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Trust the Fall (Fallen Hunters Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Melissa Winters

  I’m jerked backward by the chains still binding my hands and legs. The women drag me to a corner of the room, where a large, tilted, cross-like apparatus is affixed to the wall. Large cuffs strategically placed on the wooden structure are unlocked, and that’s when I know the demons mean to affix me to the contraption.

  Not without a fight.

  I kick and thrash, trying to break free, but I’m overpowered five to one. My arms and legs are unbound just long enough for them to lift me up and attach each wrist to a shackle. My legs are spread wider, and each ankle is locked into a cuff. My body is pulled so taut, I’m afraid I might tear in half.

  The redhead’s arm shoots out, and in one fell swoop, the thin layers that had once covered my most private parts are torn from my body. My nipples harden as the cold air washes over them and my eyes slam shut. Mortification and utter rage take over as I’m bared to the room.

  A gasp comes from the front, and I don’t need to look to know it’s from the plain woman, Sarah.

  “Is that quite necessary?” she berates the demons, obviously having a death wish.

  Something crashes against a wall very close to where I’m currently fixed, but my eyes remain shut.

  “It’s very necessary. She is Lucifer’s whore. I’ll degrade her in ways worse than this. If you’d prefer, I can make you the entertainment, Sarah.”

  I concentrate on breathing, ignoring Nolda’s words.



  Plan each and every one of their murders in my head.

  “Take her down. Now.” My eyes fly open at the thunderous voice of River.

  The entire room goes silent. Nolda doesn’t even make a peep. All eyes are turned to the massive warrior, who looks two seconds away from ending everyone in the room.

  “I won’t say it again, Nolda. Get. Her. Down.”

  Nolda’s head tilts to the side as he studies River. “Why?”

  “Why?” River bellows. “I don’t owe you an explanation, demon.”

  “You do here, in my house.”

  River grinds his teeth. “I will leave this place and you will lose all hope of a reaper alliance. Take her down!” His words ricochet off the walls, and the tables tremble under the ferocity of it.

  Nolda tries and fails to maintain an unaffected façade. His jaw clenches and his hands quake slightly. He flicks his wrist, giving the demon women the order to take me down.

  Hot tears burn my eyes, but I refuse to show weakness in front of these vile creatures. With my shoulders back and breasts pressed forward, my eyes bore into Nolda as though my nakedness is of no concern to me.

  Does he see what I’m trying to convey? That I will end his life.

  Whatever playtime fantasy he’s been living will end. He will never rule Hell. I will die to ensure that.

  “Take her back to her cage,” Nolda sneers.

  I’m dragged backward, my eyes connecting with River’s.

  A silent promise is exchanged. He will protect me, his expression says.

  What he doesn’t realize is I don’t need protecting. I’m an angel, and I can take care of myself. I will find a way.

  I just have to figure out how to tap into my abilities.

  Wars have been fought here between Heaven and Hell. It has to be possible, because Heaven has always come out on top.

  “She stays,” River commands. “She’ll dine with me.”

  Nolda bares his teeth but nods his head, likely remembering why River is important. He’s the messenger for the queen of reapers. Nolda can’t win the war against Luke without them.

  The shackles are removed from my hands and legs, and something akin to a potato sack is slid over my head, covering my body.

  “Go,” Nolda orders, and I’m pushed forward, toward River. “Everyone else, eat.”

  The room erupts in noise as the demons fill their plates. All the attention is finally off me, and I allow my shoulders to sag marginally.

  River smiles as I approach, showing straight, white teeth and dimples that should be illegal. My eyes narrow in on him.

  “Nice dress,” he says flirtatiously.

  I offer a smile that promises pain.

  What game is he playing at?

  Just like before, he answers my unspoken thought.

  “Too many to count, princess.”




  “What the fuck is taking so long?”

  Zeke rolls his eyes, surely growing tired of the same question.


  Until the ball gets rolling, I’ll keep asking. Victoria is in Hell with Nolda and demons so much worse than him. How do these idiots expect me to just sit here on my hands not going insane with worry? With every day that passes I question why I made a deal with them in the first place.

