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ROCK F*CK CLUB (Girls Ranking the Rock Stars Book 6)

Page 4

by Michelle Mankin

“What we are to each other. What you mean to me. Can I start?”

  Too stunned to talk, I nodded.

  “From the moment I first looked into your eyes, everything changed for me.” He raked a hand through his hair. “It was like I’d been asleep for a long time, and then suddenly there you were, and I was wide awake. My heart knew what was going on, what you were, a kindred spirit. Every encounter and conversation since our first meeting confirmed it.”

  I licked my dry lips and tried to be just as brave at putting my deepest feelings out there. “Even watching you from a distance, I was drawn to you. I told myself my fascination was because our backgrounds were similar, but it was always more. I wanted to know you, know everything about you.”

  “I like discovering our level of obsession with each other is similar.” His voice dropped, becoming huskier. “I would like there to be honesty and no more secrets between us going forward. I think that’s critically important.”

  I froze as my issue with the RFC came to mind. Barbara’s warning. A lot of things.

  “Having said that, I want you to know something, a secret about me that I haven’t shared.” Gale’s lids lowered, hooding his gaze. “I followed you. In Santa Fe. The night Ty arrived, and you went out with him and the RFC film crew.”

  My eyes rounded. “You were there when he fucked me?”

  Gale nodded, and with all those glossy strands in motion, it was as dizzying to look at him as it was to process what he’d just revealed. “I didn’t like you sending me away and choosing him. In fact, I hated it. Even then, I wanted you for myself. I wanted to have the right to stop you from going with him, but I didn’t have that option. So I followed, and once there, I couldn’t look away. I saw everything.”

  My lips parting, I gasped for air. I was shocked, but I was also hot, my heart racing.

  Gale leaned his elbows on his knees, his expression strained. “I wanted my hands, not his on your tits. My cock inside you.”

  “It’s only you now.” I choked out the words, fire licking my skin as I imagined him watching me.

  “I’m grateful for that, Jo. Grateful for you.” He stood and moved closer to take me by the upper arms. Lifting me to my feet, his hard body and smooth skin to mine, he stared deeply into my eyes. “I don’t just want to erase every thought and every experience that came before me. I want to replace them.”

  “We want the same thing.” I burned for him and no one else. “We’re on the same page. I only want you.”

  “I’m glad.” His brows drew together as he pulled me closer. “I only want you. I love you. I love that you’re strong, yet choose to yield to me. I love everything about you.” His grip remained tight, the hard planes of his body a perfect complement for the gentler slopes of mine.

  “Tell me what you want, what you’ve imagined.” My nipples tightened into aching points as my pulse throbbed hot between my legs. “Tell me, and I’ll give it to you.” Yielding wasn’t a problem for me with Gale.

  “I’ve imagined so many things.” His expression was as darkly sensual as his tone. “But I don’t want you to do only what pleases me. I want to know everything you want. Do everything that pleases you.”

  “You please me.” I reached down between us and grasped him at the root. “Everything you do with this perfect cock of yours pleases me.” My eyes on his, I held his rod in one hand and stroked along the velvety length of it with the other one.

  “Jo.” His deep groan sent a rush of wet heat to my pussy. “That feels so good.”

  “There’s never been anyone who makes me feel the way you do.”

  I gave him honesty as I jacked him, and his gaze blazed hot like his cock did. He brought his large hands to my face and slid them along my jawline, then into my hair.

  “I feel restless and wrong whenever we’re apart. And only right when I have you like this in my arms.” Twisting a length of my hair around his fist, he tugged. Pulling my head back, he stared into my eyes as he poured more soul-searing truth into me. “I’ve never felt like this, so turned on so fast, with anyone.”

  “Are we done with truth?” I asked abruptly. “I can share more if you want to, but I would prefer action.”

  His lips curling, he lowered his head and crushed his mouth hard to mine. When I parted my lips, his tongue slipped inside, and he stroked my mouth to a rhythm that matched the pace of my hand jacking his cock.

