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Page 10

by Rohan M Vider

  He watched the beetles amble back to their nest, before climbing down from his perch. Momentarily safe, Kyran took the opportunity to rest. He would try again once the beetles were back in their lair.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Five minutes later, Kyran began his second, no third, attempt at beast bonding. Perched on the gate again, he targeted the nearest beetle and cast beast bond. This time the tendrils of psi energy that he sent forth, effortlessly slipped through the beetle’s defences and found firm purchase onto its mind, subduing its will to Kyran's.

  You have successfully bonded a level 7 rock beetle (2,205 XP gained: 2,205/2,000 combat XP). Remaining beast bond duration: 25 minutes.

  You have obtained a total of 2,000 combat XP and are now level 2. 9 Combat skill points and 2 ability points gained.

  Your beast bond has angered the other beasts in the vicinity. 4 Rock beetles turned hostile.

  Success, finally! The psionic tether snapped into place, and through it, Kyran felt the beetle’s presence enter his mind. Its mind was strange, alien even, filled only with the primitive urgings to nest and feed. Overlaid, over this was the forced loyalty imposed by the bond. In his vision, the tamed beetled took on a greenish hue.

  The other beetles reacted instantly to its change in allegiance and attacked. Heads lowered, and with front pincers raised, the wild beetles converged on the tamed. Messages flashed red through Kyran’ mind as the hapless beetle took damage. It did not however attack in return. Attack! Defend yourself, Kyran telepathically commanded. It responded immediately. An unbalanced melee ensued. In a mad scramble of flailing pincers, and waving feelers, the beetles struck at the stone armoured shells of one another. Safe on his distant perch, from the ensuing melee, Kyran took the time to study the battle, and review his battle messages.

  Your rock beetle has hit a rock beetle for 1 piercing damage (9 piercing damage resisted by high piercing resistance). Remaining health: 84/85 HP.

  A rock beetle has hit your rock beetle for 1 piercing damage (5 piercing damage resisted). Remaining health:78/85 HP.

  A rock beetle has hit your rock beetle for 1 piercing damage (7 piercing damage resisted). Remaining health:77/85 HP.

  Kyran deflated. Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy, he thought sourly. The beetles inflicted very minimal damage to each other. In hindsight, it was obvious that this would occur. The rock beetle’s attacks were piercing attacks, which when applied to another beetle with rock armour was all but useless. The beetles had been battling for a few minutes already, but the bonded beetle’s health was only down to 60 / 85 HP. At this rate, the battle would be long and drawn out.

  Even though the beetles were completely focused on one another, he could not risk joining the battle directly. He had no ranged attacks and would have to get within melee range to inflict any sort of damage, but a single strike from one of those pincers would likely kill him. No, far too risky. Sighing, Kyran made himself comfortable, resigned to his role as tamer in this battle.

  He selected another of the wild beetles and cast beast bond.

  You have failed to bond a level 7 rock beetle.

  You have failed to bond a level 7 rock beetle.

  You have failed to bond a level 7 rock beetle.

  You have successfully bonded a level 7 rock beetle (2,205 XP gained: 4,410/6,000 combat XP). Remaining beast bond duration: 25 minutes.

  It took four attempts before he was able to bond it. Each time, the targeted beetle studiously ignored his bonding attempts, in favour of continuing its attacks on the nearby tamed beetle. Like the first beetle, when the bond formed, it ceased its current actions, and took on a greenish hue in his vision. He commanded it to join its tamed fellow in attack of their former comrades. The battle became less one-sided, although the first tamed beetle looked like it would succumb soon. Wearily, he began bonding a third beetle. This battle is much less exciting than I thought it would be, he thought morosely.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Battle Log (Summary)

  The battle has ended.

  Combat Results

  Creatures bonded: 4.

  Creatures killed: 4 level 7 rock beetles.

  Combat Gains

  Kyran Seversan:

  XP gained: 11,025 XP.

  Levels gained: 2 levels (18 SP, 2 attributes, 4 AP). New combat level: Level 3.

  Rock beetle:

  N/A (not a player).

