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Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 7

by Sofia T Summers

  I hurried out of my office, clutching the files and notepad under my arm, but when I reached the conference room where Hollie and I had our first reintroduction, I stopped abruptly in the doorway and my jaw clenched. Hollie and George were already inside the conference room, and standing a little too close in my opinion. George’s voice was low as he spoke, and when his fingers brushed against Hollie’s arm, I cleared my throat and stomped into the room.

  “Am I late?” I asked, watching in satisfaction as George moved away from Hollie.

  “No, not at all. I was just telling Hollie about my vacation in Sweden,” George said with a smirk.

  “The one where you set fire to your hotel room?” I asked, and watched as his smile faded and he tugged at his jacket.

  “Almost,” he corrected me with agitation. “I almost set fire to the curtains. Not the whole hotel room.”

  I turned to Hollie who suppressed her laughter and shook her head. “That sounds like an interesting story.”

  “I’ll tell it to you after the meeting,” George told Hollie in a low voice.

  “Can we get started please?” I asked impatiently and placed the files on the table.

  “Was he this eager in college?” George asked Hollie, who threw her hands up in defeat.

  “He’s always been dedicated,” Hollie answered without looking at me.

  “Right,” George said and rubbed his hands together. “What have you two superstars got for me?”

  “Okay, so we were thinking of taking the new-age approach. By utilizing social media, which is a powerful medium these days,” Hollie began, and I narrowed my eyes.

  “Social media?” George asked.

  “Yes, we target so-called influencers who have thousands and thousands of followers-”

  “Sorry to interrupt you, Hollie, but according to what we had discussed, we weren’t going that route. It was too much of a risk to make a bold move like that without any guarantee that it would even work,” I said, interrupting Hollie. “We didn’t decide on anything like that.”

  She stared at me for a few seconds in disbelief and shook her head slightly.

  “It sounds like you’ve decided already, the way Hollie described it,” George chimed in.

  I pursed my lips, trying to control the anger which had decided to claw its way up my spine and drew in a breath. “No, we didn’t. Social media is unpredictable, and we can’t guarantee success without the numbers-”

  “Here,” Hollie said and held out a file towards him.

  “What is this?” I asked and took it from her.

  “These are the numbers of the influencers we want to approach. They’ve all got more than ten thousand followers and they are keen to get started,” Hollie answered and crossed her arms.

  “And your guarantee?”

  “You’re holding it. If you just took the time to read through my notes, you would know all this,” Hollie answered flatly.

  I paged through the file with a frown and bit my bottom lip in frustration. She fucking did it again! I glanced at George and asked, “You’re not going to allow this, are you?”

  “I think it’s a great idea.”

  “You can’t be serious. This is so risky, George!” I exclaimed. “You know the outline of my campaigns, and it will work for Lamont as well. You know it, and I know it.”

  “That campaign has been used so many times, Chris,” Hollie pointed out. “Lamont needs something fresh, something new.”

  “I agree,” George answered. “Hollie’s idea is great, and she has the research to back it up.”

  I drew in a deep breath, trying to keep myself from exploding, and saying something that I would regret for the rest of my life, and that would probably get me fired in a heartbeat. I pursed my lips and shrugged my shoulders. “Whatever you think is best.”

  “Great, so it’s settled then. You two can start working on the campaign from here, and we can have a meeting when you’re both ready. Okay?”

  “Yes, absolutely,” Hollie said with a nod and glanced at me.

  “Sure,” I forced a smile.

  “Good work, you two,” George beamed and patted my shoulder.

  Even though I would have loved to punch him right in the fucking nose at that moment, I just stood there and shook my head.

  I watched Hollie gather her files, but as soon as she headed to the door, I rushed forward, blocking her way.

  “Get out of my way, please,” she demanded impatiently.

  “What the actual fuck, Hollie?”


  “You know exactly what I’m talking about,” I hissed.

  She took a step back and cocked her head at me.

  “How dare you make a fool out of me in front of my boss?” I accused her.

  “You did that all on your own,” she scoffed.

  “How dare you discount my ideas and use your own without talking to me first? We never discussed your ridiculous approach, let alone agree that was what we wanted to do,” I exclaimed.

  “Once again, Chris, if you had listened to my ideas before just disregarding them as not good enough, then we would not have been in this situation, again.”

  “This is exactly like the shit you pulled in college that cost us our internships. Don’t you remember that? Because I sure as hell do!”

  She glared at me and scoffed. “I was forced to do this because you wouldn’t pay any attention to my ideas and they’re good, they are even better than yours. My team did the research, and this is going to work. We can’t just rely on campaigns that have worked in the past. That is risky. It’s time to innovate and think out of the box. Lamont is the biggest account this company has ever had-”

  “Which means we can’t be taking risks like this,” I interjected and motioned to the file she handed me.

  “Clearly we have different definitions on the word risky. If you just consider the fact that times have changed, and everything is so incredibly accessible via social media-”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Hollie sighed and ran her fingers through her hair – which admittedly looked good today. “You never listen to me, that is your problem. My idea is good, even George thinks so-”

  “That’s because George just wants to get in your pants!”

