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Broken: Taylor

Page 6

by Hildie McQueen

  This game of playing bodyguard was a dangerous one. If he wasn’t careful it could turn complicated quick.

  She looked to him, the sunlight behind her framing her beauty perfectly. “The only thing I have for breakfast is oatmeal and maybe a couple of bagels. It doesn’t look like Mindy’s place is open this morning. Very strange.”

  He went to the kitchen window and sure enough the café was closed. Not only that, but Eric’s truck was parked in front along with several other cars. Either the cops had taken over the only breakfast place in town to eat, or the murder from the night before had something to do with the owner. He guessed the second option.

  He went to the bedroom and called Eric, who answered on the second ring. “Hey Cuz. Where you at?”

  Within moments he knew the reason for the café being closed. Allison watched him while toasting bagels. Her eyes tracked his every movement.

  “What happened?” she asked as soon as he ended the call.

  “Brian, the owner’s brother is who was killed.”

  Brows moving together, her eyes moved side to side. “Oh no. I didn’t know Mindy had a brother here.”

  “Seems he was loner. Rarely went anywhere since moving here.”

  She placed a toasted bagel before him and he climbed onto the stool to eat. Once his coffee was refilled, he decided it was best to discuss the logistics of the next couple days.

  “What time do you have to be here to open the shop?”

  “Nine, I open at ten.” She bit from her bagel and narrowed her eyes. “Why?”

  “I have to help out at the ranch. So maybe we can go there after you close shop. I can work til evening, we’ll stay there overnight, come here early and you can open your shop.”

  “Why don’t you stay here, go to the ranch once I am downstairs and come back for the evening?”

  “Because you’ll be alone most of the day.”

  “It’s daylight. There are windows on two sides. I can keep the door locked and open only when customers walk up.”

  “How will you tell the difference between a customer and a killer? I don’t think the person will be holding a knife up to identify him or herself.”

  Allison rolled her eyes, but he knew she considered his question by the way her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. “Crud.”

  “Oh, I know,” she said holding up a finger. “I can put up a sign that says “surveillance camera in use”.” A slow smile curved her lips and he almost smiled with her.

  “That won’t work.” He looked past her to the digital time display on her microwave. “Shouldn’t you be getting dressed?”

  She leaned across the counter and grinned at him. “Wanna guard me while I do?”

  Yes, he really did.

  Allison had to admit, it was a fun and enticing game to be so close to Taylor, but still not quite within reach. The way he tracked her every move had nothing to do with him guarding her safety.

  Both knew damn well that if he continued to stay at her place, they’d end up sharing the bed. Tobias’ presence at the ranch would be a deterrent, but not exactly a guarantee they’d not sleep together. It would happen sooner or later, but being at her apartment made it a surety.

  Guilty that she thought more about her attraction to Taylor that morning than what had transpired the night before, Allison said a quick prayer for Mindy and her brother.

  Although she didn’t know Mindy well, she’d ensure to call or send flowers that day. No one should lose a family member in such a brutal way.

  Finally dressed, she walked out to find Taylor on the phone. He paced like a caged lion, back and forth, head down, his free hand on his hip.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  He didn’t stop walking.

  “All right. Okay. Next week.”

  He stopped pacing, turning to face the windows. His broad shoulders lifted and lowered.

  “Monday. I promise. You too.”

  When he turned, Taylor looked her over. “Ready for the day?”

  She nodded. “I insist you go take care of whatever needs to be done at the ranch. I’ll be okay. Just come back some time tonight. We can hunker down after dinner.”

  An hour later she repeated the statement. Ignoring her, Taylor went to the door and looked out. “It’s quiet today.”

  “It usually is.”

  Several customers had come and gone. Most commenting on the murder and discussing what they thought had happened and why. Thankfully none knew she was a witness.

  A couple walked in, after greeting Taylor, the woman went about shopping while the man sat at the table and accepted a cup of coffee.

  Seeming satisfied the steady flow of customers would be a good deterrent for anyone to harm her, Taylor finally left.

  As much as she enjoyed having him around, it was hard to concentrate with him there. Once the day was over, she’d ensure to discuss a better alternative to him being her bodyguard.

  There was the idea of closing the shop for a few days, but then she’d still be there alone upstairs, which would be boring and drive her crazy.

  Staying at the Hamilton ranch was not an option. She’d go bonkers there too. Perhaps she could return to Billings and spend time there. Then again, she’d scheduled deliveries for a wedding the following week, she had arrangements and bouquets to make.

  The murder was affecting her life in too many ways.

  Chapter 9

  She knew when Taylor walked into the shop. It was as if the air suddenly stilled and electrical currents charged the air. Allison tried her best not to allow the elderly woman to see how he affected her. It was useless as the woman looked to Taylor then to Allison and smiled in a knowing way.

  “I think your friend will love this arrangement. Let me ring up the gift for you as well.” Allison moved to stand behind her small counter and tapped the screen.

  “Have an enjoyable evening.” The woman tapped Taylor’s arm. “Tell your aunt hello for me. I haven’t seen her in ages.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Taylor said, holding the door open for the woman.

