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Broken: Taylor

Page 12

by Hildie McQueen

  So much for wearing concealer and makeup. “No, I hit a tree night before last. The airbag smashed my face. My car is totaled but the tree and whatever animal ran across the road are both good.”

  “Oh goodness.” Her friend placed the box of vases she’d carried into the flower shop on the counter. “I hit a pole once. Messed my car up, but I pretended it was Tobias and felt better.” Tori laughed at her own joke.

  Allison grinned. “I wish you two would sit down and talk like adults instead of always arguing. There’s something still there, you know?”

  “Yep.” Tori nodded with furrowed brows. “Mutual dislike.”

  The wreath on her decorating table in hues of gold and dark brown was finished and Allison walked around the counter to hang it on the front door. Soon they’d decorate for winter, but she held on to the fall décor as it was her favorite season, the changes in the air and colors made for a beautiful time of year in Montana.

  “You know you don’t dislike him. If he didn’t argue with you regularly, you’d miss him.”

  Tori opened the door to the chiller where the flowers were stored. “Oh man, I know I said just greenery and baby’s breath, but I think I want those pretty orange flowers too.

  “Good choice, dahlias will last a good bit.” Allison studied the short white vases. “Why don’t you live dangerously and we use rosemary sprigs instead of the baby’s breath?”

  After Tori left, Allison was glad for the busy work. She clipped the ends of the flowers and lined them up. Two for each of the fourteen vases along with sprigs of rosemary and a green bud for additional color would make pretty table adornments. She pulled a spool of gold ribbon and tied a bow around each vase and then placed a piece of wet foam into the bottom of each.

  She fussed more than necessary over each arrangement while drinking tea and listening to soft music. The fragrance of the flowers and her tea always filled her with calmness. And yet her mind kept wandering to what happened between her and Taylor nights earlier.

  He’d kissed her and been so complimentary. If only he would be clear and tell her exactly what was going on.

  Then again, she could have been direct and asked. After all, hadn’t she once told Leah to take charge and go after what she wanted?

  In all honestly, she wanted Taylor, and a relationship with him. One thing that had always annoyed her was how women sat around waiting for a guy to declare himself. Everyone knew men rarely thought further than the next time they’d get laid.

  When it came to finances, careers and such, males were right on for the most part. But in her experience, they ended up in relationships without even knowing it.

  Her lips curved. Perhaps it was time to take control.

  Taylor answered on the second ring. His deep voice instantly sent a chill through her. “Hey, you all right?”

  “Yes. I’m good. How are you?” Okay lame start, not sexy at all.

  “Good.” Pause.

  Time to get a bit edgy. “Been thinking’ about you.”

  “Oh yeah?” She hoped he was smiling. It sounded like he was. “About me?”

  “The kiss mostly. You naked a lot.” Whoa, she could barely keep from bursting out laughing. She sounded like a porn site.

  “Augh. Wow. Was this last night after too much wine?” His voice got deeper. Then he cleared his throat. “I like the thought of you naked. Kinda early for phone sex, but I’m down.”

  Phone sex? No. No. No. This was going all wrong. Shit.

  Allison tried again. “Would you like to come over for dinner?” Now it sounded like a booty call. This was not at all what she wanted. She’d wanted to let him know...

  “I would, but I don’t think I can manage your stairs yet. Can’t manage a lot right now...unfortunately.”

  “Oh. Right. No. Damn it.”

  “Hey,” he said quickly as if hoping she’d not hang up. “How about you come here? I can cook something. I’ll get rid of Eric.”

  Allison burst out laughing. “I’m a dork. I didn’t mean to call and start phone sex. I wanted to invite you for dinner to talk. That’s it. I promise.”

  “I like that you think of me naked. So don’t take that back.” Taylor chuckled. “Come over tonight.”



  She hung up and groaned. What the hell had just happened? Question number two, how the hell was she supposed to get there? Her car was in some junkyard and other than a bicycle, which had a flat tire she had no transportation.

