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Broken: Taylor

Page 10

by Hildie McQueen

  Through narrowed eyes, he saw Allison laugh at something Ben said and they shared it with Mindy who joined in. Eric lowered to sit beside Mindy, whom Taylor knew his cousin was interested in.

  That left him with Felicia if everyone was partnered up. Which he decided was not a thing.

  Seeming to sense his aggravation, Felicia met his gaze and then looked to where Ben and Allison sat. “Interesting group of people. Maybe next time I’ll bring a date. Seems like this is a pairs thing.”

  Taylor shrugged and began eating. Despite the annoyance of seeing Allison out with his friend, the food was amazing.

  After eating, Henry, the self appointed social director, got everyone to agree to a board game. The only two not playing were him and Allison, who came and sat next to him.

  “How’s the healing coming along? Her husky voice traveled straight through him. “I got updates from Leah, but haven’t heard about anything lately.”

  She didn’t seem angry. Her long fingers trailed down the side of the beer bottle as she watched the game.

  “Slow going. The physical therapy is a barrel of fun.”

  “Hmmm. It always seems to be the worst part. When Jaden, my stepson, had a car accident, he messed up his knee and said the pain of the injury was less than the pain during the physical therapy.”

  He’d not heard much about her stepson, other than knowing the boy was at least twenty-five and on his own. He didn’t remember much about Allison’s life after high school. He was already in college by the time she graduated and since he’d gone from there to Billings, he’d missed out on knowing whom she married.

  “Your ex-husband live here in Laurel Creek?”

  “No. He lives in Seattle. Actually, Jaden lives there too.”

  She laughed when someone made a mistake costing a point and high-fived Ben. The throaty sound made him want to high five the guy too, fist to face.

  Before the game ended, he got up. Immediately, Ernest and Henry rushed to his aid making him want to growl. Instead, he let them help him up the stairs and away from Allison Brennan.

  “Kinda thought you’d punch Ben out a couple of times. Maybe it’s a good thing you can’t move too fast.” Eric laughed. It was almost midnight and everyone except Felicia, who was bunking there, had left.

  “What are you talking about?” Taylor stared at the television. It may as well have been Sesame Street, as he’d not paid the movie any attention.

  Eric sat down and put a foot up on the ottoman. “You didn’t bother hiding your emotions well. Kinda disappointing for an old cop.”

  “I feel like shit. That’s the emotion I have.”

  “Bull. Shit.”

  “What about Mindy? You waiting on a meteor to fly by with a banner? You moving awful slow Cuz.”

  Eric let out a long breath. “Her brother just died and besides, she seems kinda gun shy. Every time I am near her, she gets all stiff and shit.”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  “Takes one to know one.” Eric looked to the back of the house where Felicia was. “What’s up with her?”

  “She’s being a protector of some kind. As a matter of fact, I think she is interested in Ben and tonight didn’t exactly give her any warm fuzzies.”

  Eric began laughing and soon Taylor joined in. “We’re a bunch of idiots. All the dynamics going on, it’s crazy.”

  Eric chuckled a few times. “So you like Allison, but she was on a date with Ben who Felicia digs and Mindy gets twitchy around me. The only couple that had their shit together tonight were the two dudes. That’s hilarious.”

  “Right.” Taylor didn’t find it as hilarious as he would have liked. As much as he’d wanted to contact Allison, it had been too hard. Dealing with all the shit that hit him in the face after seeing Janice and then the surgery had left him drained.

  Although he’d thought of Allison all the time, he wasn’t sure it was a good idea to contact her and give her any ideas regarding a future.

  The doctors were hesitant to give him an “everything will be fine” response. His pelvic bone had to be reconstructed. That was followed by two weeks of bed rest to allow the bone to heal. Then there was the wonderful carnival ride of going back in when something wasn’t quite right.

  The shattered bone wasn’t cooperating. He’d then gone through hip replacement and while they were in there, they’d reinforced his femur.

