Book Read Free


Page 1

by Erin Trejo



  By Erin Trejo

  A Nomad Story

  Edited By: Elizabeth Gardener

  Cover photo: Istock

  Copyright 2019


  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written consent from the author, except in the instance of quotes for reviews. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the Internet without the permission of the author, which is a violation of the International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines and imprisonment.

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, incidents, and places are products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real except where noted and authorized. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events are entirely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, names featured are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.

  Chapter 1


  “Dani, Dani, Dani,” they all chant my name as I grab the tube and bring it to my lips. The beer runs freely through the funnel and straight into me. What could be better than a night out with your girls drinking from a funnel? Not a damn thing, that’s what! I chug it down until the room spins and the cheers become louder. When it’s gone, I pull away and raise my hands in the air showing that I made it.

  “You’re going to pass out!” Shyla, my best friend laughs and passes me a glass of water. I take a few sips as the crowd slowly disperses from around us. A few random girls that dance like they have no shame and a few guys remain. I’m drunk and stripping out of half my clothes. Did it get extremely hot in here? I fan myself and grab another beer before dancing my way into the middle of the room with the rest of the crowd. My body is buzzing, hell even my pussy is tingling from the effects of the alcohol.

  “Have you ever been so drunk your vagina vibrates?” I slur as I look at the hot guy next to me. He laughs, throwing his head back shaking his head no. I suppose he wouldn’t since he is a guy.

  “Well, I have!” I scream tipping my beer back to my lips and taking a long pull. The room sways and tips but I love the feeling. I’ve always been a mouthy rebel at heart and even now at twenty three, I’ve not changed one bit. I have no filter and say what I think before I think about it which typically lands me in trouble.

  “Dani! I dare you,” Shyla hollers at me over the music. I never turn down a dare!

  “Give it to me!” I spin to face her as she scans the bar with her eyes before a smirk crosses her face.

  “I dare you to kiss that guy over there at the bar,” she laughs as I follow her gaze. I narrow my eyes, put my hand on my hip and look back at her.

  “The dude in the suit? Come on Shy, he looks like Doogie Howser,” I stomp my foot in protest. There’s no way I can kiss that with a straight face. Shyla laughs, glad this is amusing for her. Last time she dared me to sleep with a guy that lives in our apartment building and I swear to God the man looked like Joey Tribbiani from friends. I was so drunk that all I could say all night was, How you doin’? The man left not long after.

  “Not him! That one! The one with the long hair.” I turn to look back at the bar and see the group of men but the one that Shy is pointing out doesn’t go with the group. They all wear cuts, like in those motorcycle shows but his is different. His doesn’t match the rest. He’s pretty good looking from what I can see of both of him. Double vision is awesome!

  “I can totally nail that one, Shy. You should have stuck with Doogie,” I smart off as I sway unsexy like toward the bar and band of bikers. I knew I shouldn’t have worn these goddamn boots with a heel. I stumble a little before I grab the bar to steady myself which just so happens to be right in between Mr. Hot Long haired guy and one of the others. His cool blue eyes slowly slip over my face before traveling to the little tank top that I’ve stripped down to then coming back to my eyes. No one says a word but someone does whistle behind me. I don’t know which one that was since I’m still focused on the blue eyes that have small golden flecks in them. My head slowly cocks to the side, studying his face before I step closer. He doesn’t move, just studies me back before I move in for the kill. Pressing my lips to his, I can hear Shy screaming and yelling. She had to know I’d win the damn dare.

  “What the hell was that?” Blue eyes asks me when I pull away.

  “A kiss?” Did I just answer that question as if I didn’t know what I did? Judging by the smirk, yes, I did. He doesn’t say anything further just grunts as I watch him wipe the spit off his face. Christ, I just doggie kissed the man! I fucking doggied him! For the mess I made all over him I should have just licked him instead. Did I lick him? Oh, stop it, Dani! You won the dare. A smile crosses my face as I nod my head. Yes I did win that dare. The man watches me as I nod my head some more and turn to walk back to Shy. She watches me with wide eyes, a smirk on her face and her hands on her hips.

  “You win, what do you want?”

  “Pizza on you Tuesday!” Shy nods her head and pulls me into a hug.

  “You’re crazy, you know that.”

  “I doggied him, Shy,” I say as I begin to hysterically laugh.

  “You didn’t?” She pulls back and laughs.

  “Yes, I did. It was a lick his mouth until it looked like Cujo slobbering over a shoe kiss.” Shyla laughs harder until her face turns red. Glad I’m getting a reaction out of someone because he didn’t look too happy.

  Chapter 2


  I look down into the eyes of the man that I’m about to kill. Stone, the President of Diablo Son’s MC stands tall next to me as his guys hold the bastard on his knees. His eyes are wild with all the drugs that are running through his system but that makes no difference to me.

  “Why’d you do it?” I ask the million dollar question even though I already know the answer to it. It’s the principal of the matter. I want to hear it come from his mouth.

  “Fuck you,” he slurs pulling a smirk from me.

