Book Read Free


Page 6

by Rohan M Vider

  Governing Attribute: Magic Spark.

  Base Ability: Blend.

  Novice Abilities: Shocking hands, Blur, Truesight.

  Earth Magic: Used to cast earth-based spells.

  Governing Attribute: Magic Spark.

  Base Ability: Barkskin.

  Novice Abilities: Grasping Roots, Earth Tremor, Poison Ward.

  Essence Regeneration: Increases Essence regeneration rate. Also available in the divine skill tree.

  Governing Attribute: Magic/Divine Spark.

  Base Ability: None.

  Novice Abilities: None.

  Fire Magic: Used to cast fire-based spells.

  Governing Attribute: Magic Spark.

  Base Ability: Flaming Hands.

  Novice Abilities: Fire Shield, Fire darts.

  Supportive Magic: Used to cast healing and detection spells. Also available in the divine skill tree.

  Governing Attribute: Magic/Divine Spark.

  Base Ability: Restore Health (Self).

  Novice Abilities: Restore Health (Others), Healing Aura, Restore Mind, Detect Magic.

  Wands & Staffs: Allows magical staffs and wands to be equipped and increases the effectiveness of them. Also available in the divine skill tree.

  Governing Attribute: Magic/Divine Spark.

  Base Ability: Ranged Magical attack.

  Novice Abilities: None.

  Mystical garments: Allows magical garments to be equipped and increases the effectiveness of it. Mystical garments primarily provide spell defence. Also available in the divine, devious and ranged skill trees.

  Governing Attribute: Magic/Divine Spark.

  Base Ability: None.

  Novice Abilities: None.

  Spellcasting: Reduces the cost of all essence abilities. Also available in the divine skill tree.

  Governing Attribute: Magic/Divine Spark.

  Base Ability: None.

  Novice Abilities: None.

  Water Magic: Used to cast water-based spells.

  Governing Attribute: Magic Spark.

  Base Ability: Water Armour.

  Novice Abilities: Freezing Hands, Slippery Ice, Ice Wall.

  He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the psi skill tree contained the beast bonding skill. From the skill name, Kyran had reasoned that the beast bonding ability would probably use either essence or will as its source of energy to create the ‘bond’ and that the skill would therefore be in either the magic or psi skill tree. It had been a minor gamble to select the traits without confirmation that he would have access to the skill, however it seemed to have paid off. Now all that’s left, is to hope that there really are beasts in Crota.

  He perused the other information shown. “What is the difference between the base and novice abilities?”

  “The base abilities cost 0 ability points (AP) and are learnt with the skill. The novice abilities cost 1 AP and must be unlocked using your ability points. Higher ranked abilities, which are still unrevealed, cost more still.”

  Kyran nodded and turned his attention to the list of civilian skill trees. He was in two minds as to which skill tree to unlock. He had shortlisted exploration and leadership. Exploration would probably increase his odds of surviving assuming he kept a low profile and did not attract attention. But if he wanted to accomplish more than mere survival, he would need others, and here leadership was likely to offer the most benefits, even with the penalties from his low charisma. So, did he want only to survive, or did he hope for more, including perhaps… winning the game? Mere survival is not enough, he decided. He selected and confirmed the leadership skill tree.

  Leadership Skill Tree

  Commander: Used to increase the capability of the player to command its vassals and minions. This skill is not available to basic players.

  Governing Attribute: Charisma.

  Base Ability: Inspiring.

  Novice Abilities: Share sight, Drain Minion Health.

  Feudal Lord: Increases the number of minions and vassals a player may bind directly. This skill is not available to basic players.

  Governing Attribute: Charisma.

  Base Ability: None.

  Novice Abilities: None.

  Governor: Used to increase the capability of the player to administrate and govern.

  Governing Attribute: Charisma.

  Base Ability: Divine Truth.

  Novice Abilities: Basic Torture, Interrogate, Drain Minion Will.

  Mage Lord: Used to increase the capability of the player to command its spellcasting vassals and minions. This skill is not available to basic players.

