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The Plot to Kill King

Page 48

by William F. Pepper

Harrington, Charles “Izzy,” 270

  Hathaway, Robert, 145

  Hays, Renfro, 24

  Hellbound on His Trail (Sides), 308

  Helms, Richard, 58, 60, 127

  Hendrix, Ray, 215

  FBI 302 statement, 184

  Jim’s Grill exit, 270

  testimony, 175

  witness, 256

  Herman, Ken, 86, 90, 103, 153

  Herron, Matt, 33

  Hersh, Seymour, 283

  He Slew the Dreamer (Huie), 31

  Hill-Akines, Juilet, 163–164

  Kyles cross-examination, 191–192

  Hill, John D., 130, 137, 181

  assassination team member, 182

  Terrell interaction, 131

  Hodges, J.B. (testimony), 176

  Holloman, Frank, 70, 171, 192, 242, 245

  FBI special agent, 5

  instructions, 249

  murder plan, 3

  Holloman, Loeb, 227

  Holt, Frank

  crime, involvement (absence), 93

  location efforts, 90

  impediment, 91

  protection, acceptance, 92

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 8, 12, 57

  assassination, order (Ellsberg-Lowery proof), 69

  Hunt, connection/meeting, 105–106

  personal direction, 61

  Personal Prayer List, x, 245, 276, 284

  Sides focus, 309


  connection, 238

  homosexual relationship, 309

  Hospital, military presence, 262

  House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) investigations, 28–29, 40

