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Kingston Bridge

Page 24

by Ian Todd

  “Aye, it’s a tough life being a single wummin in a shithole like Glesga, so it is,” The Inspector sighed, taking another puff ae her fag. “Her name’s Chantel, so it is.”


  “That floozy ae ma man’s. It’s funny, bit Ah’d convinced masel that if she hidnae been called Chantel, Ah wid’ve probably coped wae the betrayal better…that and the fact that she’s only aboot twenty two or three, the hairy wee cow,” she said, as the baith ae them looked intae each other’s eyes, before bursting oot laughing.

  “Ah’m sorry, Ah didnae mean tae laugh,” Pearl apologised, before the baith ae them cracked up again.

  “Ah mean, who the hell called their wean Chantel in Glesga back in the fifties? At least ye’re young and hiv goat yer life aheid ae ye. Look at me. Ah love ma weans, who’re three and a hauf and fifteen months, bit wae the job Ah’m in, that’s me fur the duration, so it is.”

  “Wilma, whit is it ye want fae me?” Pearl asked her, sobering up.

  “Ah…we, need yer help.”

  “So, why dis the prosecutor no jist meet up wae me and ask me hersel?”

  “Because Ah’ve telt ye why. Ye’ve become too toxic and powerful. Ye could bring everywan doon. Look at some ae they heidlines that ye’ve come oot wae recently?”

  “The wan aboot the resurrection ae Shaun Murphy wisnae me…it’s a long story, bit Ah wis AWOL at the time, so ma boss wrote it and put it oot in ma name, so he did.”

  “Oh, that’s good tae know. It makes sense noo. Yer other wans wur pretty good, if a wee bit sensational, bit that wan aboot the case hitting the skids regarding the wee nurse that hid died under the wheels ae a transit van, wis awfully insensitive,” she said, trying tae sound polite, as the pair ae them smiled at each other. “It’s funny, bit ye kin usually tell when a man writes something in the paper withoot looking tae see who wrote it. Ah mean…”

  “Look, ye’re right,” Pearl said, taking a drag ae her fag, interrupting the critique. “Ah hiv been burrowing away and hiv came up wae mair evidence that Ah believe wid prove whit Ah’ve believed since the beginning. The problem is, Ah need tae know that Ah kin trust ye…”

  “And vice-versa,” she wis reminded.

  “Ah’m putting thegither a story…an exclusive. There’s enough evidence in there tae go oan if need be, bit there ur gaps…aye, quite a few. Also, the polis…yer colleagues, won’t like it either. None ae youse…you, will come oot ae this looking good. Ma boss reckons that when the shit hits the fan, then some big people will take a tumble, so they will. Ah’m talking aboot wide spread conspiracy and cover-up here, including the involvement ae senior management.”


  “Look, hen, Ah’m starting tae get nervous here. However, Ah’m prepared tae share whit Ah know in the Teddy Bare case…up tae a point. Ah’m no gonnae endorse speculation because it disnae dae anywan any favours, bit Ah’m a good listener and Ah’d be honest wae ye, if Ah believed ye’re oan the right track.”


  “Ah hiv concerns that ye’ll feedback whit Ah’ve uncovered tae that prosecutor and she’ll then go and undermine whit Ah’ve jist aboot died tae uncover. How dae Ah know youse pair urnae working haun in glove wae that Irish Brigade?”

  “Ye don’t, bit we’re no. When she called me doon tae Lanarkshire Hoose yesterday, Ah thought Ah wis gonnae be charged before being suspended fur something Ah hidnae known that Ah’d done. Ah believe that aw Glenda Metcalfe wants is reassurance that there’s enough concrete evidence tae convict Teddy Bare oan a murder charge. Ah don’t need tae tell her everything. Ah’ll know whit’s pertinent and whit isnae. As fur me? Ah’m aff the case. Even if Ah wanted tae, Ah widnae be allowed anywhere near it. As far as we’re concerned, the investigation his been concluded and is in the hauns ae the procurator fiscal service, so it is. If we kin convince her tae go tae trial wae this, then it means Bare’s witnesses will be called up tae the dock tae be questioned oan the veracity ae their statements. If you, between noo and the trial, kin convince a few ae the wummin tae come forward, then we kin get the basturt. No only that, bit aw the wummin, including Lesley Bare, Susan McFarlane and Pricilla Presley, will at last get the justice they deserve.”