  He groaned as my grip tightened around him. I felt the vibration of his pleasure in my fingers and inside my cunt. Tugging harder on my hair, he deepened the kiss, exploring my mouth while I pumped him. My desire mounted as his did, my inner thighs becoming as slick as his cock.

  “Jo. Fuck.” He broke the kiss. Drawing back, he gazed down at me, his eyes dark and glittering with hunger. “I want you. Is it too soon? Because I need to be inside you.”

  “Not too soon.” I lifted my chin, the movement streaking cooler air over my nipples, tightening them more. “Everything you do to me is exactly right.”

  “Put your hands on the back of the chair,” he said gruffly. “Now.”

  I turned. As soon as I gripped it, he grabbed me. Grasping my hip firmly with one hand, he glided his palm down the length of my spine, pressing firmly at the small of my back and forcing me to bend.

  “Hurry, Gale.” Glancing at him over my shoulder, I let him see my hunger was every bit as desperate as his.

  “You think you can take me like this?” He bent his body over mine, covering me with his carved strength.

  “I can take anything you give,” I said, grinding back against him.

  “Naughty girl.” He slapped me right where the curve of my ass met my thigh, the sting in my skin shooting pleasure straight to my swollen clit.

  I moaned. “Please. I feel so empty.” My voice shook with need like the rest of me did. “Give me your cock.”

  “Yes, I believe I will,” he said darkly.

  His searching fingers finding my clit, he used the pad of his thumb to swirl it. Tremors rolled through me.

  “You’re so wet, babe.”

  He positioned himself, replacing his thumb with the smooth head of his hard cock, providing pressure where it was desperately needed, but it wasn’t enough.

  “I’m going to come when you slide inside me.” I glanced back, seeing the stark hunger of his expression. Knowing that hunger was all for me thrilled me.

  “I’m going to fuck you hard and fast.” He yanked me backward.

  The metal feet of the chair screeched on the wooden deck as he aligned and drove the entire length of his glorious cock inside me. My scalp tingling, I shuddered with pleasure, then whimpered a protest as he pulled almost all the way out.

  “You like that?” he asked gruffly.

  “Yes,” I said, ribbons of silky heat contracting inside me as he masterfully stroked all the way back into me again. His grip biting into my hips, he fucked into me again and again, slicing more raw desperation into me.

  “Babe, you feel so good.” Bending his chiseled form over me, he pressed his warm lips to my neck, softness to add to all the heat. Straightening, he stroked inside me again. Slick glides. Depth. Precision. Perfect bliss.

  “Gale . . .” I warned him as I felt it, the edge of everything. “I’m nearly there.” My body trembled, straining for it.

  “I’m going to come so hard inside you,” he gritted out as he fucked me faster, harder, pulling me back by my hips into each deep stroke.

  Our flesh slapped together. Tears leaked from my eyes. Wetness slid down my legs as he slammed repeatedly into me, and then he groaned.

  “Yes!” My entire body shimmered with heat. “Oh yes!” It came for me in a rush. I began to spasm around his thick length.

  “Take me.” He went deep, hammering into me brutally, wonderfully so. “Take all of me.”

  He stiffened, shooting his hot cum inside me, and I unraveled completely as he did. Like him, I was on fire.

  But rather than consume me, this fire set me free.

/>   Josephine

  WEARING NEW LINGERIE, I came out of the bathroom with a dollop of orange-scented lotion on my hands after showering. Gale had showered first in order to go back and get the luggage while I had my turn, and he was already back. I found him lying on the bed, wearing only black boxers, his bare feet crossed at the ankles.


  “This is an amazing place,” I said. “Thank you for bringing me.”

  “You’re amazing.” His gaze traveled the length of me, and his lips quirked. “I haven’t seen that set yet.”

  “I have some in every color.” I turned in a circle, feeling his gaze on me as I slowly spun. “Dolly bought them for me.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” he asked.

  I shrugged.

  “A gift that gives to her in return because she gets to see you in them.” He lifted a brow. “What’s that in your hands?”

