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Tease Me, Baby: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (Silver Creek High Book 2)

Page 18

by Belladona Cunning

  Blood. Torn fabric. The sick stench of sex and cum lingers in the stagnant air.

  One footstep. Two footsteps. Three …

  He’s right in front of me, peering down at my broken body with a sinister smile stretching across his face.

  Before I can process what’s happening, I start choking. My throat closes up, and my hands dart to the column of skin, nails clawing as my flesh. I … I can’t breathe. Hands slap against my back with almost bruising force. My vision dots in front of my eyes, but all I can focus on is the feeling of having the knot in my throat not giving way to allow oxygen to pass.

  Hot breath coats the side of my face, a rancid smell of onions and something fruity, teasing my senses. “She warned you, slut. Now everyone will know how much of a whore you are.”

  Jumping up from my chair, I push Bree away from me with all my might. She goes teetering on her heels, slamming into the desks nearest us, then her body sails over the top. She falls into a heap on the flooring, crying out in pain. But I couldn’t care less, I’m not focused on her. The bitch can rot in Hell for all I care.

  I sway, slamming into the next row beside me. Some guys put their hands up to help me, wearing expressions of worry, but I push that all out of my head. That picture; that text practically cut the chains holding them at bay.

  “Little girl,” the strangers bottomless, dark voice slithers into the space separating us. My eyes meet his, knowing his voice is oddly familiar, but still not being able to identify who it is with the black mask resting on his face. “A temptation as sweet as candy, but as deadly as a viper. It’s no wonder they wanted to use you to break him out of this spell. I now see the appeal.”

  “No, no, no!” I scream, my fingers tunneling into my hair. I can practically smell him; taste him. I … I can’t take it! “Get out of my head! No!”

  “Such a delicacy, aren’t you, little girl?”

  Hot liquid spills down my cheeks. Making my way to the front, I barely take the time to see Mrs. Willis standing at her desk, holding a hand to her chest in pure fright before walking past her. That’s when the laughter begins. It’s loud, boisterous, and practically ear splitting.

  Shuffling my way toward the door, I hear the teacher screaming at them to stop, but no one does. You can barely hear her over their pure joy. Their cackles follow me out into the hallway where I start my trek to the nearest bathroom. My hands shake so bad it takes a full minute to grasp the handle so I can shut myself inside.

  Hobbling over to the handicap stall, I slam the door and lock it seconds before my legs give out. I fall down to the floor, pain ricocheting inside my chest as the picture flashes through my mind. The night beckons me to remember everything, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I’m in school. I have no way of getting the thing I need to make it go away.

  Then, my memories twist, new ones starting to form with clarity.

  Drugs. Booze. A person sliding up behind me.

  One heartbeat, then two … his large arms wrap around my body, grabbing my breast.

  “Here’s how it will go, little girl.” His voice is disgusting, menacing. “I want you to scream as loud as you can. Mmm, I’m practically begging you to.”

  My knees are weak. Brain is a mask of blurry images and hazy thoughts. I can barely move, let alone think properly.

  “W-What?” I ask, slurring my words.

  My body feels heavier; lungs work harder for each breath. I’m going to die. I can feel it. Why do I have to die before I can tell Callum I’m sorry for getting angry?

  “Are you ready for me, little girl?” he taunts, and what I think is his tongue, rakes across my ear. I shiver in revulsion, which only seems to drive him onward.

  He’s going to do something, take something that does—

  “No, no, no!” I cry out, slamming my head back into the wall repeatedly.

  I can’t go back there. I’ll lose myself if I do. It was hard enough to fight out of the pain once, I know I can’t do it again. It almost swallowed me whole last time.

  A door banging open barely breaks through the recollection of that night. The voice, while I believe I should know it, doesn’t register to me.

  “Jess?” The voice calls out once more.

  Whimpering, I shift to my side and curl up into a ball. My heart is beating a thousand miles a minute, and I will it to pound through my chest and put me out of my misery. I need this pain gone. I need these memories gone.

  “I-I can’t do this anymore,” I whisper, then curl up tighter as a ball of emotion scalds my throat.