  “You’re a lucky man. The bullets hit everything but the main artery,” the docs had spouted.

  Yeah lucky. The lottery prize was a lifetime of pain and limping. Not to mention the fact any kind of sex would have to be in some kind of alternate position. Which position exactly, he wasn’t quite sure of yet.

  Eric’s head lulled to the side and he jerked awake. “Hey, I need to help you get settled. I’m about to pass out.”

  Although Taylor grumbled about it, he had a great family. As he closed his eyes in the double recliner he’d been sleeping in, his last thoughts were of how to make love to Allison.

  The next day it was quiet. Eric was gone to work and Felicia had left early that morning.

  The only one in the house besides him was Eric’s German Shepard, Scout.

  The dog was trained so well, it was as if a person was actually there to keep an eye on him. The huge animal laid in front of the fireplace his head on his front paws. Although his eyes closed from time to time, they would open and look to him.

  Obviously, the command had been for Scout to watch after him. It was his third day there. He’d come to Eric’s instead of his own home because it was the only house with a recliner. He couldn’t sleep in a regular bed and get out of it by himself.

  The way he saw it, one bachelor pad was as good as another. It wasn’t like he was going to spend time doing much more than surfing the Internet and watching television. Thankfully, the newest edition of Assassin’s Creed was out, so that gave him plenty to keep his mind busy with.

  Although it hurt like a motherfucker at physical therapy, whenever he was still the hip area was pretty much pain free now. He wasn’t steady while walking yet, but it didn’t hurt as much anymore.

  It would be weeks before he was considered fully recovered by the doctors and given the go ahead to return to work on the ranch. With Scout along and a walker, he was able to make it to his truck and drive to his appointments, which pissed off the doctors.

  He went to physical therapy three times a week. Each time he’d start sweating before making it through the door. Today however, all he had to look forward to was gaming and leftovers. In his book, it was as perfect as one could get.

  The bell over the door at the café dinged and Mindy looked up as Eric walked in. Immediately she stiffened. It was so annoying how nervous he made her.

  For the first time in her life, she was attracted to a man to the point of distraction and this was how she reacted. What the hell was wrong with her?

  With jerky movements, she managed to ring up a customer and waited for the man to pick up the cup and plate with a muffin instead of her usual motions of lifting and handing the items over. It was best not to drench a customer in boiling hot coffee.

  “Good morning,” Eric said glancing in her direction before studying the menu. “Got any cinnamon raisin bagels?”

  “Sorry, we sold out.”

  “Got any pumpkin pie?” He continued staring at the menu.

  “We never sell it.” She narrowed her eyes at him and was about to ask what he was up to but he interrupted.

  “I really would love a slice of cheesecake.”

  Mindy looked to her display and to him. “I have croissants, oatmeal muffins, cheese Danishes and white, wheat or rye toast.”

  “Ever consider adding to your menu?” Eric glanced at her and back at the menu. “It’s quite limited.”

  Annoyed, she huffed, “We make breakfast and lunch sandwiches. On Wednesdays, we make quiche. It’s what we do. Is there anything on the menu you’d like?”

  This time he met her gaze. Hi
s hazel eyes lingered on hers and then trailed to her lips. “Actually, no I don’t see what I really want on the menu.”

  Someone seated giggled and Eric turned to the older woman and winked. When he looked back to her, Mindy was sure her face was bright red.

  “So, coffee and a sausage and cheese croissant as usual then.” She didn’t ask, but stated what he usually ate and turned to the small window where her employee was slicing meat. “Sausage and cheese croissant please Jenny.”

  She took longer than necessary to pour his coffee into the insulated mug he always carried since her hand was shaking. Then before facing him, she took a slow breath hoping he didn’t notice.

  Eric was speaking to the woman when she turned. “So you see, I think Miss Mindy here doesn’t like me much. So I try to annoy her as much as possible.”