  Governing Attribute: Magic/Divine Spark.

  Base Ability: Channel Essence.

  Novice Abilities: Channel novice spells, Drain Minion Essence.

  Scrying: Used to observe distant locations. Also available in the exploration skill tree.

  Governing Attribute: Charisma.

  Base Ability: Show Hostiles (map).

  Novice Abilities: Basic Scrying, Detect Scrying.

  Travelling: Used to transport the player and others between locations. Also available in the exploration skill tree.

  Governing Attribute: Charisma.

  Base Ability: Show Portals (map).

  Novice Abilities: Travel (self), Teleport Barrier.

  “Your choice of psi, magic and leadership skill trees is confirmed. You many now choose your combat skills.” The well floated the list of available skills gently to the fore.

  Combat Skills (9 SP available)

  Available Combat SP per level = 6 from 2 combat skill trees + 2 from combat specialist trait + 1 from skilled trait.

  Effective Skill = The base value of a skills modified by its governing attribute and applicable traits.

  Maximum base skill = Capped at your combat level.

  Psi Skills:

  Beast Bonding: 0

  Body Control: 0

  Psionics: 0

  Psi Armour: 0

  Telekinesis: 0

  Telepathy: 0

  Will Regen.: 0

  Light Armour: 0

  Magic Skills:

  Air Magic: 0

  Earth Magic: 0

  Essence Regen.: 0

  Fire Magic: 0

  Supportive Magic: 0

  Wands & Staffs: 0

  Mystical garments: 0

  Spellcasting: 0

  Water Magic: 0

  Racial Skills:

  Longbow: 0

  Longsword: 0

  “You will be granted nine combat skill points (SP) each time you advance your combat level. You may now choose your first nine combat skills. Your base skill level cannot exceed your player level, therefore, as a level one combatant and civilian you may only allocate one skill point per skill.”

  Damn, thought Kyran. He had planned on maximising his base beast bonding skill. Now that was not possible. He would have to distribute his skill points more evenly. After studying the available skills, he unlocked an array of psi and magic, defensive and offensive skills. With his attribute and trait bonuses, they would be his most effective skills.

  Combat skills selected by Kyran

  Psi Skills:

  Beast Bonding: 2.5 (1 base)

  Body Control: 2.0 (1 base)

  Telekinesis: 2 (1 base)

  Light Armour: 1.2 (1 base)

  Magic Skills:

  Air Magic: 2.6 (1 base)

  Earth Magic: 2.6 (1 base)

  Fire Magic: 2.6 (1 base)

  Supportive Magic: 2.6 (1 base)

  Water Magic: 2.6 (1 base)

  “Next choose your combat abilities. You may choose two at every level.”

  Available Combat Abilities (2 AP available)

  Available Combat AP per level = 2 from 2combat skill trees.

  Beast Bonding: Enrage Beast, Extend Bond, Beast Bond.

  Body Control: Boost Health, Boost Speed.

  Telekinesis: Teleport object, Hold.

  Telepathy: Confusion, Terrify, Sleep. (Locked, skill of 1 re

  Air Magic: Shocking Hands, Blur, Truesight.

  Earth Magic: Grasping Roots, Earth Tremor, Poison Ward.

  Fire Magic: Fire Darts, Fire Shield.

  Supportive Magic: Restore Health (Others), Healing Aura, Restore Mind, Detect Magic.

  Water Magic: Freezing Hands, Ice Wall.

  Longbow: Focused shot, Long shot, Quick shot. (Locked, skill of 1 required).

  Longsword: Disarm, Focused strike. (Locked, skill of 1 required).

  He noted that not all skills had associated abilities, however considering the few ability points he had available, that was all to the good. He did not have to ponder long on his choices of abilities. Beast bonding was a must, his whole strategy for early game survival being based around it. His second ability was also decided by necessity, considering his starting location was in the subterranean tunnels of an abandoned city, he needed an ability that allowed him to see in the dark.

