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Page 5

by Erin Trejo

  “I’ve never actually looked at one. You know, like up close,” I say a little shyly. I never actually had one in my mouth either but I sure as hell won’t tell him that. At least, not yet.

  “So you wanna get up here and look at it?” he questions with amusement in his tone.

  “Can I?”

  “I’ve never had a woman ask to look at my cock before.”

  “Oh, sorry.” Damn it. I tried though right?

  “What I’m sayin’ is you don’t have to ask, Dani. But once you start, you better not stop.” I stare at him with my mouth open. I bet he likes it when my mouth is open too. Sneaky fucker. His eyes roam my body and a smirk crosses his face. That’s when I feel it. Something leaking down the inside of my thighs. I look down and my eyes widen.

  “Maybe I need to clean up first,” I say without looking at him.

  “Fuck that. Do you know how sexy it is to see my cum leakin’ out of you?” shaking my head, I don’t see what’s sexy about it at all. It’s jizz. And it’s leaking down my legs. Onto a hotel floor. Insert cringe worthy moment.

  “Stop thinkin’ so damn much, Dani,” he snaps.

  “I’m just going to take a shower.”

  “Thought you wanted an up close look,” he says shifting just enough to make his cock wiggle. Damn him and his eel!

  “Raincheck!” I blurt out and run into the bathroom. Turning on the hot water, I climb in and just stand there. What the hell am I doing with him? He’s going to fall in love with me and I’m going to have to break his heart. This is bad. Really bad. He can’t love me. I’m not built to be loved. My dad told me over and over again that I was a waste of life, that I would never be loved. Although I thought I found love once, I ruined that man too. Jim was a good guy that fell in love with me but I couldn’t handle him being around all the time. It drove me insane and I pushed him away. Eventually I had enough of him trying and broke things off with him. He was devastated. Contemplated suicide. Okay so maybe he didn’t go that far but in my head he did! He loved me that much!

  “You can never have someone, Dani. Don’t let him fall in love with you,” I mumble to myself as the water pelts my skin.

  By the time I finish my shower, when the water turned cold, and I make it back to the bedroom, Cross is sound asleep. One leg sticks out of the sheet showing his tattooed thighs. I’ve never seen a man with so many tattoos in my life but he is covered. I sit gently on the bed and cock my head to look at them all. Skulls, dragons, bones. There are so many that I wonder if each of them has a meaning. I thought about getting a tattoo once, but I chickened out. The thought of a shit ton of tiny needles digging into my flesh? No thank you, but his are perfect. Each one is perfectly placed and bleeds into the next. My fingers itch to touch them, to run over them; so I do it. At first he doesn’t move, but then I see and feel his muscles bunch under my touch and he groans.

  “Come to bed, baby,” he says huskily. I jerk my hand back and slowly climb into bed next to him. The only thing between us is the towel that covers my body. Cross reaches over in his sleep and curls around me, his lips nibbling at my ear.

  “Sleep my beautiful, Sara.” What the fuck? Who the hell is Sara? Oh, this is not good. I’m a homewrecker! I just slept with a married man! More than once. Oh God! I try to slip out of his grasp, but he only tightens up around me. Blowing out a breath, I suppose I will be Sara for tonight and just go to sleep. But tomorrow? Oh, tomorrow I’m going to tell him all about his nasty cheating self. I replay the words over and over in my head until I finally let sleep pull me under.

  Chapter 12


  We’ve been on the road a few more hours. I know that if I want to be completely safe and secure I need to be as far from Dallas as I can get. Otherwise I won’t relax one fucking bit. I’ve debated hitting one of the Nomad clubhouses soon but we’re not quite there yet. Dani has been distant all morning. Even at breakfast she didn’t speak a word. I don’t know what the hell her problem is and frankly I was a little glad that she wasn’t spouting some other bullshit about cocks and eels. I pull off and into a Walmart parking lot before I get a reaction from her. She nearly leaps off the bike and tosses the extra helmet I bought at me.

