Margaret Mitchell & John Marsh
Page 76
61. UGa. MM to Lieutenant Commander E. John Long, 23 June 1941.
62. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 15 Dec. 1942.
63. MMD. MM to Mother Marsh, 6 Oct. 1942.
64. UGa. MM to Sgt. Bill Mauldin, 14 May 1945.
65. MMD. JRM to his mother, 19 Dec. 1941.
66. UGa. MM to Lt. K. H. Kalmback, USNR, 7 March 1941.
67. UGa. MM to Lt. K. H. Kalmback, USNR, 7 March 1941.
68. UGa. MM to Captain and Mrs. S. P. Jenkins, 26 Dec. 1941.
69. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 27 April 1943.
70. MMD. JRM to his mother, 23 Jan. 1943.
71. UGa. MM to Ensign S. A. Martin, 18 March 1943.
72. UGa. MM to Clifford Dowdey, 13 May 1943.
73. UGa. JRM to Dr. Frank J. Ostenasek, 18 May 1943.
74. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 27 April 1943.
75. UGa. MM to Clifford and Helen Dowdey, 21 April 1943.
76. UGa. JRM to Dr. Frank L. Ostenasek, 18 May 1943.
77. UGa. JRM to Dr. Dandy, 8 June 1943.
78. UGa. JRM to Dr. Dandy, 8 June 1943.
79. UGa. JRM to Dr. Dandy, 16 July 1943.
80. UGa. JRM to Dr. Dandy 16 July 1943.
81. MMD. MM to Mother Marsh, 27 July 1943.
82. UGa. Dr. Walter Dandy to MM, 17 Jan. 1944.
83. UGa. MM to Wallace McClure, 13 Dec. 1943.
84. UGa. MM to Wallace McClure, 12 May 1943.
85. MMD. JRM to his mother, 21 Oct. 1943.
86. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 31 May 1943.
87. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 31 May 1943.
88. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 31 May 1943.
89. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 31 May 1943.
90. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 20 July 1943.
91. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 11 Sept. 1943.
92. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 11 Sept. 1943.
93. UGa. G. M. Kobernat, Associate Warden, Atlanta Federal Penitentiary, 13 Nov. 1950.
94. Notes on prisoners’ letters are in UGa.
95. Ronald Haver, David O. Selznick’s “Gone With the Wind” (New York: Bonanza, 1986), 79.
96. Haver, 79.
97. UGa. Jessica M. Silsby to MM, 30 Oct. 1943.
98. UGa. MM to Jessica M. Silsby, 3 Nov. 1943.
99. UGa. One cruiser was named for the Marine Sergeant Clyde Thomason and the other for Lieutenant Julian Jordon who died at Pearl Harbor.
100. MMD. JRM to his mother, 4 March 1944.
101. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 24 Feb. 1944.
102. MMD. MM to Mother Marsh, 23 Feb. 1944.
103. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 17 May 1944.