  “That’s not true. I don’t dislike you.” Mindy rolled her eyes.

  “She’s lying,” he told the delighted woman. “She’s being nice because you’re here.”

  Unable to figure out what exactly was happening, Mindy could only remain transfixed as he bent to look at a picture the woman showed him on her phone. The woman explained that her now deceased husband had been a police officer.

  Mindy had to admit that Eric was mouthwateringly attractive. His rear pointed to her, she allowed her gaze to linger before trailing it up past his slender waist to the broad back. In his gear, the man could stop traffic without moving a finger.

  “Up!” Jenny screamed more than said and plopped the sandwich on the counter.

  “Do you want this to go?” Mindy asked Eric’s back.

  He neared and picked up the coffee cup. “Yep. Thanks.”

  Although she wanted him to leave so her breathing would normalize, she’d hoped not to have to wrap up the meal and bag it.

  Thankfully a couple walked in and engaged Eric in a conversation and she was distracted enough to get his food bagged.

  When he reached for the bag, his fingers touched the back of her hand and Eric met her gaze. “See you tomorrow.”

  “If only I was twenty years younger,” the older woman said with a sigh. “He’s a cutie, isn’t he?” She smiled at Mindy.

  “Yes ma’am. He is.”

  And he was a flirt who enjoyed making her uncomfortable.

  Chapter 18

  Allison wasn’t sure what to do when a car pulled up in front of her shop. Moments later, Felicia’s face was visible as the woman leaned to the passenger side to look at her window.

  Great. Just what she needed, some sort of jealous drama. Although Allison wasn’t sure what Felicia was upset about. She’d pretty much stayed away from Taylor the entire night except for a few moments during the board game.

  The woman’s sharp gaze met hers as she walked in. “I am not here to buy anything.”

  “Okay,” Allison said drawing out the ‘O’. “What can I do for you?”

  “Look, I feel as if I was less than friendly last night. But my protective side comes out when it comes to Taylor. I thought y’all had something going on, so when you showed up with Ben...”

  “Ben and I are just friends. Nothing will develop there. It’s not me you should be protecting Taylor from. He’s not interested in me in the least.”

  Her right eyebrow lifted, as she seemed to consider what to say next. “So you and Ben...nada?”

  “Nope. But it was a great first date.” It was interesting when the woman frowned at her insinuating there could be a second. “Can I ask why you’re so invested in this?”

  She let out a breath. “Just what I said. Taylor’s going through a rough time... Making sure things don’t get complicated for him.”

  Although it was none of the woman’s business and her visit made little sense, Allison decided it was best to tell it like it was.

  “Things between Taylor and I fizzled. Not because of me, but because of him. I had not heard from him in almost two months. So up until last night we’d not spoken. Honestly, I don’t expect to in the future either. If he’s pining or interested in anyone, I can guarantee you it’s not me.”

  Felicia’s one shoulder shrug annoyed Allison. “Yeah, well, I see things differently. Maybe you should talk to Eric. See you around,” Felicia said waving her hand dismissively over her shoulder as she walked out.

  One thing was for sure, she and Felicia would never be best friends. Allison hated people who spoke in riddles. Why the hell would she speak to Eric? If anything, there were already too many people all up in her business.

  Later that afternoon, just before closing, her cell phone dinged. Leah was inviting her for dinner. For a few moments she considered declining, but her friend was an amazing cook and her current plans for dinner were a bowl of pasta with butter in front of the television. So she texted back she’d be there and bring salad.

  Through the windshield, Hamilton ranch came into view and as Allison passed Taylor’s house, she recalled those innocent days back when she was twelve. He’d been her girlish crush. Taylor was the boy who haunted her every daydream and late-night musings.

  Something crossed the road, she didn’t see much more than a large shadow before swerving to miss it. The car went sideways when she over corrected and before she could turn the wheel, she slammed into some trees.