  “Lotion. It was with the shampoo and all the other stuff on the counter. Same brand. It smells good. Here.” I walked to his side of the bed. “I took too much. Let me share some with you.”

  He held up his hands, and I slathered them, smoothing my thumbs over his bumpy knuckles and sliding my slippery fingers between his.

  “You do know that’s turning me on, don’t you?” He glanced at me with heavily hooded eyes.

  “Good.” My stomach fluttered. “Glad I’m not the only one.”

  Smiling, I leaned down and touched my mouth to his. My hair slid down on either side of us, forming a curtain. Not to keep him out, but to keep the two of us in our own private backstage area.

  “We should sleep.” His eyes gleamed like quicksilver, and our breaths mingled in the semidarkness.

  “Do you want to sleep?” I let my gaze drift over his handsome features. Serious slanted brows. Straight nose. Lean cheeks. Closely trimmed beard and mustache. Kissable lips.

  “Babe, don’t look at me like that.”

  I lifted my gaze to his. “Can’t help it.”

  “No willpower, huh?” His kissable lips curved.

  “Huh-uh.” I shook my head, and the curtain shimmered around us.

  “Another something, lack of something, we have in common.” He inclined his head. “Climb in. Let’s try to sleep. My cock is ready to go again, but I’m beat. And I want to get up early with you to see the sunrise.”

  “Okay.” Nodding, I straightened, my hair sliding back over my shoulders. But I didn’t go to the other side of the bed. Instead, I climbed in over him, gliding my body over the delicious hardness of his as I did.

  “Minx.” He slapped my rear, a lover’s tap with just the right amount of sting to make my pussy quiver.

  Grinning, I settled on the other side of him. I’d hoped he’d respond the way he did. I was going to ask Dolly where she got the lingerie so I could get more. He seemed to like it, and I loved the way he showed his appreciation.

  “I see you brought a book.” Scooting closer, I propped myself up on the pillows next to his and glanced at the paperback he had spread open between his hands. “Is that the sci-fi one we talked about a few days ago?”

  “No.” He glanced at me. “This is a new one called the The Expanse.”

  “You read fast.” My brows rose.

  “I do.”

  “Would you read to me?” I moved lower in the bed, laying my cheek against his hard chest and giving him an expectant glance.

  “I could.” His gaze warm, he stroked a strand of my hair back from my face. “But I’m not sure it’s your type of thing.”

  “If it’s yours, I’ll like it.”

  “Okay. The beginning’s a little slow and detailed.”

  “I’m going to love hearing your voice. If you read me a phone book, I’d like it.”

  He turned back to the beginning of the story and started to read. I settled into his side, my hand on the smooth skin of his chest, and the soles of my bare feet on top of his much larger masculine ones. He held the book with one hand and slid the other to the small of my lower back, where it stayed as he read.

  Cared for, contented, I let out a happy sigh. There was no one in the entire world I would rather be with than Gale.

  Something shifted within me as that realization hit me. I’d experienced something similar when I admitted to myself that I was falling for him.

  This time was like that, only a little different. It was more like all the parts of me that had never fit properly suddenly slid into place.

  Some of it was his compelling voice. It always got to me. Not surprisingly, Gale had a talent for reading like he had talent for a lot of things. But the bigger part was the ease of this, us being together, him holding on to me and me holding him right back.

  • • •

  I woke up to the fingertips of one of my hands being swirled by Gale’s, the thin sheet as a barrier between the pads of my fingers and his. It felt so good, I didn’t open my eyes immediately. Keeping them closed heightened the sensations.

  I savored the decadence of his muscular front pressed to my back. His hot cock wedged in the cleft of my ass, and him caressing me, minutely, yet so intimately. It was like he was trying to find and trace every curved line imprinted on each of my fingers.

  “I know you’re awake,” he said low and soft, and my nipples immediately preened to points.

  Gah. This guy. It was a miracle I hadn’t jumped him right at the beginning.

  “How long have you been awake?” I grumbled.

  “An hour.”

  “I knew it,” I said. He sounded too awake.