  “And why does that bother you so much?” she asked me.

  I wanted to respond, but she had ripped the rug right from under me. If I told her the truth, what would she do? I couldn’t openly admit to the fact that I still felt something for her, even though I knew that it was a mistake. We couldn’t even get along for five minutes.

  Although somehow, I had become hopeful when we met at the park. Was I being too naive to think that we could have a platonic relationship?

  Yeah, that was insane. I could never just be friends with Hollie.

  At the moment, I couldn’t even stand to be in the same room with her.

  “It doesn’t,” I shrugged. “I just don’t want you to make a fool of yourself.”

  “Like I made a fool of myself at the mixer?” she asked and cocked her head. “Oh, wait. That was both of us acting like two horny teenagers.”

  I raised my eyebrows at her, and a smirk formed on my lips.

  “We’re getting off-topic,” she muttered and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I suggest we go with my idea.”

  “No. You have no right to just dismiss my idea, and jeopardize everything I have worked so hard for,” I hissed at her, taking a step forward.

  “I’ve worked just as hard, if not harder than you have.”

  “Because you’re a woman, right?”

  Her eyes flashed angrily, and she raised her hand to slap me. Luckily, I was too fast for her – although I deserved to be slapped for being so condescending – and I grabbed her wrist.

  “Let go of me, Chris,” she hissed at me.

  “Or what?” I hissed in return.

  She tried to shove me away with her free hand but lost her balan
ce and stumbled forward. I grabbed her with both hands and held her against me. Her eyes widened slightly, the bright blue pools drawing me in, and the desire for her built up inside me once again. Our faces were inches apart, and my instincts just completely took over. I cocked my head and pressed my lips against hers. For a moment, she kissed me back, and the feel of her lips against mine thrilled me completely.

  She wanted me; I was sure of it.

  A searing pain erupted in my groin as she abruptly kneed me, and I immediately let go of her. I crouched down on the ground and lowered my gaze for a second. I felt as though I had been kicked in the stomach and I couldn’t breathe. It also felt as though my balls were now located in my throat and I coughed out of pure reflex.

  “Don’t ever touch me again,” she growled at me.

  “Don’t pretend like you didn’t want that,” I protested, but in a small and strained voice.

  “You don’t get to just come in here and do what you want with me. Is that clear?” she said in a firm voice.

  “Yeah, crystal clear,” I sighed and painfully stood upright.

  “I mean it, Chris. You can’t just do it. We can’t do that,” she stuttered and straightened her shoulders. “If you can’t take me seriously, or this project, or if you can’t grasp the concept that we’re a team and we’re on the same side, then I’ll just have to tell George that we can’t work together anymore, and we’ll just have to deal with the consequences.”

  She drew in a breath and slowly exhaled. “But you will never touch me, or kiss me at work ever again.”

  Before I could even reply, she whirled around, grabbed her files and stormed out of the conference room. I lowered my gaze as I took a painful breath and managed to rise to my feet. Once again, I felt like the biggest asshole in the world, and I just couldn’t understand why I was unable to keep my hands off her. It baffled me that I wanted her close to me, holding her, kissing her, and the more I thought about it, the more confusing it became for me.

  Was I still in love with her? Did I still want her as I wanted her before?

  If she didn’t want me, then why did she kiss me back, even if it was for just a second?

  What baffled me even more, was that she was still pulling the same sneaky shit she pulled in college? Was she only doing it to get back at me, or was I missing something?




  Today was the day, the day I had been dreading ever since last week.

  Ever since the moment I had agreed – and very reluctantly I might add – that Hunter and I would come to Chris’ house for his daughter’s birthday party. I desperately wanted to say no, as the last thing I wanted was to be inside Chris’ house – on his home turf – so naturally, I would be at a disadvantage. I hated feeling vulnerable, especially when Chris was involved.

  Worst of all, I couldn’t tell Hunter that we weren’t going to go, as he had been looking forward to Amelia’s party so much. The excitement was real and his blue eyes sparkled every time he approached the calendar on the fridge asking how many days until the party.

  Hunter even picked out Amelia’s gift himself. A large purple starfish plushie, and had wrapped it himself as well.

  Chris had texted me his address shortly after we arrived home from the park, and of course, I had to make sure I knew where to go because I liked to be prepared.

  Well, nothing could have prepared me for the sight of the house. It looked very different from what it looked like online, but I figured that it was just an old photograph, which had not been updated in a while.

  My jaw dropped onto my lap as I stopped in front of his house, rendering me silent for a few seconds.

  “What’s wrong, Mommy?” Hunter asked beside me and I glanced at him.

  “Nothing,” I shrugged. “I was just trying to remember if I locked the front door.”

  “You did. I saw you.”

  I pursed my lips with a nod as I turned off the engine and unfastened my seatbelt. Beside me, Hunter did the same and I opened my door. I walked around the car, opened the passenger door and helped Hunter climb out. I took his hand, and we crossed the street to Chris’ house.

  The house screamed 19th-century charm and was on a corner plot, naturally making it look so much bigger from the outside. I couldn’t believe my eyes, but then again, he lived in one of the most expensive areas in Chicago.

