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Page 5

by T. L. Reeve

  She smiled. “I would love to help you.”

  “That would be amazing! Thank you, Auntie Scarlett. You’re the best.” She hugged Scarlett tight before turning her attention back to the screen. “I can fill you in on what’s going on while we watch, okay?”

  Scarlett nodded. “I’d like that very much.”

  Sometime later, after Samantha had headed to her room in her apartment down the hall from Scarlett, a knock came at the door. She’d enjoyed her time with her niece and learned something new about herself, she wasn’t too old to watch cartoons or anime or whatever it was called, and she liked the plot. When she opened the door, there stood Dave, Kenny, and Edward. Kenny held a garment bag in his hands while Dave had a bottle of champagne and Edward had flowers.

  She stood aside as the trio entered her place. All three were dressed to the nines, catching her momentarily off guard. “I thought it was a plus-one?”

  Dave shrugged. “I have some pull. I told a friend I would be inviting some potential investors and well...”

  The friend would be Maggie Stenhouse, the President of the charity. “I’m sure she is hoping to bring in more money from you.”

  Dave laughed. “Well, you could use it right about now.”

  Yes, they could. “Sorry, I’m bumbling this up.”

  “You had pizza without us?” Edward held up a slice. “Vicious.”

  “He hasn’t eaten yet,” Kenny groused. “Don’t be a pig.”

  “I’m not,” the guy said around a bite of pizza. “So good.”

  Scarlett shook her head. “I know we’re stretched for time, so, let me see this dress.”

  Kenny handed over the garment bag. “I hope you like it.”

  She did too. “I’ll only be twenty minutes, promise.”

  She hurried to her room and placed the bag on the hook behind her bedroom door, then raced into her bathroom for a quick shower. She should have done it when she got home, but having Samantha there with her, threw a wrench in her plans. Yet, she wasn’t upset about it, she enjoyed spending time with the little girl and if all went well, she’d make Samantha’s dream come true, she’d take her to that Anime convention.

  After she’d cleaned up, she went back into her room and opened the garment bag. There, in burnt gold and lace hanged a full-length gown. The V in the front would go almost to her belly button and the full-back gave her an ounce of modesty. The gown was sleeveless and clasped together in a halter with a golden ring. She loved it and in the same breath, it terrified her. She narrowed her eyes as she spied a scrap of dark golden lace shaped into a mask. She picked it up and ran her fingers over it and noticed two little tabs on the inside.

  A knock came at her door before Kenny opened it. She clenched her towel, dropping the mask to the floor. He held up his hands, keeping his distance. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I thought you’d like the mask to give yourself some anonymity. I know these things are hard for you and you’re right, your scar will give you away. So, I thought outside of the box.”

  She'd kiss him if he hadn't have startled her so bad. "Thank you." She stared at the dress then the lace mask she dropped on the floor, she felt like one of the characters her niece introduced her to earlier. "I appreciate it."

  “No problem, Scar,” he murmured. “Now, get dressed, we’re burning moonlight here.”

  She laughed as she picked up the mask. “Yeah, yeah. I’m going. I’ll be ready in ten.”

  "We'll be waiting for you." Kenny gave her one last glance before exited her room.

  As she looked at herself in the mirror, she bit her bottom lip. Well, are you a lion or are you a mouse? The corner of her mouth kicked up. Scarlett Leon was a lion and her sister was going to hear her roar.

  Chapter Four

  Dave guided Scarlett through the doors of the opulent ballroom. When she pictured the place, it hadn't been one of the swankest hotels in Colorado Springs nor had it been full of mega-rich donors. So, where's all the money going? At least two of their benefactors were billionaires. They should be rolling in fundage for their sanctuary, yet every year they struggled and in the last few months, it'd gotten worse.

  Scarlett strode through the crowd, unseen by most. Those who did lift their gaze to meet hers didn't seem to recognize her, which meant the disguise was working or because she hadn’t been out in public, they didn’t know who she was. The thought sent a rush of relief through her. All it would take was one person to know it was her and Maisie would try to push her out. Since their conversation at the staircase, she couldn't put aside how vile her sister had been. It was almost a cross between pure hate and guilty anger. Scarlett hit several of Maisie's buttons and the tongue lashing Scarlett received for doing so, still stung.