  Party Status

  Kyran Seversan:

  Health: 30 / 30

  Stamina: 403/500


  Essence: 510/1200

  Combat Level: 3(11,025/12,000), Civilian Level: 1 (975/2,000 XP).

  Rock beetle:

  Health: 10 / 85.

  Beast bond expires in 15 minutes.

  The battle’s conclusion was anti-calamitic. One hour later, four of the rock beetles were dead. The remaining one was successfully bonded and tamely wandering around the guard room. All Kyran’s joints were stiff and sore from the time spent perched on the top of the gate. Hunger and thirst were also becoming more difficult to ignore. He climbed down gingerly and stretched in relief, finally able to assume a normal posture.

  Still stiff, he limped over and studied the dead rock beetles. They were as ugly in death as in life. From above, they appeared, to be completely made of rock. Kyran bent down and pried the jaws of one of the beetles mouth open. At least, the inside of its mouth was flesh. Kyran tried to turn it over. It was heavy. With much grunting and sweat he finally managed it. Panting from the exertion, he studied the overturned beetle. The upper stone carapace was a small layer only. Its underside, and internals was flesh. Edible flesh, he hoped. His stomach growled loudly, making its desires known. The rock beetles were the only source of food that he had come across. As much as the thought nauseated him, to sustain himself, he feared he would have no choice but to consume the beetle meat.

  The battle had been a success. Not only, had he found food, he had gotten stronger and gained two levels. Water is still a problem though, and one I will have to solve quickly. However overall, he was pleased. I might survive this trap yet, he thought.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Elasien carved a path through the crowds of the night market, reflecting that midnight in Bein Tor, was little different from midday. The holy city was still a hive of activity, just of a different sort. Night was the time of its nocturnal denizens. Large crowds of drow, kobolds and grimalkin filled the streets, going about their business.

  With the practiced ease of a long-time inhabitant, she waded through the market crowds, ignoring the incessant cries of merchants peddling their wares, the pleas of beggars and the nimble fingers of urchins that moved quicksilver through the square, searching for easy marks. It had been a long time since she had to deal with such crowds. I should have worn my magister robes, she grumbled to herself, knowing very well that on a mission such as tonight's she would never dare to do so. She could ill afford, through any mischance, for anyone to link her actions tonight with one of the city's most prominent magisters.

  She surfaced from the market square into the eerie silence of the Deeps. Darkness lay heavy on the streets, and the raucous crowds from a moment ago were startlingly absent. Even in a city as notorious as Bein Tor, the Deep District had an evil reputation. It was fastidiously avoided by its richer and more upstanding citizens. Those that chose to venture or dwell here, did so cloaked in anonymity and stealth. Not a place to be seen, by any means. She scanned the streets for any observers, then hurried to a nearly alley and cloaked herself with a greater invisibility spell. It was a spell that only master practitioners could penetrate.

  Secure from scrutiny and prying eyes, she swiftly made her way to her destination, heedless of the muck and mud that spattered her boots and cloak. Deegan Jomane's home was the hidden basement of one of the many abandoned shops in the district. She reached the entrance at the end of a long, narrow alley, behind the decrepit shop, and carefully scryed her surroundings before knocking
softly. Deegan was a wanted man, probably the most wanted in the city. An abundance of caution was necessary.

  The door opened a sliver, revealing a dark haired young elven woman, and the glint of bared steel. Deegan’s apprentice Mirien Tolyrandil. Elasien dropped her spell and lowered the head of her cloak, revealing her features. She nodded in greeting to Mirien.

  Recognizing the magister, Mirien let her in and quietly shut the door behind her. Elasien removed her cloak and looked about her. Seated at a rickety table facing the door, and holding a loaded crossbow, sat a grim looking draconian warrior. "Elasien," he growled, "Why are you here?"

  "Abrupt and to the point as always, Deegan." Ignoring the crossbow, which Deegan had still not lowered, she removed her gloves and cloak.

  "No games, Elasien. This is a flagrant breach of protocol. Why are you here?" demanded Deegan again.

