Wrong Prince, Right Lover
Page 12
“Hmmm…” She feathered her fingers over his mouth. “I should remind you that I’m a tough teacher, and I won’t let you get away with treating me as less than an equal in this marriage. Ever. You think you can remember that the next time we disagree?”
Around them, medical personnel hovered and the flurry of activity of people entering and exiting the room to secure the cabin for future investigation faded away.
There was only him. Only her. And only the love shining in her eyes. The same love that filled his heart flowed through his. No other woman could compare to Ilsa.
Her face was entirely too pale to his liking, but the fire in her brilliant gaze made his heart soar. “You have my word.” He kissed her fingertips. “And if we do disagree, I promise to make it up to you inside and outside the bedroom.”
“Oh? When do you plan to start making things up to me?”
His Ilsa wouldn’t make it easy for him, but then he had a lifetime to prove she’d made the right decision when she’d chosen to be his bride. “Right here. Right now.” He took the rings hanging between them and closed her hand over them with his. “Our wedding may have been arranged, but our marriage is continuing because I love you and I don’t want any other woman in my life. I’m half a man without you. Hell, I’m a shell, nothing more. From this day forward, we rule one nation together. Because we want to be married. I choose a lifetime with you no matter what happens. Will you stay because you want to be with me? Santiago the man, not the future king of Valdoria?”
Tears filled the corners of her eyes and the room seemed to hush all at once. “You showed who you were the minute you offered me a choice, Santiago. I chose you then and I choose you now because I love you with all my heart.”
A soft applause filled the room, but Santiago only had ears for the words Ilsa had spoken. Joy radiated through his chest and the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders. She’d said yes once again.
“And I love you,” he said, then closed the distance between their mouths to meld his lips to hers, joining her and becoming one with her.
One year later…
“Oh my god.” Ilsa snuggled closer with Santiago. “She kicked me.” Late afternoon sunlight streamed into their bedroom, illuminating every handsome feature in her husband’s face.
He smiled and his espresso-colored eyes widened. “Can I feel her too?” He caressed her waist and skimmed his hand over her stomach.
“I think so. She’s big enough now to dance up a storm.” Ilsa moved his palm to the last place their baby had popped her from the inside and the tiny life within her moved again. “Did you feel her?” They’d decided to find out the sex of the baby as soon as possible so her mother-in-law could help decorate the nursery. The Queen Mother hadn’t quite mended all her fences with Santiago—many old hurts still remained, but the pair were bonding over their excitement about the next heir to the Menkaran/Valdorian throne being born.
“Sí, mi amor,” he said hoarsely. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Same here,” she said as happy tears filled her eyes.
So much had happened since Santiago had declared his love for her. The coronation had gone off without a hitch, then they’d merged their countries, uniting them permanently. Pinnacle Industries had expanded to the newly formed kingdom with offices and complexes sprouting all over the unified nations.
The economy was improving and their citizens had celebrated the royal couple’s first anniversary with lavish parties and street festivals for days. Her pregnancy had been a welcome one, and she couldn’t wait to see what their little girl would accomplish with all the new opportunities Ilsa and Santiago had created for her.
“Our daughter will be a queen.” Santiago pressed his hand on Ilsa’s belly. “Or maybe she’ll shuck it all to become a world class karate expert.”
“She’s very active this morning.” Ilsa feathered her fingers over Santiago’s lips. “Probably a wild one, like her daddy.”
He kissed her fingertips. “She’s perfect,” he said. “And healthy. That’s all that matters to me.”
Had anyone told her a year ago that she’d be marrying the wrong prince and discovering the right man for her, she’d have called the idea ludicrous. But today, in the shelter of Santiago’s arms and feeling the precious child they’d created moving inside her, she knew with all her heart and soul only Santiago had the power to give her everything she desired.
And right now, she desired only him. Her best friend. Her husband. And he’d be an amazing father. “I love you. I love us.” She closed the scant distance between their mouths and sealed her lips to his, completing their circle with the promise of many more happy tomorrows.
