Delicate (Sublime Series Book 1)

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Delicate (Sublime Series Book 1) Page 5

by Michelle Everett

  As we walked towards the food court, Hannah’s phone rang. She dug around in her purse to find it and answered right before it went to voicemail. “Hey, Tobe! What’s up!?”

  Tobie. My stomach did a backflip dismount off a balance beam. Our evening of flirting had been in the back of my mind all morning and it had taken a tremendous effort to keep it there. I wanted to keep my attention on Hannah all day but the struggle had been real. I kept trying to shake the feelings I had gotten from the way he would look at me, or the deep sounds of his voice in my ear, but the memories were stuck like glue to my brain.

  Hannah kept chatting along with Tobie while we walked. She pointed to her favorite lunch venue and mouths “there” to me. I nodded and headed over to the counter. Hannah kept talking so I went ahead and ordered for both of us. It sounded like she was making plans with him.

  Hannah hung up as I was grabbing our food from the girl behind the counter. “So what’s up with Tobie?” I tried to sound casual. I couldn’t believe that I cared about what Tobie was up to, but come on, right? I did care. Since last night I couldn’t get him out of my mind for more than thirty seconds. What the hell is wrong with me? It’s TOBIE. … chiseled chest, hard bodied Tobie…

  “He wants to get together tonight. He said he starts working in two weeks so he wanted to hang out as much as we can before then.” Hannah claimed a table in the busy food court area and plopped into a chair. “Hand over the goods!”

  I handed her a little box of sushi. “Ugh. They have the best tuna rolls, am I right?!”

  I sat down across from her and tried to choose my words carefully as I set up my little food box. “So, what are you guys planning?”

  “I’m not sure yet.” Hannah said. She popped a piece into her mouth. “He said there was a movie he was wanting to see… or we could go out to dinner… He’s going to come over around six and we’ll decide then.”

  “Huh,” is all I could manage. I started to slowly mix some wasabi into my little container of soy sauce. Tobie would be back in my house in only a few hours. I wasn’t exactly sure what to do with that information. Why did I even care?


  So I didn’t really have a solid plan here. I was kinda flying by the seat of my pants. I really should have thought this through better. Hannah didn’t sound put off at all by making plans to hang out as much as we could before I started work so hopefully I could sneak some ‘Amber time’ into some of those nights. That’s as far as my plan had gotten so far. Well, aside from knowing exactly what I want to do to her once I get her alone, that is. I had a few hours before I made my way over to their house so I decided to go for a run. Running always helped me gather my thoughts.

  I started running when my parents split. I was left with a lot of spare time after school and rather than sit and watch my dad wallow in his own self pity, I decided to burn off my emotions. Running in high school led to lifting weights in college, lifting led to eating fairly healthy, and before I knew it I had muscles I never knew I could have. Muscles that Amber seemed to notice.

  There was a greenway not far from my house so I quickly changed into gym clothes and running shoes. I grabbed my headphones, jumped into my truck and made the short drive there. There weren’t many people there which was great so I parked in a spot right near the trailhead. Plugging my headphones into my phone, I picked a playlist full of upbeat music and took off, allowing my mind to run as well.

  “Tobie, can you please hand me my towel?” Amber had her arms propped on the side of the pool. Her body was floating gracefully behind her. Hannah had invited me and a few other friends over for the afternoon and as usual, I was the only guy. Being a short, skinny nervous kid made me very non-threatening in the eyes of the opposite sex so I defaulted to the friend-zone for most of them. Not a bad place to be really since I was the fortunate boy who always got to be around the girls, but it could be pretty depressing knowing that I had no real shot at dating any of them.

  The girls were floating around talking about their homecoming dates. I was sitting off to the side of the pool, trying to skirt the line of giving them space to gossip without looking like a creeper from the sidelines. I reached over to the stack of towels laying on the chair next to me. Grabbing one, I stood up and walked it over to Amber.

  “You ok, Tobe?” She asked me, toweling off her face. I walked back to my chair and sat down turning my attention back to watching the girls.

