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Martin Billings Caribbean Crime Thrillers

Page 19

by Ed Teja

When we left Harm, we stopped in the Port Captain’s office to say hello and let him know that we were around. They like to think you are available in case some emergency comes up, such as a millionaire on a yacht wanting to anchor in the spot you are in. Then we walked down to the hospital to check on Tim.

  “He is much improved,” the doctor said. “He isn’t conscious all of the time yet. Awareness comes and goes, but the signs are good.” He smiled, pleased with himself. “Very good. The surgery was quite successful.”

  “You guys need any more help with tough cases, don’t be afraid to call me,” Bill told him.

  The doctor growled, that’s all I can call it, a growl. Maybe he was just grinding his teeth. Sounded like a growl to me, though. He indicated to the policeman at the door that we could go in, and then he turned on his heel and walked away.

  “I don’t think he likes you, Bill.”

  “That hurts my feelings. Do you think it means I won’t get a consulting fee?”

  “I wouldn’t spend it until you see it.”

  “Shit. Cheap bastards.”

  Tim lay awake on his bed, the back of the bed raised at a slight angle so that he could put himself back in a coma any time he wanted by watching television. He grinned.

  “I feel light-headed,” he said. He reached up and touched the bandage that encased his head. “With all this, I figured my head would feel like it weighed a ton. Think they put all the parts back in when they operated?”

  “They said they couldn’t fit it all in, because of the swelling of that tiny nub you use for a brain,” I told him. “But not to worry, they gave us the spare bits in a doggy bag, and we stuck ’em in the freezer. You can have them back when you get done playing hospital.”

  Tim looked happier than I’d seen him in a long time. He smiled without a trace of the sarcastic leer I’d grown accustomed to. The smile was weak, but it was real.

  “How’s the investigation going, Sherlock?” he asked me.

  “I keep telling them that the butler did it, but they claim he was screwing the upstairs maid in front of witnesses at the time.”

  “Tough break for our side.”

  “The good news is that Ramón says you didn’t do it.”

  His laugh sounded weak. “The killing or the drugs?”

  “Either one.”

  “Great. When can I get out of here?”

  “When Ramón tells the police this news, or when he tells us who did kill Antonio.”

  “Ah. So, this revelation is private, insider information.”

  “For the moment.”

  “Not quite so good then.”

  I sat down in a chair by his bed. “Not so good, Tim.”

  “So, what has been going on while I was sleeping? Were you guys on vacation?”

  My neck had started aching. I rubbed it. Tension. That’s what it was. If I were going to be honest, now I would have to tell Tim about both María and Maggie. “Well,” I started, “the cops don’t really believe you killed Antonio.”

  “But they want to keep me around until they figure out who did?”

  I looked over at Bill. “Good guess.”

  “Everybody needs a bad guy to parade for the bosses and the press,” Bill said. Tim closed his eyes. I could tell that he was fighting against pain, fighting to keep from blacking out again.

  “Where’s Maggie?” he asked. “I haven’t seen her in a long time. Used to come in almost every…” and he drifted off, his breathing falling into a regular and deep pattern.

  “Good time for a nap,” Bill said. I couldn’t agree more. Maybe before we saw him again, we’d have better stories to tell, stories with happier endings at any rate.

  Much to my relief, Victoria strode into the hotel lobby at noon. She wore black jeans, black sneakers and a dark tee shirt, one of those that if you say it’s black you’ll be told it’s dark blue, and if you say it is blue... so you don’t even try to call it anything but dark. It seemed to be her action outfit.

  She carried a small duffle bag. I introduced her to Bill and watched as his eyes grew large. He began acting polite, the way he does when he doesn’t really know how to act. This, I should point out, only happens with women. It can take him a little longer to figure out where a woman fits on his good/bad lists.