  “Are we shopping? Oh, thank God for Walmart super store!” She claps her hands together rapidly before looking at me. Hanging the helmets from the handlebars, I nod.

  “You need clothes. Can’t keep wearin’ that shit you got on and I’m sure your feet hurt in those shoes,” I say nodding toward them. She looks down and kicks her foot out to examine her shoes before she says, “They are cute as all hell but yeah, not the most comfortable things to wear when running from a drug lord.” Her words cause me to smirk. How she can be so carefree about what’s happening to her is beyond me. Most women I’ve met in my day would be shitting bricks right now, but not Dani. I head toward the store with her right behind me and as soon as we step inside you would think I had brought her to Disneyland. She runs through the store, no shit, runs through the store squealing as she grabs at things. I scratch my neck and stand there watching her.

  “Are you getting clothes too?” she asks looking like a kid in a candy store.

  “I haven’t bought myself clothes in a long time, darlin’. Wouldn’t know where to start in a place like this,” I say truthfully. I’ve never really shopped for clothes that didn’t come from a Harley Davidson store. They are all over and easy to access. They have everything I need and this place, yeah, I don’t come in these kinds of places. Dani takes off through the store as I stalk along behind her. She picks up jeans and shirts looking at each of them. I watch her move so carefree and in her own little world. It’s a beautiful sight to see. Walking behind her she stops at a stack of paper towels. She leans over them pushing her ass into the air. That instantly makes my cock hard.

  “What are you doin’?” I ask a little amused with the sight in front of me.

  “I’m just wondering what it would be like to be fucked right here. Like on the paper towels.” She never smiles or laughs. Good God, she’s serious. I walk up behind her and grab her around the waist, slamming my cock against her. She squeals when I pull her up and drag her down another aisle.

  “Pick up that box in front of you,” I say gruffly. Dani reaches for it and picks it up as I slip my hand into the front of her skirt, sliding her panties to the side. Finding her clit, I stroke it slowly at first.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m not goin’ to jail for fuckin’ you on the paper towels,” I chuckle moving my finger a little faster and pressing a little harder.

  “Cross, shit. After what you said I shouldn’t let you touch me but this, fuck,” Dani hisses as her body tenses. I don’t stop, I keep fucking her with my fingers.

  “Not quite Bounty, but you sound hot as fuck moanin’ like that. What did I say anyway?” A few more strokes and Dani comes, nearly falling forward. Thankfully my arm around her waist holds her in place.

  “You wouldn’t fuck me on the paper towels but you’d finger me in front of the Jiffy peanut butter?” She teases as she catches her breath. I lean down and kiss her neck before stepping away letting the earlier question fall away.

  “You about ready?” Being in this store has me on edge. I highly doubt that Alvaro will look for us in a Walmart, but I won’t take any chances.

  “After I get my feminine products. Come on.” She spins on her heel and walks away as I follow behind her. When she stops in the aisle, I look around and groan.

  “What is all this shit?” Dani laughs and looks up at me.

  “Feminine products.”

  “What the fuck is a Diva cup?” I ask pulling it from the shelf before I can rethink it. Dani giggles and starts explaining it to me before grabbing a pack of pads.

  “So you shove that up in there, huh?”

  “Yeah but I don’t want that. It looks uncomfortable and I can’t use tampons because they make me sick so I use pads.”

  “I don’t need the bre
akdown of your life thanks.”

  “You fingered me in the Walmart but you can’t discus pads?”

  “Nope. That’s a little more personal. You good?” I nod toward the stuff she has in her hands and she nods back. We head to the front after I grab another burner phone and pay. Dani heads into the bathroom and changes quickly. When we step outside, Dani looks almost sad.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Do you think I could call Shyla and let her know I’m okay?” I sigh knowing this was coming sooner or later. I hate that she had to be pulled from her friend, her life over this shit.