  I was able to make contact with Victoria, but something has happened. I’ve been blocked, and if I had to guess, I’d say Lilith is behind the blockage.

  “You know exactly what’s taking so long. You’ve allowed a full-fledged coup to occur, and Heaven had to intervene. You don’t have control anymore, Lucifer.”

  “Nolda would not have won.”

  He laughs. “You know Nolda isn’t the reason Heaven has intervened. This has everything to do with the woman you supposedly—what, love?”

  My eyes narrow. “You know I do. But I’ve yet to be told what Heaven wants with her.”

  “Join the club.” Zeke’s head falls back with a groan. “Did you know that every high demon in Hell plans to aid Nolda in turning you out? With you gone, it will make it easier for one of them to take the throne. Nolda may be dumb, but he’s the only one who has balls.”

  “I don’t buy that. Elion will side with me.”

  He grunts. “Elion has already given Nolda his backing. You can be sure that as soon as you’re out of the picture, Elion will challenge Nolda, and he will win with the help of the Osborne coven.”

  Rage courses through me and I have to push it down. Deep down. I want to burn this whole place to the ground with my anger. Elion, my right hand, has given his alliance to Nolda?

  “I will tear that place apart and end the existence of anyone—demon or otherwise—that gets in my way.”

  Zeke scoffs. “Enough of the dramatics, Lucifer. Your broody attitude is doing nothing but driving me nuts. I’m ready to kick your ass.”

  I spin on him. “Please. I’d love for you to take a swing. Just one, Ezekiel,” I goad, getting into his face. “You throw the first punch and Heaven can’t renege on our deal.”

  “Knock it off, you two. It’s getting old.” Leeanna glides in, looking regal with her brilliant white wings extended. When her feet touch ground, she sheaths her wings and turns to Zeke. “What’s wrong with him today?”

  Zeke huffs, taking a seat. “Same old song and dance. Guilt will do that to a person. Satan included, so it would seem.”

  I grind my teeth and ball my fists. “It’s been two weeks, Lee. I’m not waiting another damn day.”

  “You will, because you don’t have a choice. That’s all there is to it,” she says, as though my current state of distress is of no concern to her in the slightest.

  Zeke has the fucking audacity to chuckle, and I itch to wipe the grin from his face.

  “Our people are in place. They have their eyes on her,” Leeanna continues. “The doors will be open when it’s time.”

  “Who are your people?” I grit through my teeth, pissed off at only knowing half of the plan.

  I might’ve struck a deal with Heaven, but they aren’t holding up their end. They want me to share all my secrets, yet they don’t return the favor.

  “You need to give me something, Leeanna. Or this temporary agreement is over.”

  She raises two dainty hands and motions toward chairs in the opposite direction of Zeke. I follow her, hoping she doesn’t force my hand.

  I will act if she gives me nothing this time.

>   We take a seat facing each other and I wait for her to start talking. Her eyes narrow to slits as if trying to decide how best to start. She takes a deep breath and spits out the one thing I wasn’t expecting.

  “Heaven has engaged the help of witches to infiltrate Hell. Nolda believes they are there to hear his plan and join his war.”

  My mouth drops open. I shouldn’t be surprised. Heaven is notoriously hypocritical when it comes to their dealings.

  Hell is bad in their eyes because of our unsavory practices and alliances, yet when it benefits Heaven, they have no problems doing the same things. The sanctimonious arrogance of it all just further pisses me off.

  “Witches? Isn’t that against your moral code, Leeanna?”

  “Mock me all you like, Lucifer, but sacrifices must be made for the greater good.”

  “Whose greater good? Yours? Heaven’s?”

  “Everyone’s,” she snaps, taking a deep breath. “The balance is in jeopardy, and she is the key to restoring that balance.”

  A humorless laugh bubbles up in my chest. “A fallen angel is the key? Oh, what a twisted web.”

