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The Age of Napoleon

Page 130

by Will Durant

  25. Ibid., 313.


  1. Kircheisen, Memoirs of Napoleon I, 260.

  2. Las Cases, I, 262.

  3. Ibid., 266n.

  4. II, 247; III, 115.

  5. Mistler, Napoléon et l’Empire, II, 292a; Rosebery, Napoleon: The Last Phase, 172.

  6. Las Cases, III, 21.

  7. Ibid., II, 40; Rosebery, 152.

  8. Las Cases, II, 93.

  9. Thiers, History of the Consulate and the Empire, XII, 334.

  10. Ibid., 335.

  11. Las Cases, II, 386.

  12. Ibid., III, 139.

  13. Rosebery, 109.

  14. Ibid., 109; Las Cases, III, 158; Thiers, XII, 338.

  15. Las Cases, III, 4.

  16. Ibid., II, 139, 177; Rosebery, 89.

  17. EB, II, 536a.

  18. Bertrand, H., Napoleon at St. Helena, 201.

  19. Rosebery, 49, 93.

  20. Las Cases, I, 120; II, 322.

  21. Rosebery, 53.

  22. Mistler, II, 288c; Bertrand, 249, notes.

  23. Bertrand, 248.

  24. Kircheisen, 224.

  25. Rosebery, 180.

  26. Kircheisen, 275 (editor’s postscript).

  27. Gourgaud, Journal, April 23, 1816.

  28. Gourgaud, I, 415.

  29. Rosebery, 175.

  30. Kircheisen, 227.

  31. Ibid.

  32. 224.

  33. Mistler, II, 8.

  34. Herold, Mind of Napoleon, 248.

  35. CMH, IX, 762; Herold, 66.

  36. Las Cases, IV, 107.

  37. Herold, 66.

  38. Las Cases, IV, 75.

  39. Gourgaud, II, 75; I, 567–68; III, 315; Las Cases, IV, 74.

  40. Las Cases, IV, 78.

  41. Ibid., II, 120.

  42. Bertrand, 112.

  43. Las Cases, I, 236.

  44. Thiers, XII, 370.

  45. Ibid., 377.

  46. Mistler, II, 320.

  47. Gourgaud, I, 150, and passim.

  48. Herold, Mind of Napoleon, introd.

  49. MacLaurin, Post Mortem, 211–14.

  50. Bertrand, 130.

  51. Ibid., 124.

  52. Las Cases, IV, 400.

  53. Ibid., 411.

  54. Kircheisen, 269.

  55. Gibbon, Edward, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, I, 250.

  56. Gourgaud, I, 440.

  57. Ibid., II, 437.

  58. Bertrand, 125.

  59. Gourgaud, II, 405; Rosebery, 191.

  60. Gourgaud, II, 431.

  61. Thiers, XII, 366.

  62. Ibid., 384.

  63. Bertrand, 200, 210.

  64. Marquis Charles de Montholon, Histoire de la captivité de Ste.-Hélène, II, 103, in Herold, Mind of Napoleon, 17.

  65. Martineau, Gilbert, Napoleon’s St. Helena, 215.

  66. Bertrand, 235; MacLaurin, Post Mortem, 215; Rosebery, 240.

  67. MacLaurin, 216.


  1. Horne, R. H., History of Napoleon, II, 55.

  2. Méneval, III, 1025.

  3. EB, XV, 1004.

  4. Ortzen, Imperial Venus, 69, 92.

  5. Ibid., 83.

  6. EB, III, 900b.

  7. Thiers, History of the Consulate and the Empire, X, 411; Mossiker, Napoleon and Josephine, 399.

  8. Méneval, III, 1059.

  9. Mistler, Napoléon et l’Empire, II, 304.

  10. In Geyl, 33.

  11. O’Meara, B., Napoleon in Exile, 363, 176.

  12. Las Cases, III, 179.

  13. In Hutt, M., Napoleon, 77.

  14. Chateaubriand, Memoirs, ed. Baldick, 300.

  15. Home, Appendix 2.

  16. Ibid., 16.

  17. Thackeray, “The Second Funeral of Napoleon,” in Roundabout Papers.


  Dates in parentheses following a name are of birth and death except when preceded by r., when they indicate duration of reign for popes and rulers of states. A single date preceded by fl. denotes a floruit. A footnote is indicated by an asterisk. Italicized page numbers indicate principal treatment. All dates are A.D. unless otherwise noted.