  “Ur you oan duty jist noo?” Pearl asked her, turning and looking oot oan tae the noo deserted street.

  “Naw. Ah finished ma shift aboot an hour ago. Why?”

  “We need tae discuss this further, bit no here. Hiv ye goat a car wae ye?”


  “Right, let’s go. Ah’ll explain oan the way up tae Springburn. Ah want tae show ye something Ah’ve goat hinging up oan ma bedroom wall, bit we’ll need tae get a move oan. Ah’ve goat a meeting wae somewan important later oan, that Ah cannae be late fur.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Johnboy’s erm stretched across tae Senga’s side ae the bed, before he remembered. He smiled tae himsel in the dark. The rough tongue ae Mr Hopkins began tae rasp across the back ae that haun ae his. He’d nodded aff while sitting watching the cat trying tae catch the heavy snowflakes oan the other side ae the windae through in the living room earlier, before heiding tae his kip. He lay listening. The cat’s purring seemed amplified in the stillness ae the bedroom at that time ae the night. He’d need tae remember tae get the covers washed first thing in the morning before she arrived back hame.

  “And don’t hiv that cat up oan the bed…especially oan ma side,” she’d warned him. “Ah’ll soon know if he’s been and gone.”

  Tae Senga, anything furry, wae four legs oan it, wis a disease carrier. She’d dumped aw his stock ae good Palmolive soap in tae the bin within two minutes ae moving in, replacing it wae wee fancy bottles ae disinfectant liquid soap that left ye knackered efter trying fur two days tae get a bit ae soapy lather oot ae it. She’d denied blagging it fae her work.

  “Fur your information, the hospital widnae use scented soap.”

  Her interview wis in the morning. He regretted telling her no tae bother phoning him. He wis surprised that she’d taken his word literally. It wisnae like her. He wondered how she wis getting oan. He hidnae telt anywan aboot her interview and he’d be surprised if she’d mentioned it tae any ae the lassies either. It hid only been a couple ae days, bit he missed her awready, which hid surprised him. Even though she worked a lot ae night shifts, he’d been looking forward tae hivving the place tae himsel…that and the fact that he knew she’d be safer at work wae aw the shit that hid been gaun oan wae The McGregors. Of course, he’d telt her how much he’d miss her, subtly ignoring her cynical look.

  “It’ll gie me time tae reflect and come tae terms wae the upheaval that might be getting inflicted oan me and Mr Hopkins here.”

  “Might be?”

  “Ye’ve still tae get the job, remember?”

  “Ah suppose Ah should take that as some kind ae an acceptance that ye fully support whit Ah’m daeing…fur the baith ae us,” she’d reminded him, no missing the opportunity ae getting in there, as they baith smiled.

  “Is this no jist a wee bit too extreme?” he’d come back at her wae.


  “Heidin towards the North Pole?”

  “It’s only three and a half hours by train, Johnboy. Hardly Eskimo country. It means if ye cannae cope, ye kin always scurry back tae yer gangster pals and take aff where ye left off.”

  “Aye, well, we’ll soon see who’ll be bleating fur hame first, so we will. Ah’m an adapter, so Ah am.”

  “Excuse me, bit did you jist admit tae being a wanker?”

  “Ye heard whit Ah said.”

  “So, you’ve definitely decided tae come wae me if Ah get the job then?”

  “If ye insist.”

  “Look, it’s your choice, Johnboy. Ah’ll no be gaun doon oan ma hauns and knees begging ye.”

  “And Ah’ve jist said Ah am.”

  “Johnboy, why kin ye no jist admit that ye’re looking forward tae the change ae scenery, insteid ae playing hard tae get maist ae the time
and speaking in riddles?” she’d scowled at him, bit still smiling. “The problem wae you…and they pals ae yours, is that youse always feel the need tae keep yer options open.”

  “Shite. And why kin ye no be sensitive tae ma feelings, insteid ae wanting tae snatch me away fae home sweet home, eh? Look at the set-up me, you and Mr Hopkins hiv here? Why wid ye want tae upset the wee domestic cocoon Ah’ve built fur us?”