  Zeke grunts again but does the smart thing for once and doesn’t say a word.

  “Apparently, she is.” She shrugs her shoulders. “You’re frustrated because you don’t have all the information. Well, neither do I, Lucifer. We’re on a need-to-know basis and Michael holds all the cards. I’m simply doing his bidding.”

  “Fuck Michael. And fuck this half-assed plan. You’re going to get her killed. She isn’t safe even with your witches watching over her. Not in Hell. Not with Lilith running around unchecked.”

  “Your whore won’t get near her. Not with my people in place.”

  “My whore might be the only one there who could actually help her. I don’t trust witches under your employ. Considering you turned your back on Tori.”

  “I thought she betrayed us . . . for you!”

  “Well, we both know that’s bullshit. She fell for some master plan orchestrated by the powers that be, Leeanna. She’s been a fucking pawn for Heaven, and she still doesn’t know it,” I roar.

  “I didn’t know that at the time,” she seethes. “I wasn’t allowed to know.”

  “Oh, how the tables have turned. The very friend you betrayed is the key to keeping your ass safe. How ironic that you’d need her now.”

  “We all need her, Lucifer,” Zeke says, garnering glares from both Leanna and me. “She has to fulfill her destiny.”

  “And what destiny is that? You don’t even know, so don’t feed me that lame bullshit you’ve been fed.”

  “It’s not bullshit,” Leeanna snaps. “It’s God’s direct words. He promises she’s Earth’s salvation.”

  “Do you even hear yourself? Why does God need a fallen angel to save his pets?”

  “They’re not his pets,” she snaps. “And she’ll come through. Victoria always does.” There’s a whimsical quality to Leeanna’s words, as though she’s playing centuries’ worth of memories over in her head. She shouldn’t get to even think about Tori.

  “I hope she tells you all to go to Hell.”

  Leanna shakes her head. “She won’t. Victoria will understand. She will forgive me.”

  “I’m so sick of your duplicitous bullshit. You don’t care about her. Don’t pretend otherwise.”

  “You have no right to point fingers, Lucifer. You’ve managed to make a mess of everything with your absence. It’s your fault she’s in Hell. So check yourself and fall in line.”

  My head jerks back at the invisible slap Leeanna delivered to my face. She isn’t wrong about this being partly my fault. If I’d kept Hell in line, war wouldn’t be imminent.

  “This isn’t getting us anywhere, you two. We need to work together.”

  “Then you need to get Michael’s ass here to start talking. Until I know what’s going on, I’m done. I won’t play nice anymore. I’ll fucking storm Hell myself and get her.”

  “Enough!” Michael’s voice blares across the room with a force that rings my eardrums. But I don’t flinch. I refuse to allow him to think he affects me at all.

  “Michael,” Leeanna springs to her feet, bowing her head in a show of respect.

  I smack my lips and blink several times, feigning absolute boredom. He might be something special in Heaven, but I’m the king of Hell. He has no power over me.

  “Glad you found fit to grace us with your presence, Michael. To what do we owe the honor?” I spit honor like it’s a joke, disrespect oozing from every pore.

  “You want answers, serpent? I came to deliver.”

  “Michael, I must insist that you elaborate on this. As much as I hate to admit it, Lucifer is right. We’re running out of time.”

  Michael’s jaw clenches, likely to keep from snapping at Leeanna for showing disrespect, but he surprises me by putting his ego aside for once.

  My hands sweep out in a motion for him to get on with it. “By all means, start talking.”

  Michael stalks across the room, taking a seat next to Leeanna.

  “There’s trouble. Our contacts in Hell have been captured and are currently being held by Nolda. Victoria is no longer safe. It’s time to act.” Sighing heavily, he continues. “Victoria is special. She’s the first of her kind. Born of two angels.”

  My eyes widen and Leanna gasps. “Two angels? How is that possible?”

  He ignores her questions, continuing. “She was born from love but sacrificed for a greater good.”

  “Stop with the fucking riddles, Michael. Get to the point,” I bark.

