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If You Adore Me

Page 14

by Ciara Knight

  His hands trembled, and she realized how much he’d put himself out there for her. A man who’d been closed off for so long, and he trusted her. Not only with his secrets but with his affections.

  “What do you think?” His voice sounded low, searching.

  “I think you’re brilliant.” Stella scanned the garage, realizing she’d been chasing the wrong path. “My abuelo would love this idea.”

  “Great. I know you don’t love the camera, but I need to run a promo to start advertising, and then we’ll get the filming started next week.” He released her fingers and held out his hand. “Deal?”

  “Deal.” She shook but then pulled him close for another kiss.


  A fluttering in Knox’s chest made him want to keep moving, but he needed to focus. This promo had to wow his fans into watching the next segment. He hadn’t been this excited since he’d started his show years ago. “Thanks for agreeing to do this last minute, and Drew, thanks for the marketing research. I know you’ve already secured another job, so I thank you for your time.”

  “Who are you, and what have you done with my best friend?” Drew set the camera tripod up and then the two main lights.

  Knox glanced up to the loft to see if Mary-Beth and the other girls were done making Stella camera ready. He could see her smacking their hands away from her face and refusing to wear jewelry. Good for her.

  Lori set out the microphone and closed the curtain behind the sink. “You’re doing the right thing here.”

  “It’s a shame that our team will be breaking up. I forgot how well we all worked together. I guess that’s why our show went viral from the third episode.” Knox thought back over the years and all they’d accomplished together, yet Drew looked happier now than he ever had, thanks to Carissa, and Lori even seemed less stressed while living in Sugar Maple. Knox knew her well enough to see she didn’t want to leave this small town. And if he was being honest with himself, neither did he.

  “We don’t have to break up the gang,” Drew said, drawing both Lori’s and Knox’s attention.

  Lori leaned against the table where all the equipment was set up. “What do you mean?”

  Drew typed something on his laptop and turned it around. “I think we could run a new program from here. Knox 2.0, if you will. The numbers are higher than ever since we ran the bakery and a few promo segments of the town. Perhaps it’s the state the world is in right now, but your fans care less about who is on your arm and more about escaping to Sugar Maple. Look at all those comments. Not one of them is about who Knox is dating this week. They all want to know about when the mayor is getting married and how the girl in Sugar Maple makes the perfect cup of coffee.”

  “How do they even know all that?” Knox asked.

  Drew clicked a button, and a Sugar Maple website popped up with a news tab that showed videos and copy about the town. The most recent entry, entitled “Wedding Update” with a picture of the girls trying on dresses, had over a thousand comments. “You can thank Lori for doing all the work.”

  “And Drew for putting it together. People are eating this up.” Lori pointed at the screen. “It ties in with your show, but there’s extra behind-the-scenes and details added.”

  “So more about the town than about me.” Knox scanned the page.

  “For now, but we have a plan to tie it all together.”

  He realized they thought he cared. “I think this is perfect. I’m getting tired of traveling all over the world, and I don’t need to anymore. I’m not trying to run from or to anything. I was thinking I wanted to extend the show here so that I could stay longer and find what you both have in this little town.”

  Lori patted his back. “Oh, honey. I think you’ve already found it.”

  Stella cleared her throat, and they all turned to find her at the bottom of the stairs. And she looked perfect. She wore her overalls, but her hair was shiny and bouncy, makeup accentuated her dark eyes, and her lips were full and kissable.

  “Too much?” Stella asked. “I told Mary-Beth I was done with all the fussing.”

  “She wouldn’t even let me put on these darling car earrings. Look, they’re little Chevys.”

  “I agree. No earrings.” Knox walked across the garage and took Stella by the hands. “You look perfect the way you are.” He leaned in. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the white dress, too. But nothing is better than you in your element.”

  Redness crept down Stella’s cheeks and disappeared beneath the white T-shirt she wore under the overalls.