  “Yeah. You know the number?” I ask pulling my phone from my pocket. I tossed her phone before we even left Dallas knowing that it could easily be traced, and I didn’t need that shit. She nods her head and tells me the number to dial, then I pass her the phone before walking toward the bike. I figured she needed a little space and privacy, so I load her bags into the saddle bag letting her have her moment. Leaning against the bike, I watch her. The way she slides her feet around when she talks, the way her forehead creases as she thinks. Little things about her that she probably doesn’t know about herself are all there for me to see. I shouldn’t take advantage of her the way I am but there is so much about Dani that I don’t think many pay enough attention to. Running my hand through my hair, I sigh.

  “You shouldn’t be gettin’ involved in this mess, dumbass,” I smart off to myself.

  Chapter 13


  “Are you okay? Where are you? I know Stone said you had to leave but shit, Dani! I’m freaking out here.” Shyla screams into the phone making me smile. God, I miss her so much.

  “I’m okay. Cross has been keeping me safe. I’m sorry I just had to leave like that but I need to tell you something!” I glance over my shoulder and notice that Cross is watching me intently from next to his bike. A shiver races down my spine just from that dark gaze of his.

  “What? What is it?”

  “I think I’m cockmatized, Shy. And what’s worse? I think he’s falling in love with me. You know like Jim did. What am I going to do?” I whine into the line.

  “Wait, you are cockmatized? This has never happened before! No cock has ever had you like that!”

  “I know! I just don’t know what to do, Shy. We will never work.”

  “Have you talked to him? Tell him the cock is just too damn perfect and he needs to stop,” Shy laughs into the phone.

  “I mean it, Shy. I’m afraid of getting hurt this time. It isn’t just him I’m worried about. He’s perfect. He’s sweet to me and he genuinely seems to care if I’m safe. It scares the shit out of me,” I admit. This is hard for me. I’ve never really had a man give a shit what happens to me and knowing that Cross is only with me right now because I was threatened just doesn’t sit well with me. I can handle rejection, I’ve been there before so I know I can handle it if Cross just walks away but there is something more that’s tugging at me.

  “I’m speechless. I have no clue what the hell to say to you, Dani. If you think it’s something serious then you have to talk to him.” I know I do, but this is Cross! You don’t talk to Cross about feelings and shit. Just as I’m about to respond to Shy I can feel his presence behind me and when I look over my shoulder, he’s there.

  “Need to get off that,” he says nodding toward the phone.

  “Shy, I have to go, I’ll call you soon. I love you.” Cross takes the phone from my hands and throws it to the ground before stomping on it. My mouth gapes open as I watch him.

  “What are you doing?” I ask with a squeal.

  “Don’t want it traced.”

  “You think he would do all that just to find me? He doesn’t even know me and besides, why chase a woman you don’t even know anything about?” Cross runs his hand through his hair before blowing out a breath.

  “There are things that you don’t understand about this lifestyle. When a man like Alvaro wants somethin’, he gets it. He doesn’t just turn his head and move on, Dani. He claimed you, yeah?” He asks, his hands landing on his hips making him look fucking edible. I nod my head before he continues, “Then he wants you. Get that through your head. I wouldn’t be out here riskin’ my ass to keep you safe if I thought it was bullshit. Now get on the damn bike.” I don’t ask any more questions, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to. I have a million questions that I want answers to but I know that Cross doesn’t want to talk about them. Instead, I climb on the bike like a good girl and we take off.

  I don’t know how long we’ve been riding but I’m tired as hell. There are far too many things running wild in my head and when that happens, it’s never good. We pull off in a small town that is bustling with people. It’s almost like one of those towns you see on the Hallmark channel. It’s so cute! Cross climbs off offering me his hand which I take.

  “What are we doing here?” I ask as I straighten my t-shirt.

  “Figured you’d be hungry. I’m fuckin’ starved.” He sets his helmet on the seat before taking mine and doing the same.

  “This is a small town,” I comment as I look around the small city center. Cross looks up and glances around too before he smirks.

  “Yeah, it is. Has some pretty cool abandoned rail stations though.” Cocking my head to the side, I widen my eyes.

  “You’ve been here before?” Cross nods and brings his gaze to mine.