  “Yeah, I guess,” I sighed.

  “Well, that’s hardly convincing.” Amber frowned, “You sure you don’t want to talk about something?”

  I folded my arms over my stomach and shrugged my shoulders. My gaze aimed towards the girls. Amber followed my eyes towards the center of the pool. “Oh…. I see,” she empathized and climbed out of the pool.

  My attention centered on her as she leaned over to pick up her towel. The swell of her tits out of the top of her bikini top. The perfect curve of her waist. The water dripping from her swimsuit down her legs. The sunshine was glistening off her bare shoulders. I felt my cock twitch in my shorts. She walked over and sat down on the chair next to me. I shifted uncomfortably and folded my hands in my lap to hide my growing erection.

  “We girls can be complex creatures,” she stated.

  “That’s an understatement,” I retorted, clearly frustrated. A few minutes of silence passed between us while I continued to sulk in the waters of teenage pining before Amber leaned toward me and lowered her voice.

  “You want to know a secret?” she asked. I turned my head sideways toward hers and gave her the classic ‘what would you know’ teenage look. “Those girls don’t know what’s coming.”

  “Huh?” I was confused.

  “One day,” Amber continued, “you’re going to hit your growth spurt. And trust me, when you do every one of those girls over there will be knocking each other over to get at you.”

  I laughed at the idea of girls fighting over me. “You think so?” I ask her.

  “Oh, yeah,” she nodded. She reached over and patted her hand on my upper back. “Guaranteed.”

  I couldn’t help but smile to myself as my legs propelled me down the trail. It was time to make her premonition come true.

  Chapter Seven


  Once we got home, I took the opportunity to hide away in my office under the guise that I was trying to get some more work done. I needed to get Tobie off my mind once and for all. He was ten years younger than me. If that wasn’t enough to make him off limits, then the fact that he was Hannah’s best friend certainly should.

  I closed the door to my office and sank back into my comfy executive chair. It had been a bit of a splurge but hey, if you have to work from home sometimes you may as well be comfortable while doing it, right? Leaning my head back, I reached up and drug my hands down my face and laced my fingers behind my neck. I took a deep breath and powered up my laptop. Hannah was right. I needed to get out there and meet someone. It was time.

  I did a quick Google search for online dating sites and clicked on the first one. It was pretty well-known company and they were offering the first three months as a free trial. I rolled my eyes as I began to fill out my profile. Some of the questions were absolutely absurd, but whatever. I guess that will keep me from having to ask, or answer, such a dumb question on a date.

  It took about thirty minutes to fill out the complete profile and another twenty to pick the perfect profile picture. By the time I submitted my page, I was over the dating process already. I hated dating. Everything about it. The game, the chase, the back and forth “does he like me”, “do I like him” shit. Ugh. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. Why couldn’t I just meet someone the old fashioned way? Why did this part of my life have to suck so much?


  I stood frozen at the door to their garage. I took deep breath, knocked twice and opened the door.

  “Hey, Tobe!” Hannah called from the kitchen. “I’m in here!”

Han. So what’s the plan for tonight?” I asked, occupying my normal barstool. She reached into the fridge and pulled out two beers, offering one to me. I reached out to take it from her and twisted the top off. I put the cold bottle to my lips and took a deep pull. I wanted to ask where Amber was, but that would have been too obvious. I just needed to act normal.

  “Meh, I don’t know. Definitely dinner… I was looking at some of the movies out now… a couple look pretty interesting… depends on if we want to do a rom-com or something serious. Whatcha think?”

  “Food is a must. We could check out that new burger place and then hit the movies. You know me, I’m game for any movie genre.”

  “Which movies are you debating?” I twisted my head around to acknowledge the voice behind me. Amber strolled into the kitchen to join us. She didn’t even look at me as she headed for the fridge to pull out a beer for herself. I inhaled deeply as her intoxicating smell floated past me. My eyes followed her every move. Her cute little ass perfectly shaped by her jeans. The fitted t-shirt hugged her waist and accented her chest perfectly. Subtly sexy and totally desirable. She leaned against the kitchen counter, popped open her beer and looked me dead in the eyes.