  “Oh my goodness, did you just make our Stella blush?” Mary-Beth said loud enough that her voice echoed in the shop.

  Carissa and Felicia raced down the stairs to Stella. “No way.”

  Stella elbowed Mary-Beth and glowered at the other two.

  Jackie stood at the balcony of the loft looking down over them as if an outsider. He wanted to make her happy, but not at Stella’s expense. He’d go by and see Jackie later to try to smooth things over and tell her that they’d run some promo for her shop next week.

  “You ready?” He tugged her toward the set. “Be yourself and don’t worry about the camera.”

  “Am I supposed to look at it and speak toward it?”

  “Just look at me if you’re not looking at the engine.” Knox took her by the hand and led her to the car. She held tight to him, and he loved it. The realization that this beautiful, dedicated, loyal woman wanted to be around him made him feel more important than any time he’d won an award or been recognized for his show. This wasn’t make-believe, this was real, and he wanted to embrace it. “You work on something under the hood, and then after my intro, I’ll have you answer a question…and then we’ll be done. It’s only a teaser for the episode.”

  “I can do that. I’m happy to hide behind the hood.” She darted out of the field of view of the camera, so he had to nudge her back into view. “No hiding. You still need to be working in the background."

  She did a full-body shake, as if she were about to enter a fighting ring. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  “Quiet, everyone,” Drew ordered.

  Knox checked Stella’s placement one more time and then stepped forward. “Hello. I’m Knox Brevard, and I’m excited to share our next segment with you, airing in only a few weeks.” He held his head high and stepped toward the camera. “First, I want to thank all of you viewers for your support. It’s obvious that you’ve fallen in love with the town of Sugar Maple, based on your comments posted all over social media, the website, and here on my channel.” He smiled and stepped back from the camera. “Based on your outcry for more, we are pleased to announce our next segment with the amazing and talented Stella Frayser, who owns and operates her own car restoration company.” A wrench dropped behind him, and the room fell silent.

  “Sorry, you surprised me. I didn’t mean to interrupt you and ruin it.” She retrieved the wrench and shot up to her full height.

  Knox saw how tense and freaked out she looked, and he didn’t like it. He stole a moment with her behind the hood. “No need. We can edit around this. You didn’t ruin anything.” He toyed with her soft hair around her face. “You’ve got nothing to worry about. We can film this fifty times if we need to. There isn’t any pressure at all. Got it?”

  Her shoulders dropped and she nodded. “Okay. I got it. Relax.”

  “Hey, look at me. You said you trusted me, right?” He drew her close, capturing her gaze with his. “I won’t let you look any less perfect than the woman you are.”

  “Then this will be a disaster,” Stella joked.

  Jackie rounded the car and tapped her toes at them. “Hate to break up your little meeting, but we have plans to help Ms. Horton with picking out flowers before she and Mr. Strickland leave town tomorrow to go visit his son. And Lori has to fly back to LA for some meetings tonight.”

  He wasn’t sure why Jackie had stuck around. Stella had told him they’d all be here in support of her. It was the Fabulous Five�
�s way. He guessed it was more out of jealousy that Jackie came around and hoped Stella would watch her back.

  Stella nudged away from him and snagged the wrench. “I’m ready.”

  He returned to face Drew behind the camera, Lori at Drew’s side. He gave them a nod and then found the spot where he’d been standing. “I’ve visited many car repair shops and restoration locations during my years as a host of this show. I’m sure you all remember the last one.” He shook his head, knowing that if he didn’t mention it, the comments would blow up about him ignoring the obvious failure from his past. This way he could get ahead of it. “This shop is run by the most talented person I’ve ever met. She doesn’t only restore cars… She does it with authenticity and a love for each vehicle. Let’s take a look at the car she’s working on now.”

  Stella looked up with a smile, and he knew she’d already won the audience over before she even spoke.

  “Stella, can you tell us what kind of vehicle this is and why it’s special to you?”