  The airbag deployed slamming her in the face and everything went fuzzy. It made no sense, what happened? Allison attempted to catch her breath, but it was hard to. Her eyelids fell and she attempted to open her eyes only to fail. Finally the need to keep them closed was too strong to resist.

  “Allison?” Everything was hazy, but Taylor’s voice was clear as a bell. “Don’t move. Someone’s coming.” His hand touched the side of her face. “You banged your head pretty good.”

  “Damn badger,” she muttered.


  “Something ran across the road. I think it was a badger or a dog.” She grimaced and turned to look at him all the while blinking. “I’m okay. Just a bit woozy.”

  “I called for an ambulance.” His face finally came into focus. The car’s lights were still on and the engine continued running.

  “I should cut off the engine...”

  “Don’t. They told me not to let you move in case of a spinal injury.”

  Allison knew her eyes rounded as she wiggled her toes. “I can move my toes.” She tightened and relaxed her knees. “I think I’m okay. I don't want to go anywhere in an ambulance. That’s overkill.”

  He looked back toward the road. “I saw your car when I was driving home just now.”

  “Should you be driving?”

  He didn’t reply, but instead turned to look to his right. “That’s probably Luke and Leah. I called them when I saw your car.”

  Although not too far off the road, it had to have been hard for Taylor to manage to get there. “You shouldn’t be here. You could fall and reinjure yourself. Make sure to wait for Luke to get here before moving.”

  “Kinda bossy for someone who just crashed into a tree, or three.”

  “Yeah well, I don’t think my head bump is anywhere as bad as what you’re rocking there guy.”

  He shrugged, looking away. “Over here,” he called out and waved. “Bring a flashlight.”

  Within minutes not only were Luke and Leah taking turns staring at her, but also the paramedics arrived and strapped her onto a flat board. As they carried her to the ambulance, Taylor stood with Luke watching.

  Leah walked along beside her. “I’m coming with you. Do you want me to call Jaden?”

  “You don’t have to, but thanks. Let’s wait until they find out nothing’s wrong and then I’ll call him.”

  It took over three hours and many grumblings later before the doctor pronounced her with a light concussion. He reluctantly agreed to her going home as long as Leah promised to keep an eye on her.

  Allison was bundled into Taylor’s truck, which for some reason was outside when she was discharged.

  “I am so hungry,” Allison whine
d, not caring if she sounded like a five-year-old. “I can’t believe I trashed my car. I hope Leah has leftovers.”

  “Since she’s been at the hospital the entire time, I’m sure she does. Pretty certain she’ll feed us when we get there. Whether we want to eat or not.”

  She was sporting a heck of a lump on her forehead and the doctor warned she’d have two black eyes by morning from the airbag hitting the glasses she’d been wearing.

  They drove in silence for the first fifteen or so minutes. Allison couldn’t think of anything to say to him. Instead she went through a list of things she’d have to do to deal with the accident.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call you.” Taylor’s features were unreadable thanks to the darkness. The lights from the dashboard were not enough for her to make out any expression.

  Allison wanted to slap him. This was not exactly the time for the conversation. She was starving, had a headache, and was worried about her car. Not to mention Jaden threatening to come get her and bring her to live in Seattle, as if she were ancient. At forty-three, she still had at least another forty years before someone could claim she was too old to live alone.

  But she supposed to a kid in his twenties, she was old. Her lips curved at her stepson demanding a video conversation so he could make sure she was truly alive. Thank goodness the black eyes had not made an appearance yet.

  “Between personal shit and the surgery, I wasn’t in any shape to do more than feel sorry for myself,” Taylor continued, seeming to take her silence for not being convinced he meant well.

  Allison touched his forearm. “You were not under any obligation to do so. Leah kept me informed of your progress. Seems like you’ve gone through a lot.” I wanted to be there for you.

  He’d not wanted her there and that was what bothered her. When a person cares, they want them there during the worst times. At least that’s how she felt.


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