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Trust the Fall (Fallen Hunters Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Melissa Winters

  “Detain her,” Nolda screeches, drawing our attention. “She’s assaulting the reaper prince.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Nolda, I can handle myself,” River barks.

  “Be that as it may, our conversation isn’t over, and I’d prefer she not maim you until I have your oath.”

  River groans. “Take her,” he instructs the demons from before. “But if you harm a hair on her head, your life will end.”

  “We’re not done here, River,” I yell as one demon picks me up off my feet, hauling me down the hallway. “Now’s your chance to prove how trustworthy you are,” I screech.

  “Too late for that. You jumped me. You can calm down in a cell for a while.”

  I growl. “Just wait, Riv. I’ll do more than knee you in the balls next time.”

  He smirks, but there’s something else in his eyes. Something that looks an awful lot like a dare.

  “We’ll finish our conversation in private, Nolda,” he says, as the demon drags me around the corner and out of their view.

  “Where are you taking me?” I demand, but the demon only grunts, continuing down the narrow hallway.

  Screams and unintelligible moans come from closed caverns, and I thank God above that I’m spared a glance at whatever torturous acts are going on behind those walls.

  We round another dark corner and come to a room that’s full of cells. My stomach bottoms out as I take in the scene.

  A red-skinned demon has a man chained to a chair. A table next to him is full of various knives and whips. He picks up a serrated blade and runs it across the man’s cheek.

  The accompanying scream pierces my eardrums.

  I’m thrown into the cell directly across from the atrocity playing out in the room. As soon as the bars are slammed shut, locking me in, I crumple to the floor, bile rising up my throat as I watch in horror.

  What plays out, in what feels like the next hour, is nothing short of gruesome. I don’t want to watch, but I can’t turn away. The tortured soul shrieks in agony, begging for it to end.

  It doesn’t.

  The demon takes his time, and all I can do is cry. What have I become?

  “Don’t shed a tear for him,” a voice calls from the cell next to me.

  My eyes snap up to find the vampire, Julian, rubbing at his neck. “They’re here because they’ve done vile things to innocent people.”

  “How do you know this?” I ask, because my head had concocted a sob story for the man in the chair.

  “He’s in Hell, isn’t he?”

  I chew on my lip, recalling River’s account of the child he brought here earlier. “That doesn’t always mean they’re truly unforgivable.”

  His brow quirks. “How do you figure?”

  “You’re here, and you don’t seem so bad,” I smirk.

  He chuckles. “Touché. Although in this instance, I partly chose to be here. I’m not that guy.” He bobs his head toward the wailing man.

  “Yeah, about that. Didn’t you question whether this was a trap?”

  He laughs, but there’s no humor there. “No. I figured Nolda was using my brother’s request as a way of getting me here and convincing me to join his fight.” He sighs. “There are other rumored portals to the Fae land. I went along with this because I also had questions.”

  One brow lifts. “Were you thinking about siding with Nolda?”

  He shakes his head. “I’d never join his fight. He knows that. I was here to uncover whether my brother was.”

  I look to Lawrence, who’s still out cold.

  “Not him. We have another brother. He’s the one working with the witch Nolda mentioned.”

  “Who is this witch he has working for him?” I’d never heard her name. Not that my path crosses with witches typically. Well . . . not until recently, that is.

  “She’s . . . bad news. Way worse than Nolda.”

  “That’s . . . not good. If he has access to a witch, it could be hard for Lucifer to get to him.”

  “She’s powerful and dark. It’s not good news at all that she’s working with Nolda. Knowing she’s been behind the vampire revolt isn’t giving me confidence that war can be prevented. She was supposed to be bound to the Earth by her coven. If she’s managed to escape and they don’t even know it, that’s . . . well, it’s not good for any of us.”

  There are so many wars on the horizon, and it’s looking bleaker by the minute for the humans. So many questions run through my mind, but only one matters in this moment.

  “What do you plan to do?”

