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Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 14

by Sofia T Summers

  “Oh my god, you drive me crazy,” I muttered. “Just like you did today in that bikini. I had to fight with myself to keep my hands off you.”

  “Well, nothing is stopping you now,” she breathed against my lips.

  I wasn’t sure what had come over me, but I scooped her up in my arms, stood from the couch and headed to the bedroom. I tossed her onto the bed and closed the door behind me. She didn’t wait for any prompt from me and immediately started to undress herself.

  I bit my bottom lip as I watched her for a second, and undressed as well.

  “Get over here, Kinnison,” she said playfully.

  It was what she called me in college, and I suddenly felt like a college kid again as I approached the bed.




  The moment our naked bodies sank into the bedsheets, a playful glint appeared in Chris’ eyes, and I felt like I was nineteen years old again, and this was one of those times where there would be more laughing than moaning. Chris rolled over onto the sheets, and I climbed on top of him. His lips were pressed against mine, his hands running all over my body. Our tongues danced an intricate little tango, and I moaned against his lips.

  In one swift motion. Chris sat upright, our lips still locked together, and he leaned forward, letting me fall onto my back. His lips left mine, and he let a trail of kisses from my neck down to my breasts. His hands squeezed my breasts together, the pressure adding to the burning intensity I felt between my legs. His lips continued to move down my stomach, to my hips, and around my belly button.

  He gently spread my legs and softly sucked on my clit.

  “Oh my god,” I breathed, as a million sensations poured out of me.

  His sucking grew a little more forceful as he flicked my clit with his tongue. I glanced down at him as he shook his head from side to side, and I grabbed onto his hand, squeezing it harder as my desire grew. I placed my hand on his head and our eyes met for a few seconds.

  His fingers slowly slipped inside my wet pussy and my back arched as they slid in and out. I squeezed his hand again and let out a loud moan.

  “You’re going to wake the kids,” he whispered, his breath softly blowing again my pussy, adding another new sensation to the mix.

  “Sorry,” I panted.

  Chris gave my pussy one last lick and grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to him. He positioned himself over me and kissed me hungrily. My fingers dug into the skin of his back, as the tip of his rock-hard erection grazed my pussy, causing me to gasp a few times. It felt so good, and I wanted him inside me right now.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, urging him to take me, but he didn’t just yet. I pushed myself up on my elbows and lowered my legs again, and as he stared intensely into my eyes, his own eyes swirling like molten chocolate, he slid his fingers inside me.

  His hand moved faster, creating the exact kind of friction I needed and kissed my neck.

  It was just too wild for me, and I orgasmed, hard.

  “Oh my god,” I panted. “I want you inside me, right now.”

  “You’re so impatient,” he whispered.

  “Please,” I begged.

  He kissed me again, and out of sheer impatience, I pushed him back against the bed, and climbed on top of him. I lowered myself onto his cock and he moaned in a low tone, as he placed his hands on my hips. I rotated my hips from the one side to the other, keeping my back straight so I could see all of him.

  His hands grabbed my breasts again as I rode him, and this time he was the one calling out my name.

  “Don’t stop,” he whispered hoarsely.

  I hushed him with a simple finger against my lips and he winked at me. I placed my hands on his chest for support and moved my pelvis up and down, taking his cock deep inside me. A pleasure-filled wince formed on his face, and as I moved faster and faster, his breathing grew even more ragged.

  “Don’t stop now, Jameson,” he croaked and grabbed my hips again, ramming himself harder inside me.

  Then a strange thing happened, something that didn’t happen very often – or at least not in my own experience. We climaxed together, and Chris pushed himself upright, holding me tightly against him. Our bodies jolted together, our hearts pounded together, and I knew that there was no way I would ever want to let him go.

  His lips kissed mine, slowly and tenderly, which was perfect for this post-orgasmic euphoria we had found ourselves in.

  Our bodies tipped over and we fell back onto the soft sheets of the bed, still entangled in each other’s arms, with the waves of love and passion crashing over us, and engulfing our hearts.

  I rarely woke up with a smile, as my nights had always been filled with worry and the anticipation of wondering what could go wrong. It wasn’t the best way to wake up, but unfortunately, it had been the reality of my life ever since I met Kevin. There were late nights where I lay awake wondering whether he was okay at the army base doing his training, missing him so much that I couldn’t even sleep if I tried. Then when I got pregnant, I worried about the baby growing inside me. When Kevin was deployed, I worried about him and what horrors he was going through, hoping for his safe return. Then Hunter was born, and I spent nights with him beside me, watching him like a hawk, watching him as he slept, and trying to fully grasp that I had made such a beautiful little boy. When Kevin came back, I had to hold him while he sobbed in my arms from the nightmares that plagued him the moment he stepped off that plane, while still having to care for the baby I had been raising practically alone. Then my nights were alone once more, as Kevin was deployed back to Afghanistan, spending nights awake at the hospital, watching my son in his hospital bed, hooked up to an IV line, getting treatment for his leukemia. After the news about Kevin’s death, I spent nights thinking about how I was going to get through this alone, but I did, and I still couldn’t tell you how I did it. I just had to.

