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Love's Fun

Page 2

by Karen Deen

“Okay, well, let’s get inside and start working out. That’ll wake you up quickly. Come on.” With that, she bounces out of the car like she’s full of energy. I’m not feeling as enthusiastic.

  There’s a reason I haven’t really spent much time in big gyms over the years. I feel self-conscious, like I don’t belong. I’m not as fit and trim as Lilly. I was born with round hips, a backside that I struggle to keep from looking huge, and boobs I wouldn’t call perfect. I don’t quite match the majority of the women, flirting around the room, showing off their tight booties and gorgeous trim bodies. Good on them for working hard but I’m not stupid. I know I just don’t look like them. Using the gym at the apartment complex is great. It’s small and only visited by a few people from our building at a time. There’s a real mix of people using it, varying in age and ability. I feel I fit in my little gym just fine.

  “Hi, girls. How are we this morning?” Natalie, Xavier’s sister, greets us as we come through the door. We also met her last night where we hit it off immediately. She seems lovely and our kind of girl. Her and Xavier are twins. I’m not sure she is as cheeky as him, but she was partying and having fun last night with Lilly and me. Her friendship with Zara, my brother Grant’s current flame that he won’t admit to having, is a close one. Almost like a sister. They are each other’s best friends, and I have a feeling Xavier is a little protective over Zara too, like she is another sister to him.

  “Ready to work hard? Just because you were out partying last night, don’t expect me to go easy on you. If one thing is certain, Xavier never goes easy on anyone. Just ask Zara, look at her face over there, just from her session with him. He’s a mean man, let me assure you.”

  “Wow, you’re really filling me with so much confidence, Nat. Maybe I should just back out now?” I look at Lilly who is already laughing at me.

  “Not a chance. Let’s get going. You are going to sweat whether you like it or not.” Little does Lilly know, I’m already sweating from nerves and we haven’t even made it over to where Xavier’s standing.

  Walking over to the other side of the gym, Lilly and Natalie are talking away, laughing about last night. Tagging along behind them, I can see the attention of nearly all the men in the gym is fixed on Lilly. They all start to either run that little bit faster or pump those weights that little bit harder trying to get her to notice them. It’s almost comical. Pity Lilly is oblivious to all the attention. She’s too busy gossiping with Nat.

  The closer we get to Zara and Xavier, the more my palms sweat. I can see what Grant sees in her. Her body is toned, and she has the beautiful long legs of a dancer. Her dark hair and amazing soft complexion make her look like a princess. I can only imagine what she looks like on stage, fully made up and in costume.

  They’re stretching at the end of what I’m guessing was an intense workout. With Zara’s big dance audition not far off, I imagine she’s working hard to maintain her fitness. Even though she is sucking in her breath still, she lights up with a beautiful smile as we approach.

  “Well, girls, you just lost me twenty dollars. I bet Nat you wouldn’t show up this morning. You were both partying hard last night. I thought getting up to come down and train with this legend was the last thing you would feel like. I must admit, I am impressed.” There it is, that feeling in my stomach when he speaks and laughs. Like something’s grabbing it and tying parts of it in tiny knots.

  “Oh, shut up, Xav. I was confident they were always going to show. Look how eager they are to be here. They can’t wait to get started. Easiest twenty dollars I’ve ever made. That’ll teach you to doubt a woman when she says she is going to do something. We don’t back down. Right, girls?” Lilly and Zara both laugh out loud at Nat, but my voice is lost somewhere, I’m not quite sure where to find it. I am so pathetic.

  “Not sure how happy Alesha looks to be here. Let’s see if we can change that by the time we’re finished with you. What do you think, Ally?”


  No one has ever called me that before.

  I’m always Lesh for short, which came from when Lilly was little and struggled to say my name. I can see Lilly smiling that stupid grin she gets when she’s trying not to say anything. I stand there with Xavier looking straight at me. My breathing is getting a little faster and I’m trying to get some words out. At this stage, just any words would be great.

  “Um, yeah, sure,” is all I can muster. For some reason, three awkward words still bring that cheeky smile to his face. While I can feel the blush warming mine.