The End
Start reading your next Happily Ever After TODAY with a sneak peek at TEMPTING THE HEARTBREAKER: Hollywood Heartbreakers’ Book 1…
Sabrina Maguire stared at the metal toilet inside her holding cell and crossed her legs. She needed to pee. Bad. But no way did she want to use that very public jail cell toilet. Fortunately, the Italian police hadn’t forced her to share the concrete lined room with anyone else after they’d arrested her last night. But still. What if a guard came by to check on her? Gross. She couldn’t face any more scrutiny. Not after what happened during last night’s party.
God. She inhaled the faint scent of coffee and cleaning chemicals along with a whiff of stale urine. How many more hours would she have to wait before the cops realized she’d been an innocent bystander during their drug bust? She should never have gone to rescue Jack Wharton from the extravaganza in Florence’s poshest district, but he’d begged for help. And Sabrina had a hard time saying no, especially to someone she genuinely cared about, even if Jack had recently fallen off the sobriety wagon.
A door buzzed, and the sound of feet approaching along with a quiet conversation echoed in the hallway.
Sabrina squeezed her thighs and raked her fingers through her hair, willing every acting bone in her body to pretend she had absolutely no pressing urges. Then she plastered her trademark Hollywood good girl grin across her face while waiting to greet whoever finally had the sense to get her out of this nightmare.
She might be down, but she wasn’t out. Not by a long shot.
A female guard came into view. “You’re lucky you have connections, signorina.” She didn’t bother to hide the contempt in her voice while she slid the keycard through the slot. “All the charges have been dropped, and you’re free to go.”
Old doubts resurfaced and Sabrina’s lips trembled, almost making her lose her smile. How many times had she been told she didn’t really deserve the fame and fortune and acclaim she’d received? People believed her family’s acting dynasty connections had been responsible for her success, not her hours of acting, voice, and dance lessons.
“You’re absolutely right,” she said, feigning cheerfulness. “I lead a positively charmed life.” So charmed that her on-again, off-again boyfriend Jack dragged her into a shit pile of trouble and possibly screwed up everything she’d done to transition from child star to a critically acclaimed adult actress.
The door opened, and she could almost taste her liberty. “I can’t wait to get back to my hotel and take a hot shower.” Not to mention hit the first private bathroom between here and her luxurious suite.
A tall, dark-haired man stepped out of the shadows. “You’re no longer a guest at the hotel.” He removed his aviator glasses and shot her a don’t-argue-with-me look. “Nor will you be completely free. Not until Trevor convinces the media that America’s Sweetheart hasn’t become a Sweet Tart.”
She moved out of the cell. No way would she intentionally jeopardize everything they’d done to guarantee a box office smash. Still, adrenaline spiked along her nerves as she considered the brooding, handsome man her brother sent to save her ass. Sure, he was her brother’s best friend, but she’d only seen Rafe in photographs, and they’d never met in person.
The real deal, up close an
d personal, made her senses tingle. In fact, her long neglected lady parts were doing serious high kicks just at the sight of the man up close and in person. Rafe Cavelli didn’t just look amazing, he emanated power and strength and awesome sex appeal. “My brother doesn’t have to do any damage control,” she said. “I’m innocent. And I’d like to prove it.”
He raked his eyes over her, then locked them onto hers. They gleamed hot, then he shook his head and shuttered his gaze. But not before she recognized the attraction brewing in their espresso depths. Several oh my’s joined her hormones and heat flashed low.
“You’re no match for the Italian court system,” Rafe said, taking her elbow and guiding her away from the cell.
Every fiber of her being flared to life at his firm, commanding touch. She tripped a little and he righted her, but she struggled to keep her knees from buckling again. Dear lord, he was a walking pheromone female magnet.
“Let me talk to Jack. He’ll set things straight.”
