Understanding Context

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Understanding Context Page 47

by Andrew Hinton

  motivation and, What Does All This Mean for Design?


  action loop, Embodied Cognition: An Alternative View, Action and the Perceptual System

  affordances and, Affordance

  definition of, Information of a Different Sort

  from first-person perspective, Embodied Cognition: An Alternative View

  indirectly meaningful vs. direct, Affording information is always in a context of other information

  information pickup and, Action and the Perceptual System

  invariants and, Invariants

  perceiving layout with action and, Layout

  semantic and physical

  confusion, Digital Intersections

  intersections, Physical and Semantic Intersections

  signs vs., Looking at Language

  single, Affordances exist in the environment whether they are perceived or not

  physical laws, context and, A Growing Challenge

  Physical mode, in information model

  about, Modes of Information

  pace layers of information vs., Starting from the Bottom

  Pirolli, Peter, Foraging for Information

  placemaking (see places)


  as element of environment, Events and Time

  augmented and blended

  about, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  digital displays of narrative content as, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  merging digital dimension with physical., Augmented and Blended Places

  metamaps and compasses, The Map That Makes Itself

  simulated wall-of-objects as, Augmented and Blended Places

  smartphone turning environment into, Augmented and Blended Places

  cyberspace as

  about, Information as Architecture

  porous nature of cyberplaces, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  in organizational maps, Vancouver

  language creating, What Makes Places

  making, What Makes Places

  mapping and, Mapping and Placemaking

  networked systems having transformative effect on real, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces


  Dungeons & Dragons game and, Virtual and Ambient Places

  porous nature of cyberplaces, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  Quake game and, Of Dungeons and Quakes

  Playfair, William, time series of exports and imports, Visual Information

  Plus (Google)

  Circles interface, Something to Walk On

  social platform, Identity

  Polanski, Roman, Action and the Perceptual System

  Polanyi, Michael, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention

  PORT elevator system, What Does All This Mean for Design?

  Power of Attorney project, Observing Context

  The Power of Maps (Wood), Vancouver

  pragmatics, in linguistic structure, Looking at Language

  preferences, keeping track of, Metamaps and Compasses

  presence-to-hand, Phenomenology and Objects

  privacy controls, Collisions and Fronts

  private sharing, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  procedural generation, in map making, Augmented and Blended Places

  proliferation of information, writing and, What Writing Does


  as structural model, “Proxemics” as a Structural Model

  model of personal distance, “Proxemics” as a Structural Model

  publics, definition of, Networked Publics

  punctuation, in languages, The Structure of Writing


  Quake game, as virtual place, Of Dungeons and Quakes

  quasimodes, Modes and Meaning


  rabbit/duck drawing, Physical and Semantic Confusion

  radical empiricism, Information of a Different Sort

  Ranganathan, S.R., Relationships and Taxonomy

  Raskin, Aza, Modes and Meaning

  Raskin, Jef, Modes and Meaning

  readiness-to-hand, Objects

  ready-at-hand objects, smartphones as, Digital Objects

  real life vs. on the screen life, Identity

  rebus principle, The Written Word

  reciprocal affordances, language and, Tools for Understanding

  Reddit, using throwaway username, Identity

  Reframing Information Architecture (Rosati), Expansive IA

  reification, in language, The Superpowers of Symbols

  Relationship Status selection, Facebook, The Ontology of Self


  about, Relationships and Taxonomy

  between the elements, working definition of, A New, Working Definition of Context

  in information architecture materials model, The Materials of Semantic Function

  taxonomy and, Relationships and Taxonomy


  environment and, Learning and Remembering versus Memory

  memory vs. learning and, Learning and Remembering versus Memory

  replicability, as property of networked publics, Networked Publics

  Resmini, Andrea

  on information architecture consistency, Something to Walk On

  on navigation and understanding, Rules and Choreography

  on resilience, Rules and Choreography

  Pervasive Information Architecture, Expansive IA, What Makes Places, Something to Walk On

  ubiquitous ecologies, Perspectives and Journeys

  Rheingold, Howard

  The Virtual Community, Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  WELL (Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link), Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  robotic bodies, teaching computers to use, Digital Learning and Agency

  robots, places as, Ambient Agents

  Rooms, in Windows Phone 8 operating system, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  Rosati, Luca

  on information architecture consistency, Something to Walk On

  on navigation and understanding, Rules and Choreography

  on resilience, Rules and Choreography

  Pervasive Information Architecture, Expansive IA, What Makes Places, Something to Walk On

  Reframing Information Architecture, Expansive IA

  ubiquitous ecologies, Perspectives and Journeys

  Rosenfeld, Louis

  Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, Architecture + Information

  on hyperlinking of Web, Architecture + Information

  Rosenfeld, Louis, Three circles of information architecture, Visual Information

  Rothstein, Edward, on understanding and mapping, Maps and Territory

  Rukeyser, Muriel, making sense through stories, Narratives and Situations


  about, Relationships and Taxonomy

  architecture of social platform, Social Architectures

  choreography and, Rules and Choreography, Situations over Goals

  creating systems and, The Structure of Writing

  framework websites, The Map That Makes Itself

  in information architecture materials model, The Materials of Semantic Function

  Rutter, Kate, Action and the Perceptual System


  sales funnel, Google, Structures for Tacit Satisficing

  satisficing behavior, Soft Assembly, The Superpowers of Symbols

  satisficing, tacit, structures for, Perspectives and Journeys

  scalability, as property of networked publics, Networked Publics

  Schindler elevator company, PORT elevator system, What Does All This Mean for Design?