  “Oh, this is going to be fun.” He chuckles and turns to give Zara a hug. “See you tomorrow morning. Try to get some rest. I don’t want you overusing those muscles, so they become fatigued. Nat, can you take the girls over and show them the lockers and get them warmed up on the treadmill? I’ll just get some more water, and then get everything set up for them.” I’m not quite sure what he’s referring to with the fun. I have a sneaky suspicion it has something to do with me and the blushing that’s overtaking my face.

  “Just ignore him, Alesha. He thinks he’s a ladies’ man, or ‘a pussy whisperer’ is what he likes to call himself.” Nat is laughing to herself as she motions for us to follow her. I’m nearly choking on my own air with that comment. If that isn’t the biggest warning clanging in my head to stay away from Xavier, I don’t know what is. Another part of my body, however, is thinking how it would love to be whispered to.

  Oh my god, I need to shut this down.

  I have never been this flustered by a man before.

  Listening to Nat, it sounds like he isn’t the kind of man for me.


  The next fifteen minutes pass quickly as we run together on the treadmills. Looking around the gym, I take in the big establishment. There’s a couple of rooms to the left that are running classes behind glass walls. One is a spin class that will definitely be wiped off my checklist. That looks like way too much effort.

  I’m trying hard not to look to my left too often to where Xavier’s standing. He looks like he’s leaning against the wall watching us running. Surely that’s not a pretty sight with my body bouncing around and my legs looking like they are struggling to keep up with the speed of the machine. Lilly hasn’t even broken a sweat yet as she just jogs along, chatting away. I’m not sure I have enough breath to hold a conversation while I run. Concentrating putting one foot in front of the other is enough for me to manage right this moment.

  Without realising it, Xavier has moved and is now standing right next to me. Placing his hand on one of mine that is hanging on for dear life, he gets nice and close to my ear. The mere touch of his hand on mine has me stumbling a little. His other hand is slowing down the machine for me, so I don’t end up shooting off the back of the treadmill from lack of concentration.

  “Are you ready, Ally, for me to work you hard and make you all hot and sweaty? Just so you know, I’m glad you came.”

  Oh, Lordy, if he touches me again, I may just explode and will literally be coming. This is going to be the hardest hour of my life. What was I thinking? Oh, that’s right, I wasn’t. As usual, I was just doing as I was told.



  WHY IS IT THAT when I am surrounded by a gym full of hot women, many of them trying to make eye contact, some I’ve already slept with, I can’t take my eyes off the woman in front of me. Last night she captured my attention. Not like women usually do, though. Usually I’m merely looking at them to have a good night with and, if I’m lucky, which is most of the time, I take them home to warm my bed and satisfy both our needs. We both enjoy it and, even if they are looking for more, it doesn’t usually last too long because I’m not good at relationships. There is too much fun to be had playing the field and besides, no woman I’ve ever slept with has made me interested in anything more.

  Alesha is different. She makes my body spark, there is no denying that. There is more to her, though, and I want to know what makes her tick, what makes her smile and more than that, I wa
nt to know the woman hiding behind that shyness. Which is so unlike me. My usual type of woman is confident, athletic, flirty, and up for lots of fun. Alesha is just the opposite. Maybe that’s why she intrigues me? After all these years, maybe that’s been my problem, all the women have been similar.

  Last night, for the first time ever, I didn’t try to chat her up or pursue her. I just watched from a distance, mesmerized by her. It was like she was my magnet. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Although she was trying to ignore me, her eyes met mine many times. Each time bringing a smile to my face. The uncertainty on her face was refreshing. I wasn’t confident she would show up this morning. From listening to them talking earlier, I have a feeling Lilly didn’t give her much choice.

  No woman has ever felt like much of a challenge, but I have a feeling Alesha will be my biggest challenge yet. This could be fun!

  “Are you ready, Ally, for me to work you hard and make you all hot and sweaty? Just so you know, I’m glad you came.” I’m not sure where the name Ally came from, but it suits her. It’s cute, just like every time she looks up through her eyelashes to check if I’m watching her. It was time to up my game and get her talking to me. Not just one-word answers but a sentence or two would be a start. Touching her and getting close has affected her. I see the shiver that runs through her body. It gives me the answer I wanted to know. She might not be confident enough to show me, but she’s interested. I can tell by her body language. Let’s see where the next hour leads us.