  approach, change, 34–35

  conspiracy information, 61–62

  disinformation, 287

  facts, discovery, 63

  final assassination reports (Kennedy/King, Jr.), 80

  Kershaw testimony, 184–185

  Medical Panel, results, 264–265

  Patterson, illicit usage, 37

  predetermined conclusions, 79–80

  Huckaby, Hasel, 219

  Huie, William Bradford, 31, 33, 73, 111

  disinformation, 291–292

  Kershaw meeting, 184–185

  Human, Kenneth, 23

  Humphrey, Hubert, 17

  pressure, 193

  Hunt, H.L., 105, 203

  post-assassination travel, 107

  Hurley, Charles

  Mustang identification, 295

  testimony, 175


  Illinois Central Railroad Building, 128

  Immunity, problems, 86–90

  Ingram, William

  election loss (1968), 3

  shooting evidence, 68

  Institute of Organized Crime, 35


  black involvement, 5

  convictions/sentencing, 81–82

  King meeting, 11–12

  Lorraine Motel departure, 166–167, 191, 216, 270

  Investigative Records Repository (IRR), 125–126

  Isabel, J.J. (testimony), 173, 188


  Jackson, Jesse, 167, 216, 217

  Adkins money, 241

  instructions, 292–293

  Memphis arrival, 8–9

  task, 279

  Jefferson City Penitentiary, 154

  Jensen, Robert G., 26

  SAC evidence, 71

  Jim’s Grill, 14, 32, 50

  Holt, presence, 93

  Jowers opening, 101

  planning sessions, 173

  Ray arrival, 281–282

  stranger, appearance, 70, 71

  Johnson, Lyndon, 106

  civil rights leaders, meeting, 16

  King/Spock political ticket, impact, xiii

  pressure, 193

  reelection announcement, 8

  Johnson, O.B., 82

  Jones, Philip (Pepper/King meeting), 143–144

  Jones, Solomon, 14, 33, 65, 216–218

  allegations, 83–84

  interview, failure, 291

  shooting description, 66

  testimony, 175–176

  Jones, T.O. (Stiles phone call), 4

  Jowers, Loyd, 14, 67, 70, 246

  civil action, 154

  civil suit, 100, 114

  deposition, 100–101

  detail, supply, 155

  escape, 260

  eyewitness account, 306

  focus, 86


  attempt, 154

  King allowance, 149

  Witness Green, 88

  interview, 71

  King/Pepper meeting, 149–150

  Liberto approach, 103

  lie detector test, failure, 154

  MPD officer involvement allegations, 150–151

  public admissions, impact, 92


  carrying/transport, 84, 152, 176, 217

  holding agreement, 104–105

  Spates conversation, 96–97

  Strausser acquaintance, 233

  testimony/untruths, 102

  inconsistencies, 149–151

  Judicial proceedings, 145

  Jury instructions (Swearingen trial), 196


  Kelly, J.K., 80

  Kennedy, Florynce, 77, 288

  Kennedy, John F., 116, 245

  Kennedy, John F. (assassination), 28–29, 72

  House Select Committee final report (1979), 80

  Kennedy, Robert, 116, 245, 313

  assassination, 72

  election challenge, 8

  hotel gathering, 17

  Kershaw, Jack, 73, 111

  HSCA testimony, 184–185

  Huie meeting, 184–185

  Killing the Dream (Posner), 299

  King, Alfred Daniel (Memphis arrival), 12

  King Center, 208

  King, Coretta Scott, 146

  funeral home, 16

  witness testimony, 165

  King, Dexter, 142

  Fauntroy meeting, 144

  Jowers/Pepper meeting, 149–150

  media attack, 143

  Pepper/Jones meeting, 143–144

  testimony, 169–170, 179, 189, 201

  King family

  damages, award request, 189

  media attacks, 144–145

  press conference, 207

  King Family v. Jowers, 285

  King, George, 24

  King, Glyn, 214

  clique, 95

  King III, Martin, 224

  King, Jr., Martin Luther

  army surveillance, 123–124

  Weeden testimony, 180

  assassination, Raul (role), 204

  autopsy report, 263–264

  balcony appearance, Kyles responsibility, 280

  breathing tube, removal, 262

  bullet trajectory, Memphis City Engineers analysis, 81

  case, breakthroughs, 94

  communist control, Hoover assertion, vii

  communist thinking, Peking line (impact), 57–58

  crime scene, alteration, 68–69


  doctor permission, 261

  pronouncement, 15

  Ellsberg-Lowery proof, 69

  emergency room medical instruments, usage, 261

  facts, summarization, 213–219

  FBI harassment/surveillance, 29, 33

  FBI wiretaps, 17, 80–81

  Fire Department ambulance, arrival, 260

  hospital, military presence, 262

  House Select Committee final report (1979), 80

  leader, FBI neutralization, 80

  Liberto family, involvement (implications), 84