  “After we get out of here? Go on a witch hunt,” he says without any trace of excitement. I can tell he doesn’t want to have to deal with any of this.

  I nod my head. “Good luck with that.”

  “Which part? Getting out of here or the witch hunt?”


  “Have faith, Victoria.”

  I huff. “Ironic that you’d be telling the angel to have faith.”

  Julian laughs. “There have been many firsts since I arrived here. But we will get out. I’m biding my time. Eventually one of those lesser demons will come in here and we’ll overpower them.”

  “He looks like dead weight,” I say, motioning toward Lawrence.

  “He’ll be up soon. Whatever was in those syringes wasn’t potent enough to keep me down. Knowing Lawrence, he’s choosing the rest.” He rolls his eyes, but I see the affection he holds for his brother.

  “What does Lawrence want with the portal to the Fae kingdom?”

  “He’s on a quest . . .”

  “Do you really think it’s a good idea to confide in this angel?” Lawrence says, coming to.

  “Nice of you to join us, brother. We’re all locked in here. I don’t see any reason not to trust her.”

  “You don’t have to tell me. I get needing to keep your cards close in this place. There are eyes and ears everywhere.”

  “At least one of you is thinking straight,” Lawrence says, sitting up. “I meant no offense to you, Victoria.”

  Julian doesn’t pay attention to his brother, diving into his agenda. “Our mates.”

  Lawrence grunts at Julian’s words. “Speak for yourself. Your mate. My friend.”

  Julian rolls his eyes again, and I wonder what that’s all about.

  “My fiancé’s sister was stolen at birth and taken to the Fae kingdom. There’s a portal here to that world, and I need to get Lawrence there.”

  “I don’t know anything about a portal,” I admit. “Luke never told me about a way to the Fae kingdom.”


  I blush. “Lucifer. When we first met, he told me his name was Luke.”

  “So it’s true. You really have captured his heart?”

  I shrug. “He has a heart, Julian. He has mine.”

  “A devil and an angel? I don’t mean any insult, but how exactly is that supposed to work? He’s evil and you’re pure.”

  I snort. “I’m far from pure. I’m fallen, remember. And Luke . . . he’s not who you think he is, Julian. He’s bound by duty to rule Hell, but he does it for the right reasons.”

  “Which are?”

  “To preserve humanity. He knows that’s God’s will.”

  Julian offers a small smile. “I might find I like this Luke guy.”

  I grin. “He’s quite a character. I think you would absolutely like him.”

  “Would you two girls stop gossiping and start planning our escape? I’m wasting away over here, and that guy’s screaming isn’t doing anything for my headache.”

  I’d completely forgotten the soul undergoing torture. I refuse to look, knowing my stomach will only revolt if I see what’s transpiring.

  “What do you plan to do when you get to the Fae kingdom?”

  “He’s going to get Molly and get out. The Fae are not known for being welcoming,” Julian explains, and Law huffs.

  “What was that, Julian? The Fae are not welcoming? Isn’t that what I told Maggie? And aren’t you the o
ne who told me I was being ridiculous by not allowing her to go?”

  “Maggie?” I ask, my head bouncing back and forth between the bickering brothers.

  “Maggie is my familiar.”

  “His girlfriend,” Julian coughs into his closed fist, earning himself a glare from Law.

  “Familiar,” Law emphasizes. “I only want to keep her safe.”

  Despite his words, I can tell he likes her. If it’s not something closer to love I see shining brightly in his blue irises. I don’t say any of that, because this isn’t the time for jesting. I want to soak up as much knowledge as possible, because something tells me this is important.

  “Why was her sister stolen?”

  “We really don’t know. There’s a legend, and we believe the three sisters and my brothers and me have something to do with it, but we won’t know until we bring her home.”

  “But didn’t you say your one brother is at war with you?”

  He nods. “We also think his revolting has something to do with Molly’s absence.”

  “A broken heart?”

