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Boy Aviators with the Air Raiders: A Story of the Great World War

Page 16

by John Henry Goldfrap



  "Just in time to help me out in planning a bill of fare for supper,too," Pudge told them. "There are some tinned meats here, but I'd prefersomething good and warm."

  That difficulty was soon swept aside, for the others nominated severaldishes they chanced to be exceedingly fond of, and Pudge found he wasgoing to have his hands full preparing them with such limitedaccommodations.

  However, willing hands make light work, and both Frank and Billy wereready to give him all the assistance required; so that in the end theyhad quite a feast spread upon the little drop-table that took up nospace at all when not required for use.

  It was a peculiar supper-setting, with only that one lantern to givethem light. Of course they could have used the acetylene lamps, buttheir supply of carbide was rather low, and there could be no certaintyabout obtaining a further amount, so Frank thought it best to husbandwhat they had.

  The weird appearance of the big seaplane added more or less to thestrangeness of their surroundings. Still, by this time, all of the boyshad become so accustomed to seeing its bat-like wings, and the boat bodywith the spoon-shaped bow that they would have missed it had the hangarbeen empty.

  Over the meal they chatted in low tones, discussing many thingsconnected with their mission across the sea. Little was said concerningthe contemplated dash laid out for the following morning, because in thefirst place they knew none of the particulars; and then again the raidwas the Allies' secret, not theirs.

  The unexpected presence of that concealed spy had given them a rudejolt. They appeared to be living in an atmosphere of espionage; andsomehow it seemed as though hostile eyes and ears might be close by,even though unseen.

  When finally they were through, it was remembered that they had decidedto give the chilled guards a treat; so Pudge brewed a copious amount ofstrong coffee that was of a rich dark color, and had the "odor ofambrosia," as Billy called it.

  "Since you've done so much, Pudge," remarked Frank, "you're going to bethe one to go along with me on the rounds. So get that big tin cup, andwe'll carry the can of condensed Swiss milk with us. We might as wellgive them the coffee just as they fancy it, either black or with thefixings."

  Pudge beamed on his chum. Evidently he had not expected to be favoredwith an invitation like this; for as a rule he was apt to be left behindon account of his well-known clumsiness.

  Frank, however, was wise enough to carry the steaming pot of coffeehimself, as an insurance against spilling. If Pudge did happen to tripover some unseen obstruction and measure his length he could hardly doworse than spill the thick condensed milk, or dent the big tin cup.

  So they started forth, and coming to the gate first of all surprised thetwo khaki-clad Tommies there. How eagerly they in turn quaffed thecontents of that common tin cup can be imagined, for the night air wasgrowing cold, and a dismal prospect stared them in the face.

  Frank carried the lantern in one hand; it was in the dark of the moon,and he meant that none of the guards should make a mistake and fire uponthem for unwelcome prowlers.

  News of their coming was sent on ahead, each sentinel calling out to thenext one; and in this way the boys made the complete rounds, neglectingnone.

  When they finally returned to the building it was with an empty pot, andthe satisfaction of knowing they had done something to cheer up thebrave fellows who were protecting their property.

  Frank himself went the rounds of the hangar once more to make sure thateverything was as it should be. There was a sense of responsibilityresting on him that the others did not feel in the same degree, forBilly was one of those care-free individuals, and as for Pudge, did youever know of a fat, good-natured boy worrying?

  "I hope we don't have any trouble between now and dawn," Billy was heardto say as they began to get things ready for sleeping, each having ablanket, as well as some cushions with which to form a rude bed.

  "Yes, because to-morrow ought to be a big day for the _Sea EagleCompany, Limited_," added Pudge, swelling a little with pride as hepronounced that name. "In fact, it promises to eclipse anything we'veever stacked up against before in all our travels."

  "It was all very fine," commented Billy, "to knock around the MoonMountains in Africa, meeting up with wild beasts and wilder men; it wasthrilling to be away down there in the frozen regions of the Antarctic;but let me tell you all those happenings rolled into one couldn't equala trip over the fighting lines of two great armies in a death grapplealong the trenches."

  "I'm not going to get one wink of sleep this whole night, thinking aboutit," asserted Pudge, shaking his head in a sad fashion; but somehow histhreat did not seem to give either of his chums the slightest degree ofanxiety, for they knew what an enormous propensity Pudge had for sleep.

  It may have been about ten o'clock when they all lay down and tried tolose themselves in slumber. The lantern had been extinguished, but Frankhad things fixed so that if any sudden necessity arose he could press abutton that was close by his hand and illuminate the interior of thehangar with the searchlight connected with the seaplane.

  Just as they expected, Pudge was breathing stertorously before sevenminutes had crept by, proving his dismal foreboding to have been anempty threat. Billy was the next one to drop off; and finally Frank,too, lost track of things after he had tried various expedients in thehope of forgetting himself.