104. MMD. JRM to his mother, 24 June 1944.
105. MMD. JRM to his mother, 24 June 1944.
106. UGa. MM to Leodel Coleman, 8 Aug. 1944.
107. UGa. Article in newspaper file.
Chapter 15
Reality of the Dark Dreams
1. FMZ. JRM to FMZ, 24 Sept. 1945. Also Atlanta Journal Magazine, 14 Dec. 1947. 7.
2. FMZ. JRM to FMZ, 24 Sept. 1945. Also Atlanta Journal Magazine, 14 Dec. 1947. 7.
3. Atlanta Journal Magazine, 14 Dec. 1947. 6.
4. UGa. MM to Dr. W. B. Burke, 14 May 1947.
5. UGa. MM to Dr. W. B. Burke, 14 May 1947.
6. FMZ’s Narrative.
7. FMZ’s Narrative.
8. FMZ. JRM to FMZ, 24 Sept. 1945.
9. FMZ. JRM to FMZ, 24 Sept. 1945.
10. UGa. Atlanta Journal, 17 Aug. 1949.
11. FMZ. JRM to FMZ, 5 Dec. 1945.
12. Atlanta Journal Magazine, 14 Dec. 1947. 6.
13. FMZ’s Narrative.
14. Atlanta Journal Magazine, 14 Dec. 1947.
15. UGa. MB’s Notes, 4.
16. FMZ’s Narrative.
17. UGa. MB’s Notes, 18-A.
18. Finis Farr, Margaret Mitchell of Atlanta (New York: Morrow, 1965), 219.
19. Farr, 219.
20. MMD. JRM to his mother, 1 April 1947.
21. FMZ’s Narrative.
22. UGa. MB’s Notes, 17, 24.
23. UGa. MM to GB, 8 April 1940.
24. UGa. MM to Seamen J. Ed Manget and Mackie McCrorey, 21 July 1945.
25. FMZ. JRM to FMZ, 24 Sept. 1945.
26. MMD. JRM to his mother, 23 Oct. 1945.
27. MMD. JRM to his mother, 5 Dec. 1945.
28. Farr, 216.
29. Farr, 216.
30. UGa. MM to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lunt, 11 Nov. 1941.
31. UGa. MM to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lunt, 11 Nov. 1941.
32. Interview with FM.
33. Interview with FM.
34. UGa. MM to LDC, 8 March 1945. Drs. Greer and Towson were John’s physicians in Brunswick.
35. UGa. JRM to Edna Daniel, 15 Nov. 1950.
36. Interview with FM.
37. Interview with FM. UGa. MFP’s Narrative. 38. Medora related this incident to Henry and Ben Gordon Marsh. This incident is incorrectly described and incorrectly documented in Anne Edwards’s Road to Tara (New York: Dell Publishing Company, 1986), 316.
38. Farr, 217.
39. MMD. MM to Mother Marsh and family, n.d. [spring 1946].
40. Interview with FM.
41. UGa. MB’s Notes.
42. UGa. JRM to Edna Daniel, 15 Nov. 1950.
43. FMZ. JRM to FMZ, 23 April 1946. For the Maysville history buffs, here are John’s questions: “What was on the corner of Second and Market Streets, directly south of Mr. Jimmy Wood’s drug store? Going out Lexington Street toward the Flemingsburg Pike, was there anything but trees and farm land between the John Hall place and Watkins Pond? The house across the street from us where the Slacks lived was later bought by a countryman whose name was Bramble, I think. He had two buxom daughters, Hazel and May, I believe, and a son. Somebody lived in the house between the Slacks and Brambles. I feel like I ought to know the answer to this one but it just won’t seem to come back to me.”