  We briefed Victoria on the details of the situation over lunch, with me doing most of the talking. She didn’t say a word. As usual, she would talk when she was ready to, and for now she was just absorbing information like a sponge. Every so often she stopped me to ask a good question, such as had I heard back from Chris? I hadn’t. She let me know that she didn’t like that, but for the most part, she just let me tell it out.

  When I finished, she sat there, toying with her food. Finally, she looked at us and said, “Regardless of what plan we put together, our specific strategic and tactical approaches to handling the situation, we need to settle one thing right now.”

  “What’s that?” Bill asked.

  “Do we draw straws to decide who gets to shoot this prick’s balls off?”

  Bill laughed, spreading a thin film of seafood soup on my face. “I like this lady,” he roared. And that settled the intuitive part of trusting Victoria.

  An unhappy Chris returned my call as we finished lunch. When he heard the situation, however, he agreed to stand by with the launch.

  We went to my room to compare notes and wait for Highball’s call. Victoria tossed her duffle bag on my unmade bed and sat down beside it. She opened the top of her bag and dumped the contents on the bed. Bill gave a long, low and appreciative whistle. There in front of us were a .45 caliber automatic, a .357 Smith and Wesson revolver, a 9mm Beretta and a plastic box wrapped in wires.

  “This lady is ready to rock and roll,” Bill chuckled gleefully.

  Victoria used both hands to pick up the pistols by their barrels and held them out to us. “Choose your weapon, gentlemen. I didn’t know your preferences, but this is what was in stock.”

  So, these were the some of the resources she had been checking into, I thought. I grinned at Bill, who reached over and took the automatic from her with loving care.

  “Firepower over subtlety, impact over accuracy every time,” he murmured.

  I took the revolver and she put the 9mm back on the bed. Bill took his gun over to the writing table, adjusted the desk lamp and began disassembling it.

  As he worked, he muttered, “Preparation!”

  Victoria rummaged in the bag and brought out a small plastic box. I recognized it as a gun cleaning kit. “Hey, Wild Bill,” she called, tossing it to him when he turned to look.

  “Thanks. But that’s Ugly Bill.”

  “Not to me,” she laughed. Then I laughed, too. I’d never seen Bill blush before. He turned his back to us, opened the box and set about a meticulous cleaning of the hefty automatic.

  Victoria picked up the other box from the bed and unwrapped the wires. She took the telephone from the nightstand and sat it on the bed. She took a screwdriver from her jeans pocket and loosened the screws in the base and took off the plastic cover. When she picked up the plastic box again, I saw that the ends of the wires terminated in alligator clips. One wire was purple, the other yellow. She clipped the wires to terminals in the phone that had wires of the same color already connected to them. A red light on the top of the box began to glow. She smiled at me.

  “Damn thing works.” She sounded satisfied. Then she unscrewed the mouthpiece and took out the carbon microphone. She tossed it on the table. “It’s so nice and helpful that telephones are pretty standard and so well labeled,” she said.

  Bill had turned in his chair to watch, leaving his gun apart on the table. He looked amused. “Where’d you learn that shit?” He asked.

  “Law school,” Victoria and I said at the same time, and then laughed.

  Bill grinned. “It must be a great school.”

  “What does the box do?” I asked.

“Do?” she sounded insulted. “It adds panache, a touch of high-tech styling to this otherwise boring room. Isn’t it enough that it is there?”


  “Well then, since you insist that it do something, what it does is first act as a telephone amplifier so that when a call comes in, we can all clearly hear what is said. Second, it it’s a voice activated recorder. I thought we should record the conversation so that we can be sure of what his instructions are and avoid screw ups or confusion later on.”

  “That tiny thing records?” Bill asked in astonishment.

  Victoria nodded. “It uses flash memory, the latest technology. Now the red light tells us the box is working, which is always a handy thing to know. When a call comes in, it turns green to let us know it is recording. This switch,” she pointed to a tiny button, “is a push-to-talk switch. When it isn’t pushed the person on the other end can’t hear anything we say. That gives us a chance to talk over anything he says without him hearing it.”