  When it releases, I scream at nothing at all. I scream, and scream, and scream, until I hear—more than see—the door to the stall behind kicked open.

  “Jess?!” My body rocks back and forth, shoving, pushing—trying its best to sling the memories out of my mind. But it’s no use. It never is. They just won’t go away until I force them away.

  Rough hands grab my shoulders, hoisting me up. It’s then my eyes catch on Quinn’s, seeing a look of pure terror twisting his features into agony.

  “Make them go away,” I whisper, choking on my cries. “Please, please, please,” I beg,

  “Oh, sweetheart,” he pushes shut the door as best he can, then sits down on the ground with me cuddled into his lap, rocking me. “Baby, what’s going on?”

  Sobbing into his chest, I shake all over. My eyes cinch tight, hoping the memories will just go away on their own. I need them to go away.

  “Blood. Sex. Blood. Pain,” I gasp out, rocking faster. “Little girl. Rape. Ready. Blood. So, so much blood.” I scream again, the memory feeling like it’s burning a brand into the front of my skull. Twisting and turning, I screech in agony, feeling the walls close in all around me. “Help me!”

  “Baby! Jess!” I can barely hear Quinn’s yells above my own.

  God, put me out of my misery. Please. Just … please.

  “Sex … blood … ripped skirt.” I wrap my arm around his neck, clinging to him. “Please, please—God, just make it go away.”

  His hand runs up and down my back, cradling me to him. Another hand runs through my short strands, smoothing them back away from my tear-stained face. My eyes catch on his, seeing they’re glassy and grief-stricken.

  “What can I do?” he asks softly.

  “Please,” I whisper, tugging him closer. “Make me feel anything other than this.”

  Shaking his head, he grabs ahold of my arm. “Baby, you don’t want that.”

  “I do!” I nod my head, rapidly. “I do, I do! Please!”

  He battles within himself. His eyes flick between mine. I know I must look terrible, but he’s gazing down at me as if I’m the most beautiful thing in the world. I just wish it was enough.

  “Jess, I can’t use you like this,” he tries again.

  He’s got it all messed up. I’m the one using him. I need to fuck him because he’s the only person available. I’m a sick bitch, but sex is my drug. It forces the memories back in their cage, so I can pretend I’m normal.

  “You’re not!” I retort loudly, then pull his face down to mine, our lips ghosting across each other’s. “Just please, take the memories away.”

  He’s going to turn me away. Quinn trying to be the nice guy, but that’s not what I’m needing right now. I need him to be selfish; take what he wants, whether or not I’m weak. I don’t need nice; I need fucked. I need the distraction,

  “Quinn,” I stare into his eyes. “Help me. Please.”

  He can’t leave me. I need him.


  Quinn closes his eyes tightly, battling over something in his head. Then, he leans forward, gently rubbing his forehead against mine and whispers in a thick voice filled with emotion, “Straddle me.”

  He grabs my hips, maneuvering me to sit astride him and mutters a curse under his breath when my pussy presses against the hard arousal in his pants. Instantly, I grind my hips into his, bursts of pleasure tingle inside me. Quinn grunts and groans, his head falling b
ack against the tile wall.

  It feels so good, being here with him. Even though, in the back of my mind, I know it’s wrong to use him like this. If I was in a saner state of mind, I would push him away. However, I can’t. I physically cannot push him away, instead drawing him nearer. My hands land on his shoulders, and I settle into a nice, slow rhythm.

  “S-Sweetheart,” he grits out, his jaw clenching tight.

  His guttural plea only makes me move faster, grinding into him harder. Just with this little contact, I can feel the box opening inside, beckoning those memories back inside. It’s still not enough, though. They’re fighting tooth and nail.

  He opens his eyes, and I shiver at the fire I see blazing in his eyes. Quinn is always the most closed off between the four guys, but here, now, it’s as if I can see straight into his soul. I can see the inky darkness that matches mine to perfection. It makes me feel closer to him, perfect.

  Quinn wraps his hand around the nape of my neck, crashing his lips against mine. Both of us groan at the feel of the connection between us, pressing into each other until nothing separates us. His taste is to different from Callum’s. Quinn tastes of milk chocolate and caramel—It’s deep, smooth, and rich.

