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His Forever Love

Page 2

by Darling, Lucy

  “You know Willow?” I find myself asking. Obviously my plan isn’t working. This time I actually listen to what comes out of Tiffany’s mouth, wanting to know every single detail she knows about my Willow.



  “You are coming with me,” Zoey says, popping her head into my bedroom. She pauses when she sees I have my phone pressed to my ear.

  “Everything is going good.” I answer my mom before I mouth to Zoey who I’m talking to. I know I’m going with her. I told her earlier that I might not go to the party after the game, but I’ve changed my mind. Besides, we're celebrating. We already have a few weeks of college under our belt, and now Reid had a kick-ass game.

  Reid’s frat house is throwing a party, and he’s supposed to be there tonight. I think in total Reid has slept at the frat house once. Not that anyone really cares. It’s a university rule you have to live on campus freshman year if you play for the team. As long as he’s got a room that’s all that matters. Everyone knows he lives with us.

  “I ran into Carrie the other day. She told me that you saw her daughter.”

  “Yeah, Tiffany. We only saw each other for a couple of seconds. She was with someone. They looked to be on a date.” My mind flashes back to the handsome man who has invaded my every thought since I laid eyes on him. In fact, I knew it was a date. She whispered it into my ear so my friends and I would get lost.

  “Yes. The football coach. Theodore something. I think Carrie is already trying to plan a wedding for them. She has been trying to get that girl married for years.”

  My stomach turns. For weeks I’ve tried to stop thinking about Theodore Grayson. I don’t know what my fascination with him is. He’s dating someone! Plus, there’s the fact that he’s older than me and looks so serious. As though he does everything by the book. I don’t even know why I continue to think about what he does or doesn’t do. He’s taken and off limits.

  “Tiffany isn't that old. Why the rush?” She’s in her mid-twenties, I think. It's hard to keep up with these inner circles, but she does come from a prominent last name.

  “Don’t be jealous, Willow. You’ll find you a nice pre-law or pre-med boy there at school. It's why you’re there.” Of course my mother would make sure to throw a little dig in. As if a career of my own isn’t something I should be trying to obtain. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask why it matters really. It’s not as though I need to marry for money. “Or I have a few I can introduce you to. We have a few years until that.”

  “Wonderful.” I can’t wait for that. For her to line up self-centered rich assholes for me to choose from.

  “I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” She ends the call without an I love you or goodbye. I’m used to it by now. I didn't know how off that was until I was around Zoey and her mom all the time. Hell, Zoey’s mom treats me more like a daughter and tells me she loves me when I’m on a call with her.

  “What did she want?” Zoey leans against the door frame of my room. She’s got on a sweater that we decorated with Reid’s name on the back.

  “Checking in.”

  “Was that the first time?” Zoey purses her lips. Sometimes I think she gets more upset about how my parents treat me than I do. I guess after all these years, I’m numb to it. I try not to let it affect me anymore.

  “Is what it is.” I shake it off, knowing nothing is going to change.

  “Let it go, and let’s get you ready to go have a good time.” Zoey bounces into my room.

  “Already have.” I head to my closet, kicking off my sneakers and grabbing a white v-neck sweater and my boots. If I’m going to a party I might as well dress up.

  “Getting sexy?” She wiggles her brows at me. She’s got her hair in a ponytail and no makeup on her face unless you count the number 11 on her cheek that I drew for her.

  “It seems I’m in the market for a pre-law or pre-med college student.” Zoey snorts a laugh.

  “I really never know what your mom is going to say or do.”

  “That makes two of us.” I roll my eyes as I get dressed. I give my makeup and hair a once-over. I did them before we went to the football game. I made sure to spend my time doing them, wanting to look good. Yet, he didn't even notice me, and I was in the front row, right behind the team.

  I’m starting to think I need to put myself out there. I can’t be lusting after a man who isn't mine to ever have. It’s not only the fact that he’s dating someone else but he also works for the university. I don’t know what the rules are regarding students and faculty. But I’m sure there are strict guidelines. Not that he is going to break or bend them for me. The man only met me once. I bet he doesn't even remember me. I really need to get over this fascination I have with him.

  “I’m ready.” I stand up, lean over, and zip up my boot. “Can we get food after?”

  “You’re hungry?”

  “No, but late-night breakfast food is always the best.”

  “What if you meet someone at the party and crash at the house?”

  “You think I’m going to lose my virginity at a frat party?” I pull my keys from my purse so I can lock the door behind us. I hit the button for the elevator. The doors start to open.

  “You don’t have to sleep with someone because you crash with them. There are other things you can do. Don’t be a slut.” Zoey laughs. I don’t because as the doors slide open, there stands the man I haven't stopped thinking about. Not only that, he just heard my best friend telling me not to be a slut. Lovely.

  “Oh. Coach.” Zoey smiles at him. He looks as good as he did the first time I saw him. He’s freshly showered and clearly going somewhere.

  “Zoey.” His response is stiff. He always looks so serious. It should intimidate me, but it only makes him more attractive. “I forgot you live in the building.” We step onto the elevator.