  “Look, Ah’m no allowing you tae noise me up. Ah’ve goat a perfectly good flat alang the road there wae Issie that Ah still pay the rent oan, that his absolutely nae connections tae that gangster pal ae yours. The fact that Ah even considered moving in here, despite the fact that he owns this place, means ye should be honoured by ma presence. And anyway, Ah know fine well that ye cannae wait tae get oot there intae aw that fresh country air, tae write that best seller that Ah see ye hivnae started yet.”

  Ouch! He’d walked intae that wan. He’d been tempted tae remind her that her and Issie’s flat wis owned by Woodside Accommodation, wan ae Wan-bob Broon’s companies, the biggest gangster in the toon, bit decided no tae shatter that golden halo ae hers. Despite they constant wee digs aboot him no wanting tae move oot ae the toon, he wisnae that bothered aboot leaving. It meant she wid be safe and that’s aw that mattered. At the end ae the day, if she wis happy, then he’d be happy. If that meant living hauf way up the side ae some mountain somewhere, then that wis fine wae him. He wisnae gonnae lose her again. The carry-oan wae Pearl hid gied him a wee wake up call, even though he’d been innocent ae aw charges. It’s wisnae as if they wur heidin tae the edge ae the world. And as she’d awready pointed oot, if he goat fed up, the toon wis only a few hours away. Whether Tony or the others wid agree wae that, wis a different matter aw thegither. None ae them wur asking whit the score wis, which wis a sure sign that they’d been speculating behind his back. The closest tae any ae them asking him whit wis happening, hid been earlier in the day when Ben and Simon hid drapped in by, jist as he’d arrived back fae his run. He’d asked Jake a few days earlier if he could get him some running gear. He’d hid tae send the first lot back because the vest and shorts hid been too tight.

  “Here ye go. Jake said if this disnae fit, then ye kin fuck aff and buy yer ain stuff,” Simon hid come oot wae, efter slinging the bag across the living room tae him.

  “So, when ur you and The Lady Wae The Lamp vacating the premises then?” Ben hid wondered, looking aboot, sounding too innocent.


  “Because we want tae tan that bank alang there oan the corner, that’s why,” he’d replied.

  “And Ah’ve telt ye, ye’ll be the first tae know. In the meantime, stay away fae that place while Ah’m still living in the street.”

  “Well, hurry the fuck up and make yer mind up then,” Ben hid hit him wae, his subtle hinting exposed fur whit it wis.

  He’d clocked the Clydeside Bank sitting oan the corner ae Otago Street and Great Western Road the first morning he’d been libbed fae the hospital. Tony hid caught him eyeing it up as Simon drove by.

  “Don’t worry, it’s safe…fur the time being,” he’d said wae a wee crooked smile.

  The longer he wis oot ae the jail, the better his life seemed tae get. His heidaches and blurred vision hid been receding. His wee Friar Tuck patch hid filled up nicely wae fresh hair where The Chief hid skelped him wae a baton. Even though Senga hid forced the issue and moved in, against his better judgement, he wis starting tae get used tae her being aboot the place. He supposed she’d been in the same boat as him and hid hid tae get used tae him as well. She liked the place tidy, which suited him fine. It meant they widnae be trailing efter each other, picking shite up aff the bathroom or bedroom flairs. Operating in a regimented regime, where everything hid its place, like the jail or a hospital, probably meant they hid at least wan thing in common. It hid been strange and a bit awkward tae begin wae though. A day or two efter she’d moved in, she’d come oot wae a classic, that he liked tae mimic tae her whenever he caught her watching him.

  “Wid you stoap following me aboot wae they eyes ae yours? You and that cat ur frigging freaking me oot, so youse ur,” he’d sing, waving his hauns aboot in front ae her, acting demented.