  The room dimmed when she turned off the floral display lights and then the overhead lights, leaving the room in shadows.

  “Did you eat dinner yet?” she asked Taylor, who’d moved to stand by the stairs. “I’ve got minestrone soup in the crockpot and am going to make grilled cheese to go with it.”

  He nodded, which told her nothing and silently followed her up the stairs. The silence made her even more aware of his presence. What was it with the damn silent treatment today? Was he pissed about having to come there?

  Once inside her apartment, the aroma of soup and the low hum of music greeted them. She always left the music station playing on the television. The soft sounds of jazz made her place less silent at the end of the day.

  “Are you in a bad mood?” Allison asked as he walked to the windows and looked up and down the street, scanning it methodically. Both hands on his slender hips showcased the wide expanse of his back and broad shoulders. His ass was not bad either.

  “They’ve got a lead. Think it’s a guy from Billings. If so, he’s probably back there now. Eric is there now and hopefully he’ll call shortly and let us know they’ve got him.”

  So it meant it was probably his last night there. Allison pulled out a skillet and reached for a loaf of bread she’d bought at the Farmer’s Market just two days prior.

  “I hope they do catch him. I’d feel better not imposing so much on you with all this.”

  Taylor neared, his gaze intent. “It’s not an imposition at all. I’m glad to be of help. If anything, it’s added something interesting to my boring days.”

  “You don’t have boring days. All that work out there at the ranch. I know you’re probably falling behind...”

  His kiss took her by surprise. So much so, the loaf of bread landed on the floor next to her foot. The previous hunger for food turned to starvation to have Taylor instead.

  While he ravaged her mouth, his hands slid down her
sides to cup her butt and pull her against his hardness. And damn was he hard.

  “Fuck,” he muttered against her lips before once again covering her mouth and pushing his tongue deep.

  It was like no other kiss before, this time the request was real and strong. So much transpired in the kiss, the way he moaned and pulled her against his body made her legs wobble and her knees weaken.

  “I want you Allison.” He pressed a kiss just below her ear. This time she couldn’t keep silent, a soft sound came from her lips.

  “Yes,” she said, finally able to formulate words.

  Before she could say or do anything else, Taylor continued to kiss her while walking her backwards to the bedroom. He wasn’t wasting time. Any thought would mean one or both could come to the realization of what a huge mistake they were about to make.

  Their mouths fused, they continued the savage kiss while undressing. Her dress was first to go leaving her in just bra and panties.

  His shoes were followed by hers. Breaking the kiss, he yanked his t-shirt off and Allison lost her breath. He was perfectly built.

  Allison ran her hands over his chest, her eyes locked to his as he unfastened her bra.

  Palms over her breasts, he rubbed in circular motions and Allison head to fell back allowing the wonderful sensations free rein.

  His mouth followed, trailing kisses from her breastbone down to take her left nipple into his mouth. He sucked it in hard and she moaned as tingles shot straight down her stomach to between her legs.

  The man knew what he was doing. His hand slid under the elastic of her skimpy panties to between her legs and he cupped her sex.

  “Ah.” She gulped in air and grabbed his shoulders. “Oh.”

  When he began massaging the juncture between her legs while his mouth moved to the right breast, Allison about lost it.

  The tresses of his hair were soft between her fingers as Allison held him in place at her breast needing more of the wicked things his tongue was doing.

  His thumb circled her clit and she fell to pieces. Thankfully his mouth covered hers just as she cried out. No need to alarm anyone who could possibly overhear. Although it was doubtful anyone could past the thick walls and double-paned windows.

  Taylor held her against him as the last of the waves of her climax worked through.

  They moved to stand beside the bed and he lowered Allison’s panties down her legs. On wobbly legs, she stood still allowing him to take her in fully. Lips curved, his darkened gaze raked over her inch by inch. It was as if he touched every place his eyes landed, heat surfacing each spot.

  Breathing became a struggle when he continued his perusal, sending Allison to heights of desire she’d never felt before.

  Finally Taylor met her gaze.

  What seemed like a flicker of uncertainty in his expression turned to challenge when he removed his box-briefs. It was then she noticed the scarring.

  Just above the waistband of his briefs on the left side was a ragged scar that ran down to his upper thigh. His thigh was misshapen. Ugly scars pulled at the skin, making the area dip in. If anything, the marks made him sexier and even more desirable. Allison bit her bottom lip and focused for a moment longer trailing upwards past his washboard abs to his well-formed chest. He was more than an eyeful that was for sure.

  Although she wanted to take him all in, memorize every bit of the masculinity before her, it was hard to concentrate when his thick erection demanded all the attention.


  When she met his gaze, he rolled his eyes playfully. “Is that all women think about?”

  Allison sucked in her bottom lip and smiled. “I don’t know of any woman that would be able to ignore you. Come here.” She crooked her finger at him and Taylor’s eyebrows rose.

  She couldn’t help the sharp intake of breath, sounding more like a gasp when he came closer. Somehow she had to memorize every instant, commit to memory this wonderful night.

  Finally, Taylor Hamilton would be hers.