  An hour later, the aroma of Italian spices made her stomach grumble as she walked into Tori’s restaurant. It was a small place but the food was amazing. Every night, the tables were filled with people wanting to sample the small menu of pasta, pizza and amazing Panini’s.

  Tori walked out wiping her hands on a dishtowel. “Let me help.”

  They walked back outside to a rolling cart that she’d used to bring the vases across the street on. Allison hadn’t wanted to roll it inside since the sidewalk was wet from a slight drizzle.

  “Can I borrow your car tonight?” Allison blurted as both walked in with a vase in each hand. “Taylor invited me over for dinner.”

  “Oooh.” Tori wiggled her eyebrows. “He’s ready to test drive the new hip huh?”

  “No! It’s not like that. Not at all.”

  “Don’t worry about bringing my car back until tomorrow, I’m not going anywhere.” Tori smiled.

  After several more trips, they went about placing the flowers on each table.

  Lights shined out from the windows and two lampposts in front of Eric’s house made it easy to see. The only vehicle was Taylor’s truck, which was parked parallel to the porch. It was a good idea, to make it easier for him to get in and out without much trouble.

  In jeans and a loose sweatshirt, she did her best not to dress for a booty call. Hopefully he’d get the message of her just wanting to talk.

  Thankfully the application of full coverage makeup made her look less like an abuse victim and the knot on her forehead had lessened dramatically.

  In her leather tote, she’d brought a bottle of wine although she remembered he’d not had anything to drink at the cookout due to medications. She’d need at least one glass to come up with the courage to tackle the conversation after the phone call.

  “Come in,” Taylor called out and she opened the door, which was unlocked.

  Eric’s house was what she expected from a bachelor’s place. The only furnishings were a leather couch, a recliner and a huge television. Beside the television there was a gaming system on the entertainment unit and controllers of all kinds on the side tables.

  The television was set to some sort of football talk show at a soft volume, with two wide shouldered men looking quite serious as they discussed the sport.

  “I’m in here,” Taylor called from the kitchen. “Sorry not to greet you, but didn’t want this sauce to get lumpy.”

  Standing at the stove, he turned and smiled at her, a subtle dimple forming in his left cheek. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” Allison dragged her gaze from his to notice he’d made a salad and placed a bottle of wine in an ice-filled caddy. “I brought wine too. Red.”

  “Making Alfredo sauce. Hope you like chicken Alfredo.” He stirred the sauce and poured some sort of cream into it.

  The aroma made her stomach growl. “It smells amazing.” She went around the counter. “Would you like some wine?”

  “Sure,” he replied not turning and still stirring. “Either one is fine.”

  She poured his wine into two glasses and sipped from hers. It was a buttery pinot grigio. “Didn’t take you for a wine drinker.”

  “Yep,” he said turning to look at her. “I developed a taste for it in Billings. A pal of mine was always going to wineries and tastings. I tagged along for something to do and ended up enjoying them.”

  She handed him the other glass and he held it up for a toast. “To quick healing.” His gaze swept over her face. “Looks like yo
u’re mending pretty quick.”

  “That and good makeup.” Allison moved away, his attention made her want to reach out and touch and that would certainly send the opposite message.

  Dinner was delicious. They sat across from each other at the kitchen table and drank another glass of wine with the meal.

  She looked around the room. “What did you do with Eric? He could have stayed.”

  “He went over to Tobias’. They’re gaming or something.”

  “I don’t want to impose. We could have met for dinner.”

  “Last time we went out to dinner, some guy slipped you his phone number.”

  Interesting, he had noticed. Allison chuckled. “That's right. I forgot about that.”

  “So you never called him?”


  His lips curved but he didn’t say anything as he pushed up to collect the plates. Allison helped him rinse and place them in the sink. He insisted she leave everything else as is and they went into the living room.