  Of course, she’d noo started denying that she’d ever said it in the first place. Mind you, he could understaun where she wis coming fae. He still couldnae keep his eyes aff her and hid tae pinch himsel every noo and again tae make sure he wisnae lying oan a stinking, pishy horsehair mattress, doon in the digger in Dumfries, hallucinating. He’d even managed tae stoap feeling embarrassed or averting they eyes ae his at the sight ae her trooping aboot the flat naked or in nothing bit her knickers and bra, while getting ready fur work or tae go oot fur a meal roond oan Great Western Road. Noo, he jist sat back and blatantly enjoyed the show. He’d never lived wae a lassie before, except fur that ma and sisters ae his, which wis that long ago, he couldnae remember whit they wur like tae live wae. It wis the wee, whit he supposed tae be normal, things aboot her that fascinated him…like the ease in which she wis able tae fasten the back ae her bra wae wan haun, as she carried oan applying a wee bit ae eyeshadow in the mirror ae the dressing table in the mornings. Fuck, he still fumbled aboot, trying tae unclasp the bloody thing using baith hauns. It wis the way she’d offhandedly swished a loose strand ae blond hair away fae her face at the kitchen table while leaning forward oan her elbows, focussing, reading the check list oot loud tae him fur the pile ae ingredients sitting in front ae them, that he’d need tae make a perfect Victorian sponge cake wae while she wis at work…his previous attempt probably still bouncing aff the walls ae the local primary school playground, it hid been that rubbery. He’d been lying back, watching her oot the side ae his eye in amusement, as her breathing started tae build up and her bottom lip began tae quiver before the first tear made a mad dash fur freedom, efter they’d lounged thegither oan the couch, watching ‘It’s A Wonderful Life,’ the auld black and white Jimmy Stewart tearjerker, that hid been oan the telly the previous Sunday efternoon. He even liked whit he wis looking at, when she wis staunin there glowering at him, haun oan hip, as he slouched back oan the couch, exaggerating his indifference, as she challenged him oan something he’d jist come oot wae, that she obviously didnae agree wae…the last time being when he’d announced that Mr Hopkins wisnae gaun back tae that poliswummin owner ae his. She wis frustratingly straight that way, if she thought he wis in the wrang. The look oan her face when she’d confronted him, efter finding four hundred quid in notes in a drawer through in the spare bedroom, no being convinced when he’d claimed that it been there since Simon hid gied him it the morning he’d come oot ae the hospital, which hid been the truth, hid been a picture and a hauf. The quizzical look, quickly followed by the accusing tone in that voice ae hers, staunin there waving the wad ae notes aboot in the air, demanding tae know why he’d broken the agreement so soon efter he’d promised her that he widnae be getting involved in The Mankys’ crooked ways. Obviously, the fact that the money amounted tae three or four months ae her working twelve hour shifts and wis probably part ae the proceeds ae some robbery, according tae her, hid blown his defence oot ae the water. Other than the straight part ae her nature, it wis difficult no tae love everything aboot her. As well as being beautiful, she wis smart, very passionate, organised and could be swift wae her wan liner retorts…wance she eventually cottoned oan that he wis usually jist noising her up. Oan his part, although he missed her, hauf the time he wis glad when she wis away fae the flat fur longish periods ae time. The dangerous situation wae The McGregors wis always there at the back ae his mind. Efter Seb Grey hid been doused and set alight, a strange calm hid seemed tae settle in the toon. None ae the young McGregor crowd hid appeared tae be venturing oot and aboot in the toon centre. Oan the surface, everything hid appeared normal and everywan hid gone back tae daeing whit they usually did, until a week earlier. Wan ae the senior McGregors, Joe Mercer, hid been spotted getting picked up in a big Beamer ootside Charing Cross Mansio
ns by Pat and Ben, jist before midnight. Efter quickly pulling o’er, they’d clocked Mercer gieing some auld jakey sitting oan the pavement wae his back against the building, whit appeared tae be a tenner, before watching him stagger towards them up Sauchiehall Street.

  “A wan aff maybe?” Baby hid suggested.

  “Nah, that auld jakey basturt wis a spotter, so he wis…bit who wis he spying oan at this time ae the night aboot here that wid be worth a tenner?” Pat hid wondered.

  Then two days later, Simon hid swung roond by tae let him know that Jake and Ben hid nabbed wan ae their young team dealers oan the corner ae Jamaica and Argyle Street the night before. The toon hid still been busy, so only a few digs and kicks hid been dished oot. Two sightings in as many days wis mair than jist a coincidence. Also, they’d found oot that Victor Ruth hid jist been let oot oan bail earlier oan the same day that Pat hid clocked Joe Mercer up at the Charing Cross Mansions, so the sudden reappearances hid tied in. Since then, Jake and Ben hid been ranting like madmen possessed, following Tony’s meeting wae Wan-bob up at the Bar-L. Peter and Snappy’s murder wis still a sensitive issue.