  “I choose beast bonding and truesight.” With his words, the list in the well transformed again, and displayed his known combat abilities.

  Beast Bond I ability learnt!

  Truesight ability learnt!

  Combat abilities learnt by Kyran


  Beast Bond I: Establish a fleeting beast bond with targeted beast (Novice).

  Truesight: Enables the caster to see in all light conditions and pierce illusions (Novice).


  Calm beast: Calms beasts within the targeted area (Base).

  Mind over matter: Increases all body attributes of the caster (Base).

  Teleport (self): Teleports the caster to another location in his direct line of sight (Base).

  Blend: Camouflages the caster into his surroundings (Base).

  Barkskin: Fortifies the caster’s skin giving him natural armour (Base).

  Flaming Hands: Causes the caster’s touch to inflict magical flame damage (Base).

  Restore Health (Self): Restores the caster’s lost health (Base).

  Water Armour: Creates a protective layer of water around the caster that replaces equipped armour (Base).

  The base abilities were a varied mix of buffs and utility spells, which also appeared quite useful.

  “Next, choose your civilian skills.”

  Civilian Skills (4 SP available)

  Available Civilian SP per level = 3 from 1 civilian skill tree + 1 from skilled trait.

  Maximum base skill = Capped at your civilian level.

  Leadership Skills:

  Commander: 0

  Feudal Lord: 0

  Governor: 0

  Scrying: 0

  Travelling: 0

  Mage Lord: 0

  Racial Skills:

  Nature Lore: 0

  He scrutinised the available civilian skills. Other than travelling and scrying, none of the other skills seemed like they would have any immediate use, so beyond those two, his choice of other civilian skills was somewhat random.

  Civilian skills selected by Kyran

  Leadership Skills:

  Commander: 0.7 (1 base)

  Scrying: 0.7 (1 base)

  Travelling: 0.7 (1 base)

  Mage Lord: 2.4 (1 base)

  “Next choose your civilian abilities. You may choose one only.”

  Available Civilian Abilities (1 AP available)

  Available Civilian AP per level = 1 from 1 civilian skill tree.

  Commander: Share sight, Drain Minion Health.

  Governor: Basic Torture, Interrogate, Drain Minion Will. (Locked, skill of 1 required).

  Mage Lord: Channel novice spells, Drain Minion Essence.

  Scrying: Basic Scrying, Detect Scrying.

  Travelling: Travel (self), Teleport Barrier.

  Nature Lore: Show Plants (map), Gather plants, Encourage growth, Harvest beast remains. (Locked, skill of 1 required).

  He decided on basic scrying, it should provide him with a means of safely scouting before venturing into dangerous territory.

  The mists closed over, and parted for a final time to display his known combat abilities.

  Basic scrying ability learnt!

  Civilian abilities learnt by Kyran


  Basic Scrying: Allows the caster to view a distant area. (Novice).


  Inspiring: Increase the regeneration rates of all minions and vassals (Base).

  Channel Essence: Allows the caster to channel essence to minions and vassals (Base).

  Show Hostiles (map): Shows the movements of nearby hostiles on the player’s map (Base).

  Show Portals (map): Shows nearby portals on the player’s map (Base).

  The Overseer pronounced, “Player, your avatar has been created. Are you ready to enter Crota?”

  Something else occurred to Kyran, “Wait, don’t I get to select any equipment and what happens if I die?”

  “No, all players enter with the same basic equipment.” After a pause, the Overseer continued, “And death is final, unless you are resurrected by a master level divine spell.” He then repeated, “Player, your avatar has been created, are you ready to enter Crota?”

  Feeling more than a little nervous Kyran answered with trepidation, “I am.” As he uttered these words, the well morphed into a spinning vortex of energy, beckoning him forth.

  “Then, step forward spirit and be reborn in your chosen avatar.”