  His arm wraps around my waist, as he angles my head for a deeper connection. “Fuck me, Quinn,” I groan against his lips. “Please.”

  He nips at my bottom lip, hand reaching under my shirt. His fingers ghosts along my flesh, unhooking my bra with a confidence that makes me breathless. It gives away, easily, and before I can properly catch my breath, his rough hand envelopes my breast, squeezing, kneading. A whimper releases from my mouth and into his by the feeling of his hands on my soft flesh.

  His pointer finger and thumb tweak my nipple, causing pleasureful explosions to fire off inside my body. My hips jerk forward, hard. Rolling my nipple between his fingers, he continues to ravage my mouth with fierce determination, growling and groaning, as if he can’t seem to get his fill no matter how long we kiss.

  He’s in control. We’re in our element. God, he makes me feel so fucking good.

  “More!” I cry out when he pinches my pebbled bud.

  He pulls my shirt over my head, tossing it on the floor beside us. My bra follows close after. Then, he pulls me into him, pressing his face against my heaving chest as he wraps his wet lips around my nipple, sucking. I throw my head back as pleasure slams into me. Tiny dots of white flicker in and out behind my eyelids. His tongue swirls around the tip, flicking, coaxing—before he sucks hard again, causing me to cry out.

  Biting my bottom lip, my head falls back on my shoulders as I lose myself to the pleasure. He slides his hand down my stomach, slowly unbuckling my pants. Raising my hands, I force his face back to mine as he slips a hand inside my pants. His fingers waste no time in diving into my panties, finding my clit with an eerie precision that should terrify me. But it doesn’t. It only makes me want him more. Now. His fingers easily slide through my wet pussy lips, rubbing in slow, teasing circles.

  “So, fucking wet,” he murmurs against my lips. Then, he nips my lips, growling, “Mine.” I shudder from the force of his words.

  Groaning, he tunnels his tongue back inside my mouth, playing, teasing, then working my tongue out to suck on it between his lips. Holy Lord of fuck, no one has ever made me feel like this before. It’s like he has direct knowledge of me and what I like, what I need, taking it instead of asking. He demands it with a fierceness I find absolutely enthralling.

  “Pants off. Now.” He grits out, letting me go.

  Without wasting a second, I get off him and shimmy out of my pants and panties. I watch with fascination as he takes his wallet out, rips into the condom that falls into his lap, and with haste, he unbuckles his pants and shimmies them down just enough to free his monster cock. I salivate for a taste of him, seeing the dot of pre-cum dripping from the tip as he sheathes himself.

  He looks so thick and long, but instead of being terrified, it makes my body buzz with anticipation.

  “Hop on, baby. I need to be in that pussy now.” His words are practically a growl, all rough and ragged. I quiver in delight.

  I slowly straddle him again, sighing as he wraps his hands around my hips. One of his hands slides even lower, grabbing a handful of my ass, squeezing hard. I moan at the feeling, my nails raking down his clothed chest, pulling a groan from him.

  Wrapping my fingers around his cock, I guide it to my entrance. Our eyes lock, his swirling with so much lust I practically overfill from it. His head darts forward as he collects my aching nipple into his mouth. The pleasure makes me light-headed, my body thrumming with so much desire. I can barely place Quinn’s cock at my entrance, dragging it through my wetness.

  “You’re maddening,” he releases as my nipple pops out of his lips.

  Then before I can utter a word, before I can even catch my breath, he plants his hands on my hips and pushes me down at the same time he snaps up his hips, filling me to the brim with everything forcefully.

  “Oh. My. Fu—,” I groan out, my back bowing as my mind tries to play catch up.

  When I’m fully settled, Quinn grabs a handful of hair at the base of my neck. Wrapping an arm around me, he pulls me into him and attacks my lips as he moves me up and down. His forceful, quick movements stealing me even more.

  At first, we explore each other. Our tongues caressing, my hands roaming, and the smooth, sensual glide of his cock going inside me. He feels incredible, fills me until all I know is him.