  “Okay, girls, now you’re all warmed up, let’s get some weight work done. Follow me to the torture chamber.” The look on Alesha’s face makes me laugh. “Ally, I’m joking. I promise it won’t hurt too much. Well, not for the first five minutes anyway. Trust me.” Nat just rolls her eyes and starts heading across the gym. She knows what I’m like, both as a personal trainer and a guy. I’m not sure which one she is rolling the eyes at, or if it’s at both.

  “You’re full of shit, Xav. You love to inflict pain on innocent clients and these girls are no different,” Nat throws over her shoulder as she keeps walking.

  “You two crack me up, it’s just like listening to me with my brothers. Especially Luke. He always wants to have the last say and thinks he’s the funniest person alive.” Lilly laughs as she steps down from the machine, following Nat.

  “Oh, girls, I don’t think I’m the funniest, I know I am. Just ask Nat, she will be happy to verify I am the king of comedy.”

  “Actually, I thought she said you were the ultimate pussy whisperer,” Ally mumbles as she walks past me.

  Well, fuck me if that doesn’t floor me.

  Where the hell did that come from? I’ve hardly heard her speak, and then out of nowhere she throws that at me! Maybe I have misjudged my quiet, shy little treasure. There’s more to Ally than meets the eye.

  “Welcome to the game, Ally. Let’s test that theory, shall we?” Just like that, the slight confidence is gone and, although there’s a little smile across her lips, there isn’t going to be another comment in reply. I don’t think any of my usual form is going to work with this woman. Already, I’m wondering how much to push her to bring her out of her shell without having her running the opposite direction. I have a feeling getting to know Alesha is going to be worth the time and patience.

  “Right, ladies, let me test your strength and fitness levels before we get too far in to the session. I don’t want to push you so hard that you overdo it and won’t come back to see me again.” I wink at Ally, and she drops her gaze again. I’ve never had a girl who doesn’t flirt with me during a session and, to be honest, I’m not sure how to handle this. The normal gym bunnies love to flirt, even the married ones. I would never pursue anything with a married woman, it just makes some of the training a little more fun. They think they have me wrapped around their finger and ready to fall at their feet. Little do they know, I’m just playing with them and it’s all part of the persona. As a personal trainer who is single, everyone expects me to be a ladies’ man. I don’t mind living up to that reputation, but it does get old sometimes. Believe it or not, it’s a little refreshing that Ally and Lilly are not falling all over me and are just treating me like a regular guy. To Lilly, I’m just a friend. Ally, I can’t work out what she thinks of me. One thing I do know, though, is that I do affect her, and that pleases the hell out of me.

  “I do a lot of running and weight training, but not sure Alesha is quite where I’m at. She’s allergic to exercise, I think.” Lilly laughs at her sister. The reaction she intended to get is written all over Ally’s face. The little sister has just managed to embarrass the big sister. I can’t help but laugh as Ally starts to react.

  “Shut up, Lilly. I am not allergic to exercise, it’s just not my favourite thing to do. I spend plenty of time in the gym at home. I just don’t run crazy amounts like you. That part is no fun at all, it’s just overrated.” Then out of nowhere, it’s like she realizes she’s letting loose at Lilly in front of me and she’s unsure of what to do. I’m already laughing, and Nat’s trying so hard not to, while thumping me in the arm so I stop making Ally feel uncomfortable.

  “Tell us how you really feel, Ally! It sounds to me like you and running aren’t friends.” Lilly, by this stage, is also in hysterics. I’m looking at Ally to gauge how she handles it. Finally, the embarrassment subsides, and she starts to giggle.

  That sound is hot as fuck and goes straight to my balls, stirring parts of me that are a bit awkward to have moving right at this moment.

  “Okay, you’re all very funny. Now, can we get on with this torture, so I can get a coffee? You’re lucky I’m even functioning without one.”

  “Finally, the gorgeous lady speaks. You know, I don’t bite. So just relax and let’s get to know each other.” I love watching the little dusting of pink that keeps creeping across her cheeks every time I look at her.