  “I don’t like little boys. Did you know the guy you killed had a family?” I can tell by the look in his eyes that he doesn’t give a shit or he’s too high to care. Doesn’t matter though, it makes what I’m about to do that much easier. I slide my hand in my pocket and pull out my switchblade, flicking it open as his eyes follow. I can see the fear in him and it sends a chill down my spine. I step forward and press the tip into his neck.

  “He was a dad, a husband and a damn good person. You took his life for nothin’. You killed him because you thought he was someone else!” I roar. The more I let the thought run through my mind, the angrier I become. Nix was a good guy. He was a Nomad like me. He worked his way through this world with his hands. He provided for his family and took great pride in his son. It was all for nothing when this lowlife piece of shit decided to kill him thinking he was the drug dealer that fucked him over. I was grateful that Stone and Sons picked the fucker up for me. I slide the blade through his neck, watching his widening eyes as they slowly fall and close. The guys holding him release his body as it falls to the ground.

  “You stickin’ around town a while?” Stone asks passing me a cigarette. I wipe the blade on my jeans, close it and shove it into my pocket before grabbing it.

  “Yeah, got a few things I’m lookin’ into around here. Appreciate you grabbin’ him,” I tell him nodding toward the dead asshole as I light up.

  “No doubt, brother. Nix was a good guy. We ran into him more than once around here. Always showed respect which is
why we respected him back. Goddamn shame it went down the way it did.” I blow out a ring of smoke when I see her. Her eyes wide but no words coming from that open mouth. I quickly look away knowing that if Stone sees her, she’s as good as dead.

  “You want help on that clean up?” I ask nodding at the fucker once more.

  “No, man. We got it. Go have a drink.” Stone slaps a hand on my shoulder and I quickly move in the back door. The girl turns on her heel and walks back toward the bar but I’m faster than her. I grab her around the waist and pull her into the bathroom, closing and locking the door when I do. She doesn’t scream or shake. It’s a little strange that someone who just witnessed a murder isn’t afraid.

  “What the hell were you doin’?” I ask her in a gruff tone. She turns to look at me, her big blue eyes dancing with what looks like curiosity.

  “Well… at first I was looking for you,” she says softly, her eyes still burning into mine.

  “What for?”

  “I thought a second kiss might be in order, you know, since I ruined the first one. Well, I didn’t technically ruin it but I did lick your face which was bad enough.” Why the fuck is she still rambling? I reach up, pluck the cigarette from my lips and blow the smoke into her pretty little face which she scrunches up and responds, “Did you know that around three thousand people die each year from second hand smoke?” Waving her hand around in front of her face, I find myself amused by this girl. I look into her eyes expecting to see fear but I don’t. She’s calm as can be and I just don’t fucking understand it.

  “You saw what I did back there, yeah?”

  “Maybe. Depends.” She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me. Fucking glares at me!

  “Depends on what?” I step closer to her, dropping the cigarette into the sink before flipping it on.

  “What you want from me?” What the hell is wrong with this girl? Is she completely unhinged?

  “I don’t want a goddamn thing from you. Don’t you want to know why I did it?” Tilting my head to the side, I study the little troublemaker in front of me. I can tell she’s trouble just from the look in her eyes.

  “Not especially. I mean, I’ve seen enough CSI and Bones to know that there was some kind of reason. Unless you’re like Dexter but even he had a reason.” She’s a mental case. Fucking insane. That has to be it. No one in their right mind would stand in a room with a killer and say that shit.

  “You watch fake shows and all of the sudden you get why I killed a man in cold blood before your eyes? What do you have?” I ask knowing something is wrong with her.

  “What do you mean?” She tilts her head to mimic mine.

  “You obviously have some sort of mental issues.” She starts laughing and I swear to fuck I’m debating turning her ass over to Stone.

  “I’m naturally like this! My mom had me tested but this is just me. You would think tha-.” That’s enough. I can’t do this. Smashing my hand over her mouth silences her for the moment. I move my face closer to hers, close enough I could taste her if I wanted to before I lower my hand.

  “Those men out there, they aren’t good guys. If you open that little pouty mouth of yours, they will kill you and everything you love. Do you understand me?” She nods her head slowly before a small smirk starts to curl her lips.

  “You think I have pouty lips?” I close my eyes trying to reign in the rage that wants to explode all over her.

  “Is that all you heard from that little talk?” She shrugs her shoulders and pushes toward me, her breath dancing with mine.

  “Bad men. Pouty lips, that’s what I heard,” she purrs before pressing her lips to mine. This time her kiss is hard and unforgiving. This time she isn’t licking half my goddamn face off, not that I complained about it. It was sexy as fuck watching her with that much composure. Not many women will walk up to a man like me and just do it. Sliding my hand around the back of her neck, I kiss her back with more force. She tastes like liquor and strawberry. A taste that I want more of. Walking her back a step her back slams into the wall and she giggles into my mouth. I devour her lips until they are swollen and red.

  “You only wanted a kiss?” I ask her, running my free hand down her side and over her hip.

  “I’m not opposed to other things,” she says softly pulling a groan from my throat. Fuck!

