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Captive: A Dark Romance (Slave for Love Book 1)

Page 6

by Violet Noir

  “Alex, come on. That’s enough,” I said, but he hit her again.

  “I’ll decide when it’s enough,” he said, but he dropped the cane.

  For a brief second, I thought that he was going to stop. Then, he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. “I better have a go at her before it turns into necrophilia,” he said with a sick laugh.

  Before he knelt down behind her, Alex grabbed the flog off the wall. He intended to keep beating her while he fucked her. It was too much. He was going to kill her.

  “Alex. Enough!” I yelled, but he didn’t listen.

  He started hitting her with the flog, and all Patty could do was let out strangled little moans. Alex knelt down behind her and kept whipping her as he prepared to enter her again. Seconds before his cock was in, she passed out.

  I had to act. My hands grasped his shoulders, and I threw him back on the floor.

  “Whoa, mate. I’m not into dudes,” he said with twisted laugh.

  “You need to stop,” I barked. “You’re going to kill her.”

  Alex’s cock was sticking straight out off his bloodied pants, and he began to stroke it. “Maybe I would make an exception for you. The way you beg like a little bitch is making me hard.”

  Suddenly, he was up off the ground and had me backed against the wall. I felt the coarse stubble on his chin against my neck and his dick pressed into my belly. Alex had gone mad.

  “I will hurt you,” I said as I grasped his shoulder and tried to push him away. “Alex, knock it off. We need to get help for Patty.”

  But, he was on his knees pulling my cock out of my pants, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to stop him. I’d never had a man suck me off, and I was at least a little curious. I felt his lips wrap around my erection, and it was so wrong. But, it was also good too. I wasn’t sure if it was the adrenaline from our situation or a natural curiosity, but I wanted to come in his mouth. I couldn’t admit to myself that the violence had had turned me on enough to let a man give me head.

  I looked down, and Alex was stroking himself while he sucked my cock. He was moaning and the vibrations sent a delicious chill up my spine.

  “Oh, god, Alex. We have to stop. This isn’t right.” I looked over at Patty’s bloodied body, and I almost came right then.

  Everything about it was wrong, but I couldn’t make him stop. I told myself that I wasn’t letting him fuck me. It was just a blowjob, and I wasn’t the one giving it. When I told him we had to stop or tried to push him away, Alex just sucked harder.

  A couple of minutes later, I was coming. Alex surprised me because he kept sucking until I was spent. He swallowed it all, and when it was over, the weight of what had just happened hit me.

  “Bend over,” Alex said.


  “Bend over, Will. I’ve had her ass,” he said and pointed toward Patty, “and now I want yours. You’ve had your fun, and it’s time for me to get off.”

  “Alex, that’s insane. I’m not letting you fuck me.”

  Fury boiled in his eyes. The fury he’d taken out on Patty was about to be turned on me. I looked over at her, and that’s when I realized she’d stopped breathing.

  “Fuck,” I said and rushed to her. “She’s not breathing,” I said as I undid the shackles on her wrists.

  “She’s been dead for a bit, brother. While you were coming in my mouth, sweet Patty was taking her last breaths,” he said and laughed. “Now, bend over so I can get off.”

  I tried to turn her over so I could help her, but Alex ripped me away. He shoved me across the room and stood between me and Patty. I tucked myself back into my pants and zipped up my zipper. I needed to get the sick fucker out of my house.

  “Either I fuck you, or I fuck her. I’ve never done that before, but I imagine she’s still pretty warm.”

  “You twisted piece of shit,” I said and launched myself at him.

  He just laughed as I started punching him with a series of uppercuts to his stomach. “That’s why you called me,” Alex said and brought his knee up to my groin.

  His cheap shot had me doubled over in pain. Alex brought his elbows down on my back, and I almost collapsed to the floor.

  I thought I was going to have to kill him, but Alex stopped hitting me and stepped back. “This is stupid,” he said. “We shouldn’t be fighting with each other.”

