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Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 82

by Sofia T Summers

  Bolts of white-hot pleasure exploded in my lower belly, and I closed my eyes and uttered a soft moan into Elliot’s mouth as he slid a third finger inside of me. My body undulated with his ministrations, and beads of sweat broke out over my forehead. I threw my head back and pushed my chest forward, rubbing my body against Elliot’s muscular torso. He groaned with desire as he felt my breasts – even through my bra and silky shirt, I knew it was evident that my nipples were hard.

  When Elliot took his hand away from my pussy, I clapped a hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t cry out with frustration. My body was singing and aching, begging for Elliot to pleasure me more, and I locked eyes with him as I unbuttoned my shirt and unclasped my bra, throwing both on his desk.

  Standing there, almost naked, with my tights and panties around my knees felt deliciously obscene. It was the middle of the day in the middle of the week. Hundreds of people were hard at work around us, and here I was, standing there like some kind of personal escort.

  I loved it.

  “You’re so gorgeous, Annie,” Elliot growled as he pulled me into his arms. The fact that I was almost nude, and he was still fully clothed made the obscene moment feel even more taboo. I shivered with pleasure as he ran his hands down my body and cupped my breasts, thumbing my nipples and pinching them gently – not enough to hurt, just enough to fill me with ecstasy. I dropped to my knees and fumbled with his belt and fly, yanked his pants and boxers down just like he’d done with my tights. His massive, veined cock sprang free, and my mouth watered as I wrapped my hand around the shaft and began to pump up and down. Elliot threw his head back and groaned quietly, thrusting his hips forward and bucking into my hand. I licked my lips and folded them over my teeth. With my mouth open, I stuck out my tongue and swirled it wetly over the head of Elliot’s cock. He groaned again and shoved his hips forward, clearly wanting more.

  I couldn’t help but smile. When I was kneeling in front of Elliot like this, about to suck his beautiful cock, I felt so powerful. Most of the time, I was just me – Annie, in her mid-20s, a lowly assistant at a mega-corporation. Elliot was in control, in charge. He was cool and collected, and older – old enough to be my father.

  But when we were like this, I was the one pulling strings. Elliot grunted in frustrated desire as I licked the head of his cock one more time, then opened my mouth as far as I could and took the first few inches of his magnificent hard-on into my mouth. Already, there was a bead of pre-cum on the head of his cock, and I moaned softly as I tasted it, tasted him. I wrapped my mouth around Elliot and began bobbing my head, moving back and forth in time with the motions of my hand. Elliot braced himself against the desk with one hand and tangled the fingers of his other in my hair, tugging at my scalp. I loved knowing that I was giving him so much pleasure, and I moaned on his cock as I took more of his perfect shaft into my mouth.

  “Annie,” Elliot groaned, bucking his hips towards me. “God, baby, that feels so fucking good.”

  I moaned again, knowing that the sensation was making him feel even better. Just as I was about to cup Elliot’s balls with my free hand, he pulled away and took me by the shoulders, lifting me to my feet as if I weighed nothing at all. I gasped in surprise as he sat me down on his desk and spread my legs, yanking my tights and panties off one leg to allow him greater access to my ready, willing, and eager waiting pussy.

  “Oh my god, yes,” I moaned as Elliot nuzzled me into a hot kiss. Lust exploded in my lower belly, and I shifted, purring as I did so. My inner thighs were soaked with juices, and Elliot grunted, steadying himself against the desk before plunging his massive cock deep inside of me.

  For a moment, it felt so heavenly, so exquisite, that I forgot to breathe. Elliot buried himself to the hilt, throwing his head back in ecstasy as his balls slapped against my pussy lips. His free hand found my clit and began rubbing me fast and hard. I braced my feet against the desk and pushed up, bucking my hips in time with Elliot’s thrusts. When he leaned in for another hot kiss, I caught his lip between my teeth and whimpered softly. Every time he plunged inside of me, every thrust, every motion between us only sent me closer and closer to the edge. As the room filled with the smell of our sweat and our sex, I closed my eyes and breathed in deep, loving every single forbidden second.