  “In that case.”

  Chapter 3


  Oh my God. Oh my God. The hot killer guy yanks my skirt down my legs along with my panties before lifting me and setting me on the edge of the sink. I’m ready and willing to take him deeply inside of me but he has other plans. Some might call me a slut but I call it, I’m horny, young and having a blast. Hot guy whose cut says Cross drops to his knees and gazes up at me.

  “You gonna keep that little mouth shut when you leave here?” He asks and my God do I feel like I’m going to explode. I learned my lesson a long time ago that you don’t open your mouth when you see something like that. My dad instilled that in me when I was very young and I watched my mother die because she didn’t have the same values. I can’t be her.

  “Not a thing. Just please,” I beg him unashamedly. He shakes his head and looks at me like a puzzle he needs to solve before he leans in and spreads my thighs. I give him room and when his mouth touches me, I shudder. His tongue slips out of his mouth as I watch him with hooded eyes. My body is begging for him and the need for release. His fingers skim my clit and I nearly leap off the counter. Cross moves closer, his tongue slipping and sliding into me pulling every sensation possible from deep within me. I lean back, pressing my hands onto the counter behind me, bracing myself as I grind against his face. His finger moves to slide inside of me and I arch into him.

  “Damn, baby,” he growls as my pussy clenches around him. I can’t stop it and I don’t know that I’d want to. I feel like I’m drifting on a cloud as this man eats until his heart is content. A second finger dives inside of me adding to the feeling that is already driving me over the edge of my sanity. I lean back up and grab a handful of his long sexy dark hair. It’s like silk sliding through my fingers as I tug him into me. He growls low in his throat as he continues to drive his fingers in and out, licking at my clit until I can’t take more. I explode, coming hard. My body convulses as I pull his hair harder. Cross doesn’t stop but he does slow his movements. I release his hair and flop back trying to catch my breath. Sweat trickles down my temples, my pulse racing but God do I feel fucking amazing. Cross stands and pulls his fingers out of me before dragging them to his mouth. I can’t help but look at him as he does it. It makes me want more than just that tongue job he just gave me. When he pulls his fingers free he reaches for me, lifting me off the counter and setting me on the floor. He turns on his heel and heads toward the door when I stop him.

  “Where are you going? I thought I was going to get the D!” I can hear him nearly choke before he glances at me over his shoulder.

  “You really are insane. Don’t let me find out you said a word to anyone. I don’t have a problem killin’ little girls,” he says looking over his shoulder at me. I raise an eyebrow trying to get a reaction from him but I don’t.

  “You are standin’ in front of a killer. You saw it yourself and you aren’t afraid.” His words really mean nothing to me. He’s a person. Okay, yes he technically killed someone but I’m sure he had a reason. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

  “We all die sometime, Cross. Why be afraid to live?” I ask him. His eyes darken, his head tilts to mimic mine. Shaking his head slowly, he turns to leave once more. What the hell?

  “You are just going to eat my pussy and walk out of the room? What kind of man does that? I wanted the D!” I roar, stomping my foot this time. Cross chuckles, his eyes flashing black as he looks at me.

  “You ain’t gettin’ it from me, darlin’. You taste like heaven but I’m the goddamn devil. That’s all of the darkness you get,” he says with a smirk before pulling the door open and walking out leaving m
e a horny mess and half naked in the bar bathroom. The irony isn’t lost on me that I’ve been here before but at least I got the dick. I grab my skirt and pull it on quickly before stomping from the bathroom to find Shyla.

  “Do you know what just happened to me?” I huff as I drop onto the stool next to her. She looks over, her drunken eyes glazed but happy.

  “You didn’t get any did you?” She giggles. Bitch.

  “Nope. Not a damn thing! Do you know that he had the balls to eat me like a sundae and then walk off?” Shy fakes shock and nearly throws herself off her chair which makes me laugh.

  “What kind of person does that?” She gasps with a grin on her face.

  “Right? Ugh, now I’m going to have to play with my vibrator and dream of The Rock or Beckham or someone hot as hell to get off,” I whine as I fall into her. Shy wraps her arm around my shoulder, pulling me against her.

  “I can call Tyler if you want. He’s always willing to give you the dick,” she laughs. Tyler is a friend of ours that is completely out of my league yet somehow can’t seem to keep his dick out of me. I’m not complaining about having a fuck buddy but some days I just want more. I’m young, I want to live and have a good time but I also want a man to do that with. Okay, fine. I have daddy issues okay? My dad was a prick and never really wanted me so his absence is my excuse to fuck anything with a dick. Call me whore, I’ve heard it before but I’m always safe and I like to have fun. Who can blame me there?

  “I just wanna go home,” I whine when a shot is placed in front of me. My shitty attitude quickly perks up, I sit up straight and look at the bartender.

  “Guy down there said to taste it,” he says before turning and walks away. I glance to the end of the bar and see Cross’s eyes on me, burning me, marking me in ways that I’ve only dreamt of. He nods toward the shot in front of me but I shake my head. He raises an eyebrow and watches me. Asshole. Bossy asshole.


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