  Aachen, 588

  Abbaye prison, Paris, 43–44, 56

  Abbeville, 5

  Abbot, The (Scott), 506

  Abélard, Pierre (1079–1142), 328

  Abensberg, battle of (1809), 231

  Aberdeen University, 503, 504

  Åbo, University of, 662

  Abrantès, Duchesse de, see Junot, Laure

  Abrimal, André-Joseph, 165

  Absentee, The (Edgeworth), 410

  Abukir, battle of (French-Turks, 1799), 113, 761

  Abukir Bay, battle of (French-British, 1798), 111–12, 114, 116, 342, 383, 520

  Académie de Musique, 137*

  Académie des Beaux-Arts, 139, 140, 266

  Académie des Sciences, 20

  Académie Royale de l’Équitation, 535

  Accademia della Crusca, 551

  Accademia dell’ Arcadia, 294, 551

  Acqui, 172

  Acre, 113, 119, 188, 212, 408, 670

  Acte Additionel (France, 1815), 742–43

  Act of Mediation (1803), 188, 659

  Act of Settlement (England, 1701), 358

  Act of the Congress of Vienna (1815), 733

  Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, Lord (1834–1902), 90, 239

  Acton, Sir John Francis Edward (1736–1811), 543, 544

  Adams, John (1735–1836), 114, 144

  Adams, Samuel (1722–1803), 352*, 380

  Adda River, 100, 101, 104, 173

  Addington, Henry (1757–1844), 521–22

  Addison, Joseph (1672–1719), 408

  Addresses to the German Nation (Fichte), 605–6, 641–43

  Adige River, 177, 719

  Adolphe (Constant), 302, 306–7, 308

  Adonais (Shelley), 482, 485–86, 497

  Aëlders, Mme., 133

  Aeschylus (525–456 B.C.), 468, 482

  Aesthetics (Hegel), 651–52, 655

  Age of Reason, The (Paine), 394–96

  Age of Voltaire, The (Durant), 391*

  Ahorn, Lucas (fl. 1819), 667

  Aiguillon, Armand de Vignerot, Duc d’ (b. 1750), 22

  air pollution, 388, 563

  Aix-en-Provence, 15, 84, 132, 236

  Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), 588;

  Congress of (1818), 763

  Ajaccio, 91, 108

  Alaska, 672, 686

  Alba Longa, 140

  Albania, 457, 461, 667

  Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg (1736–1809), 570

  Alekseev, Feodor (1753–1824), 683

  Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’ (1717–83), 35, 143, 628

  Alentejo, province of, 222

  Alessandria, 172, 173

  armistice of, 174, 176

  Alexander I (Aleksandr Pavlovich), Czar of Russia (r. 1801–25), 193, 267, 602, 668, 672, 676–89, 763