  “Hey.” I replied with a slight smile. She wagged her eyebrows.

  Thankfully, Hannah wasn’t paying much attention and filled Amber in, “There’s a romantic comedy with Jennifer Lawrence that looks cute, but then there’s also some action movie with what’s-his-name in it.”

  “Idris Elba,” Amber said without missing a beat. Eyes still locked with mine. “That’d be the one I pick.”

  “Do you want to go with us?” Hannah asked. She turned to me, “That ok with you, Tobe? I mean, I know you said you wanted to hang out… would it be ok if she came, too?”

  “Yeah, that’s cool with me.” Well that was easy. “As long as you don’t mind eating greasy burgers and boring conversation provided by Hannah,” I teased.

  Amber laughed and Hannah shot lazer-death-beams at me with her eyes. “If anyone is boring, it’s you, Tobie.”

  “I think some would disagree with you on that one,” I said as I flashed a smile at Amber who nearly choked on her beer.


  “Tobie, you are never going to believe this.” Hannah slapped at his shoulder with the back of her hand. “I convinced Amber to sign up for online dating!”

  Tobie lowered his burger from his mouth and looked across the booth directly at me. Those deep brown eyes burning into my soul. If he was upset by this news he certainly didn't show it. He grunted. “Cool.”

  “Cool? Seriously!? That’s it!?” Hannah flustered. “It’s way better than cool… it’s awesome!”

  “Hannah,” I interjected, “I’m pretty sure Tobie doesn’t really want to know if I’m dating anyone.”

  “Oh, no. Sorry, that’s not what I meant…” He set his burger down and directed his words toward me. “I mean, I think it’s great if you want to get out there and meet someone. Not to be weir - sorry, Hannah - but you’re pretty much a knockout so why not, right?” Tobie picked up a fry, licked his lips slowly and popped it into his mouth. I wish I were a French fry.

  “Um, yes, Tobie. That is weird for you to say. But regardless, I said the same thing.”

  “Why is it weird for me to say it, but not you? That doesn’t make sense.”

  “It makes perfect sense. She’s my sister.”

  “Whatever. I can point out the obvious just as objectively as you can. I mean, look at her, Hannah,” Tobie waved a fry the length of me, “total knockout.”

  “Ugh! Tobie, stop. You’re creeping me out!”

  “Hey, you do both realize that I’m sitting right here, right? I can hear you.” I rolled my eyes, “Can we please talk about something else!?

  “Hey, don’t be mad at me!” Tobie put his hands up in defense. “Hannah’s the one who brought up how attractive you are,” he laughed. What is he doing!?

  “I did not!” Hannah objected. “I just said she should get back into dating.”

  “And then you said she was attractive.”

  “No, you said that.”

  “And you agreed.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  Tobie laughed. A big, full on, shoulder shaking laugh. No matter how awkward this topic of conversation is, I couldn’t help but join him. Watching him and Hannah argue is one of the funniest things ever. He knows exactly how to ruffle her feathers.

  Out of nowhere, something nudged my ankle. And then again. And then softly slide over my foot and stayed there. I looked up at Tobie. He winked, and then continued to rub his foot over mine. The butterflies were back.


  I don’t think I’d played footsie with someone since Heather Saint James in eighth grade. But I had the urge to feel every part of Amber’s soft skin every opportunity I could find. Amber seemed to think it was a good idea, too. It only took three seconds for her to slide her flip flop off and rub me right back. Like stinkin’ teenagers. I smiled to myself.

  When we got to the movie, I let Hannah lead the way into the theatre. I stuck close behind Amber, letting my hand rest against the small of her back as we walked down the dark aisle. Amber gestured for me to sit in the middle of her and Hannah, I guess to keep up appearances that this was mine and Hannah’s night and she was just tagging along. As long as I could figure a way to touch any part of her I didn’t give a flying fuck where I sat.