  “You must be talking to someone else, they’re all more gorgeous than me,” she mumbles as she turns to face Lilly and Nat. I’m sure that’s so she doesn’t have to look at me anymore. I make her nervous and the caveman part of me loves that. It’s been a long time since I’ve had that effect on a woman. I decide to leave that discussion for another day, one when there is just the two of us and I can convince Ally how beautiful she is. The more I stand here looking at her, the more I know I really want to get to know her. There’s something pulling me to her. A feeling I’ve never felt before and I’m not quite sure what it is, but I’m eager to find out.

  Nat has already got the girls starting with some weights when I snap out of my thoughts. The weirdest thing about Alesha, is she takes away my concentration. Normally, no matter how much I’m flirting with the girls, I never lose sight of the training session. I need to pull my head out of my ass and get back into this.

  “Right. Now, Nat has been kind on you but it’s time for me to take over. Let’s get that heartrate up and working hard. Ten burpees followed by ten push ups, that should get us going.” Lilly groans but smiles at the same time. Ally, however, looks at me like I’m speaking another language. She’s so cute when confused. “I’m guessing you haven’t done burpees before, Ally?” Again, the blank look but she also appears a little embarrassed that she’s out of her depth. I’m guessing there’s not many times in her life that she doesn’t know something. From what Lilly and Luke were telling me last night, she’s the studious one in the family - always reading, and keeping herself ahead of the game. This would be making her feel right out of her comfort zone. “It’s okay I’ll show you. You’ll hate them but, hey, that’s my job to make you do things you hate, isn’t that right?” Then the most gorgeous little giggle comes from her. It isn’t loud, just quiet and soft, but enough for me to hear and for it to do things to me that sends little electric currents bouncing around inside me. If I can make her laugh like that more often, then I’ll be a happy man.

  We spend the next hour working out, sweating together, Lilly talking continuously and Ally occasionally joining in
with a few words. I have pushed her past any points that she has exercised to before. I can tell when I have a newbie and they don’t want to give in, but their body is screaming at them. Although it makes me happy when I see a client working hard and pushing their bodies, I have been envisioning all session of ways I would like to have Ally’s body working hard under me. Fuck, she is fascinating me. What is it about her that makes her so curious to me?

  “Come on, Xavier, surely that’s enough punishment for one day?” Lilly is hunched over with her hands on her knees sucking in big breaths. She worked hard partnering with Nat. I partnered with Ally but took it a little easier than normal. I don’t want to scare her away. I want to spend more time with her, and if I push too hard on the first session then she might run scared and never come back. She did surprise me, though. She is fitter than she thinks she is, keeping up with me throughout most of the workout, and that’s no easy feat.

  “Okay, I’ll let you finish up if you promise to hang around and grab a coffee with me?” I’m looking straight at Ally, hoping she’s taking the hint that I’d love to have coffee with just her, but I think that’s a little too obvious this early on. My intense stare has her fumbling over words. She knows I’m talking directly to her.

  “Um, Lilly is taking me to breakfast, sorry-”

  “What a great idea,” Lilly cuts her off. “Why don’t you and Nat join us for breakfast? I’m not sure I can eat after that workout. I’m shattered. Nat was right, you are mean!” Lilly leaned over and punched my arm as she passed me to grab her water bottle. I start to laugh. I can’t help it, Lilly cracks me up. Her and I are going to make great mates and even better training partners. I hate training people that I can’t joke with. It makes the sessions too hard.

  “Perfect. I’m starving and would love to spend more time getting to know you girls.” Again, my face turns to Ally she’s is looking down, her shyness returning. “Why don’t you girls hit the showers and I’ll meet you at reception when I’ve had the chance to wash off all this sweat, too. Nat, can you help me clean up the equipment and then we can get out of here faster?” Bending to start grabbing the equipment from the floor, I have a feeling there are eyes on me. Taking a sneaky look into the mirror to the side of me, I see Ally checking out my backside. She may be shy, but she has no problem looking at me when I am not looking. That makes my body heat up that little bit more than it already is from being so close to her. You can try to hide, gorgeous, but your body is giving away how interested you are. Now I just need to get into that head of yours, too.


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