  “Baby, I needed this,” Elliot growled in my ear as he fucked me harder. “I needed you.”

  His words sent a chill down my spine – the thought that someone so powerful, so strong, so gorgeous could need someone like me.

  But I knew it was true.

  And I needed him, too.

  “I need you,” I moaned as I closed my eyes and dug my fingers into Elliot’s shoulders, pulling him closer. A powerful climax was building from deep within me, and I bit the inside of my mouth to keep from screaming with pleasure as it exploded and crested over my head. Pressing my lips to Elliot’s in an intense kiss, I felt him shudder and buck harder. I could feel that my own pleasure was setting him off, and Elliot let out a low growl into my neck, muffling himself.

  We stayed locked together like that for a few seconds before Elliot eased out of me. He grinned at me, then brushed the sweaty tangles of my blonde curls out of my face.

  “You look so beautiful right now,” Elliot said.

  I blushed. “I don’t think that’s possible,” I said, glancing down. My sweaty curves were heaving with each breath I took, and my belly quivered when I let my feet down to the ground and hopped off the desk.

  “You are,” Elliot insisted. “Trust me. I’m always right, remember?”

  I giggled quietly. “That was insane,” I said. “I can’t believe we just did that!”

  Elliot was dressing quickly, and I followed suit, retrieving my bra and blouse from his desk and putting them on with shaky fingers. I bent over with a grunt and reached for my tights and still-wet panties, which I pulled up against my skin. My skirt was bunched on the floor, and just as I was yanking it up over my hips and doing the zipper, I heard a sound that made me freeze.

  Elliot’s door was opening, I realized. Panic flooded me, and I felt my entire body go ice cold. No, no, no, no, I thought, shaking my head as if to make the whole thing go away. No, this can’t be happening!

  Turning around, Elliot’s assistant, Parker, was standing in the doorway, narrowing her critical eyes at me.

  “Annie,” she said in a neutral tone that I couldn’t quite parse. “What are you doing in here?”


  Annie – Five Years Ago

  “Can you believe this?” My best friend, Beth, elbowed me as she whispered in my ear. When I turned around to face her, she was grinning broadly.

  “I’m so nervous,” I whispered back. “After all this time ... I can’t believe it’s gonna be over so soon.”

  Beth nodded and glanced down at the black polyester gown that covered her white graduation dress. She shifted from one sandal-clad foot to the other and sighed nervously. The mortarboard cap perched on top of her head was crooked, and I reached out to straighten it.

  “Don’t,” Beth hissed. She raised an eyebrow at me. “I put it like that on purpose,” she added. “I thought it would make me look rakish.”

  I giggled. Ever since being randomly assigned to the same dorm freshman year, Beth and I had been best friends. We had a lot in common: a love of Regency-era romance novels, diet Pepsi, sushi, and watching Juno whenever we were depressed about something. We were both single – Beth went on many dates but had always said that she was allergic to relationships, and while I wanted a boyfriend, I had chosen to focus on school and put that first.

  Well, and my curvy figure didn’t help much, either. The prospect of approaching a guy and asking him out was daunting, especially when I knew that most guys my age didn’t give me a second glance. They wanted the skinny girls, the girls who walked around in tiny shorts and crop tops.

  For all of our similarities, we were also wildly different people. Beth was athletic with a long rope of shiny brown hair that was always
braided to the side. She ran track and field, played tennis, and swam. The first semester we lived together, I’d had to buy earplugs and a sleep mask to drown out the cacophony of Beth’s alarm that sounded, without fail, every day at six-thirty in the morning.

  I, on the other hand, was short and curvy, with an untamable mass of blonde curls and pale skin. The gym had always been my least favorite class, and in college, I’d actually taken a nutrition class so that I wouldn’t have to do anything that involved changing in a locker room or getting sweaty.