  “So, we’ve tae sit back oan oor arses and watch that murdering cunt swanning aboot like some ticket, hiv we?” Ben hid scowled.

  “That’s whit the man said.”

  “And you agreed, did ye?” Jake hid sneered.

  “Jake, this isnae aboot agreeing or disagreeing, ya numpty, ye. It’s Wan-bob Ah wis talking tae, no Pope fucking Paul the sixth. Let’s wait and see whit Ruth gets up tae meantime.”

  “That fucking liberty taking basturt will no be able tae contain himsel. You mark ma words. He’ll come fur us, so he will,” Jake hid argued.

  “And we’ll deal wae it, if and when he dis. In the meantime, he’s aff limits. That disnae mean tae say they boys ae his ur though.”

  Fae the ootside, anywan who knew the Mankys probably widnae hiv picked up the changes since Peter and Snappy’s murders oan Christmas Eve. Despite whit people might believe, they didnae swan aboot the place, setting aboot people fur nae reason. Dishing oot violence only happened if people stood in their way or if they thought a liberty wis being taken against them. They wur too busy fur shite like that. The common denominator amongst them wis the accumulation ae lots ae money in the shortest possible time, wae the minimum ae effort. It wis a full-time job, twenty-four-seven. If that sounded like a contradiction, it wis because that’s jist how they operated. They never hid a day aff and kept their ain hours and answered tae nowan. There wisnae many people oot there working who could claim that. They paid the bills when they hid tae, bit resisted handing o’er as much as a penny tae anywan they didnae like, like the tax people and Wan-bob Broon. Everywan who worked fur The Mankys wis always mair than financially compensated. The only non-negotiable element tae the employment wis loyalty. Whoever betrayed that wis never allowed back intae the fold, no matter who they wur. The Big Man and people like Wan-bob Broon and Charlie Hastie always inevitably let them doon. The relationship wae that crowd wis a tied business arrangement that wis mair difficult tae break away fae, bit it didnae deter them fae trying tae push the envelope oot whenever an opportunity came up. Everywan knew that, sooner or later, the time wid come when there wid be a permanent parting ae the ways. Despite the bravado, The Mankys wurnae stupid. They knew fine well that a betting man certainly widnae put his money oan them…or at least, Tony knew that. Snappy, Pat, Ben and Jake hid been willing tae dip their toes in the water when Wan-bob and Charlie hid been first lifted by Cleopatra and her skulks and slung up oan remand. So, nae changes there. The real changes wur far mair subtle. Whereas before, they avoided daeing the dirty work fur Wan-bob, at aw costs, noo they wur raring tae go, whether he wis willing tae sanction it or no. Obviously, making a comeback oan behauf ae Peter and Snappy wis important tae them, bit it hid been the other run-ins they wur hivving wae good people that wis the problem. Before, they’d argue the toss wae somewan they thought wis driving a hard bargain. Noo, they wur mair likely tae threaten or even assault them. There hid been a couple ae examples ae that happening since Christmas Eve…and it hidnae jist been a wee slap aboot the chops that they’d been dishing oot either. Seemingly, Baby hid hid tae drag Simon aff Big Foot John McCuskey fae Burmulloch, efter Simon thought he wis oan the receiving end ae a bit ae lip fae him. Big Foot John wisnae anywan’s mug and hid a heavy squad ae boys behind him. That hidnae stoapped Simon breaking his jaw and a couple ae his ribs intae the bargain, efter he kicked him aw o’er the inside ae a tenement closemooth fur his alleged cheek. Also, Ben and two ae his team hid set aboot Manny Howie and that right haun man ae his, Sylvester Black, efter a disagreement o’er the price ae a shipment ae malt whisky he’d been trying tae affload tae Manny. The fact that Manny’s crew wur close associates ae Honest John McCaffrey’s family hid rang alarm bells. He’d mentioned it tae Tony, bit he hidnae seemed too bothered at the time.


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