  “Yes, of course. This is a 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air. This car has belonged to my family since before I was born. It was a car that I worked on with my abuelo, who started this garage. He’s the one who instilled the love and respect I have for fine classic cars.”

  Knox was so caught up watching her face animate with passion and the way she spoke that he forgot he was running the promo. “Right. Um…” He paused to gather himself. “We are so glad you agreed to do this show with us. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to get started. Thank you so much for inviting us into your garage and behind the scenes.” He turned toward the camera. “The story of Sugar Maple doesn’t end there. As a special thank-you, we’ll be showing you even more about this special town over the next several months. Starting next week, we’ll be interviewing residents so that they can answer your questions directly. But don’t miss our next segment with this special woman, who will capture your attention and heart the way she has mine.” He scooped her into his arms and kissed her in front of Drew, Lori, the rest of the Fabulous Five, and all his viewers.


  The morning sun rising high into a cloudless sky promised the best spring day. Stella reached Maple Grounds and found it to be standing-room only. To her relief, she spotted Carissa, Felicia, and Jackie at the corner bistro table. Hopefully she could convince them all to leave and give her the table when Knox arrived.

  “Hi, ladies.” Stella sat in the empty chair.

  “What fairy princess visited you last night with cheerful pixie dust?” Jackie said with a nose scrunch.

  Stella eyed the place and wished there was outdoor seating. “No one. Can’t a girl enjoy spring without an inquisition?”

  Carissa smiled. “That’s nice. Are you meeting up with Knox this morning?”

  “Yes, in about twenty minutes.” Stella tucked her hair behind her ear. She wasn’t used to wearing it down during the day.

  “That’s nice. You can have our table when he comes and we’ll skedaddle.” Felicia touched Stella’s shoulder, and it didn’t even bother her. Progress.

  “Haven’t you seen enough of him?” Jackie rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee.

  The crowd rumbled behind them, so Stella was grateful to be in the corner. “Considering someone kept us so late last night that I stood Knox up for dinner… Coffee is a nice peace offering.”

  “Nice? You?” Jackie rested her elbows on the table and leaned in. “Who are you, and what did you do with our friend Stella?”

  “Cute.” She eyed the counter, jonesing for a caffeine fix, but that line looked daunting.

  Carissa stood. “I’ll get your drink. Mary-Beth said she’d make one when she saw you walk in. I’m sure it’s behind the counter.”

  Felicia snuggled in closer to her. “Do you realize what Knox did last night? It’s so romantic. I wish I knew a man who was so caught up with me that he didn’t care about the rest of the world.”

  “What are you talking about?” Stella asked.

  “I’m talking about the fact that Knox Brevard declared his love for you by kissing you during the promo. He told the world he was taken and no other woman could compare to you.” Felicia squealed and clapped her hands together.

  “Puh-leeeease. You got all that from one kiss?” Jackie’s cheeks tightened.

  An excitement tingled inside her, and it frightened her. No need to get ahead of anything. “Jackie has a point. You’re reading way too much into this.”

  “Did you just agree with me?” Jackie pressed a palm to her forehead in a faux swoon. “Dear Lord, I think the world is ending.”

  Carissa plopped a cup of coffee in front of Stella. “Unfortunately, Mary-Beth was so slammed she didn’t even see you come in, so this is what you get for now.”

  “What’s going on? Why’s it so busy?” Stella asked.

  Carissa pointed outside the window to a big bus. “It’s that tour company. They’re stopping in town. I had to prepackage sixty bakery items by seven this morning. Drew says I need to hire someone before he quits.”

  “Good idea. Maybe you could put up a flyer or something,” Felicia offered.

  “I’ll try, but I dislike hiring staff.” Carissa sighed.

  “No, you hate firing staff. You’re too nice.” Stella eyed the coffee but didn’t partake. “Tell you what… I’ll take care of firing for you if you hire someone.”