  “Well, it looks like it’s about to fall off,” I said to Beth.

  She stuck her tongue out at me and straightened the cap on her head, adjusting her braid from one shoulder to the other as she did so.

  “Do I look okay?” I asked. “I feel like this gown would make Audrey Hepburn look fat.”

  Beth snorted. “You look gorgeous,” she said. “Regal. Like a queen, ready to claim her prize.”

  I giggled again. “Like what? An extremely overpriced piece of paper that qualifies me to get a job where I take meeting notes and get coffee for the executives?”

  “Well, when you put it like that,” Beth teased.

  I glanced around, shielding my eyes with my hand and wishing that I’d remembered my sunglasses like Beth had. It was a beautiful day – sunny and hot, with a slight breeze that carried the smell of wisteria and roses through the air. We were lined up, facing the large building that housed the senior dorms and the dining hall, waiting for the ceremony to start. Underneath a large white tent, my parents were seated with hundreds of other families, most holding giant bouquets or gift bags.

  “This is really something,” I admitted.

  “See,” Beth said. “Aren’t you glad that you decided to come after all?”

  I nodded. Back when we’d first gotten the notification about cap and gown prices, I’d hesitated – it seemed stupid and kind of trivial to spend two hundred dollars on a polyester outfit that I would only wear once, and for a few hours at that.

  But now, smelling the fresh flowers in the air and seeing all of my classmates lined up and eagerly talking, I was glad that I’d come. I’d worked hard to graduate, and I was proud – it hadn’t been easy taking eighteen credit semesters every year, but I’d majored in both English and Communication Arts, and I’d managed to do it without losing my mind.

  The orchestra seated under the white tent began to play Pomp and Circumstance, and we all fell silent before following a line of professors into the tent and taking our seats on stage.

  “Daniel Avery!”

  As the president of the college called all of the undergrads, one by one, I looked around. I had spent the most formative four years of my life here, and in just a few short hours, I’d be back at my parents’ house in Weston, Massachusetts.

  “Angela Berringer!”

  I just hoped it wouldn’t take me long to find a job. I loved my parents dearly, but they were pretty conservative, even for Massachusetts. Allowing them to let me live on campus had been a big struggle, and I knew that even though I was twenty-one, I would still have to play by their rules.

  “Annie Browne!”

  At the sound of my name, I practically leaped out of my seat and crossed the stage, taking each step carefully so that I wouldn’t trip and fall in front of my entire graduating class. The president smiled and shook my hand, then I took my diploma from him and walked off stage. I heard my parents cheering in the crowd, and a smile etched itself onto my face so wide that my cheeks hurt. When I took my seat next to Beth, I smiled at her.

  “This is life now,” I mouthed as the president kept calling students’ names.

  A little over two hours later, I sat with my parents and Beth at the Red Barn Inn, the fanciest restaurant in our little college town. The four of us ordered steaks, but we were all talking so much that my food was cold by the time I bit into it.

  “Should we order some champagne?” My father asked. He raised an eyebrow at me, then turned to Beth. “I’d say you girls deserve it. What do you think, Cynthia?”

  My mother smiled. “Of course,” she said. “It’s not every day that someone graduates college, you know,” she added.

  I couldn’t help myself – I giggled.

  “What?” Mom asked. “Don’t tell me you want a beer or something like that.”

  Beth and I burst out laughing at the clear disapproval in her tone.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head and still laughing. “It’s just um, I don’t think I’ve ever had a drink around you and Dad before.”

  My mother raised an eyebrow at me.

  “What,” I said hastily. “It’s not like I drink much. I just turned twenty-one. You know that.”

  Thankfully, my mother dropped the subject. What I’d said hadn’t been a lie – I had never been much of a partier. I had been to exactly one party, where I’d drunk cheap wine mixed with canned fruit and gotten so sick the next morning that I’d vowed never to drink again.

  When my father had ordered the champagne and handed the flutes around, he cleared his throat.