“Doubtful,” Rafe said without breaking stride. “Your so-called boyfriend has hit the Internet with a tell-all exclusive about all the partying you’ve been doing behind the scenes.”
Her heart sank to her toes and through the concrete floor they walked across. Trevor had produced and directed the movie she’d hoped would catapult her career back into the stratosphere. Her trip to Italy was a well-deserved vacation after six months of grueling work, and the premiere would occur in three weeks. After the premiere, she was scheduled to start shooting her next movie and she had to pitch her super-secret project to Hollywood’s elite.
Only now they probably wouldn’t listen. Unless she could prove her innocence. “We should sue him for defamation.”
“That idea’s been punted.”
They exited the rows of holding cells and stepped into the processing room where Sabrina made quick use of the facilities. Then she returned to Rafe and the ever-present prison guard.
“Why? And just how did Jack get out?” she asked as he steered her through the blessedly empty processing room. “We were arrested together, and he was definitely high on cocaine.”
“Italian tabloids paid his bail and court costs. And your brother doesn’t want to drag this out.”
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” she said. “Just when I thought Jack couldn’t do anything else to hurt me.”
“Don’t worry about him right now,” Rafe said, then slowed his pace to shoot her glance. “He can’t mess with you anymore.”
“He’d better not try again,” she said because she didn’t want to accept the false charges without a fight. She’d let Jack manipulate her for the last time.
“He won’t on my watch.”
His accented voice was low, deep and incredibly sensual. More internal high kicks ensued and her nipples tightened into taut buds. Oh, my indeed. This guy is way too sexy for his own good, and now he’s in charge of me? She shook her head. Rafe would be out of the picture as soon as she gathered her wits, and confronted her ex-boyfriend about his lies.
Jack, her former cast mate on the long running television show Maddie’s World, had always chased the all-mighty dollar and strived for fame at any price. She’d constantly forgiven him for his greed and materialism because he’d come from nothing.
Rafe grabbed a paper bag that sat on a desk and pulled out an oversized hat, sunglasses, and trench coat. “Put these on. I’ve arranged for us to leave discreetly through a side entrance. No one will discover you’ve been released until we’re miles away from Florence.”
“Wait a minute,” she argued while she shrugged on the oversized coat to conceal her short cocktail dress. “I appreciate your help, but I’m not going anywhere with you. I don’t even know you.” Sabrina put the hat onto her head and brought the brim down low over her ears.
“Your brother trusts me,” he said. “That should be enough.”
She paused, the sunglasses dangling at her fingertips while he covered his dark eyes with his shades making it impossible to read his expression. “It’s not enough,” Sabrina said, wishing she could contact her brother to inform him about the truth. “What’s Trevor doing about this situation?” She had no doubt he’d already given her sister Fiona a new publicity spin.
“Your family has publicly addressed your addiction issues. They’ve assured your fans that you’re entering rehab and will return to the United States a sober woman.”
Her stomach clenched. How could they even begin to think she did drugs? They knew her better, didn’t they? “Please tell me they don’t believe Jack’s lies.” The last drug she’d taken had been a pain reliever, and she rarely drank because it interfered with her creative process.
“It doesn’t matter what they believe.”
“It does to me. As soon as I have the chance, I’m setting them straight.”
“Worry about that later.” A muscle jumped in Rafe’s shadowed jaw. “The only thing important now is restoring your good girl image to insure your comeback movie’s success.”
* * *
Rafe caught the flash of hurt and betrayal in Sabrina’s sapphire eyes before she shoved the sunglasses on. Inwardly, he cringed, but he remained unfazed by her emotional reaction. He didn’t have time for any drama, or tears.
Fortunately, Sabrina didn’t lose her self-control. “I see,” she said after several beats of silence. “Don’t worry. I won’t do anything to mess up my career. At least, not deliberately.”
“Better not. Your family is counting on you.” And he was counting on this unexpected distraction to stay below the radar. He’d already canceled an important meeting he’d have to make up for once he returned to his villa. He couldn’t afford to let any hint of this situation get out to the press.