  Dave patted her hand as he led her over to the wet bar. He ordered them a drink then turned to her. “You're tense.”

  “Shouldn't I be?”

  He shrugged. “No one seems to recognize you.”

  She laughed. “Because no one has seen me since that fateful day twenty years ago.”

  “True.” He accepted the tumblers from the bartender. “Here. Drink up.”

  “Whiskey?” She spied the glass with trepidation.

  “Only the best for you.” Dave clinked his glass against hers.

  “Oh, what the hell,” she murmured before taking a sip of her drink.

  It burned all the way down and warmth bloomed in her stomach. Thankfully, she ate before she left the house. She gazed out over the space and frowned. There hadn't been a silent auction table like she'd budgeted for. The DJ, as corny as it sounded, had been replaced by a string quartet. Even the tables where those who'd come to enjoy a meal and the auction were non-existent.

  She frowned.

  “What's wrong?” Dave started away from the bar.

  “Nothing I budgeted for is here.” She pointed out the differences. “It makes me wonder how many times this has happened.”

  “It's always been this way,” Dave said. “I thought you arranged it this way.”

  She shook her head and downed the rest of her drink. “No. The silent auction was one of the biggest draws and could net the sanctuary close to a half-million dollars. My mother started the trend. Specific places donated prizes and items for the smaller auction. It gave everyone a chance to win a lot number without having to do so in the public eye. Now...”

  “Shit Scar,” Dave muttered. “I've never seen a silent auction.”

  “What the hell is Maisie doing?”

  “I guess we'll figure it tonight.” He placed his hand on the small of her back. “Let's go find the others. The auction should be starting soon.”

  The auction. The main draw for those who attended. Usually, she saw the list of items up on the block, this year, not so much. A niggle of worry went down her spine. Nothing about the event sat right with her. Maisie was being secretive. Why? What was she missing?

  What have you gotten yourself this time, Maisie?

  “Did I tell you how gorgeous you are?” Kenny cocked a brow.

  About ten times before they left the apartment. All three of them had as a matter of fact. A different type of warmth spread through her. She smiled as she glanced down. “You did. Several times.”

  “Well, it's the truth,” Edward added, pushing his finger down between his neck and the collar of his shirt. “I hate these penguin suits.”

  She laughed. “It's only for a few hours.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I was hoping you'd help me take it off later.” His green eyes glittered with intention.

  “Down, boy,” Dave grumbled. “We have a job to do here.”

  Kenny snorted. “Don't act like you haven't been thinking the same thing.”

  “I'm not denying anything.” Dave shrugged. “However, we're here to understand what's going on with Maisie. As it stands, Scarlett has pointed out a few things I hadn't thought twice about.”

  “It’s stuff no one else would notice if they weren't budgeting for the event," Scarlett expl
ained what she'd pointed out to Dave earlier.

  Kenny whistled. “What do you think all of this cost?”

  “I'm not sure. I budgeted in for dinner. Doesn't look like there was one. There's not even any type of buffet tables out.” If her sister had done it this way to save money, shouldn't she have told Scarlett they were trying to conserve funds? Maisie had no compunction telling her the budget for food and veterinarian serves had been cut at the beginning of the fiscal year, where was this any different? And, if they were trying to conserve money, shouldn't her sister have been upfront before she planned the event?

  “I'd say there's a logical reason why, but something tells me there isn't a rational explanation behind any of this,” Dave said. “It makes calling Timothy in more imperative.”

  Scarlett agreed.

  The music stopped and Maisie appeared on a stage set up at the back of the room. It'd been decorated to match the sanctuary. Her sister wore a svelt royal blue skintight floor-length gown. The V in the bodice gave the crowd a glimpse of her breasts. She smiled as a round of applause went up. Scarlett narrowed her eyes. Maisie wore a diamond ring on her wedding finger and confusion filled Scarlett.