  “Alex, you killed a woman,” I said as I got to my feet. “I can’t believe you fucking killed her. You’re going to go to prison for life.”

  “Will, don’t be stupid. You stood there and got your dick sucked while she died. If I go to prison, then you go to prison too. Lord knows what they will do to us in there too. I hope you’re kinkier than you let on.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that this good-for-nothing bitch disappeared. She’s not dead. She just ran off. We’ll get rid of the body, and this little mishap will be our secret.”

  “Get rid of the body,” I said and ran my hands over my face. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I’d never let things spiral so out of control in the past.

  “In your incinerator. I assume that’s what it’s for. You have it to get rid of evidence. So, let’s get rid of the evidence.”

  It was like a nightmare, but I found myself going along with Alex. I helped him carry Patty’s body to the next room. We put her in the incinerator and I watched as he lit the flames.

  “Do we have to babysit this thing? Or will it just take care of our mess?”

  “We can leave it to do its job,” I said and walked out of the room.

  I’d killed before, and I’d done some perverse shit, but that night was a departure from the norm even for me. Alex followed me out, and we went upstairs.

  I wanted to put my hands around his neck and squeeze the life out of him. It wasn’t just that he’d killed Patty, but Alex had dirt on me. We shared secrets, and I hated that. I despised feeling like he had something to hold over my head.

  “You should go,” I said and started toward the front door. I motioned for my night guard to escort Alex out. “We’ll talk again when I’ve had some time to process this.”

  Just then, there was a pounding at the front door. I looked at my guard, and he moved to answer the door.

  “I think I’ll just slip out the back,” Alex said with a chuckle. “That will be Viktor, after all.”

  “What? What is he doing here?” Viktor was a scary motherfucker, but he wouldn’t kill me.

  I wasn’t so sure about Alex. Viktor and I were probably done as business partners once I told him that Patty was dead, but when he found out that Alex was involved, he’d rip his head off. None of us were friends, but at least Viktor and I worked for the same organization. That meant he couldn’t kill me without permission, and no one in the family was going to give him the go ahead to kill me over a slave. Alex didn’t fall under that same protection.

  “I sent him a text that Patty was in trouble,” Alex said.

  So, I had a choice to make. I could let him get away or I could let Viktor kill him. That would be two lives taken in my home in one night. That wasn’t something that would bother me on a normal night. It’s what I had the incinerator for, after all. Sometimes people had to die. It was business. But Patty’s death felt different.

  She hadn’t loved me, but I had to admit that I’d cared about her. It’s one of the reasons her betrayal had filled me with such rage. For once, I’d let my guard down just a bit, and it had bitten me in the ass.

  “Let him in,” I said to the guard.

  “What?” Alex hissed. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m not going to hide what’s happened,” I said. “We’re not going to skulk off into the night like cowards. Viktor works for my employers. He will be shown all respect due to him.”

  “He was fucking your property behind your back,” Alex said.

  “He was, and now he’ll know the cost of that betrayal,” I responded. “Besides, you told him to come here.”
  Viktor’s face was red and there was a line of sweat across his forehead. “Where is she? Where is Patty?”

  “Before I begin,” I said. “I’d like to know why you think you have the right to barge into my home in the middle of the night and demand answers about a woman that belongs to me?”

  “Enough with the bullshit,” Viktor said. “I’ll pay you for her. She can be mine.”

  “See, now that would have been the honorable thing to do from the start. I don’t know if I would have said yes, but offering to buy her instead of just using my slave behind my back would have been better,” I said.

  “What are you saying?” There was murder in Viktor’s eyes. I didn’t necessarily blame him, but he’d brought it on himself. So had she. “Where is Patty?”

  “Patty is dead,” Alex blurted out. “The dumb whore is dead.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I said to Alex just as Viktor pulled out his gun.

  “Put that away,” I said to Viktor. “This is my house. You do not have permission to kill him here.” I turned to my guard. “Take Mr. Connor out of here.”