  “Now that’s the Stella we know.” Jackie lifted her coffee in a toast, downed the last bit, and then stood. “Looks like it’s time for us to go. Lover boy’s here.”

  The way Jackie said lover boy made him sound like a married man sneaking out on his wife. Apparently Carissa caught her tone too, based on the fact she swished her lips and narrowed her gaze at Judas Jackie. Not that it would do any good.

  Stella turned and waved, her pulse increasing at the sight of Knox. He pointed to the line to order and joined it, allowing her more time with her friends. That man was amazing, skilled in the art of women and their needs. Guess practice makes perfect, as Ms. Melba would say.

  She returned her attention back to the girls, but a man walking by the window outside with tuffs of gray hair hanging from the edges of his hat caught her attention. She blinked several times, reconciling the image with her memories. “It can’t be,” she mumbled. A coldness settled into her bones.

  “What?” Felicia asked.

  The man disappeared from her sight. She went to the window and peered out, but there was no sight of him in the town square. She shook her head. “Geesh, I think I need more sleep.”

  “You okay?” Carissa joined her with a worried, pinched-brow expression.

  Stella cleared her throat. “Yes, everything’s fine. My crazy head has been playing tricks on me since all this production stuff started.”

  “You mean since you fell in love,” Felicia said and then skittered out the door before Stella could react. Smart girl.

  The girls flooded out of the coffee shop, leaving Stella in the corner surrounded by patrons. She eyed the outside world and decided it would be a much better spot to be with Knox right now, so she gave up the table and joined him in line. “Hey, I’m sorry about last night. I wanted to go to dinner with you, but Ms. Horton won’t return for a week. That meant I was guilted into staying late for girl time.”

  “No worries at all.” He kissed her cheek, waking her up despite the lack of caffeine.

  Stella eyed the crowd. “You want to abandon this mission and go for a walk?”

  The line edged forward, and someone shouted an order up. His smile crept up higher than she’d ever seen it. “I’m afraid I was up all night thinking about this girl who keeps distracting me, so I need some caffeine. How about you go find a nice spot in the square for us to sit, and I’ll bring you something there.”

  “Sounds perfect.” She stood with him for another moment, holding on to his arm and leaning her head on his shoulder. “I confess I may have suffered the same ailment. I managed to start work on
the 916 since I was up, though. A part of me is excited about doing the show. Of course, another part of me wants to run for the mountains.”

  His shoulder stiffened. “I hope you don’t run. And not for the sake of the show but for me.”

  She lifted her head and saw the muscles in his cheeks and jaw strain. “Don’t worry. I won’t run.”

  He took her in his arms and kissed her head. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Good ’cause you’re stuck with me for a while.” Stella stood by his side a few moments, realizing what she’d said. They would be together working on the show, and for the first time, she was curious and excited to see what tomorrow could offer.

  She stood on her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek and then headed outside so she could snag the perfect seat under the bright maple tree in the center of the square.

  She sat for several moments, watching birds swoop in and out of trees, enjoying the fresh mountain air with a hint of oak. Deep down, she hoped for Carissa’s reality, or at least a version of it, but she couldn’t comprehend a man who sought fame and fortune like her parents had ever being content with remaining in Sugar Maple.

  No. She wouldn’t self-sabotage this for no reason.

  “Hello, sweet girl.” Her father’s gravelly voice shattered the tranquility of the spring day.

  So much for not self-sabotaging. This had to be her inner voice scaring her away or something. There was no way her father could be here. Ms. Horton had made sure of that a long time ago. But the hair on the back of her neck was standing like porcupine quills.

  She shot up from the bench to find the man who’d run off with her mother, only to return alone and torture her with his drunken fantasies and desperation, standing behind her. The man who once tortured her with his drinking and friends and ideas of how to get money to feed his addiction had dared to return to Sugar Maple. He stood there with a sharp grimace and small beady eyes. Prison hadn’t been kind, leaving a scar down the side of his face and wrinkles with patches of discolored skin.


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