  “When did she get married,” Dave whispered. His breath tickled the shell of her ear and she shivered.

  “She's not.” At least Scarlett didn't think she was.

  “Nice size rock on her finger says otherwise.” Dave peered down at Scarlett.

  “She wasn't wearing it earlier.” She would have noticed it since it'd been the hand Maisie wrapped around Scarlett's arm.

  “Could she have a secret life?” Edward mused. “It'd make sense.”

  Scarlett blinked. A secret life? Wouldn't Samantha have known about it and said something to Scarlett? She shook her head. No, she'd have known. Maisie would have rubbed it in her face that she'd gotten married. Wouldn't she have?

  “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the thirty-fifth annual charity auction benefiting Hearts and Paws Sanctuary, a refuge my grandparents started almost fifty years ago to preserve the lives of big cats from around the world.”

  A round of applause filled the room. Scarlett found herself paying attention to every word her sister said, including the word 'my.' Maisie should have said theirs. The little factoid chipped away at Scarlett's confidence.

  “I'd like to introduce the Co-MC for tonight’s affair, my new husband, Eduardo Cruz-Velasquez.” Maisie held her hand out and a man, in his early forties joined her sister on stage. He was distinguished and carried himself with an air of superiority as well. Confusion filled Scarlett. Sure, they didn't have the best of relationships, but shouldn't her sister have told her about this new marriage?

  She frowned.

  “Interesting turn of events,” Dave said. “I can tell by the look on your face you had no idea.”

  “I didn't.” And, what about the vet tech at the sanctuary? If Maisie was married like she said she was, had it all been for show? Or did she screw around behind her new husband’s back? Ugh, this is all so confusing.

  “What are the chances the loan was for the wedding?” Kenny mused.

  “Using the sanctuary as the collateral? Wouldn't that send up red flags?” Edward asked.

  “I agree,” Kenny added. “It's too flashy. Maisie is bold, but not that bold. However...”

  “Tonight, we have a special auction planned. It's the first of its kind and, there are only seven blocks. Don't worry though. If things go according to plan there will be more,” Maisie said, drawing Scarlett's attention.

  Seven blocks? She frowned and her stomach knotted. Oh God. Sure she was jumping to conclusions. She had a bad habit of it since paranoia seemed to follow her everywhere she went. But... Wasn't it too much of a coincidence? Seven. Not three or five, but seven. There were seven new mouths to be fed at Hearts and Paws.

  “When you arrived tonight, you signed for the first time an NDA. I know some of you were skeptical about it and signed reluctantly. I appreciate you doing so, even if you were confused. It makes tonight's auction all the more exclusive.”

  “What is she getting at,” Kenny murmured then cut his gaze to Dave. “Did you sign an NDA too?”

  Dave gave a curt shake of his head. “I didn't plan on bidding. Only those who did had to sign it.”

  “Doesn't make sense,” Scarlett said. “If she's doing something needing the protection of an NDA shouldn't everyone be signing it?”

  “I'd think so,” Dave said. “However, I wasn't handed one on the way in.”

  “This is getting weirder by the second,” Edward groused. “What's going on here.”

  “I think I know and you should too, Kenny.” She glanced over at the man.

  Kenny stared at her for long moments. Then, the realization of what Scarlett had been getting at filled his amber eyes. “You're fucking kidding.”

  “We'll see.” She shrugged. “However, it makes sense for an NDA to be going around.”

  He scrubbed his chin and shook his head. “No way. Just, no way.”

  “Want to fill us in?” Dave stated.

  “She thinks Maisie is auctioning off the cubs and kits,” Kenny mumbled.

  “The first item up for auction...” The curtain behind Maisie fluttered and a cart was wheeled out. On it sat a small black cage. Inside one of the tiger cubs from the sanctuary. “This is a six-week-old Sumatran tiger, born on the Hearts and Paw Sanctuary grounds.

  A gasp erupted around the ballroom.

