitting on the couch watching television when his desktop computer sounded the alarm he'd installed to alert him to new orders. He walked over to the system and waited as the order automatically printed out.

  Good, it's Cheryl's. So she wasn't just bullshitting me. I wonder if she's actually after what I think she's after.

  He put the map and directions that printed out next on top of the order itself and went back to the couch. He couldn't focus on his television show any more, he kept remembering the cleavage and flesh that he'd seen revealed through Cheryl's shirt earlier in the day. Finally, he gave up and went to bed.

  Ten AM can't get here early enough for me, he thought as he laid in bed masturbating.

  When he finally gave in and pictured Cheryl in his fantasies, he came in minutes. Sleep followed not long after.

  His alarm woke him at seven o'clock. He selected his clothes for the day, carefully choosing his silk boxers for underwear. Then he crawled into the shower to get clean. It was eight-thirty by the time he was clean and had eaten breakfast.

  Okay, she wants me there at ten, he thought. Ten minutes from the store to her house, five minutes from my house to the store. Maybe thirty minutes to get her order at the store and some time to check out. Call it a little over an hour. I've got twenty minutes to kill.

  Jack impatiently waited as the time passed. He finally gave up and left five minutes earlier than he thought he needed to.

  His time estimates were right on and it was a quarter to ten when her order was loaded into his car and ready to go. He left right away in case the drive to her house took longer than the mapping program claimed. At five minutes until ten, he pulled up in the driveway of a suburban house. There was a white picket fence out front, a child's swing-set in the back, and the lawn was neatly trimmed.

  I thought she was a MILF, guess I was right. From the looks of things she's still got a husband too, I hope he isn't around.

  Jack got out of the car and headed for the front door, pulling the hand truck he'd bought specifically because it was easy to pull up stairs and could hold grocery bags.

  * * *

  He rang the bell. Moments later Cheryl opened the door. She was wearing a robe, belted in place, and nothing else that he could see. Jack noticed that her toenails were painted red.

  “Have you got my whole order on that one cart? Bring it in, please,” she said.

  Jack handed her the bill, pulled the cart into the house, and headed for what looked like the kitchen.

  “Do you want it in here?” he said.

  “Oh yes, can you help me put it away also?”

  Jack turned to answer and found that Cheryl had removed the robe. Now she was wearing only a piece of red and black lingerie that was of the kind that covered everything and hid nothing. She breezed by him before he'd even answered.

  “Where is the frozen stuff?” she asked. “I want to get that in the freezer before it thaws.”

  Jack pointed to the two bags that contained frozen goods.

  Cheryl bent over and picked up those two bags, flashing the bare skin of her ass at Jacob as she did. Then she opened the freezer and started, slowly, pulling the items out of the bags and placing them in it. She leaned in close to the freezer and Jack stood there, staring, as she shuddered and goosebumps rose along the length of her arm.

  Jack snapped out of it and walked over to her. He took the second bag from her and held it open as she withdrew the frozen goods and placed them in the freezer. She leaned against the edge to get some things all the way into the back. When she was done, she closed the freezer and turned to face him.

  Jack managed to not drool when he saw her hard nipples tenting the lingerie.

  Yup, definitely a MILF. Got the enlarged nipples and everything, a distant part of his brain noted.

  “The refrigerated items?” Cheryl asked.

  Jack wordlessly handed her another bag. Cheryl made quick work of it and turned to face him again. She arched her back slightly, thrusting her breasts out at him.

  “So, your website said you accept tips. Cash only or are you open to other types of gratuity?”

  “Yes.” Jack answered.

  Cheryl chuckled.

  “Yes, which?”

  “Yes, I'm open to other types of gratuity,” Jack said hurriedly.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” she asked.

  “To make sure I'm reading things right and this isn't a dream.”

  Cheryl laughed again.

  “You're reading things right. I'm interested if you are.”

  Jack stepped forward and tilted her head up with a finger beneath her chin. He leaned his own head forward and pressed his lips to hers. Cheryl moved in closer to him, pressing her tits against his chest. After a minute or so he broke off the kiss.

  “So, what would you like?” he asked.

  “What are you willing to do?” she replied.

  “Offhand there isn't much I'd say no to if you asked.”

  “Good, you're my kind of man then.”

  Cheryl reached behind his head and drew him down for another kiss. He let his tongue have free reign to explore her mouth and she seemed to enjoy it. At least her nipples stayed rigid where they pressed against his chest. This time, she drew back, breaking off the ki

  “Whatever you like Jack. I'd like whatever you want to do to me. My shit of a husband hasn't done me in months. He's always staying late at the office. I'd think he was having an affair but I can't even get him hard on the weekends when he's home all the time. A girl needs some attention and I'm hoping you're willing to give it to me.”

  Jack smiled eagerly. His hands reached out and starting stroking her breasts through the thin fabric of the lingerie.

  “Are you sure about that? I will take advantage of that statement unless you qualify it,” he said.

  “You can do anything you like to me within reason. As long as it doesn't do any lasting damage or leave marks for more than an hour or two, I'm good with it,” she said.

  Jack reached out and slid the lingerie off one shoulder. Her breasts hung against her chest, her nipples rigid in the slightly cool air. He pushed it the rest of the way off of her. The lingerie slid down her legs to puddle at her feet. She stood there nude, looking at him expectantly.

  “Then I'd like you to kneel and suck my cock,” he said.

  Cheryl dropped to her knees and eagerly leaned forward. Her hands unfastened his belt, unsnapped the pants, and opened his zipper. She reached in and stroked him several times through his silk boxers, then slid them out of the way. Her lips opened to receive his cock and she leaned forward, sucking it into a warm, wet, heaven.

  Jack sighed and put his hand on the back of her head. As she bobbed up and down on his cock, he applied pressure, making her take him deeper each time she went down. After a few strokes, she gagged. He immediately pulled his hand off her head. She drew back until his cock was out of her mouth.

  “No, you don't need to stop doing that. It's just been so long that I'm out of practice. If I need you to stop, I'll tap on your leg three times, hard.”

  Then she buried his cock in her mouth again.

  He put his hand back on her head and applied pressure again. She gagged several more times but kept going until she had most of his cock in her mouth. Then she wrapped her hand around the base of it and started a rhythm; slide his cock out of her mouth while her hand followed up his shaft, then slide it back in while her hand slid back to the base of his cock. After a few minutes of that Jack stopped her.


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