  "I know, it couldn’t be helped. It is an emergency," replied Elasien, seating herself at the table. Much to Elasien's amusement, Deegan’s apprentice slouched into watchful guard behind her.

  "What?" asked Deegan, still unhappy.

  "There has been a development," she paused, "in Crota."

  At this, Deegan stilled, "Eld?" he whispered, "has he finally surfaced?" Absentmindedly he let the crossbow drop to the table. Mirien too, straightened up attentively.

  "No, it is something else," Elasien replied, shaking her head, "but I'm sure its related. In Crota, how could it not be?"

  "Just spit it out, Elasien."

  "A few days ago, the world portal in Crota opened. A new player has entered Myelad."

  "Deegan deflated immediately. "So?" he asked disgustedly, "What does it matter if the Gods have sent another champion to slaughter? Zarr will make short work of any fool novice sent his way."

  Sombrely, Elasien shook her head, "It's not a champion."

  "What?" asked Deegan, puzzled.

  "It is not a champion."

  "That does not make any sense."


  A pause. "Are you certain?" asked Deegan, contemplating the impossibility.

  "The message came from Yddreinth."


  Realisation dawned, "You intend on sending me to investigate."

  Elasien shrugged, "Of course, who better suited."

  Deegan scowled, "And my work here? You would set back the brotherhood plans for years, and for what? A goose chase? On the off-chance that some half-baked theory of a madman three centuries ago is -"

  "Enough Deegan," said Elasien, steel in her voice, all affability gone. "You know very well, that Agriel was no madman, and his theories on the existence of free players, hardly ill-conceived. It may be a long shot, it may be that we grasp at straws, but it is an opportunity well worth the risk. This could leap forward our plans, centuries. We could, in our lifetimes, see the brotherhood's goals fulfilled!"

  Begrudgingly, Deegan nodded, "I understand, but for all our work here to come to naught."

  Genial once more, Elasien said soothingly, "I know, and I will find someone to take over, so some part at least will be salvaged." She glanced at Mirien, "Perhaps, your apprentice..."

  They both turned to study the young elven warrior. Impressively, she remained impassive in the face of her superiors' scrutiny.

  "No," decided Deegan, all business now, "She will come to Crota with me." At this, Mirien’s impassive demeanour cracked, and a glimmer of excitement peeked through. "What arrangements have you made?" continued Deegan.

  "You will leave tomorrow through the portal to Silvermoor. Your travel permits are being arranged. From there, you will travel to the border, where Falsin's team will join you. You will retain overall command. From thereon, the course is yours to plot."

  Deegan raised an eyebrow enquiringly, "Two teams? And transit via portal? Is that not risky?"

  "Yes, but as I said, it is not an opportunity we can afford to miss."

  Deegan nodded, "And my orders?"

  "Find the player who came through the Crota portal. At all costs. If you find him amenable, recruit him to our cause. The council has granted you full authority to negotiate on its behalf."

  Surprised, Deegan said, "The council? You have contacted them already." He shook his head ruefully, "But of course you have. You never did things by half measures, Elasien." Returning to the subject at hand, he asked, "And if he is not? Amenable I mean."

  "Kill him."

  Deegan nodded, "Very well, it will be done."

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Food and Water

  Players require experience points (XP) to increase their overall level and their individual skills. There are two types of XP in the Game, Combat and Civilian. Combat experience is gained primarily though kills in combat, and to a lesser extent through the completion of quests. Civilian experience is gained through single use civilian abilities of the same rank. Activated abilities (such as show hostiles) do not provide XP, beyond the first use. Only single cast civilian abilities (abilities that have an energy cost for each cast) provide repeated XP (such as basic scrying). As an example, an apprentice miner (rank 2) will not gain civilian XP mining common ore (rank 1), or by activating ore divination, but will need to mine uncommon ore (rank 2) to gain XP.

  It has been observed that in order to gain enough experience points to level up, a novice warrior, requires, on average, twenty kills of the same level as himself. Likewise, a novice crafter needs craft only twenty items of equivalent level. This a general principle only, and does not account for rank, rarity or other factors.