  “Or your money back.”

  “Where the hell did you get a thing like that?” Bill asked.

  She gave him a coy look. “A special television offer. It isn’t available in any store.”

  Bill groaned. “I figured it was something like that.” Then he turned back to cleaning his gun, saying, “I think I like at least some of this high-tech shit.”

  “Me, too,” Victoria said. “When it works.”

  Bill scowled. “I know why this cleaning job is going so slow,” he told us. “It lacks lubrication.” He got up and left, returning to the room a few minutes later with a bottle of whisky and three glasses. “Sorry there’s no mixer,” he told Victoria, “but I don’t figure you for a wimp drinker anyway.”

  “Well thanks, Bill,” she said, taking a glass and holding it so he could pour her a healthy slug. Then it was my turn and, finally, he poured his own. Before sitting down, he raised his glass. “I propose a toast. To the powers that be, give us luck.”

  Victoria and I drank with him, and then she said, “I hope good luck lies in odd numbers.”

  While I was trying to figure that out, or at least a witty comeback, Bill laughed and said grandly, “‘There is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, chance or death’.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked. “Do you two have some sort of code for this conversation that I am not privy to?”

  “I told you that your SEAL training was faulty and slipshod.” Bill said. “I bet they are better educated at that law school.”

  “It’s just a reference to the fact that there are three of us,” Victoria told me. “It’s a beautiful quote and what it says is all that it means. I hope it’s lucky.”

  “And the key to the code is reading Shakespeare,” Bill put in. “I recommend to you The Merry Wives of Windsor. In fact, I think it should be required reading for all our soldiers and sailors.”

  Our conversation ended with the phone call—the one we waited on. I grabbed the phone and the red light on Victoria’s device turned from red to green as Maggie came on at first, as before.

  “Nothing has changed from my point of view since yesterday,” she said, sounding exhausted, “except that they have fed me.”

  “Under the circumstances I’ll take that as good news.”

  “Now Highball, who is breathing his rancid breath on my neck, wants to talk to the chica,” she told me.

  “I’ll put her on.”

  Victoria took the phone. “What do you want with me, asshole?”

  From that point on she listened while Highball set out his plan.

  His was a simple, effective plan. The swap would be made at night, at ten p.m., on a small island that lay between Mochima and Puerto La Cruz. Victoria and I, wearing white clothes and carrying the drugs in the red suitcase, would take a launch to the island.

  “I want you two lovebirds in plain sight,” he said. As we entered the bay, Victoria was to be standing on the bow with the red suitcase and I would stay at the helm, with my hands in plain sight. I would run the bow up on the beach and Victoria would hop ashore with the suitcase. Once Highball checked the drugs, he would release Maggie to Victoria. We would leave right away with, as he said, no harm done.

  During our second replay of the conversation, Bill laughed out loud at that assessment, “Right! He’ll just let you three sail away on a nice cruise.”

  But from Highball’s point of view it was a great plan. First it would take place at night, when there was little boat traffic, and yet under a full moon. He would be on the island, which was hilly, allowing him to see us come into the bay, count heads, make sure there was no trick, no hidden gunmen. He would get the drugs, and then probably kill us all. He expected to be the only one going off into the sunrise, happy ever after.

  I called Chris to tell him when and where we would need him, and then we three determined warriors put our heads together to make sure that we came up with a plan that had a happier ending than the one Highball counted on.


  I woke just before seven the next morning, groggy and climbing through layers of confused and chaotic dreams that ran in several directions at once. There seemed to be a main theme of boat tag underlying it all, and at least part of the time, with frantic haste, I chased first Maggie, then Victoria. If you can figure it out, have an idea what it means, please write and tell me.

  I reached for Victoria, but she wasn’t there. I opened an eye and saw her clothes draped over the chair where I had tossed them the night before, and then I heard water running in the bathroom. I closed my eyes again and tried to let my brain follow the path of least resistance back to the real world. A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and a bath of humid air wafted over me as Victoria walked to the bed. Drops of water hit my face as she bent over to kiss me.