  “Something like that. We’re hoping that when she’s back, he’ll snap out of whatever spell he’s been under.”

  “Will that stop the vampire war?”

  “No. There are too many elder vampires and families vying for our crown. They’ll likely continue to come for us even without our brother. But if we have him by our side, we’ll have better odds of stopping it. Regardless, a war is coming. Whether it’s the vampire war or something even greater, war’s coming. We must all prepare for it.”

  “When this is all over, and I get out of here, I’ll help you in your war.”

  He nods. “Thank you, Victoria.”

  We sit in silence after that, each lost in our own thoughts. I’m working through various escape plans, keeping in mind what Julian said about the lesser demons eventually coming and our ability to overtake them.

  It never comes to that, because River show up and starts barking his orders again. “Time to go.”


  “Yes, now. Get a move on.”

  I rush to the cell door. When it swings open, he grabs my hand and pulls me toward a wall.

  “Am I missing something?”

  “This is our way out.”

  I stare at the solid wall and wonder what rabbit hole I’ve fallen down. I’m no stranger to the mystical, but Hell is another facet altogether.

  “Grab my hand,” he commands, and I shake my head.

  “Victoria, there isn’t time to waste.”

  “I’ll go if you release them too.” I nod my head toward Julian and Law.

  “Can’t. Not enough time.”

  I dig my heels in. “I won’t leave until they’re released.”

  “Victoria,” he grits through his teeth.

  “They have a quest that’s just as important as any we’re on. Please, River. Let them out.”

  He groans, but heads toward the door, throwing it open. “You only have a few minutes,” River warns. “I didn’t accept Nolda’s terms, and let’s just say he’s reneged on his plans to let us leave. He’ll be here any minute to attempt to cage all of us.”

  Julian and Law rush from the cell, but it’s too late. Heavy footsteps pound the ground heading this way.

  River swings around, caging me between his solid chest and the hard wall. My eyes widen as he lowers his head toward mine. For a second, I think he’s about to kiss me, and if he does, I will slap him.

  “Of all the inopportune times to make a move, reaper,” I hiss.

  “Baby, don’t flatter yourself,” he says into my ear. “Take this. Don’t let them know you have it. You’ll have the upper hand.”

  He places a dagger into my palm, and if we weren’t moments away from a fight, I’d turn fifty shades of red at my miscalculation of River’s intentions.

  I slip the blade into the back of the belt wrapped around the scraps barely covering my body and don’t miss the way River’s eyes rake down my chest. I flush under his heavy-lidded stare.

  “What the hell is going on?” a voice booms around the room, and my body stiffens.



  This has to be my mind conjuring him because I miss him.

  “Or because you’re getting a little too friendly with the reaper.”

  There it is again . . . Luke’s voice. No matter the chastising nature of his words, I long for it to truly be him.

  I swing around, searching, silently praying, and there he is. His face is locked in fury and his body tense, but he’s here, and that’s all that matters.

  The sight of him brings instantaneous tears to my eyes. My hands fly to my mouth as I cry out his name. “Luke.”

  There’s so much I want to say. So much I want to do . . . with him. All the jumbled, errant thoughts flash through my mind, causing the room to spin a bit.

  “Victoria.” My name from his mouth clears the light-headedness, and for the first time since I arrived here in Hell, all is right with the world.

  Everything and everyone around me disappears. It’s only him and me. His anger melts away and I can no longer stay in place. I run to him.

  He pulls me in, crashing me against his chest. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner, Victoria.”

  The tears trickle down my cheeks in a mixture of relief and apprehension. What if this is yet another trick that Hell is playing on me? I might break if that’s the case.

  “It’s me, Victoria. I promise. It’s me.”

  A sob heaves from my chest but I don’t push it down. I need to feel this moment.

  “Hold on to me,” Luke whispers, but I didn’t need him to tell me twice. I couldn’t let him go if I wanted to.