  “I’m just going to track him down and kill him later,” Viktor said as my guard escorted him out.

  “You could do that,” I said. “But, he’s not totally to blame. I called him. I asked for his help disciplining Patty, and I let him take it too far.”

  “There’s nothing that I can do about you,” Viktor said. “But I can take it out of his hide.”

  “I know that, but I have a proposal.”

  “Why would you help him?”

  “I don’t want to help him, Viktor, but I believe it is in everyone’s best interest if we settle this peacefully.”

  “How can you do that?”

  “I’ll buy you another girl. Any one of your choice. I’ll even pay for a virgin if it will help you get past Patty’s death.”

  “You can’t just replace her,” he said.

  “I know that.” I felt a painful throb in my chest.

  “You cared for her.” His shoulder fell a bit when the weight of what he’d done hit him. “You cared for her and we betrayed you.”

  “It’s water under the bridge now. What do you say to my proposal?” There was no point in dwelling on any of it anymore.

  “I accept what you have done, and I will leave Alex Connor alone unless he crosses me again. As far as another girl, give me a few days to consider.”

  “The offer stands whenever you are ready.”



  I woke up in a damp, chilly basement strapped down to a gurney. It was like waking up in a horror movie, except that it was real.

  Where Will’s dungeon was full of sex toys and items used to cause pleasurable pain, the place I found myself in was a real live torture room.

  The walls were old brick and the floor concrete. The metal gurney was cold against my skin, and I could smell what had to be decaying blood. My body was covered with welts from where he must have whipped me while I was unconscious. The way my head swam when I tried to focus on anything told me I’d been drugged. That must have been how he’d hit me so much without waking me up.

  “Oh, good. I was hoping you’d wake soon. I was starting to get bored, and I thought I’d have to come up with a creative way to wake you up,” Alex said and took a step toward me.

  He had a belt in his hands, but it looked strange. I didn’t realize what it was until he strapped it around my waist and between my legs. A cold bullet-shaped vibrator pressed against my clit.

  “I think you’ll like this part,” he said as he made sure it was in place. “Well, you will at first. I want to see what will happen to you if I keep this thing on while I hurt you.”

  I started to cry, and he smiled.

  “Oh, that’s nice,” he said and clicked a button on a remote he’d had stashed in his pocket. “Now, unfortunately for you, dear, I don’t mean hurt you like Will. Or even like I’ve hurt you so far. No, dear Tessa, I’m going to really hurt you.”

  Panic rose in my chest even as the vibrator between my legs sent pleasure coursing through my veins. The conflicting sensations were maddening, but I guessed that was his intent. He wanted to hurt me, but more importantly, he wanted to drive me insane.

  I closed my eyes again and tried to focus on thoughts of Will. If I could just get my mind back to our first time together, then I could stay there until it was over. All I had to do was get out of my body and hide in my head where I was safe and warm in my bed at Will’s house.

  I let out a pathetic moan. The thoughts of Will were nothing more than a reminder that I’d done this to myself. My chest heaved as I bawled, and Alex laughed and danced around the gurney.

  “I want to cut you so badly,” he said and picked up a scalpel off a nearby table.

  I stifled a scream. I wouldn’t give him that.

  “But it’s too soon for that,” he said and put it back down. “That’s the grand finale. I don’t want to get to the best part too soon. It’s better to warm you up first. And hey, by the time we get to the cutting, you’ll be begging for the end. So we’ll both win,” he said and shrugged. “If I let you die. I might keep you. We could do this for weeks before your heart gives out.”

  I watched him walk slowly around the room perusing his torture implements. He’d pick something up, turn it over in his hand, and then put the item back. The low-level vibrations against my clit built tension in my body, but the fear of what he would do to me kept me from climaxing.

  The longer he walked around looking for the perfect tool to torture me, the more frightened I became. I wanted him to stop, but if he found what he was looking for, he’d use it on me.