  “You do?” How the hell. So much for forgetting about him.

  “Top floor,” he answers but doesn't say anything else.

  “You look pissed for a man who just won,” I tease with a small laugh, trying to break this weird tension that is quickly forming inside the elevator.

  “It was a great game,” Zoey tosses in, likely feeling the weirdness too. He grunts a response. “I take it you're not going to the party.”

  “Late dinner plans,” he answers her. I wonder if it’s with Tiffany. It is late. The game ended at nine, and it’s now pushing ten. I don’t think he’s going out for food. If I had to guess he is going out for sex.

  “Have fun.” Zoey links her arm with mine when the elevator dings, and we step off before him. It takes everything inside of me to not turn and look back. It’s not until we’re a few blocks from our place that she finally says something.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “No clue,” I answer honestly.

  “He was pissed.” That’s how it felt.

  “I told you I was coming to meet you,” Reid shouts, coming into view down the long sidewalk. It might be nighttime, but the campus is lit up, and people are always coming and going. When he gets to us, he lifts Zoey off her feet, kissing her.

  My heart flutters. I feel a sudden longing to experience what they have. That deep connection you can only have with a person you love. Coach Grayson comes to mind, but I push the thought away, knowing where he is right now.

  “I need a drink,” I say when Reid puts Zoey back on her feet. He leads the way. I have to admit that I’m not as excited about going to the party as I was before.

  “A drink?” Zoey asks.

  “It’s college.” I shrug. “Time to try new things.”

  “Okay,” she agrees, knowing Reid will keep an eye on both of us. I’m making it my mission to forget about Grayson once and for all. There really is no other choice.



  “Are you listening to me, Theodore?” I pause the game tape at my mom’s use of my full name and not Theo. Something has to be wrong; she never calls me that unless it
’s serious. I hit the button to take the phone off speaker and lift it to my ear. “You can’t still be mad at me?” she huffs.

  “Not mad at you.” I don’t think there has ever been a time I was actually mad at my mom. Annoyed? Sure, but I know whatever she does when it concerns me is always with good intentions. Her heart is in the right place, but sometimes she goes a little too far.

  “I really thought you would hit it off with Tiffany.” I shut my laptop. Guilt clings to her words.

  “Really? Is that the kind of woman you want me to marry?” There is a long pause. Something about Tiffany doesn’t work for me. It’s a gut feeling. One I choose to trust since it has never steered me wrong in the past.

  The conversation with Tiffany wasn’t a sincere one. She kept pretending to be whoever she thought I would like or be attracted to. It’s not her fault, but she failed miserably. Hell, I don’t even know what my type is. A beautiful blonde comes to mind, but I push the thought out of my mind quickly. Not that it ever stays gone for long.

  The dating thing wasn’t on my list of priorities in the past. I had been focused on football and making the NFL. Once I’d made it, I concentrated on putting my all on the field. It’s the same now with coaching the kids. I spend my time watching game tapes and strategizing plays. Football is my life. It’s been my partner for a very long time. Yet, seeing Willow had sparked something inside of me.

  “Well, I thought she was nice.”

  “Thought?” What has changed in the past few weeks? Tiffany and I had parted ways when we left the restaurant. She asked if I wanted her number, and I’d told her I could get it from my mom, which I never did. I didn't want the woman to have my phone number. And I sure as hell wouldn’t be calling her.

  “She’s been pushy about me giving you her number. Last night at one of my fundraiser meetings she asked to borrow my phone. She kept going on about hers being dead. I let her, but after the fact, I thought maybe she only asked in order to get your number or something out of it.” I wouldn’t be surprised by that behavior from her.

  “If she did, she hasn’t used it. I haven’t gotten any calls or texts from a number I don’t know. Last I saw her was that night we were all supposed to have dinner.” I emphasize the word all for good measure.

  “I’m sorry!”

  “Forgive your mother,” I hear my dad order in the background, making me smile. He can’t take my mother being upset for one second. I’ve never met a man that loves a woman more than my dad loves my mom.

  “Nothing to forgive.”

  “Oh, well then. There is actually.” Luckily I hear the locker room door open and voices start to drift towards my office, letting me know some of the boys are here for practice.

  “I have to go, Mom.”

  “All right. I love you.”

  “Love you too,” I say before I end the call. I lean back, closing my eyes for a second. I should be in a good fucking mood. I won the first game of the season. How, I have no fucking clue. I was barely present. The whole time I kept thinking about the blonde seated behind me. I tried to ignore the pull I felt toward her, but I couldn’t.

  The noise grows louder as I listen to my players bitch about the party last weekend. I shouldn't smile, but I do. I might have made a call and had it broken up. It was a bastard thing to do, but I was unable to help myself. The idea of these boys pawing at her had me seeing red for no reason.

  This Willow girl won’t get out of my head. She is in my bones, and I can’t shake her. It’s been weeks, and this is still going on. Finding out she lives in the same building hasn’t helped the situation. I’ve been actively trying to avoid her at all costs, knowing the temptation is too great for me to resist. I know being caught alone with her would break my resolve.