  birth of, 675

  education of, 659, 677

  character and liberal views, 257, 673, 676–78, 679, 696

  accedes to throne, 178, 676, 678, 686

  reforms of, 678–81

  encourages arts, 681–84

  and Enghien execution, 192, 686

  in coalition against France (1805), 201

  friendship with Metternich, 561

  defeated at Austerlitz, 204, 205, 595

  and Turkey’s Danubian provinces, 201, 671

  prepares to renew conflict with France (1806), 207–8

  and battle of Friedland, 211–12, 687

  at Tilsit, 212–13, 225, 276, 596, 681, 682, 687

  at Erfurt, 225–28, 681

  and Talleyrand, 226, 231, 241

  and N.’s marriage proposal, 226, 334

  dealings with Austria (1809), 231, 233

  ends compliance with Continental Blockade, 688, 693, 694, 697

  mobilizes for war, 688, 697

  dismisses Speransky, 689 />
  signs pacts with Sweden and Turkey, 689, 697

  and Stein, 599, 713

  learns of French invasion, 701

  appoints Kutuzov, 702

  Mme. de Staël meets with, 300

  and the burning of Moscow, 705–6

  celebrates victory, 712–13

  leads army to Warsaw (1813), 713

  appoints Barclay, 715

  at Lützen, 716

  at Dresden, 718

  in drive on Paris (1814), 722–23, 724

  at Paris and Malmaison (1814), 217, 300, 725, 726, 772

  at Congress of Vienna, 731–32, 733

  in Paris (1815), 752

  Alexander II (Aleksandr Nikolaevich), Czar (r. 1855–81), 679

  Alexander the Great, King of Macedon (r. 336–323 B.C.), 242, 243, 247, 312, 322

  Alexandria, 109, 110, 113, 116, 188–89

  Alfieri, Vittorio, Conte di Cortemilia (1749–1803), 551, 552

  Alfoxden, 427–29

  Algarve, province of, 222

  Alien and Sedition Acts (U.S.), 67*

  Ali Pasha (1741–1822), 457, 669

  Allegrain, Gabriel d’, 683

  Allen, Robert, 423

  Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung, 624

  Allgemeine Zeitung, 624

  All the Talents, Ministry of (1806–07), 525–26

  Alps, N.’s crossings of, 289, 545, 571, 708

  Alsace, 60, 62, 68, 97, 117, 191

  Jewish problem in, 275, 277

  Alten, General Count Karl August von (1764–1840), 747

  Althorp, John Charles Spencer, Lord (1782–1845), 370

  Alvinczy, Josef von Borberek, Baron (1735–1810), 103–4

  Amazon River, 609

  Amberg, battle of (1796), 97

  Ambleside, 417, 434, 442

  Ambrosio, or The Monk (Lewis), 409

  Amelia, Princess (1782–1810), 358, 527

  American Revolution, 142, 387, 513, 517, 619, 777

  Louis XVI and, 10

  Paine and, 394

  Ami des lois, L’, 138

  Ami du peuple, L’, 20, 21, 43

  Amiens, 8, 62, 327

  Amiens, Peace of (1802), 179, 187, 215, 521

  end of, 188–89, 267, 522

  Turkey and, 670

  Ampère, André (1775–1836), 331

  Amsterdam, 5, 85

  and the blockades, 262, 516, 592, 694, 695

  Jews in, 275

  Amyot, Jacques (1513–93), 93

  Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind (James Mill), 504

  anarchism, philosophical, 398, 401

  Anatomie générale (Bichat), 142

  anatomy, 325, 391, 552

  Ancient Mariner, The Rime of the (Coleridge), 427–31 passim

  “Ancient of Days, The” (Blake), 380

  Ancona, 104, 294, 542, 548–49

  Andes Mountains, 609

  Andromaque (Racine), 294

  Angelico, Fra (Giovanni da Fiesole; 1387–1455), 611

  Angers, 72, 535

  Anglesey, Ist Marquess of, see Uxbridge, Earl of

  Anglican Church, see England, Church of Anhalt, duchy of, 206

  Anna Amalie (1739–1807), Dowager Duchess and Regent of Saxe-Weimar (r. 1758–75), 293, 620

