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Trust the Fall (Fallen Hunters Series Book 2)

Page 3

by Melissa Winters

  “I’ll be there soon. But for now, let me comfort you.” I shake my head, ready to argue. “Victoria, do as I ask. Please. Close your eyes.”

  Reluctantly, I do as instructed, wanting more than anything to believe that he’s here with me, if only in spirit.

  “That’s my girl,” he praises. “Now, concentrate. Picture my face. Imagine I’m holding you.”

  I focus on recalling his features and before long, they spring to life in my mind and a sense of peace washes over me.

  The entire scene takes on a mind of its own as Luke’s hands run over my shoulders and down my arms to the hem of my shirt. Without thinking twice, I raise my arms, allowing him to drag the cotton tee up and over my head.

  His wicked smile sends goose bumps racing across my body as he flings the shirt over his shoulder.

  “You are magnificent, Victoria,” he says, running his tongue over his bottom lip as he takes me in. “I’ve waited so long to have you in my arms. In my bed.”

  “Please.” The single word is breathy and pleading. “Please, Luke. Touch me.”

  His smile turns sinful, and his eyes blaze red, but only for a moment. It’s not frightening but completely erotic.

  He wants me and I want to give myself to him.

  It’s always been him.

  “Victoria,” he groans. “This . . . is only in our minds. When I have you, it’ll be the real thing. I’ll savor every inch of you. For now, this will have to be enough.”

  His hands caress my breasts and I lean into his touch, shoving myself deeper into his palms.

  “Yes, Luke. This . . . yes.”

  My words are becoming unintelligible to my own ears as pleasure and desire threaten to pull me under. I want them to. Need them to.

  He removes one hand, lowering his head and taking one nipple between his teeth. He bites, just hard enough to draw a whimper from my lips, then runs his tongue over the peaked nub to soothe the minor sting.

  It feels so good.

  Too quickly, he moves away from my body, a pained expression on his handsome face.

  “Someone’s coming. I don’t want them to see you like this.”

  “Like what?” I pant.

  “Jesus, Victoria. You need to pull yourself together.” His eyes are slammed shut. “Nolda can’t know I’ve found a loophole.”

  “Don’t curse, Luke,” I scold, because I’m warring between embarrassment at how much I want more and anger at being told no.

  He chuckles. “I promise you, love. I won’t stop next time.”

  Inhaling and exhaling to calm my frayed nerves, I nod, understanding that lust in Hell can’t do anything but cause more problems for me.

  “When will you come to me again?”

  “As soon as I can.”

  He leans in, brushing his lips over mine tenderly, and disappears.

  When I open my eyes, I’m alone in the room. Even the shadow demons from before are absent.

  Why did Luke think someone was coming?

  * * *

  Days have gone by and nobody has come to torment me or otherwise. I’ve been practically crawling the walls of this tiny prison, desperate for any sort of conversation, wondering how long I would be forced to remain here. The thought of eternity in this place is worse than ultimate death.

  Luke will find a way. He said he would, and I know he will.

  He loves me and I love him.

  Despite everything, I could feel the truth in his words the first time he spoke them. I felt it just now in the way he touched me.

  He will come for me.

  “Still on that dead-end road, Victoria?” Nolda singsongs, walking through the door. “He’s not coming here. He still can’t gain access. Believe me . . . he’s tried.”

  He strolls in wearing his deceptively good-looking glamour. Dark hair, hazel eyes, full lips . . . too bad it isn’t real.

  “He’ll get in. I know it.” There’s no doubt in my voice, and Nolda simply rolls his eyes back into his head.

  “Well, no matter. Someone is here to see you.”

  I sit up on my knees, head nearly hitting the top of the cage.

  A raven-haired beauty practically glides through the door. She’s opposite of me in every way but the eyes. Her brilliant blue irises practically glow, drilling into me. She’s tall, but not quite as tall as me from what I can tell. Her black, form-fitting leather getup molds to her curves like a second skin.

  She purses her full lips, narrowing her cat-like eyes at me, sniffing the air and narrowing her eyes as if she knows what just occurred.