  Taylor moved with an assured fluidity that made one barely notice his limp. Perhaps it was the fact he had an amazing and distracting physique so Allison couldn’t help but follow his every movement.

  “Anything you want to watch?” Taylor held the remote control and pointed it to the television. “Movie?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Channels flicked and different shows popped onto the screen, both or one would say no and Taylor would flip to the next one. Finally both stopped and stared at the screen as a couple in the throws of sex was splayed across the screen. Taylor’s Adam’s apple bobbed and Allison cleared her throat. “Porn channel?”

  The screen changed to an action flick and Taylor put the control down. “HBO. Same thing.”

  He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips. The action broke the ice and at once Allison felt at ease. “You need to tell me what’s up. Something’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”

  How to start? “Yes. I suppose there is. I’ve decided to take my own advice and be up front with you.”

  “Okay.” His face hardened as if he waited for her to tell him she was going to die or something. “What’s up?”

  After a couple sips of wine, she put the glass aside and she met his gaze. “I want to date. Get to know you on a personal level.”

  “Date?” Clue in the oblivious male. “Go out to places you mean? I though we already do that.”

  “No, we don’t. We went out once as friends. You guarded me after the murder. We slept together and then you never called me again.”

  “You know why.” Once again, he pressed a kiss to her lips. “I want to date you too.”

  “Taylor. Are you taking me serious?”

  Another Kiss. “Very much so.”

  “Stop it.” Her pulse was jumping and it became hard to breathe normally. “I mean a relationship.”

  His brows went from furrowing to rising. “You don't want that.”

  “Yes, I do.” This time she couldn’t help but kiss him back. “I want to see where we can take this. There’s definitely chemistry between us.”

  With a long intake of breath, his wide chest lifted and lowered and he pulled Allison against him. The hard surface was warm and enticing her to press her lips against his throat.

  “Not sure I can satisfy a woman right now Allison. It’ll be a while before I can do much. You don’t need to be dating a man who can’t make love to you the right way.”

  She pushed up, resisting the urge to smack him. “Taylor, seriously? Although I admit sex with you is great, that is not my main motivator. I care for more than your body. Despite what I said during the stupid phone call earlier.”

  He didn’t look convinced. Instead once again pulled her against him. This time Allison gave in to the urge and kissed his throat, trailing her lips from the side of his jawline to his ear. “You know you like me,” she whispered and traced his ear with her tongue. “You wanna kiss me.”

  The deep rumble of his chuckle was oh so sexy.

  Taylor turned his head to the side allowing her more access to his throat. She slid her right hand down his chest past the ridges of his stomach, careful to avoid his injured side.

  A low rumble sounded when she traced the hardness between Taylor’s legs and his mouth took hers. The kiss was hungry and hard, his need for more without question.

  Taylor pulled back, his breathing shallow and fast. “How about a refill on that wine?”

  There was no question in her mind he was attracted to her, but he’d not agreed to a relationship and without saying it out loud had turned down her offer.

  How do you hide disappointment coupled with embarrassment? He was not interested in her outside of sex. The “at least you tried” self-talk would not work to help remove the sting of his rejection.

  “No thank you. I better head back. Better take my time and not hit a tree with Tori’s car.”

  His downcast gaze hid whatever he was thinking as Allison slid to stand. With the wine glasses in hand, she went to the kitchen to place them on the counter and retrieve her purse.

  “Thank you for dinner Taylor. It was delicious.”

  Taylor stood by the door and when she reached for her jacket, which she’d thrown over the back of a chair, he covered her hand.

  “I’m not sure I want you to leave.”

  What the hell was that supposed to mean? She was seriously starting to get tired of his mixed signals.

  His nonverbal reply had basically been, “I can’t make love to you, therefore nix on the relationship”.

  Followed by “I don’t want you to leave, therefore, maybe there’s a chance”.

  “What do you want? You confuse me.”

  Not taking his eyes from her, he slipped the purse strap from her shoulder and put it on the chair.