  “To my little girl,” he said, looking at me fondly. “Who isn’t so little anymore,” he corrected. “I’m very proud of you, Annie. You know that you’re the first person in this family to graduate with a double major?”

  I flushed.

  “And you, too, Beth,” Dad added. “Cynthia and I are so happy you were free to join us for this celebration. I’m sure your parents must be so proud of you.”

  Beth smiled. “Thank you,” she said. “It was really nice of you to invite me out with you.”

  “Of course,” my mother chimed in. “You and Annie have been best friends for years now. You’re practically sisters!”

  That made both Beth and I laugh – there was no way that anyone, not even a blind person, would mistake the two of us for siblings.

  “So, Beth,” my mother said once the laughter died down. “What are you thinking of doing?”

  “Well, for right now, I’m crashing with my sister. She lives in Boston,” Beth explained. “And I’m going to look for a job.” She turned to me. “As soon as Annie and I have been working for a few months, we’re going to get a place in the city.”

  My mother’s brow furrowed slightly.

  “What is it?” Beth asked. “Annie did tell you, right?”

  “She did mention it,” my mother said slowly, drawing each word out. “But is that really a good idea? Two girls, alone in Boston? That’s not very safe,” she added. “It would make a lot more sense if you put aside as much money as you could and saved for a down payment – you know, not throw away all of your income on rent.”

  I shifted uncomfortably in my chair.

  “Mom, it’s pretty important to me that I move out,” I said slowly, not wanting to anger her or spoil the mood.

  “Well, then I’m sure it’ll happen eventually,” my mother replied in a bright tone that indicated she felt precisely the opposite.

  I cleared my throat. “Definitely,” I said, as cheerfully as I could manage. “We’ll make it happen, Beth.”

  And soon, I thought. At least, I hope it’ll be soon.

  I was excited about the future, but I was also a little nervous. Aside from working in the library on the university campus, I’d never had a job before. And all I’d done there was shelve books. Part of the reason why I’d gotten a double major was to hopefully expand the range of jobs I could apply to, but I knew that no one was exactly dying to hire a former English major. Back when I had been a sophomore, I’d thought about going to grad school, but now, I couldn’t handle the idea of more student loans.

  Thinking about finding a job stayed with me for the rest of the meal, through dessert, and into the parking lot where I hugged Beth.

  “Don’t worry,” I said in a voice too low for my parents to hear. “They’re just ... kind of old-school. If Mom had her way, I’d be living under her roof until I get married.”

  Beth laughed. “It’s no worries,�
� she said. She pulled away and flipped her braid over her shoulder. “Look, we’ll see each other soon, okay? Even if it’s just for coffee or something. Being around my sister is going to drive me mad if I can’t hang out with my bestie every now and then.”

  “I totally understand what that feels like,” I said as I eyed my parents over Beth’s shoulder. “Text me later, okay?”

  We hugged one more time, and then I met my parents by their Subaru, which was packed to the gills with my stuff from the dorms. Getting in the backseat made me feel juvenile like I was on my way to college instead of leaving it.

  The drive home to Weston was both familiar and strange. I’d only been back twice in four years – my parents spent most holidays at their vacation house in St. Kitts – and while some things had changed, most things were still the same. Same street, wide and lined with tall oak trees. Same large, American Colonial-style homes that had seemed like mansions to me when I was a little kid.

  Except something was different. As my parents pulled into the driveway, I peered with interest at the house next door.

  “Mom, what happened to the Russets?” I asked. “They were such nice neighbors.” And their son was a regulation hottie, I thought as I frowned and bit my lip. Maybe they just got a new car.

  “Oh, they moved,” Mom said nonchalantly. She turned to face me from the passenger seat. “The house was on the market for a long time – I don’t think they got nearly the amount they wanted,” she confided.

  “But someone bought it,” I said as I pointed to the car – a vintage Jaguar in British Racing Green. “There’s a car there.”


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