  “This is her?” She sucks in one cheek. “Interesting.”

  My eyes bounce between the demon and newcomer, waiting for one of them to let me in on who the visitor is and what exactly she finds so damn interesting.

  When neither of them says anything more, I speak up. “Who are you?”

  The woman quirks one perfectly shaped brow. “Who am I?” Her dainty hands rise to her chest as if I mortally offended her, and that’s when I know exactly who she is.


  “Am I supposed to know you?” I purse my lips, studying her sharp features and deciding to have a little fun with her.

  I don’t need to have my angelic abilities to know I’ve bruised her fragile ego. Anger radiates from her, smelling sour and all wrong. Exactly what I hoped for.

  Her eyes smolder indigo, shifting with her mood. “I’m queen of the underworld, darling.”

  That title threatens to double me over. I know all about this creature and what she means to the underworld.

  What she means to Luke. My Luke.

  No, I shake my head. Not Luke . . . Lucifer.

  They may be one and the same to most, but I know better. Luke is the real man hiding behind the façade he’s forced to wear.

  This woman only knows the fake persona. She’ll never know him like I do.

  She thinks she’s shaken me—and she momentarily had—but I refuse to let her rattle me any more. Instead, I decide to toy with the “queen of the damned” a little more.

  I raise my brow to match hers. “Persephone? Is that you?” I say in mock surprise, trying and failing to hide my smirk.

  Persephone is a legendary god created by humans, and by the anger radiating off the woman, I’ve managed to piss her off by insinuating otherwise. Knowing I’ve affected her, I allow the smirk to show.

  “I see it now,” she says, drawing closer.

  “See what, Lilith?” I practically spit her name back at her, allowing the disdain to seep through.

  “Ah . . . so we’re done playing games then? Good.” She circles the cage like a cat, sizing up a small defenseless mouse. But I’m no mouse, and I’ll never cower to her. “You and I share so much.”

  “We share nothing,” I snap.

  “Oh, but you know that’s not true. I can smell your desire wafting through this room like a thick cologne. It’s suffocating.”

  I can’t help the full-wattage smile that spreads across my face. Her tone gave away the jealousy, and it’s like a symphony I never want to end. Any sort of distress I can bring to her will be my new goal.

  “We both own the affection”—her smile melts into a deep frown—“of my lord, but it’s me who’s had every piece of him.”

  She’s intimidated by my presence. The thought of Lucifer having real feelings for someone else, when all she’s ever been is a concubine—a sexual object for his amusement—hurts her. This evil woman is actually wounded.

  Good. Now we’re really going to have fun.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Lilith. I have his heart. Something you’ve never had.”

  She growls. “You don’t know anything!” The cage shakes with the force of her anger.

  “You’re here with him,” I jab my finger toward the hallway where Nolda slunk off to do whatever he does. “Lucifer could never love you for that betrayal alone,” I snarl. “It’s me he loves, Lilith. Whatever affection you think he has for you isn’t real

  A slow, merciless grin spreads across her face. “You don’t know him at all. He’ll throw pretty promises your way. Anything to convince you to give yourself to him. Like before.”

  I internally cringe at her mention of Luke’s deception the first time around. Of course this vile woman knows. I’m sure she got quite the kick out of watching me crumble.

  “Then . . . once he’s had you,” she says, wrapping her hands around the cage bars, leaning in close. “He’ll toss you aside, just like he does all the others.” She bites her lip. “Then he’ll run back to my bed. Like . . . Every. Single. Time.” She shrugs one shoulder. “I have something you never will.”

  “Loose morals?”

  She narrows her eyes. “Lucifer’s devotion.” She licks her lips. “His touch. His lips. His tongue. His body. I’ve had it all. For millennia.”

  A chill seeps into my bones, burrowing deep inside. The thought of everything this creature has enjoyed with Luke affects me far greater than anything I’ve experienced since arriving in Hell.

  She’s been with him in every sense. Their connection is far greater than anything we ever shared. And that just about kills me to think about.