  “Don’t be confused.” When Taylor took a step toward her, Allison took one back. Her back against the door, Taylor trapped her and took her chin in his hand to tip her face up. “I want more with you. I just don’t want you to settle...” he left the rest of the sentence unsaid, as he searched her face.

  There it was. Insecurity. The one thing she’d never think or expect when it came to Taylor Hamilton. He was always so strong. Like an unmovable boulder to which one could cling when the current of life threatened.

  “Never settle Allison. You are so vibrant.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Her voice pitched up a couple of octaves. “One thing you are not is someone a woman “settles” for. Have you seen yourself in the mirror? I mean, yeah you’re hot as all get out. But how shallow do you think I am?” She was rambling and needed to stop.

  Thank goodness, he covered her mouth with his.

  “Come back. Sit down,” Taylor said.

  “I can’t. I better go.” There was little certainty in her voice. Even she could hear the lack of commitment to leaving. But damn it, it was a mistake to stay there. Not only could things become awkward, but also he did not want a relationship. Taylor was being a nice guy and making sure they remained friendly.

  “Maybe we can go out for pizza later this week,” she offered. “I have to go to the city in a couple of days to get a car. Ben’s taking me. He likes car shopping. Or so he says.” Once again Allison couldn’t stop talking. When nervous, her mouth went on automatic ramble mode. “Maybe I’ll get a little truck this time...”

  “Allison.” His deep voice stopped her babbling and his hand cupping her face made her still. “I do want you. More than anything, but...”

  “Stop it Taylor. Tell me what do you want? If you are willing to try a relationship, I am too. But if you’re not sure then I’m gone. There won’t be any hard feelings.

  “I do want it’s just that...” Taylor let out a long breath.

  He stopped talking when Allison slipped her hands under the dark t-shirt he wore. As the fabric rose, it revealed a toned taut muscular physique that only came from constant workouts.

  She remained t
ransfixed when his hazel eyes met hers and she unfastened the top button of his jeans. Once again uncertainty flickered, but only for a moment as the corner of his lips lifted.

  “You sure you want to see this?”

  Just above the waistband on his left side two scars peeked. The skin was pink seeming not yet totally healed.

  “Yes.” Allison nodded, more interested in the man than a scar. She understood how important it was for him. Men after all were visual in nature. He could reveal his intestines hanging out and it would not diminish her attraction. Okay so that was a bit gross.

  For her, what was important was the strong heart beating in his chest and the soul of the man.

  He lowered the left side and shame on her, but instead of looking at the scar, her eyes shot to the trail of dusting of hair that went down from his belly button.

  Finally, she dragged her gaze from that point to where the laparoscope had dug into his body. Three deep circles puckered the skin in a large triangle through jagged scarred skin.

  Fresh and older scars intermingled creating something like she’d seen on burn victims. Although not attractive in the least, it wasn’t as bad as she’d imagined.

  “Can I touch you?”

  Taylor nodded and held his breath. “Yeah.”

  With tentative fingers, she brushed over the skin. It was warm, soft and not any different than normal skin, other than the dips and ridges.”

  When her hand slid over where the holes had been stitched, Taylor tensed. Allison pulled her hand back. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”

  “No.” He frowned. “It feels good actually. The itching is pretty bad.”

  He turned to his right so she could get a better look and the sight made her want to cry. Where the bullets exited they’d caused a lot of damage. The surgeons had pulled the skin tight to close up the wounds, which caused puckering and deformity. A patch of sorts had been added and still the skin tugged up from his hip to the side.

  “They tried to fix it, but Eric said it looks worse.”

  Although he spoke in a casual tone, it was obvious by the hesitancy of each word, that he was nervous about her reaction. This time she didn’t ask permission, and touched the skin. “I’m glad it’s not as painful as it looks. I caught a glimpse of your back when you were at my place. I have to agree with Eric. Why did they go back in?”


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