  When my eyes open, we’re no longer in the dark, cavernous lair we’d just been in. Sunlight gleams through the windows of my loft. I’m home.

  “How, when—”

  “Shh. It’s all right. You’re safe.” Luke coos into the top of my head, running his hands down my arms before wrapping them around my front.

  We’re lying on my bed, my back to his chest, and it’s the most content I’ve ever felt.

  I soak in his touch, forgetting the world and all the troubles that await us. In this moment, it’s only him and me. Finally.

  I don’t want to waste another moment. It’s well past time I give myself fully over to the only man I’ve ever loved.

  “Victoria.” Luke’s voice is hesitant, if not a little pained, as though it’s taking everything in him to walk this line carefully. “We can just enjoy this moment of quiet. Together. We don’t have to—”

  Twisting to look at him, I shake my head. “No more waiting.”

  His eyes close on an exhale and when they open, the hesitation is gone, and all that’s left is a determination that lights a fire within me. One that can’t be contained.

  I’m not sure who acts first, but I’m lifted under my arms and flipped over onto my back, with Luke hovering above of me.

  “Tell me no, Victoria. I’ll only ask once.”

  My head shakes and that’s all the reassurance he needs.

  Our hands grab and pull, dislodging our bodies from the material covering what stands between us finally being one. The belly shirt is lifted from over my head and discarded in the corner. “If I never see that again, it’ll be too soon,” he snarls.

  He simply snaps his fingers to rid me of everything else.

  A mischievous grin spreads across his face at my shocked expression, but when his eyes lower to my naked chest, all playfulness evaporates. His eyes darken to an unnatural black as he takes in my body that’s completely bared to him.

  He swallows, eyes moving back to meet mine.

  “Victoria. I . . . I don’t . . .”

  “Kiss me, Luke.”

  His lips meet mine tenderly at first, but as my mouth opens for him, his control slips. I welcome it. I need him to not treat me with kid gloves. I’ve waited too long for what only Luke could e
ver give me.


  He groans into my mouth before pulling away.

  I whimper in response. “Why are you stopping?”

  His forehead rests against mine as he breathes in deeply. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Something like a strangled laugh bubbles out of me. He puts some space between us, looking down on me with furrowed brows.

  “I’m serious, Victoria. I’ve waited so long for this. For you. I want it to be special, and I feel like we’re rushing into this because of what you’ve been through. Emotionally, I’m not sure this is what’s best for you.”

  All laughter on my part stops at his sincere words. I know that being vulnerable doesn’t come easy for Luke and in this moment, he’s willing to be just that for me.

  “I can wait. I want to know you’re in the right headspace. You’ve been through a lot, Victoria.”

  “And that is exactly how I know this is right,” I say, placing my had to his cheek. “I appreciate the fact you’re taking what I’ve gone through into consideration, but I know what I want. I’ve never been more sure of this. Of us. Please, Luke. Trust me.”

  His hand lifts, brushing a piece of hair out of my eyes. “I love you,” he says, before finally bringing his mouth back to mine. His fingers run through my hair and down my back as my tongue collides with his.

  Luke rests his other hand over my breast, his fingers kneading and pulling at my pert nipple. My back bows, pushing my chest further into his palm, begging for more of everything he’s doing. His lips move from my lips down the curve of my neck and over one breast before he settles his mouth over the other. He pulls my nipple into his mouth and sucks.

  My head falls back with a moan. I love what he’s doing but want so much more.

  His tongue circles round and round as his hand slips down over my stomach, landing at the apex of my thighs. One finger runs through my wet folds and I’m barely refraining from begging him for more. It’s not his hand I want, but it still feels so good.

  He circles his thumb around my most sensitive part and I buck at the pleasure it delivers.

  “Luke . . . I need—”

  He shakes his head. “Not yet. Let me do this, Victoria. I won’t . . .” His head dips. He looks almost embarrassed. “I won’t last long. I need to make you come.”


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