  She knows just how badly that reminder hurts, and she’s reveling in it.

  “Anyway . . . I just came to see what his latest conquest was like. I might have a slight obsession with his toys.”

  “Liar. You know I’m different. You said so moments ago. You’ve never bothered with any of his ‘conquests.’ You and I both know that when he comes for me, and he will, you’ll be tossed aside for good. After he has me, he’ll never be able to stomach you again.”

  She bares her teeth, screeching so loud my eardrums pulse, but I don’t dare react. I refuse to show weakness in front of this awful woman. When she’s finally done with her tantrum, it’s my turn to smile widely, because her reaction just proves my point. She knows damn well that I’m not one of Lucifer’s toys.

  What he feels for me transcends any paltry emotion he’s ever had for her. For any of the women before me.

  “I should kill you now.”

  I raise my hands out to the side in a come get me motion. “What are you waiting for?”

  She screams again, tearing at her hair like a crazy person.

  “What? Afraid of what your lord might do to you?” I press my head to the bars, burning my eyes into hers. “I’m no concubine of Lucifer’s. I’m so much more. And you and I both know it.”

  Her face pales and without another word, she spins on her heels and stalks from the room.

  Nolda chuckles from the corner. “I’ve gotta say, Victoria, you put on one hell of a show. Nobody speaks to Lilith like that and lives. I’ve got to give credit where credit’s due. Lucifer chose a worthy adversary for Lilith.” He laughs again before leaving me alone with my wretched thoughts.

  Images of Luke and Lilith being intimate invade every piece of my mind, and I want to scrub my brain of the video playing out. It’s so vivid. As vivid as Luke’s visit with me moments ago.

  Lilith’s arms are tied above her head, her curvy body bare and glistening. Luke is behind her, running his hands down the curve of her back, over the firm, round globe of her bottom. His hand comes down over her one cheek. Lilith bites her lip, looking thoroughly aroused as Luke massages the spot he just slapped with one hand, while running the other through her heated folds.

  I whimper, slamming my eyes shut, but the image is even sharper that way. My lids fly open, and a cry escapes my lips.

  A tiny voice whispers that the montage is compliments of Lilith, and rage rumbles through me.

  “Bitch,” I seethe.

  Her shrill cackle vibrates around the room. Wherever she is, she’s enjoying a bird’s-eye view of my torment from her parting gift.

  I take deep breaths, pushing the visions out of my head, focusing on the last time I was with Luke. His words wash through me and provide instant relief from the distress.

  I’m in love with you.

  He’s said the words. Offered to vacate the throne. Promised to go to war if necessary.

  I concentrate on those words, and soon the porno that played out in my mind shifts. I’m in Lilith’s place, hands tied above my head as Luke’s hands glide across my skin, leaving a delicious heat where his fingers once touched. Tingles spread across my sensitive skin and wetness pools in places it has no business pooling.

  I groan, throwing my head back and relishing the burn. It’s as though he’s here now, caressing my skin.

  “Don’t think about her anymore,” Luke’s voice whispers, for my ears only. “I love you.”

  With that thought, my eyes close and I lose myself in his touch.

  Hours later, my head lies against the cell as I stare up at the grey rock ceiling. I’ve been running through an assortment of escape plans, but none of them make a lick of sense when I think on them for too long.

  I’m in Hell and I haven’t a clue what waits outside of this room. Solis is gone and, outside of my strength, so are all the necessary components I’d need to navigate this hellscape.

  Commotion at the door catches my attention, and what I see has me jumping to action.

  “Luke! You’re here. Get me out!”

  My hands are wrapped around the bars, and I shake the doors as if I can dislodge them myself.

  Luke stalks toward me with an all too familiar swagger, green eyes smoldering with every step he takes. I’m so transfixed by him that my mind doesn’t compute that this is all wrong. He’s far too nonchalant given I’m stuck in a cage.

  “Close your eyes.”

  The familiar command has me springing into action, slamming my eyes closed and allowing whatever is to come transpire. I’m burning with need from our interactions today.