  “Wow, is that Amelia’s house?” Hunter gasped.

  “It sure is,” I answered as he reached the other side of the street, but instead of looking excited, a worried expression formed on his face. “What’s the matter, honey?”

  “We should have bought a bigger starfish,” he muttered.

  “She’s going to love it. I promise.”

  Hunter nodded as we stepped up to the door and I rang the doorbell. I could already hear the kids playing outside, their cheerful laughter causing me to smile. The dark wood door opened, and a woman stood in the doorway, greeting us with a happy smile. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, but she looked happy.

  “Hello,” she smiled. “You must be Hollie and Hunter, right?”

  “That’s right,” I answered with a smile.

  “I’m Lucinda,” she told me and stepped to the side, allowing us to enter. “The party is just through those doors over there.

  “Thank you,” I told her and followed her directions, following the noise.

  The house was impressive, with wooden floors, high ceilings and a spiraling staircase which led to the upper level. The decor screamed of sophistication, but the house also had a very warm and homey feel to it.

  Hunter clutched my hand tightly as we approached the large sliding door, but as soon as we stepped outside and he saw all the kids playing and running around the lush green lawn with party hats and streamers, his hand eased against mine. The backyard was decorated with balloons and streamers, and banners. There was an outdoor party tent with tables and chairs arranged around it on the other side of the backyard and I had to admit that it was pretty impressive.

  “Can I go play?” Hunter asked.

  “Of course,” I smiled at him. “Just-”

  “Don’t go too crazy, I know, Mommy.”

  He let go of my hand and I watched him as he made his way over to where Amelia and her friend played. Amelia shrieked happily as soon as she saw him and hugged him with happiness written all over her little face. He handed over her present and she squealed even more. The sight of them made me smile and I crossed my arms.

  The woman who had greeted us at the door came walking past me with two large trays of cupcakes and I glanced at her.

  “Can I help you carry those?” I offered.

  “Oh, thank you. I wouldn’t want to drop them,” Lucinda said with a grateful smile.

  I took one of the trays from her and followed her to the party tent. The inside looked amazing, with banners in rainbow colors, and silhouettes of different sea creatures fluttering over my head. I set the tray of cupcakes down on the table where Lucinda showed me and glanced around me. “This setup is amazing,” I told her. “Who would have thought that rainbows and sea creatures could look so good together.”

  “I know, but Chris is a miracle worker with anything.”

  I glanced at her with a frown and a hint of disbelief on my face. “Aren’t you the party planner?”

  Lucinda chuckled and shook her head. “Oh, no. I’m Amelia’s babysitter. Chris did all of this. He’s been planning this for months. He loves that kind of thing. It must be his advertising streak coming through.”

  “Right,” I said slowly, almost not believing what Lucinda had just told me. “I had no idea Chris was this creative.”

  “He doesn’t look the type, right?” Lucinda chuckled. “How do you know Chris?”

  “Oh, we work together.”

  “Oh, that’s maybe why.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, intrigued by her statement.

  “Chris is a completely different person when h
e’s at home with Amelia. He doesn’t like to bring his work home with him. He leaves it all right at the door. But this,” Lucinda said and motioned around her, “this is the best version of Chris.”

  I smiled slightly at her, and noticed Chris on the grass surrounded by kids, Hunter included, with a furry puppet on his hand, making the kids laugh.

  “He’s the best father to Amelia, he dotes on her so much it’s crazy,” Lucinda continued, as I still stared at him. “He spent so many nights obsessing over the smallest details to make sure that everything is perfect for today.”

  “And he sure delivered,” I answered.

  “He always does,” Lucinda told me. “It’s been a tough road, but he loves that little girl with a fierceness inside him.”

  “I know how that feels,” I sighed as I glanced at him, and I couldn’t help but feel incredibly attracted to him at that moment. He seemed so different from how he was at the office, or how I have ever seen him act. I didn’t know this side of him, nor had I ever expected to see him so devoted, and my heart started to pound in my chest. It was such a shame that he didn’t show this side of him to people.

  Chris’ gaze suddenly met mine, and a smile formed on his lips as he rose to his feet and told the kids that he’d be right back. He approached me with a childlike sense of excitement and said, “Hey.”

  “Hey,” I simply answered. “Good looking hand puppet you had there.”

  “Thanks, I ordered it online,” he chuckled.

  “I have to say, Chris, I have never been to a nicer birthday party in my life. This is beautiful,” I said sincerely.

  A smile formed on his lips and his dark eyes sparkled in the sunlight, his messy hair blowing in the light breeze. “Thank you.”

  “And your house, it’s amazing.”

  “Can I give you a tour?”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t want to interrupt your puppet show. Your audience is probably waiting,” I pointed out.

  “They’ll be fine,” he spoke slowly and motioned to the sliding door.

  Chris showed me around the house, and I was in awe of the rest of the house. It was perfectly designed and decorated, and I saw so much of Chris’ style from when we were in college still in the rooms. He opened a large door at the end of the hallway, and I stepped inside.


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