  As a player moves up in rank, the levelling cost increases substantially. For this reason, while players at the lower ranks advance rapidly, it could conceivably take a player, months to years to gain even a single level at the Master or Grandmaster rank - Mechanics of the Game by legendary scholar and champion of Weeran, Jostfyler Graldvir.

  Kyran was conflicted. He had to deal with the remaining beetle, and soon. His bond with it was about to expire and it could not be allowed to wander untamed. If it turned hostile, even with his additional combat levels, he could not defeat it. As much as he disliked the notion, he could see only one viable option. He had to kill it.

  He summoned the beetle, knelt down, and with some trepidation, heaved it over, onto its back. The beetle bore this docilely enough. Yet signs of its anxiety showed, as rocking on its overturned shell, its feelers trembled, and its legs waved madly. Kyran looked down at the beetle regretfully. I have no choice, he told himself, it is too strong to kill otherwise. He thrust aside further doubts, and activating flaming hands, shoved them forcefully into the beetles exposed underbelly.

  You have taken hostile action against your tamed beast, breaking the bond. A level 7 rock beetle is now hostile.

  You have dealt a vital strike (to the belly) of a rock beetle for 85 fire damage. Remaining health: 0 / 85. Your rock beetle has been killed. No XP gained.

  A vital strike is a blow to a critical area of an opponent. There is no cap to the amount of damage a vital strike may inflict. One such strike can be instantly fatal. It may also result in various crippling effects such as blindness, paralysis, lost limbs, etc.

  It was over quickly. The beetle emitted one long, piercing shriek before falling silent. With heavy heart, Kyran dragged the smoking and charred remains of the beetle to its lair, and in apology for his treachery, buried it as best he could.

  With that repugnant but necessary task completed, Kyran returned to work. He dragged the remaining beetle carcasses together and overturned them. Back on Earth, he had never field dressed a hunting kill. Queasily, he studied the beetle corpses, his only potential source of food on this world so far, and grimly braced himself for the gruesome task ahead. He rolled up his sleeves, and with his knife, first cut free the protective shells. The ancient knife, blunt and rusty, proved a poor tool and barely adequate for the task. Next, liberally spattered with blood and choking down bile, he identified and cut out the innards, as best he could. After removing the shell and dis
carding the offal, what remained, was a much smaller pile of beetle meat.

  Acquired: Rock beetle meat (raw).

  Type: Food.

  Weight: 8 kg.

  Special properties: Unknown. You require the Nature Lore skill to identify this.

  Description: Meat harvested from a rock beetle.

  He had probably wasted far more meat than he had to, due to his own ineptitude, but at this point, he couldn’t seem to care. He was salivating, just looking at the meat before him. He forced himself to patience, as he moved onto his next task, and scraped clean three of the beetle shells. He activated flaming hands and sterilised them with its cleansing fire. Ignoring his stomach’s persistent growls, he continued heating one of the shells until the surrounding air became hazy from the waves of heat emanating from it.

  Pleased with his makeshift pan, Kyran slid pieces of raw beetle into the ‘pan’ and for a time, could only stare unblinkingly at the sizzling meat. He shook himself free from the hypnotic scene, to address his next concern, water. He summoned the mental construct of his skills and abilities and unlocked the slippery ice ability.

  New ability learnt!

  Ability: Slippery ice

  Skill: Water magic.

  Description: Creates a frozen surface at the targeted area. Warning: Only one slippery ice field may be active at a time.

  Rank: Novice.

  Cost: 40 Essence.

  Execution time: 5 seconds.

  Area of effect: Radius of 1m x skill around target.

  Range: Up to the caster’s direct line of sight.

  Duration: 10 seconds x skill.

  Debuff: Causes all creatures in the area of effect to slip and fall. May be resisted.

  Leaving the meat to cook, he walked over to the second cleansed beetle shell, and cast slippery ice into it, hoping his idea would work. He reached out with his essence, and rapidly cooled the insides of the shell, condensing the water droplets in the air to ice.


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