  life, last hour (events summarization), 269–274

  local conspiracy, 167

  Lorraine Motel arrival, 9–10

  mail, OS interception, 58

  Masonic Temple speech, 9

  media hostility, Schapp examination, 186

  memorial march, vii

  memorial service (Washington National C
athedral), 16


  civil rights activity, involvement (reluctance), 5

  march, arrival, 7

  Miami leadership conference (1968), 4


  explanation, Abernathy dissatisfaction, 28

  investigation, dissent, 33–37

  state’s case, 31–33

  murderer, Birmingham indictment, 20

  official story, investigation, 70–71

  pillow, usage, 262

  shot/ambulance ride, 13–14

  shot trajectory, evidence (disputation), 64–65

  Spock, political ticket, xiii

  tracheotomy, 262–263

  U.S. Army assassination implication, 124

  Vietnam War opposition, viii, 166, 283

  wound, fatal impact, 266–267

  King Papers Project, 180

  King, Yolanda, 142, 192

  Kirk, Tim, 111, 185

  Kizer, Bobby, 112

  Kohlman, Raymond (testimony), 183

  Kowalski, Barry, 158, 211

  Ku Klux Klan, Freemasons (interaction), 239

  Kyles, Samuel “Billy,” 138, 171, 216

  Adkins money, 241

  false account, Waldron acceptance, 297

  Hill-Akines cross-examination, 191–192

  instructions, 251–252

  interrogation, failure, 291

  King interaction (Richmond observation), 270

  lies, Abernathy assertion, 299

  march initiation, desire, 7

  motel arrival, 12

  testimony, 190–191


  Lane, Mark, 34, 38, 184, 307

  affidavit, 61

  Patterson attack, 36

  Lannom, Jim, 246

  Latimer, James M., 71

  Laue, James (Memphis arrival), 9

  Lau, Tomas Reyes, 18

  Lawrence, William, 72

  Lawson, James, 9, 40, 62

  reports (1968), 3

  SCLC founder, 4

  Lawsuit damages, 189

  Le Bunny Lounge, 44

  Lee, Bernard, 14

  presence (hospital room), 265

  restraining order, 9

  Legacy of Secrecy (Waldron/Hartmann), 296

  Lesar, James (testimony), 179

  Lewis, Dwight, 92

  Lewis, John, 144

  Liberto family, murder (implications), 84

  Liberto, Frank C., 82, 240, 246


  involvement, testimonies, 169–170

  operation, 153

  assassin, hiring, 89

  debt, Jowers acknowledgement, 103–104

  denials, 289

  eyewitness account, 303

  Jowers knowledge/interaction, 150, 187

  denial, 101

  Marcello meeting, 257

  McFerren meeting, description, 168–169

  money, delivery, 104

  murder conversation, 95

  organized crime, relationship, 290

  role (confirmation), Whitlock/Addison testimony (usage), 169–170

  Scott Street market presence, 214

  telephone conversation, McFerrin account, 293

  Whitlock interaction, 108–109

  Linville, Barry Neal, 266

  LL&L (Liberto business), 93, 108

  Loeb, Henry, 240, 243, 246

  city expenses, 4

  election win (1968), 3

  Lois DeBerry Special Needs Center, 140

  Lorraine Motel, 9, 32, 66

  Invaders departure, 166–167, 191, 216, 270

  Psy Ops photography, 269

  regrouping, 15–16

  TACT 10 removal, 84

  Louw, Joseph, 9

  photograph, 13

  Lowery, Joseph, 63

  Lowmeyer, Harvey (alias), 16, 18, 45, 215

  Lux, Henry, 70

  Lyon, Tammy, 278


  MacDill Air Force Base, 126

  MacDonald, J.C., 232

  Maize Prison, hunger strikes, 230

  Making of an Assassin, The (McMillan), 30, 35, 294

  Malcolm X, 282

  Mallory Depot, 238, 239

  Manning, D.V., 210

  Manual, Phillip, 269

  Valentine interview, 180

  Marcello, Carlos, 106, 112, 116, 240

  assassination operation, 153

  cooperation, 193–194

  Dixie Mafia, relationship, 298

  Liberto meeting, 257

  Special Forces, relationship, 124

  Marcello/Liberto connection, 84

  Marek, Dick, 308

  Marro, Anthony J., 36

  Martin, Marie, 44

  Masonic Temple

  King speech, 9

  meetings, 243

  Matthews, Thaddeus, 261

  McCarthy, Joseph, 245

  McClellan Committee, 180

  McCloy, John, 203

  McCollough, Marrell, 132, 151, 216, 217

  reporting responsibility, 133

  testimony, 81–82

  McCraw, James, 31, 86

  rifle disposal, Jowers instructions, 178

  testimony (Witness Black), 89, 297–298

  McCullough, Marrell, 12, 34, 68

  King balcony, approach, 254

  Strausser acquaintance, 232

  McFerren, John, 82

  disinformation, 289

  eyewitness account, 303–304

  fear, 84–85

  Liberto meeting, 168–169

  meeting, 95

  shooting report, 153

  testimony, 167–168