44. FMZ. JRM to FMZ, 23 April 1946.
45. MMD. JRM to his mother, 7 Oct. 1946.
46. UGa. MM to Helen Dowdey, 14 Feb. 1947.
47. MMD. JRM to his mother, 3 July 1947.
48. UGa. JRM to Edna Daniel, 19 Feb. 1951.
49. UGa. MM to Helen Dowdey, 14 Feb. 1947.
50. UGa. JRM to GB, 23 Nov. 1947.
51. MMD. JRM to his mother, 3 July 1947.
52. MMD. JRM to his mother, 11 Sept. 1947.
53. UGa. JRM to Edna Daniel, 22 Dec. 1950.
54. UGa. JRM to Edna Daniel, 15 Nov. 1950.
55. UGa. JRM to Margaret Cate, 30 May 1947.
56. FMZ’s Narrative.
57. MMD. JRM to Mary Hunter Marsh, 16 Oct. 1946. This is a note attached to his letter to his mother.
58. MMD. JRM to his mother, 26 March 1947.
59. MMD. JRM to his mother, 3 July 1947.
60. MMD. JRM to his mother, 30 May 1947.
61. UGa. MB’s Notes.
62. UGa. MM to Wallace McClure, 7 Jan. 1949.
63. UGa. MM to Wallace McClure, 7 Jan. 1949.
64. UGa. MM to Mrs. Ira Henry, 29 April 1947.
65. UGa. MM to Helen Dowdey, 4 Sept. 1947.
66. MMD. JRM to his mother, 11 Sept. 1947.
67. MMD. JRM to his family, 12 May 1949.
68. MMD. JRM to his family, 12 May 1949.
69. Farr, 220. Also SM’s Memoir.
70. Farr, 226.
71. Farr, 226.
72. Farr, 226-27.
73. MMD. JRM to his mother, 31 Jan. 1949.
74. UGa. MB’s Answers to LDC’s Questions Re Farr Biography.
75. MMD. JRM to his mother, 22 March 1949.
76. Interview with FM.
77. UGa. MM to Granville Hicks, 7 Feb. 1949.
78. NYPL. MM to HSL, 2 July 1949.
79. NYPL. MM to HSL, 12 July 1949.
80. UGa. MM to HB, 1 Aug. 1939.
81. UGa. Onlookers at the scene of the accident gave the account of the scene to the Marsh brothers. The details of the accident, the su
bsequent events, and the funeral were reported in John’s conversations with brothers and in a letter to his family. They were also reported in newspaper accounts and in the court records of the trial that convicted the drunken, off-duty taxi operator. All of John’s notes on the funeral arrangements are in the Margaret Mitchell Marsh Papers.
82. Interview with JK.
83. Farr, 228.
84. UGa. JRM’s notes on final accident. Interview with FM.
85. Farr, 228.
86. Farr, 229.
87. UGa. Final Accident File. Also, interview with FM.
88. Farr, 229-30.
89. UGa. JRM’s penciled note titled “P.’s Last Illness,” 27 Aug. 1949.
90. Mrs. Frank W. Troost, daughter of Katharine Marsh Bowden, John Marsh’s oldest sister, wrote to me on 18 Nov. 1987: “My mother destroyed almost all of her letters before she died. Peggy and John had a thing about that and had asked her to destroy their letters.”
91. UGa. MB’s Notes, 4.
92. UGa. MB’s Notes.
93. MMD. JRM to his mother, 19 Sept. 1949.
94. UGa. JRM to Bob, 18 Oct. 1951.
95. FMZ’s Narrative.
96. FMZ’s Narrative.
97. Interview with Sam Tupper.
98. UGa. Atlanta Constitution, 23 Nov. 1949.
99. MMD. JRM to his mother, 22 Nov. 1949.
100. UGa. Newsclipping.
101. MMD. Newsclipping from scrapbook.
102. FMZ’s Narrative.
103. UGa. Atlanta Journal, 6 May 1952.
104. UGa. MB’s Notes.
In 1985, Marianne Walker was asked to give a talk at the public library for a Kentucky Humanities Council reading program. Given a list of five war novels, she chose to discuss GONE WITH THE WIND, although at that time she had never read the book. After reading and loving it, she learned that Margaret Mitchell’s husband John Marsh was from Maysville, Kentucky, not too far from where she lived. Hoping to find some new information to enhance her presentation, she decided to see if there were any traces of the couple left in Kentucky. Walker's search led her to Maysville, Lexington, and Clays Ferry, Kentucky, from there to Washington, D.C., Delaware, and Viriginia, and then toAtlanta and other places in Georgia. Beginning with Marsh’s 83-year-old sister-in-law Francesca Renick Marsh, she interviewed many people who were close to the couple and knew them well. She visited libraries and archives, found old newspaper clippings, personal scrapbooks, photographs, telegrams, and most importantly, 200 never-before-published letters from Mitchell and Marsh to John Marsh’s family. This book is the result of her research.
A native of Monroe, Louisiana, Marianne Walker has written for the New York Times Book Review and the Louisville Courier-Journal Sunday Magazine. She is also the author of WHEN CUBA CONQUERED KENTUCKY. A retired professor of English and philosophy, she lives with her husband, an attorney, in Henderson, Kentucky, on the banks of the Ohio River.
AHB Atlanta Historical Bulletin
AHC Atlanta History Center Library Archives
EU Emory University, The Robert W. Woodruff Library-Special Collections
FM Francesca Marsh
FMZ Frances Marsh Zane
GB George Brett, Jr.
GWTW Gone With the Wind
HB Herschel Brickell
HM Henry Marsh
HSL Harold S. Latham
JK Joseph Kling
JRM John Robert Marsh
LDC Lois Dwight Cole
MB Margaret Baugh
MFP Medora Field Perkerson
MM Margaret Mitchell
MMD Mary Marsh Davis
MMMP Margaret Mitchell Marsh Papers
MS Mary Singleton
NYPL New York Public Library, Rare Books and Manuscripts Division, Margaret Mitchell File 1935-1962
SM Stephens Mitchell
SMP Stephens Mitchell Papers
UGa. University of Georgia Libraries, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library
UK University of Kentucky, Margaret I. King Library, Division of Special Collections and Archives