  SCSI (Small Computer System Interface), Digital Interaction

  searchability, as property of networked publics, Networked Publics

  Second Life virtual world, navigating information landscape, The Map That Makes Itself

  self vs. environment, Soft Assembly

  self-engineering, Semantic Architecture

  semantic affordance, Semantic Function

  semantic artifacts, Atlanta

  semantic function

  in language as environment, Semantic Function

  making environments using, Networked Publics

  materials of

  elements used as, The Materials of Semantic Function

  labels and ontology, Elements

  organization as medium, Rules and Choreography

  relationships and taxonomy, Relationships and Taxonomy

  rules and choreography, Relationships and Taxonomy

  of simulated objects

  approaching physical affordances, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  design of interactions, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  digital technology and, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  paintings representing, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  range of information, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  skeuomorphic vs. flat design, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  using in helping physical bodies comprehend environment, About Definitions

  semantic information, Modes of Information

  (see also Semantic mode in information model)

  about, Language as Environment

  behaving as organizational infrastructure, The Tales Organizations Tell

  computers processing inputs of, Digital Learning and Agency

  language as

  about, Language as Environment, How Language Works

  adding to confusion, Physical and Semantic Confusion

  architecture and, Semantic Architecture

  as infrastructure, Semantic Function

  as Semantic mode in information model, Modes of Information

  contextual, Signification Conflation

  creating meaningful information, Directly Perceived versus Indirectly Meaningful

  disconnecting from physical environment, Physical and Semantic Confusion

  environment and (see language: as environment)

  grammar (see grammar)

  labeling function of, Tools for Understanding, What Writing Does

  levels of linguistic structure, How Language Works

  oral, The Origins of Writing, What Writing Does

  physical nature of, Language as Infrastructure

  reciprocal affordances and, Tools for Understanding

  reification in, The Superpowers of Symbols

  role of metaphor, Structure of Speech

  sensemaking and, Making Things Make Sense

  signification conflation in, The Superpowers of Symbols

  signifiers, Looking at Language

  signs, Looking at Language, The Superpowers of Symbols

  subvocalization, Language as Infrastructure

  symbols in, Symbols

  taxonomies and, Relationships and Taxonomy

  levels of linguistic structure, Looking at Language

  physical and semantic

  confusion, Digital Intersections

  intersections, Physical and Semantic Intersections

  rules and, Rules and Choreography

  writing as

  as physical information, Looking at Language

  changes due to, The Origins of Writing

  for computers, Digital Learning and Agency

  origins of, The Written Word

  rules and systems, The Structure of Writing

  structure of, What Writing Does

  semantic interfaces, labels in, Labels and Ontology

  Semantic mode, in information model

  about, Modes of Information

  pace layers of information vs., Starting from the Bottom

  semantic relationships, using signifiers in, Relationships and Taxonomy

  sensemaking, language and, Making Things Make Sense

  service design, choreography and, Rules and Choreography

  set-and-forget services, Everyday Digital Agents

  Shannon, Claude

  about, Digital Cognition and Agency

  applying mathematical logic to problem of transmission, Digital Cognition and Agency

  Shannon’s logic, construction of information, Digital Cognition and Agency, The Ontology of Self

  shared, definition of, About Definitions

  Shazam application

  big simulated button on, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  recognizing songs, Digital Learning and Agency

  Shirky, Clay, on social software, The Ontology of Self

  Short Message Service (SMS), Twitter as, Social Architectures

  signification conflation, The Superpowers of Symbols


  modes of

  about, Looking at Language

  icons, Signs: Icons, Indexes, and Symbols

  indexes, Indexes

  symbols, Indexes

  signs and, The Superpowers of Symbols

  using in semantic relationships, Relationships and Taxonomy


  in built environment, The Built Environment

  physical information vs., Looking at Language

  signifiers and, The Superpowers of Symbols

  Sim City, Augmented and Blended Places

  Simon, Herbert, Soft Assembly

  Siri (Apple), teaching to learn, Digital Learning and Agency

  situation-based design, Situations over Goals

  Situation-Need-Task (SNT) model, Observing Context

  skeuomorphic vs. flat design, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), Digital Interaction

  Small Pieces Loosely Joined (Weinberger), Digital Objects

  smart cities, Ambient Agents

  Smart Objects as Building Blocks for the Internet of Things (2010 IEEE paper), Ambient Agents

  smart systems, Perspectives and Journeys

  smartphones, Case Study: Facebook Beacon

  (see also iPhone)

  Animoog application, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  as factor in communication changing society, Social Architectures

  as ready-at-hand objects, Digital Objects

  Avocado application, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  Flickr (see Flickr website)

  Google and (see Google)

  Shazam application, Digital Learning and Agency, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  turning environment into semantically layered places, Augmented and Blended Places

  Twitter on (see Twitter)

  Uber car service application, Rules and Choreography

  Yahoo Donna application, Metamaps and Compasses

  Yelp (see Yelp)

  Yelp application, Augmented and Blended Places

  SNT (Situation-Need-Task) model, Observing Context

  social architectures, Conversation

  social communication, physical distance affecting, “Proxemics” as a Structural Model

  social environment, The Built Environment


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