  Scarlett's heart pounded. Rage burned through her veins. They were never supposed to breed or auction off the animals. They were meant to live free. She ground her teeth trying to control the need to go up onto the stage and smack the shit out of her sister. Her parents' and grandparent's legacy was falling into ruin right in front of her.

  “We don't do things like this at Hearts and Paws; however, we know there are other zoos and conservatories who are looking to expand their population. This is your chance to give to our charity and bring in new visitors to your establishments. We will open the bidding at seventy-five thousand.”

  Scarlett's stomach churned. Bile bit at the back of her throat and she had to swallow several times to keep from vomiting. The room swam before her eyes. Her sister betrayed everything they'd taken pride in. She couldn't be there. She couldn't continue to stand-by and watch this...this circus.

  Already, the bid had grown to over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and was still going strong. She turned away and started for the door. She wouldn't sit idly by anymore. Determination replaced the rage. Dave placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her progression. She spun on him, ready to give him a piece of her mind until she saw the same emotions in his soulful blue eyes.

  “Don't you think it would be advantageous for us to stay and see who wins each of the auctions.” He pulled his phone from his pocket. “Snap a few pictures.”

  She deflated. He was right. In order to nail her sister, she had to have evidence of what transpired there. “Fine. I need another drink though.”

  “Come on,” Kenny took her hand. “Let's get you one of those pumpkin latte things you like. It's going to be a long night.”

  “You shouldn't be trying to sweet-talk me,” she said, as they walked back up to the bar.

  “If I was sweet-talking you,” Kenny answered, leaning in. “I'd say, I can't wait to get you out of that dress and make you scream all night.”

  “You're such a perv.” Yet his words made her tingle from head to toe.

  “Only for you.” When the bartender approached, he gave the guy their order then tucked her into his side. “We'll figure this out. The more information we have the better chance we have to take her down.”

  “She's my sister, though,” Scarlett said, defending Maisie. “Shouldn't I have some kind of reservation about this?”

  “Should you?” Kenny took her hand in his. “Think about it this way. With what we know about your sister, do you think, if your roles were reversed, she'd be nice abo
ut it, or make sure you suffer?”

  The answer was simple. Maisie would always make Scarlett suffer. “What about Samantha?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What will happen to her?” Since Scarlett never said who her father was, she'd have no one besides Scarlett. How did she explain to her niece why she put her mother away?

  “She'll live with you, I suppose. Shouldn't she? Sounds like to me, her mother doesn't have any use for her, except for her being a token to show off when appropriate. Kind of like your parents did with Maisie.”

  “No.” Scarlett shook her head. “Maisie was more outgoing. She showed herself off. Samantha reminds me of myself at her age. Then this happened.” She motioned to the scar. So, no. They're not the same. Maisie is a conniving woman, hell-bent to get what she wants.”

  “Here you are,” the bartender said. He turned to walk away then stepped back to them. “Aren't you, Scarlett?”

  Fear gripped her. If Maisie found out she was there, their plan would be foiled. “Uh...”

  Kenny eased himself in front of her. “You don't want to do this, friend.”

  The guy lifted his hands. “I didn't mean anything by it. I'm just surprised to see you is all. You're not one to come out to these things.”

  “No,” she replied. “I'm not. I did this time.”

  “Well, we're glad you did.” He smiled before walking away to help another patron.

  She let out a breath. “That was close.”

  Kenny chuckled. “Yes, it was.”


  Dave held her hand as they drove home. The adrenaline rush was wearing off and she was spent. However, they got the information they needed to take down Maisie. The seven cubs were auctioned off for a total of two million dollars, surprisingly, the amount of the loan Maisie had taken out against the sanctuary. The likelihood of her paying it back though was slim and none and that bothered Scarlett more.

  As they pulled up to the staff quarters, Edward and Kenny got out leaving her with Dave. She peered up at him through her lashes as he continued driving toward the main building housing her apartment and her office. Nervous energy filled her belly. He hadn't said a word on the drive home—none of them had for that matter.


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