  They were aroused by a sudden loud noise that sounded like an explosion.All of them sat upright as though brought in contact with a galvanicbattery; but Frank desisted even when his hand was in the act ofreaching for the button connected with the light.

  If that had been a bursting bomb dropped by some hovering German Taube,for him to betray the exact position of the hangar by starting up thebrilliant electric searchlight would be the height of folly.

  "What could that have been, Frank?" Pudge was asking in trembling tones;for as it afterward turned out he had been having a weird dream, and hisfirst thought on being so rudely aroused was that the top of a volcanohe was exploring had been blown off by an eruption, sending him a milehigh.

  "The Germans have made a night raid, and are trying to smash the _SeaEagle_, after seeing what she could do to their machines anddirigibles!" declared Billy, as if his mind had already been made up.

  "Do you think so too, Frank; and are we apt to be blown up any secondnow by a better aimed bomb than that first one?" Pudge demanded,evidently trying hard to control himself, and show that he could facedanger with an undaunted front.

  Frank had had time to think. He realized that several things conflictedwith such an explanation of the mysterious explosion. Voices, too,outside could be heard, and it was evident that the guards were callingto one another.

  "On second thought," Frank ventured to say, "I don't believe that couldhave been a bomb. It didn't make near enough noise, though perhaps wethought it pretty loud on being waked up so suddenly."

  "Then what could it have been, Frank?" demanded Billy.

  "I've got an idea one of the guards may have fired at some prowler,"replied the other; "in a minute or so I'll take the lantern and go outto see."

  He insisted on going alone, and the other two remained back of thebarred door awaiting his report. Frank was gone about twenty minuteswhen his signal was heard on the other side of the door. Upon beingadmitted he at once eased their fears.

  "After all, it was the discharge of a gun, just as we guessed," heobserved. "One of the guards believed he saw a shadowy figure creepingalong. He challenged, and on hearing the bushes shake as the unknownstarted away, the sentry shot."

  "Perhaps, after all, it was a false alarm?" suggested Billy.

  "No, it was a prowler, all right," said Frank, "for the sergeant andmyself went out to where he told us he had aimed, and we found not onlyfootprints in the dirt, but specks of blood as well, showing that thesoldier had winged the spy."

  "Tamales and terrapins, but that i
s thrilling news, Frank!" exclaimedPudge. "Did you try to follow the trail, and see if the poor fellow waslying around anywhere?"

  "It made for the road, and we lost it there," said Frank. "I reckon itwas not a very severe wound, for while the man evidently limped he didnot lose much blood. Not wanting to be away from the hangar any longerthan we could help, the sergeant and myself came back."

  "One good thing," remarked Billy, "those chaps will have learned that weare on the job, all right. They'll be careful how they come sneakingaround here again, or try to blow up our plant. What time is it now?"

  "Just two o'clock," announced Pudge, referring to his nickel watch bythe light of the lantern which had not as yet been extinguished.

  "Between four and five hours more to put in before day comes 'a-peepingover the hills,'" half sang Billy, as he started to arrange his rude bedagain, for in the haste of their turning out, things had been thrownaside rather recklessly.

  There was no further alarm that night. Apparently, those who would havegiven much to have wrecked the hangar with its contents, so as toprevent its being taken over by the French military authorities, fearedto again approach the guarded stockade.

  Billy, after all, was the first to discover signs of dawn through thewindow which was secured with the heavy wire mesh. He immediatelyaroused the others and they proceeded to get the coffee on the stove.

  Just when they would receive the signal was uncertain; so that it wasconsidered the part of wisdom to be prepared in advance.

  "I wonder where we'll take the next meal," Pudge remarked, as they satthere at the table and satisfied their appetites with what had beenprepared.

  Billy was about to make some sort of grim joke on the possibility oftheir not ever needing another "feed," but on second thought hedesisted. It was not a subject to be made fun of, he concluded, becausethe danger of an accident was always in evidence when far up among theclouds.

  "We'll make up a snack to take along with us," said wise Frank. "It maycome in handy, you know."

  "Pumpkins and partridges, but it does take you to think up things,Frank!" cried Pudge, beaming on his comrade, for that proposal was rightin his line of weakness.

  "There's someone at the door, Frank!" announced Billy.

  The day was coming on, as Frank could see when he partly opened thedoor. He discovered a stranger standing there, a swarthy looking,slender man, who was apparently a Frenchman, if appearances went foranything.

  "Pardon, but have I the pleasure of addressing M'sieu Frank Chester?" heasked.

  "That is my name," replied the boy. "Have you come from Major Nixon?"

  "I have a letter here from that gentleman," said the other. "It is toprove that my identity is correct. For I am to accompany you on thisinteresting trip, to discover what strong points your seaplane develops.My name, young M'sieu, is Armand Le Grande."

  Frank was thrilled when he heard the name, for he knew that Major Nixonhad been wise enough to send one of the most famous of all Frenchaviators to accompany the _Sea Eagle_ on its dangerous mission.


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