  Kyran floated forward. He had made his choices, there was no going back now. He approached the vortex, and let it pull him, unresistingly, within its depths. As his awareness faded, Kyran heard the Overseer whisper, “Good luck spirit, may Eld watch over you.”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  He spiralled downwards into the well’s endless depth, sucked deep into the vortex. Weight descended upon him, clothing his spirit in flesh once more. Consciousness resettled, finding a new home. Connections reformed and snapped into place. Arms and limbs jerked spastically, as control was established. Physical sensations returned and pain erupted. New formed eyes were shocked blind by madly swirling lights and virgin limbs were battered by the raging maelstrom. His weightless spiral morphed into an uncontrolled tumble and his new-born self was flung heedlessly about. And just as it became unbearable, he was spat out, born anew.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Yddreinth raised his head, forked tongue darting out. He tasted something different in world tonight. He reached out with his senses, searching for the source. Further and further he reached, and eventually in distant Crota… of course. It would be Crota, he thought, amused. It seemed that Eld was not done and had yet a few more cards to play.

  His allies, he knew, would be interested in these developments. He gathered his essence, and burst a message into the ether, setting events into motion. Satisfied, he returned to his slumber, resting his massive head on his clawed feet again. He would keep an eye on proceedings and see how this latest gambit of Eld’s played out…

  Kyran's Profile on Entering Crota

  Profile (Expanded)

  Name: Kyran Seversan

  Race: Elf

  Combat Level: 1 (0 / 2000)

  Civilian Level: 1 (0 / 2000)

  Health: 10 / 10

  Stamina: 500 / 500

  Will: 1020 / 1020

  Essence: 1200 / 1200


  Physical Defence: 1

  Psi Defence: 1

  Spell Defence: 1

  Body Attributes

  Strength: 40 (-20%)

  Dexterity: 61 (+22%)

  Constitution: 50 (0%)

  Mind Attributes

  Intellect: 102 (+104%)

  Creativity: 53 (+6%)

  Charisma: 36 (-28%)

  Spirit Attributes

  Divine: 0 (-100%)

  Magic: 120 (+140%)

  Karma: Slightly Good.


  Nature’s Guardian: Beast bonding modified by + 25%.

  Long lived: All experience (XP) gains are modified by -25%.

  Player's M
ark: Identifies the being as a player in the Game.

  Vow of Binding: Binds a player in the Gods’ Game to the Rules.

  Player’s Interface: Mental interface for management of player information.

  Commander Interface: Mental interface to observe and command battle groups.

  Player’s Map: Player’s Map that shows all areas in the world.

  Inventory: Access to an extra-dimensional space to store a player's items.

  Insightful: Gain insights into an item or creature’s characteristics.

  More skills: Convert ability points (AP) into skill points (SP).

  Multi-lingual: Knowledge of all common languages.

  Combat Specialist: Select two additional combat skill point per level.

  Skilled: Select one additional skill point per level.

  Beast Master: Beast bonding modified by + 25%.

  Magical Prodigy: All magic skills modified by + 15%.

  Combat Skills

  Beast Bonding: 2.5 (1 base)

  Body Control: 2.0 (1 base)

  Light Armour: 1.2 (1 base)

  Psionics: 0

  Psi Armour: 0

  Telekinesis: 2 (1 base)

  Telepathy: 0

  Will Regen.: 0

  Air Magic: 2.6 (1 base)

  Earth Magic: 2.6 (1 base)

  Essence Regen.: 0

  Fire Magic: 2.6 (1 base)

  Supportive Magic: 2.6 (1 base)

  Wands & Staffs: 0

  Mystical garments: 0

  Spellcasting: 0

  Water Magic: 2.6 (1 base)

  Longbow: 0

  Longsword: 0

  Civilian Skills

  Commander: 0.7 (1 base)

  Feudal Lord: 0

  Governor: 0

  Mage Lord: 2.4 (1 base)

  Scrying: 0.7 (1 base)

  Travelling: 0.7 (1 base)

  Nature Lore (Racial): 0

  Vassals & Minions

  Maximum allowed: 0 (1 base)

  (Determined by effective level and feudal lord skill and modified further by the attribute: Charisma).


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