  Groans rumble his chest, his mouth falling open as he breathes harshly into mine. With strategic movements, I continue to slide up and down, easily undulating my hips against his. When he bottoms out inside me, I grind myself against him, the pressure from his hard abs giving me bursts of pleasure as my clit grazes his skin.

  Everything around me fades into nothing. The only thing I focus on is him; his movements and sweet caresses.

  A needy whimper claws at my throat when I get that aching feeling of wanting more. His fingers tighten on me to the point of being painful, but to me, it feels electric. Sweat dots along his brow, the sight causing a full shiver to tremble through me. Making Quinn lose it as much as I am is more of a turn on than anything I’ve ever seen before. My pussy tightens around him, loving the feel of him.

  Shifting his hips, he hits a sensitive spot deep inside, forcing a cry of pleasure to seep into him from between my lips. The sound, guttural and needy, causes something inside him to unleash, as if the tether frays to the point of breaking.

  My fingers hastily grab at his shoulders, and I cry out as his hips pick up speed. He continues to pound into me incessantly, our moans and ragged breathing the only sound in the room besides the slapping of our skin. He takes me forcefully, just as I knew someone like Quinn would. He doesn’t second guess his actions, merely lives in the moment. He’s hard, delicious, and more than anything I could have asked for.

  “I’ve wanted to feel your pussy wrapped around my dick since the first time I saw you,” he grunts out, his hand moves to the back of my neck so he can continue to punish me with his cock.

  “Harder,” is all I whimper out.

  Growling, Quinn pulls out. I cry out in objection; the feeling leaving me with a sense of bereft. But then I squeal in surprise, my heart pattering behind my ribs when he pushes me onto my hands and knees. With grace and speed of a professional fighter, he’s behind me and grabbing my hips before I can voice a protest. He shoves his thick cock back inside me, holding me in place by my hips. Quinn snaps forward again, and again, only picking up in speed the longer we continue fucking.

  “This what you want, dirty girl,” he groans out, snapping forward particularly hard.

  He’s so deep this way, hitting a spot very few have before him. It’s hard to keep silent with this much pleasure coursing through me, but I try, biting my lip as my eyes roll back into my head. He continues to thrust in and out of my wet pussy, muttering dirty, filthy things into the air between us. My hands s
lide across the floor, and it’s only the hold he has on my hips that keep me in place.

  The amount of euphoria swirling around inside me is almost too much. I can feel that familiar tingle of climax rising, the simmering starting low in my belly. Only, this time it feels different. It feels like so much more.

  “Mmm, fuck. Come for me, baby,” Quinn grinds out. “Choke my cock with that wet pussy.”

  I feel his cock swell inside me, his movements becoming erratic, jerky. Wrapping an arm around my waist, I squeal when his fingers land on my clit. He rubs my aching little clit, playing it like he would a prized violin. His grip tightens on my hips, grunts and groans filtering out into the stagnant bathroom air.

  There are no more memories. No more thoughts of pictures and laughing peers. It’s only a flood of warmth exuding inside me, enveloping me until I cry out on the bathroom floor, my pussy convulsing around his dominating cock. He releases a guttural cry; the sound causing a shudder to wrack my depleted body. It’s deep, raw. His hips slam against my ass once more before he releases inside me, yelling in mind-numbing pleasure.

  For several minutes, we both stay where we are, breathing heavily. His slowly, softening dick barely moves in and out of me at a more leisurely pace, like he can’t stop even though he’s finished. Quinn … he might be my new favorite. Damn.

  He releases soft grunts, as if trying to prolong his pleasure, which makes a content smile tug at the corner of my satiated lips. But when he pulls out, the smile slowly drains out of me. I feel so fucking empty, deserted. I thought it was just a fluke earlier, but it doesn’t seem to be if I feel it again. It’s not a feeling I’ve had before, like I’m missing something vital to make my heart beat inside my chest.

  “How did you know something was wrong?” I ask hesitantly, panting. “How did you even know where to find me?”

  “I got a text from Callum,” he says. “Then from Ellis and Asher. I was the closest, so I came to find you.”

  I give him a blank stare over my shoulder, asking, “Why did they text you?”


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