“I know.” She raised her chin. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
Pink colored her cheeks. Merda. He hadn’t expected her to be even more beautiful in person. Nor had he expected her to be this sexy despite spending the night in jail. His groin tightened and he poured mental ice down his pants. He’d never have said yes to this scheme if he’d known how much he’d want his best friend’s sister.
He nodded. “You don’t have to like it,” he said. “But the worst is over.” He hoped. As long as she cooperated and didn’t make waves, he’d get through the next three weeks without risking his deal. “You’ve dodged a major bullet by having the charges dropped. After three weeks of laying low, the worst of the media backlash will be over.”
“This could come back to haunt me in some future whatever happened to Sabrina Maguire—Maddie’s World star episode on an E! Show.” She walked beside him to the door with scant inches separating them. “I’d’ve liked the chance to have my publicist clear my name before my big brother decided to swoop in and take over. But then that’s what I get for hiring my sister to run my PR campaigns. Fiona takes her orders from him.”
“She knows Trevor has an investment to protect.” He opened the door which led to the police station’s side alley. “As do I.” Dio. At least his villa wasn’t on the media’s radar screen, but he’d have to work extra hard to keep from acting on his attraction… because if he wasn’t careful, he’d risk exposing himself to the Alliance Industries’ CEO’s scrutiny. That could derail their delicate negotiations. No association with even a hint of drama and trouble bearing any resemblance to his past could be discovered. He’d keep his distance, and kick his desire out of his brain. No point in taking any chances where this American Sweet Tart was concerned.
She ducked, and held her wide brimmed hat over her head. An automatic gesture Rafe caught Trevor doing countless times whenever they’d gone out in public. He’d grown used to his famous friend’s natural shield against the onslaught of flashing bulbs and intrusive reporters’ questions.
But seeing Sabrina’s auto maneuver caught him off guard.
He’d assumed she sought out photo ops to use them to her career’s advantage. However, her reaction revealed her desire for privacy despite he
r chosen profession. He understood her need to be left alone after a lifetime of dealing with his parents’ pursuit of Italian society’s limelight. Although his initial scan of the area revealed no reporters, he wrapped his arm around her tucked shoulders and hurried her to his sleek red Ferrari.
Though her night in jail hadn’t done Sabrina any favors—she reeked of the cell’s disgusting odors—he held her close. And damned if the way she melded into his protective embrace brought a rush of heat down low.
He doused his attraction with a harsh dose of reality, reminding himself of his duty to his best friend, and scrutinized the side street. He caught a glimmer of light out of the corner of his eye. A camera lens, perhaps a flash. He couldn’t be sure, but usually where one reporter turned up, the rest of the paparazzi followed. “Get in and lower the seat as far back as you can,” Rafe said, opening the passenger door. If Alliance Industries’ CEO caught wind of this… no. He refused to believe he’d get caught up in anything that might potentially unravel his hard-won reputation, especially with this old family colleague who’d been betrayed by his parents’ embezzlement. He’d been driven to settle the score between them for years. Now it was about to become a reality.
Shouts, the sound of people running, and more flashes zipped through the air. “Sounds like someone ratted you out,” she said before sliding inside.
He slammed the door, then circled the car and entered it. Gunning the engine and putting the car into motion, Rafe said, “I’ll shake them off long before we leave Florence.”
“Try not to get us killed in the process.” She brought the rim of her hat lower and tucked a few wayward strands of her dark curly hair under the brim, then turned her face away from the windshield. “I’d like to arrive at my movie’s premiere in one piece.”
“Making sure that happens is my number one priority.”
He increased his speed, passing the cars ahead of him while occasionally checking the rearview mirror for tagalong paparazzi vehicles. Only two news vans caught his attention. But they didn’t have the muscle and power to catch up to his sports car. Within minutes he easily escaped their pursuit.