  “She’s the sole heir to the reaper kingdom.”


  Leeanna and Zeke gasp at the same time. “What?”

  “How is that possible, Michael?” Leeanna’s eyes are wide, and I know she’s not faking surprise. She had no idea.

  “I was just informed myself,” he says, hands raised in a surrendering motion. “I was as speechless as the two of you.”

  “Who is her father?” Zeke asks the question I’d just been wondering myself.

  Michael’s head drops. “I don’t know. God didn’t tell me.” He takes a deep breath. “This is all . . .”

  “Fucked?” I offer.

  “I guess that’s one way to put it,” Leeanna huffs.

  Zeke steps forward. “What now?”

  “God is going to open the doors soon. We wait, and then we go to war. Are you with us, Lucifer?”

  I suck on my teeth, taking in all that’s been said.

  Victoria is the reaper princess. She’s tasked with taking the throne when the current queen steps down.

  “Does she know yet?”

  “She doesn’t,” Michaels answers.

  “If you enter my head one more time, I’ll kill you,” I warn, and I mean it.

  “Are you with us?” he repeats.

  Inhaling deep and blowing out the breath in a rush of air, I nod.

  “If it means getting to her, I’m with you.”


  Once I was placed by River’s side, we didn’t say a word to each other. He ate in silence as I listened to the idle chatter of the low demons surrounding us. So far, I haven’t gained any useful information.

  Demons are typically worse than teenage girls with their gossip, but for some reason, today they’re relatively boring with their conversation.

  Until they’re not.

  The demon directly across from me is now discussing the merits of physical torture versus mental and I’m glad I haven’t touched my food, because it would most definitely be coming up.

  “Are you not going to eat?”

  I look at River, scrunching my nose in disgust. “Are you serious?” I ask, motioning toward the demon who has an affinity for torture.

  “He’s a lot of talk, Victoria.” The demon looks up, scowling at River. “What? You know you are. You haven’t been allowed in a torture room yet. You’re too clumsy.”

  The demon who’d been listening to the
supposed tall tales of torture snorts, earning himself a jab to the ribcage.

  “You’re all sick,” I snap, and it’s met by hoots of laughter.

  “The contents of your stomach are safe for another day,” River smirks.

  “Doubtful. I don’t know what the hell that meat is, anyway. They’re probably serving human, if what Hannibal Lecter over there says is half true for the demons who do get to torture.”

  He chuckles. “It’s beef. I’m pretty adventurous with food, but I draw the line at human.”

  “A reaper with a moral compass? How strange.”

  I peek at him out of the corner of my eye, just in time to catch his smirk.

  “It has nothing to do with morals. I just find humans to be generally dirty.”

  “And cows aren’t?” I purse my lips.

  “There’s a difference between dirt that’s easily cleaned and dirt that stains one’s soul, Victoria.”

  I chew on my bottom lip, considering his words. Is he saying he has eaten humans?

  “No Victoria. I have not eaten humans.” He rolls his eyes, as though I’m some idiot child.

  “Forgive me for wondering,” I mutter. “For someone who’s spent as much time in Hell as you, I wouldn’t think you’d have such an aversion to dirty souls . . . or humans for dinner.”

  “I see you have a flair for the dramatic. You know, they’re not all truly evil when they arrive here, Victoria.”

  I wonder why he always insists on saying my name. I wonder even more why I like that he does. Shaking my head, I steer my thoughts into safer territory.

  “How do you figure? Only the truly corrupt go to Hell.”

  River shakes his head. “I just brought a soul here tonight—a young man, no more than twenty years old. He was hit by a car while riding his bike away from a crime scene. He killed another boy.”

  I suck in a harsh breath. “Murder . . . and you think that’s not bad?”

  “You didn’t let me finish,” he retorts. “The boy he killed had bullied him for most of his life. The bullying had turned physical in the last year. Jordan reacted out of self-defense, but his hatred got the better of him in that moment. Years and years of abuse compiled until he snapped. Now he’s here, and he surely will become a monster.”


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