  Anna Pavlova, Grand Duchess, 226, 234

  Annecy, 730

  Annual Register, 358–59

  Ansbach, margravate of, 205, 593, 595

  Ansichten der Natur (Humboldt), 609

  Antibes, 94, 555, 736

  Antigua, 518

  Antinous (A.D. 117–138), 57

  anti-philosophes, 315

  Antiquary, The (Scott), 506

  Antommarchi, Dr. Francesco (1780?–1838), 239, 324, 761*, 767, 769

  Antwerp: captured by French, 50, 53, 80

  decline of, 262, 516, 592

  masterpieces taken from, 279

  and Walcheren expedition, 526

  Aosta, Valle d’, 172

  Appellation an das Publikum (Fichte), 640

  Apsley House, London, 555

  Arabs, 109–10, 112

  Arakcheev, Count Aleksei (1769–1834), 689

  architecture: in England, 377–78

  in France, 279–80

  in Germany, 610

  in Italy, 554

  in Russia, 681–82

  Arch of Constantine, Rome, 280, 377

  Arch of Septimus Severus, Rome, 280

  Arcis-sur-Aube, 40, 41, 59, 75

  battle of (1814), 723

  Arco della Pace, Milan, 554

  Arcole, battle of (1796), 103–4, 171, 237, 248

  Gros’s painting of N. at, 282

  Arcs de Triomphe, Paris, 206, 261, 280

  Arenberg, duchy of, 206

  Argentau, Gen. Count Eugen von (1744–1819), 98

  Ariadne (Dannecker), 610–11

  Ariodant (Méhul), 137*

  Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), 290, 322, 363, 657

  Armée du Nord (1815), 744

  Armenia, 669

  Armide (Gluck), 137

  Army of Bohemia (Allied, 1813), 717

  Army of Italy (French), 96–104 passim, 202, 544

  in Egyptian expedition, 108, 170

  Army of Reserve (French, 1800), 171–72

  Army of Silesia (Allied, 1813), 717, 721

  Army of the Main (French), 715–16

  Army of the North (Allied, 1813), 717

  Army of the Orient (French), 108–13

  Army of the Rhine (French), 68, 171, 202, 203–4

  Army of the South (French), 75

  Army of the West (French), 186

  Arnault, Antoine-Victor (1766–1834), 233–34

  Arndt, Ernst Moritz (1769–1860), 627–28, 699, 706, 714

  Arnim, Achim von (1781–1831), 629

  Arnim, Bettina von, nee Brentano (1785–1859), 580, 605

  Arnold, Thomas (1795–1842), 417

  Arnott, Archibald (1771–1855), 339, 767, 769

  Arnstein, Fanny von, nee Itzig, 563

  Arnstein, Nathan von, 563

  Arras, 14

  Terror in, 68

  Artois, Comte d’, see Charles X Ashridge Park, 377

  Assembly of Notables (Prussia), 598

  assignats, 27, 54, 84, 89, 124

  associationism, 426, 433, 441

  Assumption of the Virgin (Murillo), 279

  astronomy, 386, 387

  Atala (Chateaubriand), 311, 314–15, 317, 320

  Athenaeum, Liverpool, 409

  Athenäum, 624, 632

  Athens: art removed from, 377

  Byron in, 457–58, 459

  Atlas historique (Las Cases), 762

  Auenbrugger, Leopold (1722–1809), 325

  Auerstedt, battle of (1806), 209, 270, 596

  Aufklärung, 588, 602

  Augereau, Pierre-François-Charles (1757–1816), 97, 106, 209, 211, 699, 718

  Augsburg, 624, 642

  bishopric of, 588

  Augusta of Bavaria, Princess, 206

  Augustenburg, Frederik Christian, Duke of (1765–1814), 666

  August of Prussia, Prince (1779–1843), 274

  Augustus (Caius Octavius), Emperor of Rome (r. 27 B.C.- A.D. 14), 124, 193–94, 195, 281

  auscultation, 325

  Austen, Edward, 410

  Austen, Jane (1775–1817), 364, 370, 410–12

  Austerlitz, battle of (1805), 204–5, 247, 280, 549, 588

  Alexander I and, 204, 205, 595

  Francis II and, 204, 546, 560

  significance of, 525

  Australia, 387, 517

  Austria, 558–86;

  Catholicism in, 183, 559, 562, 563–64, 565, 601

  classes in, 562

  in Continental Blockade, 222

  and the Empire, 188, 587, 589

  under Francis II, 559–62

  Jews in, 563, 602–3

  under Joseph II, 513, 559

  under Leopold II, 559

  under Maria Theresa, 558–59

sic in, 565 -66, 569–86

  and Polish Partitions, 46, 53, 116, 667

  population of (1780), 3

  and Prague Congress (1813), 717–18

  the theater in, 564–65

  and Congress of Vienna (1815), 731–34

  ALLIANCES AGAINST FRANCE: Chaumont (1814), 723

  1st Coalition (1792–97), 36, 53, 54, 97, 517

  2d Coalition (1798–1801), 116, 521

  3d Coalition (1805), 201, 522

  6th Coalition (1813), 717

  ALLIANCES WITH FRANCE: 1812 alliance, 697, 714

  Triple Alliance (1815), 733

  PEACE TREATIES: Campoformio (1797), 114, 126, 519, 552, 588

  Lunéville (1801), 176–77, 180, 588

  Paris, 1st Treaty of (1814), 730

  Pressburg (1805), 205, 260

  Schönbrunn (1809), 233

  subsidy treaties with Britain, 97, 175, 179, 205, 231, 361, 518

  WARS: IST Coalition War (1792–97), 36, 37, 46, 49–50, 64, 68, 85, 97–105, 312, 544, 560, 571, 593

  2d Coalition War (1798–1801), 116–17, 170–77, 289, 521, 553

  3d Coalition War (1805), 201–5, 522, 595, 686–87

  1809 war, 231–32, 537, 578

  War of Liberation (1813–14), 717–25

  Austrian Netherlands, see Belgium

  Auteuil, 120, 330, 388

  Auxerre, 294, 739

  Avignon, 44, 84, 169, 542, 544, 753

  Babeuf, François-Émile “Gracchus” (1760–97), 89–90, 106, 117

  Bacchae, The (Euripides), 618

  Bacciocchi, Elisa, nee Maria Anna Bonaparte (1777–1820), Grand Duchess of Tuscany, 92, 219–20, 221, 269, 546–47, 554, 770–71

  Bacciocchi, Felice Pasquale (1762–1841), 219, 728

  Bach, Johann Christian (1735–82), 570

  Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750), 563, 582

  Bacon, Sir Francis (1561–1626), 290, 456, 636

  Baden, 191–92, 202, 253, 588

  becomes grand duchy, 205

  in Rhine Confederation, 206, 589

  Baden, Elector of, see Charles Frederick Baden-Baden, 588

  Baggesen, Jens Immanual (1764–1826), 666–67

  Bagration, Katharina, 561

  Bagration, Prince Pyotr Ivanovich (1765–1812), 561, 701–2, 704

  Bailén, battle of (1808), 224, 537

  Baillie, Dr. Matthew (1761–1823), 465

  Bailly, Jean-Sylvain (1736–93), 13, 17, 19, 24, 34, 67

  Bakunin, Aleksandr Pavlovich (fl. 1813), 684

  Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1814–76), 684

  Balcombe, William, 758

  Ball, Sir Alexander (1759–1809), 438

  Ballantyne, James (1772–1833), 506, 507

  Ballantyne, John (1774–1821), 506, 507

  balloon ascensions, 136, 323

  Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1850), 69, 155, 365, 773

  Bamberg, bishopric of, 588

  Bamberger Zeitung, 647

  Bank of England, 377

  Bank of France, 164, 261, 263, 273, 323


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