  “It’s raining,” I said as I opened my eyes and saw her smiling down at me.

  “What are you doing playing in the rain?” She shook her head, causing a barrage of cold drops to shower down on me.

  “Good. Saves time, sharing a shower,” I said. “Very efficient. Recycling is important.”

  The bed sagged as she sat down. “C’mon, lazy. Get up. I’m hungry.”

  I got out of bed with my normal morning reticence and headed into the bathroom to confront that disreputable bum who always takes my place during the night.

  We met up with Bill in the lobby and, in quiet voices, went over our plan again. In the daytime it sounded just as it had sounded at night—dangerous, reckless and the only game in town. But it had the virtues of being single and devoid of originality.

  “Let me go through it once with no help from the studio audience,” Bill said. We nodded. “We do what he told us to do, with only a few of our own minor creative alterations. The first thing is that Chris will take Martin’s place with Lady V on the launch, and we give Martin a ride on Harm as this innocent freighter makes its way between islands ahead of Chris and Lady V. Martin leaves Harm with dive gear and gets on the island in his inimitable SEAL fashion.” He paused. “Question here, folks.” We looked at him.

  “Which is?” I asked.

  “Things can get a bit rushed in the timing department, but it wouldn’t have to be tight at all if Martin and I got there early. Got set up ahead of time.”

  “Two things I don’t like about that,” Victoria said. “First, we want anyone watching us in Cumaná to see Martin get in the launch with me, since Highball won’t take kindly to substitutions from the bench. So, we have to make the swap later in the game and well offshore.”

  I could see that “And point number two?”

  “And getting there early also gives Highball and his troops longer to spot you, and they won’t be distracted the way they will be when we are coming in with the launch.”

  “Okay.” Bill seemed convinced, if not pleased. “So, Martin swims into the bay and finds a cozy spot where he can w
atch the beach and pick off bad guys. We have to assume that our creep is just the creep in charge, not the whole goon squad.

  “When Harm goes around the point and is safely out of sight of the baddies, I slip the dinghy over the side and row in from the backside of the island. Sammy fakes a breakdown and let’s Harm drift so I can use her for cover for most of my trip. When I hit the beach, I take a little hike and come in from behind. Then, while the bad guys are finding out that the suitcase is filled with bags of cornmeal, we close in for the kill.”

  “The arrest,” I said.

  “Whatever. I’ve been over the charts a few dozen times this morning. I think I can say that everything we plan to do is possible as far as the boating part goes. The charts don’t offer any data that might say how crazy it is, however.”

  After we ate, we took Victoria’s car to the fishing pier. Bill ferried some dive gear out to Harm.

  “I’ll tell Sammy to get things ready for a moonlight cruise,” he said.

  Victoria and I got back in the car and went back to town to buy the white clothes and a few other things before it was time to meet Chris. As I said, we had a busy afternoon. At least it kept me from worrying too much. We got the clothes, just shorts and tee shirts, then went to buy the suitcase. The clerk in the supermarket gave us strange looks when we took it in with us to measure how much sugar and how many plastic baggies we needed to buy to make it substantial.

  “We have no idea how much stuff he expects,” Victoria said. “If it’s obviously too much or too little, he will be tipped off too soon.”

  I shrugged. “We’ll just have to make our best guess and hope that we are close or he's slow to notice. He might even expect us to steal some it before we deliver it.”

  Victoria convinced the clerk that we were buying props for an anti-drug skit that we would present to the schools throughout Estado Sucre—the state Cumaná was in. “My friend here plays the drug dealer,” she told him. He smiled and offered the use of his storeroom to rebag the sugar and put it in the suitcase. By the time we were done, it was fairly heavy. I hefted it and looked at her quizzically. “Too heavy?” she asked.


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