  I peered over the edge of the bed. We’d kept the overhead door to the house open all night. Falling asleep to Gale’s voice and the rhythmic sound of the lake lapping the shore had been wonderful. But what wasn’t wonderful was waking up while it was still dark outside.

  “The sun’s not even up yet,” I said, pouting.

  “So?” He sounded way too chipper.

  “I’m not a morning person, just so you know.”

  “You just need the right motivation.”

  The swirls stopped abruptly, and he moved his hands to my tits, doing his concentrated stroking there. My nipples were aching, and my pussy warmed. When he started to thrum the tips with his thumbs, that was it. I’d had it.

  “I’m up.” I flipped over to face him and caught his grin.

  “Good. I love your tits in my mouth.”

  He climbed over me, caged me in with his arms, and immediately set about his task. First, he sucked on them through the mesh top, then he lifted the bralette so he could get at them without anything in his way.

  Within minutes, I was so wet—my tits and between my legs—that I begged him to fuck me, and he did. After pulling off my lacy ass-baring shorts, then tossing aside his boxers, he slid inside me and made me come in a matter of seconds. He came shortly after.

  “Gale.” I breathed out his name as he moved slowly in and out of me while braced on his arms. “Feel free to wake me like that anytime.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Grinning, he balanced on one arm, freeing his other to cup my cheek in his hand. The warmth in his gaze as he swept his thumb over my skin, while still inside me, mended a part of me that had been broken a long time. This was the way love between two individuals should be—searching, seeking, finding, giving, and sharing. Celebrating love with the one other person who made you whole.

  Not the twisted, fucked-up version of affection my parents had shared.

  “Let’s go get cleaned up,” Gale said as he withdrew from me and climbed out of bed.

  I flipped over just in time to watch him strut naked toward the bathroom.

  “Quit staring at my ass and come on.” He gave me an amused glance over his shoulder. “The sunrise isn’t going to wait while you ogle me.”

  Muttering under my breath about his arrogance, I rolled out of bed and joined him in the shower. He let me soap his chiseled body and shampoo his soft mustache and beard. Doing both made all of me tingle and my
pussy quiver.

  When we were done and he shut the water off, I was wide awake and only interested in the sunrise because he was so excited about it. Dressing quickly, he only had to pull on the jeans that he’d laid out on the bench at the foot of the bed the night before. I wasn’t a planner. I had to dig around for jeans and a cropped top from the disorganized clutter inside my bag.

  As the worn cotton settled around my tits, he took my hand, and we walked down to the dock together in the semidarkness. He sat on the end of it and rolled up the legs of his jeans, then beckoned me to join him.

  “This better be something.” I dropped down, and he widened his legs so I could sit inside the space he created.

  “Roll up your jeans, Jo. So you can put your feet in the water.”

  “Okay.” I bent at the waist. “But I really don’t see what this has to do with the sunrise.”

  “It’s part of the overall experience.” He swept my hair from the back to the front and pressed his lips to my nape, making a shiver roll through me. “We’re creating a multisensory memory.”

  As the sun crested over the shadowy distant mountains, creating an orange outline and then a righteous swath of gold, pink, and violet within an azure sky, I totally got it.

  Beauty for my eyes. Beauty for the rest of me with his warm body against mine, the lingering imprint of his lips on my skin, the coolness of the water on my feet, and a sense of peace inside my soul. I would never forget this moment, or any shared moment with Gale.

  “Pretty, huh?” he asked, and I nodded.


  “Not many things in the world so right. One was seeing you for the first time. Another was when the nurse placed my son in my arms after he was born.”

  I shifted to squeeze his arm and pressed a kiss to his skin. There were no words to remove the pain, but there was understanding and love to hopefully ease it. “I’m so sorry. I’m here. I love you.”

  “Seeing you on that stage in Napa is another notable moment.”

  “No.” I shook my head.

  “Yes, Jo. You fight it, but I’ve never seen a performer more in their element.”

  “That’s how it seems to me when I watch you out in front of your band.”


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