  McGhee, George, 144

  McKay, Louis, 110

  McMillan, George F., 30

  Camp refutation, 35

  disinformation, 294–296

  money, extraction, 295

  McMillan, Priscilla Johnson, 295

  McNeil, Jack, 140

  M.E. Carter Produce Company, 87, 93


  government use/abuse, 185–186

  spin/impact, 208

  Melanson, Phillip (testimony), 171


  army intelligence operatives, presence, 123–124

  assassination operation, 153

  curfew, cessation (Loeb announcement), 9

  hate literature, circulation, 6

  march, SCLC support (King request), 8

  mayor, job, 247

  protests (1968), 4

  arrests, 8


  city injunction, 4–5

  control, 5

  work stoppage, King advocacy, 5

  Memphis Police Department (MPD), 13, 150

  detectives, withdrawal, 30–31

  intelligence files, burning, 34

  mobilization (March 28, 1968), 6–7

  murder, coordination, 3

  surveillance notes, usage, xiii

  Memphis Public Works Department, 4


  intelligence, presence, 219, 260–261

  presence (hospital), 262

  role, 306–308

  Military Intelligence Groups (MIGs), 126, 132, 269

  McCollough, reporting responsibility, 133

  presence, 136

  surveillance activities, 180

  Miller, Pam, 278

  Milner, James (testimony), 173, 187–188

  Milteer, Joseph, 298

  Missouri State Prison, 240

  Mooney, Booth, 106

  Morgue, Abernathy description, 266

  Mourners, outpouring, 17

  MPD. See Memphis Police Department

  Murchison, Clint, 203

  Murder weapon, 177–179

  Brown testimony, 177–178


  documents, appearance, 156–157, 204, 282

  eyewitness accounts, 305–306

  identification, 295

  location, 256

  parking location, 255–256

  My Lai Massacre, 283


onal Civil Rights Museum, 9

  National Conference for New Politics (NCNP), viii, xii, 58, 60, 283

  National Guard, Loeb request. See Tennessee National Guard

  National Security Act (1947), 59

  National Security Agency (NSA), Ray location effort, 136

  Neptune Bar, 41, 201, 204

  Neptune Tavern, 115

  Neurological impact, power, 186–187

  New Moon night club, 112

  New Rebel Motel, 49–50, 276

  Newsom, Floyd, 170

  Nix, Norris, 112

  Nixon, Richard, 203

  Nix, Red, 112

  Norton. See Psychological Operations


  O’Brien, Soledad (eyewitness account), 309–313

  Office of Security (OS) (CIA), 57

  O’Leary, Jeremiah, 22

  Oliver, Beverly, 203

  Pepper meeting, 157

  O’Neill, Tip, 34–35

  Operation CHOA, 57–58

  Operation Detachment Alpha 184 team, 127, 137, 307

  assassination ability, 181

  briefing, 281

  target location determination, 269

  Orange, James, 83–84


  absence, 81

  failure, 291

  Memphis arrival, 8–9

  shooting evidence, 68

  Orders to Kill (Pepper), 134, 142, 285

  Osborn, Howard, 58

  Oswald, Lee Harvey, 157

  Oswald, Marina, 295

  Owns, Tony, 145


  Palmer House, xii

  Parker, Harold, 217

  Patterson, Oliver

  discrediting role, 36

  HSCA illicit use, 37

  Payne, Larry (police murder), 7–8

  Peabody Hotel, 82, 168, 231

  Pearson, Drew, 24

  Pennington, Lee, 57

  Pentagon Papers (Ellsberg), 61

  Pepper, William F.

  Akins meeting, 109

  Angel meeting, 157–158

  Brown meeting, 157–158

  Buchanan meeting, 92–93

  civil suit, 100–101, 114

  Downie meeting, 134

  FBI surveillance, 237

  Jowers/King meeting, 149–150

  King/Jones meeting, 143–144

  Oliver meeting, 157–158

  Pierotti denunciation, 90–91

  Reynolds meeting, 133

  Spates interview, 96–98

  Tompkins meeting, 125

  Wilson meeting, 156

  Pereira, Raul (pseudonym), 114, 150

  Peretz, Martin, xiii

  Personal Prayer List, x, 245, 284

  Phoenix Program, The (Valentine), 180

  Pierotti, John

  Buchanan search, 92–93

  Chastain comments, allowance, 94

  Garrison denunciation, 90–91

  Garrison meeting, 87–88

  immunity request, refusal (expectation), 87

  Pepper assistance, offering, 96

  statement, leak, 98

  Plaintiffs the Family of Dr Martin King Jr., Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King III, Bernice King, Dexter King, and Yolanda King v. Defendants Loyd Jowers and other unknown co-conspirators, 5

  Political assassination, usage, x

  Poor People’s Campaign. See Washington Poor People’s Campaign

  Posner, Gerald, 154

  disinformation, 299–302, 307–308


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