  “Couple times. Just stoppin’ through here and there. They have great food.”

  “Are we going to see the rail stations?” I ask excitedly. Cross shrugs and starts walking toward the sidewalk. I follow along unsure of what to do or say to him. It’s strange that I of all people am speechless for a second.

  “Have you ever watched Christmas In My Hometown? It was a hallmark movie? This place looks just like it. I swear to you if there were Christmas lights, it would be identical.” Cross stops and looks over at me a little confused? Annoyed? I don’t know but the look isn’t one of sexiness.

  “What do you do aside from random ass jobs? Movie critic?” I shake my head when he chuckles.

  “Did you just make a joke? Oh my God, Cross! You made a joke!”

  “Not a good one, you didn’t laugh,” he huffs and walks down the road. You would think he’d be out of place here, but he seems comfortable. He stops at a door and holds it open ushering me inside. When I step in I’m hit with the best smells that I have ever smelt in my life. My stomach decides it’s a good time to grumble and come to life. Cross places his hand on the small of my back and leads me through the cozy restaurant pulling out a chair for me. Who the hell knew a broody biker would have any manners? I watch him as he moves to sit across from me, leaning back in his chair with his legs kicked out.

  “What are you staring at?” I ask when it becomes painfully obvious.

  “There’s just somethin’ about you, Dani,” he says before grabbing the menu and looking it over. I want to ask him what he means but the waitress shows up. She’s pretty. She has long blonde hair that’s braided down the side, her blue eyes glitter with happiness. Cross notices too. His eyes travel up and down her body like she’s his next meal. I try not to let that bother me because, let’s be real, Why should it?

  “What can I get you?” She asks sweetly, staring at Cross. I raise an eyebrow and wonder if this is what he gets from all the girls. I don’t see why he wouldn’t, he’s fucking hot as hell.

  “Cheeseburger, fries and water.” He never once looks her in the eyes and that pisses me off. She looks to me with the same sweet smile on her face and for the first time in my life I want to slap it off. I’ve never been the jealous type so what the hell is my problem now?

  “Same please.” She nods and walks away when Cross looks at me.

  “You can get whatever you want, you know?”

  “I’m sure you can too.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “Nothing. It means nothing.”

  Chapter 14


sp; She’s been off since the restaurant. I didn’t question her about it because frankly, I don’t need to know. Yet something wants to know. I can’t keep my fucking head straight with this girl and it pisses me off. She annoys the fuck out of me yet somehow intrigues me too. It’s a fucking contradiction that’s for sure.

  “This one is old as hell,” I tell her when we step up to one of the old rail stations. She looks up in awe with a smile on her face.

  “Can we go in or is it too dangerous?” The corner of my lip curls up.

  “You think I’m afraid of danger?” Grabbing her wrist, I drag her toward the door that’s marked Do Not Enter. I can feel the excitement radiating off her and it makes me wonder even more about her. We step inside and she gasps.

  “Do you know why they closed it?” I pull a cigarette out of my pocket and light it up as I lean against the wall.

  “Long time ago there was a crazy fuck that ran through town. He killed a few people right here in this rail station. They never reopened it after that,” I tell her casually as I blow smoke out of my mouth.

  “What!” She shrieks and heads for the door. I can’t help but laugh at her.

  “Where you goin’?”

  “There could be ghosts in here, Cross! Or demons! What if the sick fuck killed himself here? Huh? He could be haunting this rail station. Did you know that there is a place in between where restless souls go when they have unfinished business? He could be here! Holy shit, is it cold in here? Did you hear that?” The more she panics, the cuter she is. I drop my cigarette and snuff it out with my boot before moving toward her. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I jerk her against me needing to taste those sweet lips of hers. Diving into her mouth with my tongue, she kisses me back. Our tongues tangle and touch. Fuck, my cock gets hard for her. I press it against her stomach and move my hips showing her just what the fuck she’s doing to me. A noise causes her to jolt and move closer, nearly climbing me like a goddamn tree. Not that I’m complaining, but I have to laugh.


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