  I’m thankful that when she stepped onto that elevator that Zoey was with her. I don’t think I would have been able to hold back. I gritted my teeth the entire ride down to the lobby. Her sweet scent, a mix of cherries and vanilla, had filled the elevator, tempting me in a way that I’ve never experienced before. I had to keep my eyes trained forward after catching a glimpse of her outfit. The boots she was wearing were enough to give me a fucking heart attack.

  “You want me in a red shirt?” Reid asks, throwing the door open to my office.

  “Yes.” He almost looks disappointed that I don’t want him to get the shit knocked out of him.

  “They aren't going to get their hands on me.”

  “I know, because you’ll have a red shirt on.” I stand, grabbing the red shirt from one of the tables in my office and shoving it into his chest. “You got a good head on your shoulders. Let’s not knock it around too much.”

  “Fine,” he grumbles, wanting a chance to show he’s quick on his feet. I know he is, but there is no point in risking it. He walks off with the shirt to go get ready. I do my usual rounds, stopping to talk to players and going over some of the things on the game tape I noticed. My ears perk up when I hear Willow’s name.

  “You going to bring that Willow girl again? I saw her social,” Mack says as he ties his shoes. “She’s not just hot but funny too.” Her social? What the hell does that mean?

  “Why are you watching their fucking social media? It’s all chick shit,” Reid says, putting the pieces together. It’s only another blow to me, reminding me I’m way too fucking old for this girl.

  “I was checking her out.”

  “Well, don’t,” Reid orders as Mack stands. Reid may be taller than Mack, but Mack is a fucking tank. I’d know because I used to be one myself. I’m not as big as I once was as a lineman; I’ve let some of the weight drop off over the years. It’s funny how now I’m actually in better shape, health-wise at least. Mentally I’m a damn basket case, thinking about Willow.

  “I can do whatever the fuck I want, dude. I’m not after your girl. I want the blonde. Don’t tell me you’re fucking them both?” Reid is on him before I can move, throwing him right into a locker. Mack goes to grab for him but stops, knowing better. There won’t just be an all-out fight, but it’ll land his ass off the team if he leaves one mark on Reid. The university won’t have it any other way.

  “You stay the fuck away from Willow. You hear me? Unless she comes on to you, don’t even look her fucking way. And trust me, she’s not going to come on to you.” I knew I liked Reid from the moment I met him. “Are we clear?”

  “Yeah,” he agrees. Reid lets him go and steps back. He flicks his eyes my way, finally noticing I’m standing right there. I can see the oh shit moment in his eyes, not because he actually fears me but the worry that I’m going to make him do running drills all afternoon. Usually I would but not when the kid has inadvertently done me a favor.

  “Everyone on the field. Warm up!” I shout.

  “Don’t need no stuck-up rich pussy anyways,” Mack says under his breath. This time it’s me that reaches out and grabs Mack, getting into his face. Willow may not be mine, yet, but there is no way I would allow any man to ever disrespect her in my presence. Or any woman, for that matter.

  “I don’t know what kind of locker room talk you did at your other school, Mack, but that shit doesn't fly in mine. I hear it again and we’re going to have a problem. Understood?”

  “Sorry, Coach,” he rushes to say. “I was trying to push his buttons.”

  “Now you’re pushing mine.” He gives me another sheepish apology before I release him. “Why is everyone still in my fucking locker room when I just told your asses what to do?” I bellow, and everyone takes off, leaving me alone once again. I run my hand down my face, trying to calm down.

  I shouldn't have gotten involved. Reid had it handled.

  Again, this Willow girl is fucking with my head, and I don’t think there is any way to stop it. To be honest, I’m not sure I really want to.



  There has got to be more on this man. I click the page again, having read the same articles over and over at this point. There is nothing to them really.
It’s all facts. All things that are public knowledge including where he was born, where he went to school, and a ton on his NFL career. Other than that, nothing more comes up when it comes to Theodore Grayson. Coach Gray to everyone else unless you’re close to him and then people call him Theo.

  How is the fact that people call him Theo the most intimate thing I can find on him? He grew up in this town. Went on to be a famous football player and is the youngest college head coach to date. There should be tons of stories on him. Especially in the local paper here in Kingston.

  “Doing a story on Coach Gray? Kind of played out.” Keith comes to sit down next to me. We’re all supposed to be coming up with story ideas for The BluePrint, the university’s newspaper. All I’m finding is the lack of real digging no one did on the shiny new coach that everyone adores. It’s annoying. He’s annoying. And so is my stupid attraction to him.

  “He’s boring.” I shut my laptop, not wanting anyone else to see my stalking.

  “Boring is not what other girls around here call him.” Tell me about it. I don’t know how Zoey does it. I overhear girls talk about Reid. If I do, I know she has to as well. I suppose it helps that he has never had eyes for anyone other than her. We all know Reid isn't going to betray Zoey. I’m not sure I could be as level-headed as her. This Theodore isn't even mine, and I’m having way too many feelings about him. Jealousy being on the top of that list.

  “Make sure you submit your ideas by midnight Friday night,” Professor Diggs says, dismissing the class. I pack up all my stuff.


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