  Damn if he didn’t almost come just by looking at Allison. The soft lighting filtering in from the living room was enough to let him to see her clearly.

  From her long legs to her rounded hips, she was perfection. Unlike women he’d been with before, she was assured enough to allow him to take his time to admire her body.

  He hated it when women focused too much on the imperfections and attempted to hide themselves. Not Allison.

  She was plush, with a soft mound for a stomach and a hint of a roll above her waist. That place in particular, just above her waist made his mouth water and he couldn’t wait to lick and nip at the soft skin.

  When she crooked her finger inviting him to join her in bed, she didn’t have to repeat herself.

  Taking her with him, they tumbled onto the bed and he instantly wanted to be inside of her.

  When she giggled, he was relieved. He was a damn idiot. Had to take things slower. What he wanted more than anything at the moment was to dive into her and fuck her until he came. But that would happen soon enough. For now, he’d follow her lead.

  “I want you Taylor. Can’t make up my mind if I want to enjoy touching and kissing, take our time or to demand you fuck me hard and fast.”

  He took the decision away from her. “We can do both.”

  He covered her mouth while settling between her thighs, the plushness almost enough to make him senseless. Taking his dick in hand, he maneuvered to her center and thrust in.

  “Ah!” both said in unison, stilling for a moment. She was hot, wet and tight. Taylor wasn’t sure he could move an inch without losing control.

  Good thing his body took over independently. He pulled out and dove back into her, the movement steady while he could keep it. Each time however sent him farther into what was all Allison. The sounds she made combined with the silky skin and softness of her body made his entire world spin.

  This would not be a give and take. No way in hell.

  He took all and thankfully so did Allison. She cried out, her nails digging into his ass until his entire body shook.

  Only a couple thrusts more and he was unable to stop the climax. He came so hard his eyes crossed and toes curled.

  When he collapsed on top of her, Allison began twirling her tongue just below his ear and damn if his cock didn’t stir.

  Yeah, round two would be slow and steady.

  Chapter 10

  Taylor slept like he made love. With reckless abandon.

  Currently, he was sprawled across her bed. One arm above his head, the other across his midsection, he’d kicked off most of the blankets and was only covered across the hips with the sheet.

  With every breath his chest expanded, calling to her to touch and feel the wide expanse. She gave in and ran her hand over the heated skin, enjoying the valleys and hills of the muscles down his stomach. Although he shifted, Taylor didn’t wake. Instead, he turned his face away and continued sleeping.

  Her lips curved as she kissed the dip between his pecs and trailed her tongue down past his flat stomach. Then taking his sex in hand, she licked from the base to the tip, hesitating when his breathing hitched.

  After twirling her tongue around the tip, his hips jutted upward, a clear signal to proceed. She opened wide to allow the thickness of him to push past her lips.

  Allison made sure to prolong the moment until he lost control and yanked her over atop him and drove into her body.

  After another bout of lovemaking, Taylor excused himself to shower and Allison pulled an oversized t-shirt over leggings and went to the kitchen. She pondered what would happen next. Of course he’d try to let her down gently.

  Would it be the “I’ve got too much going on right now”, or the “This was a one-time thing”?

  She stirred creamer into her coffee and watched as the color lightened. It would be the latter. He’d be nice about it, but it would still be awkward.

  A breeze blew in through the open kitchen window chilling the room and she took in
a deep breath. These few moments before he came out of her bedroom were perfect. To pretend it was the start of a relationship and that he would admit to wanting to spend more time with her. Yes it was silly, but she did just that.

  Just then across the street a man stopped and looked up at her window. For a moment or two they locked gazes. He was young, perhaps thirty and wore a thick blue jacket. Chills traveled up her spine. Could it be the killer?

  Was he the man on the dark street two days ago? She looked behind to see if Taylor was there and considered reaching for her phone, but it was on the coffee table.

  When she looked back the man was gone. It couldn’t be him. The killer would be long gone by now. It was her imagination at work. Of course, that was it.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Allison jerked around, coffee sloshing out of her cup. She put it down and wiped the counter with a dishtowel.

  “No...I don’t think so.”

  When he neared, she could see what made him a good detective. He immediately looked out the window and then met her gaze. “What happened?”

  “How did you know I was nervous?”

  “I saw you look out the window searching, your right hand across your chest.”

  Now she felt even more ill at ease. Taylor had been watching her and she’d not noticed.

  She let out a long sigh. “I’m sure it’s my imagination. I looked out and there was a man standing there.” She pointed to a street sign.

  “He was looking up here at my window. And then when I looked again, he was gone.”

  Taylor came up beside her and put his arm around her shoulders. The gesture made Allison want to cry. “Was there something about him that was familiar?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t say. It was strange. We kinda stared at each other for a moment. He didn’t smile or wave or nothing. Is that weird? Am I being stupid? Please tell me.”

  “No not at all. It’s natural to be suspicious right now. He could have just been admiring you and got caught.”

  She wanted to believe him. However, the man seemed to be mad when she looked at him. Again, probably her overactive brain even less affective since the night before.


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