  Behind my closed lids, I watch as Luke takes two final steps and is before me. Leaning down, he smashes my lips to his in a dizzying kiss. Our tongues tangle as his hands run through my hair, pulling just enough that I moan in pleasure.

  Thoroughly kissed and drunk with desire, I open my eyes and freeze at the man before me.

  I don’t recognize him. His towering frame makes me feel small, and those green—no, hazel—eyes shine as they wash over my body.

  A strong, square jaw peppered with day-old scruff and shaggy brown, nearly black, hair completes the otherworldly package. This man is carnal without saying or doing a damn thing.

  Who is he?

  His tongue darts out, licking a line across his bottom lip. “We’re friends, Victoria. Call me Riv. Understand?”

  One finger trails down between my heavy breasts and I suck in a breath, whimpering.

  Good grief . . . the hold this stranger has on my body is embarrassing, but I’m too overwhelmed to think any further on it.

  “Do you want me to take care of the ache?”

  I dip my chin, shivering in response.

  My body is on overdrive, desperate for release. A sexy grin spreads across Riv’s face, and I sigh at the sight of his dimpled cheeks.

  “Please,” I beg without thinking.

  He bends to his knees at my feet, looking up, grinning wider and licking his bottom lip again. When his hands trail a line down my stomach, I stiffen.

  Something feels . . . wrong. This isn’t right. I don’t know this Riv. Where am I? My haze-filled eyes scan the room.


  “No,” I say, shaking my head and clamping my legs together. “Stop.”

  My eyes fly open, and I shriek, realizing that this isn’t in my head. I’m out of the cage.

  “Come on. Using me to get another girl to fall for your advances?” a deep, throaty voice calls from somewhere close by. “Lame, man. Get your own fucking skin.”

  My eyes peer down, and a scream bursts through my chest at the empty eyes staring back at me. Nolda.

  The mirage vanishes and Nolda appears before the cage.

  “Too bad. I could’ve made you feel so good, Victoria.” He shrugs. “If you won’t g
ive yourself to me, I’ll just have to take what I want.” His head turns to the entry. “River. Nice to see you finally made it.”

  River steps into the room and my breath hitches. So the Adonis from my vision is real.

  “I’ve been a little busy. Your crew has been racking up a death toll quicker than even I can work, Nolda. Why don’t you back the fuck off for a bit?”

  Nolda shrugs. “My legion is hungry. Who am I to withhold food? I’m not Lucifer,” he spits.

  “Yeah, well . . . Lucifer does so for a good reason. You’re going to kill off your food source if you don’t watch it.”

  Nolda’s shoulders stiffen. “I didn’t ask for your opinion, reaper.”

  “Then why the fuck am I here?” The gorgeous man looks murderous, and even Nolda shrinks under the weight of that glare.

  “That’s a good question. I requested the reaper queen’s audience.”

  “She sent me in her place. Apparently, whatever meeting you’ve requested isn’t that important to her.”

  Nolda wants to clap back, if his red-faced glare is any indication, but he refrains, breathing in deeply and relaxing his balled fists at his sides.

  “Dinner will be served in the hall. I’ll lay everything out there.” Just like Lilith had done earlier, Nolda spins and stalks from the room.

  My body collapses in on itself, and tears pour down my face.

  Hell is everything they warned about.

  Deceptive. Depraved. Evil. Hurry, Luke. Find me.

  “How long have you been here?” the man asks, pulling my attention toward him.

  “I don’t know. I’ve lost track of time.” My words come out dejected and pitiful, the effect this place has already had on me not sitting right.

  He chews on the inside of his cheek. “Shit’s gotten out of control,” he says, running a large, tanned hand through his tangled, unruly locks. “You should avoid sleeping if this is how it’s going to go.”

  My eyes widen as the black T-shirt that molds to his chest perfectly rises, showing a sculpted stomach and a delicious V that disappears into his dark jeans.

  I clear my throat, turning away from the unintentional show.

  Pull yourself together, Tori.

  “I’m River.”


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