  So it was safe to say that I didn’t have the best track record when it came to nights and waking up the next morning in a super good mood. It wasn’t something that I was used to or was even expecting. It was not normal for someone like me.

  Except, that was exactly how I felt the moment I opened my eyes. The bedroom was illuminated by a soft orange glow, and as I glanced at the clock on the bedside table, it didn’t even bother me that it was not even six o’clock yet. I turned onto my side, and a smile formed on my lips as Chris was still asleep next to me.

  I couldn’t believe that today we had to leave, and head back home. This trip had been unbelievable, and I didn’t want it to end. There were no distractions and we simply spent time together, dare I say it, as a family.

  Chris groaned slightly as he rolled onto his side, facing me, and I lightly ran my finger down the length of his arm. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have him back in my life again, even if I was incredibly reluctant to do so. It had been a struggle to allow him back into my heart, but now he was there, and there was no turning back.

  His eyes opened lazily, and I could never tire from looking into those brown eyes.

  “Good morning,” I whispered.

  He cupped my face with his hand and kissed me on the lips, sweetly and softly. “Good morning.”

  “How did you sleep?”

  “As good as you did,” he answered. “Can I ask you something?”

  “As long as it’s not to go back to reality, then I’m all ears,” I muttered, and he pulled me closer to him.

  “I wish we could stay here forever too. It’s been so incredible. I loved spending time with you, Hollie, especially like this. I missed this.” he said, brushing my cheek slowly.

  “So did I,” I said. “What did you want to ask me?”

  “Back in college, when you transferred to another campus, did you really hate me that much that you couldn’t stand to even look at me?”

  “Where is this coming from?”

  “It was just something I thought of, a lot.”

  “I didn’t hate you, Ch
ris. You were a very big part of my life and seeing you every day in class after we broke up, it seemed wrong. We parted on such bad terms, fighting about our friends. I still cringe when I think about the night in front of the library where we shouted at one another.”

  “Campus security escorted us back to our dorms,” he recalled.

  I sighed and bit my bottom lip.

  “We were so stupid,” he pointed out.

  “We had valid reasons at that time. Our emotions were real, even though it seems stupid now.”

  “I’m sorry, for making you feel like you didn’t belong in your own world.”

  I smiled at him and nodded knowingly.

  “So, are you two together now?”

  My blood ran cold in my veins and I glanced at Chris, who seemed equally shocked and dumbstruck as I was when Amelia asked us from the back seat. We were on our way home, and there was still a long while to drive.

  “What do you mean?” Chris asked and glanced at me with a shrug.

  “Are you boyfriend and girlfriend now?” Hunter asked.

  “Well…” I said and glanced back at the two kids.

  “I told you,” Hunter said to Amelia and she rolled her eyes at him.

  “I want to hear it from them,” Amelia said.

  I was still shell-shocked and looked at Chris for help, but he simply shook his head.

  “You know, kids,” Chris started after a few seconds, sounding like a real fatherly type, “Hollie and I used to go out when we were in college.”

  “So that’s why there’s a picture of you two in your room, Daddy?” Amelia asked.

  “Yes, that’s exactly why,” he answered, and I cocked my head at him.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Why did you break up?” Hunter asked.

  “We were young and stupid,” Chris answered before I could, but I was thankful that he had decided to take the reins on this.

  “What does that mean?” Amelia asked with a frown.

  “It means that we didn’t know what a good thing we had, and we just threw it away because we were too stubborn,” Chris answered.

  “My mom can be pretty stubborn,” Hunter pointed out.

  I scoffed and Chris suppressed a laugh.

  “My dad too,” Amelia said to Hunter.

  “Looks like they are perfect for each other then,” Hunter said.


  “Yes, Amelia?”

  “You’re older now, right?”


  “And you know that you both made a mistake, right?”


  “So you’re not going to break up again, right?”

  Chris and I exchanged glances and I took the liberty of answering. “Obviously we can’t just think about what we as adults want. We have to make sure that it’s what you two want as well. You’re as much a part of this as we are, and we will only continue if you want us too.”

  “You’re asking our permission?” Amelia asked with confusion on her face.

  “My mom does that,” Hunter pointed out. “She always makes sure that I am okay with everything she does, or she won’t do it.”

  “That’s nice of her. My dad sort of does the same thing. Not always, but he always tries to include me in everything,” Amelia replied.

  A smile formed on Chris’s lips and he placed his hand over mine.

  The two kids discussed us for a few minutes, and Chris and I were quite impressed with how observant they were, but we anxiously awaited their decision.

  “Okay, Hunter and I agree that you’re allowed to be together,” Amelia announced. “I like having him and you around.”

  “And I like having you and your dad around too,” Hunter agreed. “Besides, I haven’t seen my mom smile like that ever, not even on that photo of her and my dad.”

  I pursed my lips, and Chris simply squeezed my hand.

  “Then that’s settled,” Amelia announced. “We now pronounce you, girlfriend and boyfriend.”