  He stopped and turned to me. “What are you most afraid of, dear?”

  I just shook my head no at him, but he walked over and picked up the scalpel again. It was my decision to make. I could see it in his eyes. Alex wanted for me to choose between cutting and whatever I told him was my biggest fear.

  I wracked my brain trying to think about what would be the least horrible thing he could do to me. Alex took the remote out of his pocket and clicked a button on it again.

  The vibration turned up to high, and I started to moan as the physical pleasure overwhelmed me. I tried to wish it away, but I couldn’t resist. The orgasm built up in less than minute because the vibrations were so intense. It burst through the dam of my fear, and my whole body quaked as I cried out.

  “The human body is amazing, isn’t it?” Alex said in a sickly sweet voice once he’d turned the vibrator back down to low. “You’re having the worst day of your life right now, and yet you can still come. What’s that like, dearest Tessa?”

  I summoned all of the courage I had. One way or another, I was done with his bullshit. Either I was going to shut him up or he would have to kill me.

  “You’re going to die,” I said and spit at him. “He’s going to fuck you up.”

  Alex clicked his tongue at me. “Now, now, Tessa. Will isn’t coming for you. You ran away, and he’s done with you. He calls me in to deal with the slaves he doesn’t have the stomach to discipline properly. He calls me in when he wants one of you conniving little whores dead.”

  “That’s not true.” I said, but there was no conviction left to my words.

  “Oh, but it is,” he said and picked up the scalpel again. “I think I’m tired of you, though. It’s time to have some real fun.”

  “No,” I choked out. “I want my mom,” I said as the terror took over my mind.

  “Don’t worry, dear. This is going to hurt, but this scalpel is dull. If it was as sharp as the surgeons use, I could fillet you with just a touch.”

  He brought the scalpel down to the skin on my upper arm, and burning pain seared through my limb. I couldn’t imagine how bad it would’ve been if the knife had been fully sharpened.

  “It would hurt less if it were sharper,” he said as if he could read my mind. “At least at first. A fully sharpened surgical scalpel will slic
e through the nerves before they have a chance to register the pain. Though, the pressure I just applied would have cut you down to the bone.”

  He moved the scalpel a quarter of an inch, and I began to scream hysterically. I lost myself to the fear and pain. There was nothing to do but turn myself over to it. I’d thought there was no chance for rescue. And still through it all, the desperate throbbing between my legs brought me closer to coming again. I hated myself more than I hated him.

  When I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness because my body and mind couldn’t take anymore, the door behind Alex burst open.

  Will came through the door and leveled his gun at Alex, but Alex lashed out at Will with the scalpel. Will had to jump back to keep Alex from slashing his chest. He fired at Alex. But the sick son of a bitch ducked and took a swipe at Will’s legs.

  In that moment, Alex slipped out of the room. Will started after him, but instead turned and came back into the room with me.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t go after him and leave you here like this,” Will said.

  “It’s okay. Please don’t leave me here.”

  He cut the straps holding me to the gurney and cut the belt off too. “Oh, my god,” he murmured as he looked me over. For a moment, it looked as though he’d gone somewhere else in his mind.


  He scooped me into his arms and carried me out of the house. I was terrified that Alex would jump out at any moment and cut us. Will’s gun was holstered because he was carrying me.

  We made it to his car without seeing Alex again. I could only guess that he was hiding somewhere watching us. When the car door closed, I felt myself relax a little.

  As the adrenaline rush wore off, the excruciating pain rushed over me. I moaned loudly and felt the tears begin to run down my cheeks.

  “There’s a doctor waiting for us, baby,” Will said and stroked my hair. “He’ll give you something for the pain.”

  His words were enough to soothe me, and I was completely exhausted. The burning sensation on my skin and between my legs would ease just enough for me to doze off, and then the car would hit a bump. It sent a fresh skittering of sharp agony dancing across my skin.


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