  Ten minutes into the movie, I felt Amber brush her foot against mine again. Apparently footsie was her kinda thing. I wanted to take it a little further, so I rested my hand next to my leg, opposite of Hannah and left my palm up. And waited.

  My heart was skipping beats and I was trying to breathe evenly. How can I be so anxious about holding her hand!? I wiggled my fingers slightly to brush against her thigh. She slowly lowered her hand down into mine. Electricity passed back and forth between us like one of those lightening balls you see at a kid’s museum. I had no idea what the movie was about. I spent the entire two and half hours exploring every millimeter of her hand with my fingertips. And trying to hide the massive hard on she was giving me.

  Chapter Eight


  Remember when I said I needed to get Tobie out of my mind once and for all? Yeah, I don’t know what happened to that either. Instead, I spent two and a half hours of my life in a joyful bliss of fluttering heart beats, jumping beans in my stomach, and a puddle of wetness in between my legs.

  I was so incredibly turned on by just the touch of Tobie’s hand against my own that I was beginning to think it was possible to go into a sexually induced coma. I had zero awareness of anything else around me. As far as I was concerned, the only things existing in the universe were our fingertips. It amazed me that I was able to feel so incredibly complete with such an innocent act. But it isn’t innocent at all, Amber. Holding, touching, exploring Tobie’s hand was far from innocent. It was forbidden. It was inappropriate. He was Hannah’s best friend. And oh, how I wanted more.



  The drive back to Hannah’s house was pure torture. I had offered to drive all of us and Hannah had instinctively taken over the passenger seat. Amber had been banished to the back seat of my truck and the absence of her touch was killing me. She was like drug that I couldn’t get enough of. I was craving more. As soon as I pulled into the driveway, Hannah jumped out of the truck.

  “You coming in?” she asked me.

  I watched Amber in an attempt to draw a clue about what I should do from her. She lowered herself slowly from the high seats and gently shut her door. She looked over to me and paused before speaking.

  “I think I’m going to go to bed. I’m pretty tired. I’ll see you guys later. Tobie, thank you for letting me crash your night.” She gave me a shy smile and headed inside.

  I had hoped that Amber would have given me some sort of secret message that would tell me to come inside but I was left completely c
onfused. Not sure what to do, I figured the best thing to do would be to just go home. I didn’t want to assume anything.

  “Uh… nah… I think I’m going to head home. Pretty tired myself.” I answered Hannah. “I’ll give you a call tomorrow.”

  “Well dang. I know Amber’s old, but you, too, Tobie! Sheesh!” Hannah dismissed. “Oh, well. I had fun tonight, thanks for suggesting that burger place.”

  “Me, too. Han. Talk to you tomorrow.” With that, Hannah closed her door and headed inside.

  I sat in my truck for a moment after both girls had gone inside. I watched the lights in their house turn on as they made their way through the house. The light in Amber’s room came on for a few minutes and then turned back off. I put the truck in gear but kept my foot on the brake. My mind analyzed every moment of the evening. Every signal Amber had sent gave me the go-ahead to continue pursuing her. The question now was how I was going to do that.

  I took my foot off the break and began my drive home. I needed to figure out how to open the lines of communication directly to Amber before I made any more moves and I needed to bypass Hannah completely for this to even have a chance at working.


  I made my way up to my room and began to strip so I could take a shower before bed. The steam was filling up the room and I replayed the evening in my mind. Why was Tobie doing this to me? Surely I wasn’t misreading him, was I? He’s been doing and saying things over the last few days that he would have never said before.

  I stepped into the shower to let the hot water run down my body. Memories of his naked flesh flooded my thoughts. The brushes of his fingertips against my own. No, I wasn’t imagining this. He was one hundred percent flirting with me. But why? I’m ten years older than him. Surely there are younger, hotter girls than me. For crying out loud, with his body and personality to match, he could have any woman he wanted with a snap of his fingers.


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