  “Do I get to kiss my girlfriend now?” Chris asked.

  “Haven’t you kissed enough?” Amelia protested, which made both me and Chris laugh.

  “Never,” Chris said as he winked at me.

  A rush of butterflies cascaded inside my stomach and my heart was suddenly filled with so much hope.

  I was ready to make up for lost time.

  I was ready to open myself up to him once again, this time even deeper than before.

  I was ready to have the family I had always dreamed of.

  I was ready to love him again, even though I had never truly stopped.




  I read through the presentation Hollie had emailed to me earlier today, and I had to say that I was impressed with the amount of work she had put into the campaign. It was incredibly detailed and thorough, but also incredibly simple and easy to understand. I was so impressed with her research and knowledge of marketing and branding, and it made me feel guilty for ever doubting her skills. She understood the client better than I ever thought, and I was confident that she was going to nail that presentation, and we would get this account. I was also glad that I decided to give her the reins on this project, and it didn’t make me feel emasculated or anything. She deserved to be in charge of this campaign, as she was the better one of us.

  My thoughts still traveled back to the past weekend, and I longed to still be curled up beside Hollie under those soft sheets. It had been the perfect weekend, and I would definitely want to do it again. I loved traveling with Hollie and the kids, and despite our rather awkward talk with Hunter and Amelia, it turned out better than I had imagined it. Admittedly, the conversation with the two kids about the relationship I shared with Hollie was a little awkward, but the kids were incredibly understanding and forthcoming that we were now dating, although they found our public displays of affection a bit disgusting.

  A smile formed on my lips as I recalled the memories of the four of us together, having a great time, Hollie taking the kids down the waterslides, laughing and singing with them in the car, and especially sleeping next to Hollie, and wishing that I never screwed up with her in college.

  We had lost so much time but now was our chance to catch up.


  As a family.

  I finished my proofreading of the presentation, making no changes at all. Everything was perfect, and I quickly emailed it back to her, waiting for her response. I glanced over at the glass pane which separated our two offices, but she wasn’t there. I frowned but didn’t think much of it, as Hollie wasn’t in her office very often anyway. She had been so busy with the campaign, running in-between her office, Melanie’s office, and George’s office, that she and I rarely had time to wink at each other through the glass.

  Moving my office chair backward, I stood and left my office. I was desperate for a cup of coffee, as it had been hours since I had one. I stepped out into the hallway and heard George’s voice coming from the kitchen area. He was probably flirting with an intern or something, as he was known to do. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to George, but I was too desperate for coffee to just make a run for it.

  I entered the kitchen area, and my jaw clenched as I saw that it wasn’t an intern, it was Hollie. George stood close to her – closer than he should be – and was glancing down at her breasts. He said something to her in a lower than normal voice, and Hollie forced a smile. I knew it was forced because I knew Hollie.

  Why the hell was she allowing George to get so close to her? Especially when she was my girlfriend.

  “I bet you look great in a bikini,” I heard George say to her.

  “I don’t know about that, George,” she replied.

  “Stop being so modest. With such a great figure, I can only imagine what you’ll look like.”

  Hollie forced an uncomfortable smile once again and drew in a deep breath. “I guess…”

My jaw clenched even more and I cleared my throat.

  Hollie glanced up at me, her eyes slightly bewildered, and I knew she was uncomfortable.

  “Christopher!” George said cheerfully.

  “George,” I nodded stiffly at him.

  Hollie backed away from him and turned to the cabinet to get a cup.

  “I was just telling Hollie about my new yacht,” George said with a smirk.

  “You have a yacht now?”

  “Hence the word ‘new’,” George retorted.

  “Ah,” I pouted and glanced at Hollie. “You still have motion sickness, don’t you, Holl?”

  Hollie turned on her heel and placed the cup on the counter with a loud thud.

  “Because the last time I checked-”

  “Chris, can I make you some coffee? I’ll bring it to your office,” Hollie said to me, urging me to leave.

  “No, I can make it myself,” I muttered.

  George’s gaze lowered down to Hollie’s breasts again and I took a step forward, balling my fists. My blood was boiling, and I was ready to punch George’s fucking lights out. No-one looked at Hollie like that, except for me.

  “One day, when you’re all grown up, champ, you can get your own yacht too,” George said with a condescending tone that drove me over the edge. I took a step forward, narrowing my eyes, ready to grab him by the throat.

  All of a sudden, Hollie rushed forward and pushed me out of the kitchen. “Can I see you in my office, right now,” she hissed, grabbing me by the wrist and practically dragged me down the hallway.

  I kept my mouth shut until we were inside her office and she slammed the door shut.

  “What the fuck, Chris,” she exclaimed.

  “Are you kidding me? You’re asking me that question?” I exclaimed in return. “How can you allow him to talk to you like that? Did you see the way he looked at you? He wasn’t even looking at your face.”

  “I know, okay.”

  “You know?” I gasped.


  Her simple answer made me even more infuriated than before and I placed my hands on my hips. “He has no right to objectify you like that. It’s highly inappropriate and disrespectful, not to mention unprofessional.”


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