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Powder And Shot

Page 16

by Dragon Cobolt

  And her second climax rocked through her.

  If Liam hadn’t spent his balls in Fizit a mere few minutes before, he might have had a hard time not filling Tethis with his cum at that. But he closed his eyes and focused only on the movement of hip and leg and knee and body. His muscles burned with the pleasant warmth of a gentle workout, and his cock twitched in time with her heart beat. He could feel it, twitching through her as she lolled, almost limp in his arms.

  Fucked senseless.

  But she still managed to gasp out, between mewls and whimpers and the meaty slap of balls against thighs, one last request. “Cum – ah - on – godsyes – my – nnnnhh! - face.”

  Liam stood. His cock was still buried inside of her, and his hands slipped to her hips, holding her up. She squealed as her breasts were pressed to the desk, her whole body now slanted. Liam pulled her up, then off him – and she gasped as he set her down on the stool he had been sitting in. Liam recognized the blissed out, slack expression of her being truly in orgasmic paradise. There was a part of Tethis’ brain that adored being carried and toted around.

  An advantage of being small.

  Liam grabbed his slick cock.

  Pumped once.

  And fountained. Cum sprayed from his cock tip in thick streams, spurting outwards and splashing against Tethis’ cheek. Her left eye closed instinctively before a spurt of cum splashed her forehead. Another streaked across the bridge of her nose. But the next two landed in her mouth as she opened it wide, her tongue thrusting out. Liam jerked his hips forward, pressing the fat tip of his cock against her tongue. He emptied his balls into her mouth and shuddered as he felt his knees turn to water. He dropped into the seat she had been in and let himself go utterly slack.

  Tethis sat there, cum dripping onto her full, sweat-slicked breasts.

  She opened her mouth and thrust out her tongue, showing Liam the utter mess he had made. In that moment, she looked an entire world apart from the dignified, shy, demure scholar he was used too, the archeologist he had met so long ago. She looked like a well fucked whore.

  And she loved it.

  Her eyes closed and she drew her tongue back into her mouth.

  Her throat worked as she swallowed.

  And then she opened her mouth again, showing off the emptiness within. As if to say: Look! All clean.

  “Jesus Christ...” Liam whispered. And, shocking even himself, he found that he was hard again. Well. Half hard. His cock was trying, desperately, to live up to the display of utter wantonness before him. Tethis reached up, scooping some cum off her face and licking it off her thumb with a quiet muah. Once she popped her thumb from her mouth, she grinned.

  “Want some extra energy?”

  “What for?” Liam asked, laughing. “Do you want round two?”

  Tethis smirked. “As if this is the last room you’re stopping at tonight...”

  Liam blinked.

  Then nodded.

  “Hit me.”


  Liam walked past his room – the door was closed, and no light shone from within. He wanted to go. He wanted to slide into bed and hold Meg to him. But there was something else he needed to do first.

  He walked silently up to Liv’s quarters. Two guards stood beside it, muskets out and armor on. They looked like they had been pulled from the battle ready sections of the Cross Guard. Liam nodded to them and they stepped aside – though both looked as if they had serious misgivings. When he tried the door, he found it opened, not into darkness, but into a pale light. There was no sign of any mage light or torch or candle.

  Liv was still radiating like she was a nuclear reactor.

  For just a second, Liam worried just getting near her was dangerous.

  But what Liv was doing made him step forward and close the door.

  Liv was curled up on herself. Her white hair had grown out during her coma, and it spread around her head. But it couldn’t hide the sound of her wracking sobs. Her shoulders shook as she clutched her shins, her face mashed against her knees. Liam put his hand on her shoulder and felt the surge of energy rush through him. It was similar to touching a god while they were showing off their power. Liv slapped at his wrist.

  “Go away,” she blubbered.

  It was such an un-Liv sound that Liam felt his guts knot.

  “No,” he said, sitting beside her. “Liv, I-”

  “I said go away!” Liv hissed, jerking her head up. Her eyes still glowed – but tracks of blotchy red ran down her cheeks. “I kill everyone, Liam. Everyone.” She turned her head back, pressing her face against her knees again. Liam shook his head. This time, he did not just put his hand on her shoulder. He slid his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap, just as he had with Tethis. She buzzed with energy but despite the strength radiating from her, despite the hard muscles underneath her skin, Liv melted against him. She threw her arms around his shoulder, mashed her face against his chest, and sobbed.

  And sobbed.

  And sobbed.

  And Liam held her and searched desperately for something to say. But an instinct, deep in his belly, said that saying anything wouldn’t work. The grief was too deep, too long repressed. Too bitter. And so, he simply held her and let Liv sob her eyes out against him. Her voice became hoarse and she sprawled against him, limp as a noodle. He kissed her white hair. She sniffled a few times.

  “I like your hair,” Liam whispered.

  Liv snorted, a messy, snotty noise. “Fucking idiot.”

  She drew back, looking up at him. Her eyes slowly stopped glowing – and he could see they were the same hue as they had always been. Her glow faded and soon, they were in the darkness of the room. Utter blackness – at first. But as their eyes adjusted, Liam saw that a sliver of moonlight shone through the open window, painting everything in shadows and dark outlines.

  “I miss him so much,” Liv whispered.

  “I know,” Liam said, caressing her cheeks.

  “B-But...” Liv leaned into his caress. Her face pressed to his palms. “Fizit’s right. He’d have been dead in a blink. I’d have lived my life and he’d be gone in, what? Thirty years?” She shook herself. “And I’d still be here. Forever.” Her eyes closed and her voice dropping to a pained hiss. “What am I, Liam? What am I? My people made slaves and designed them to fall apart, while hoarding immortality. My father raped my mother. What does that make me? A bitch from a house of bitches. A murdering monster, a-”

  “Liv,” Liam stopped her, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. “Liv, Liv, Liv.”

  Liv shook her head, pushing his hands away. “Go away, Liam. I don’t even deserve to be your slave, let alone-”

  Liam leaned forward. His mouth found hers in the darkness. He kissed her. It was not a lustful kiss. It wasn’t even exactly romantic. But it was the fastest, clearest way he could think to show her that there was more to Liv than muscle and murder and hate. All those other parts of her uncoiled in his mind. Her snide sense of humor. Her cynicism. Her ability to change. He remembered a time where she would have accepted everything she had found without blinking. Without thinking. Without a single solitary question, even one as simple as: Do I deserve this?

  He drew back. Her mouth was slightly open in the darkness, glinting with the wetness of contact. Her eyes glittered with tears.

  “Why?” she rasped. “I’m not worth it.”

  “You don’t get to decide that now,” Liam said, taking her hands, squeezing. “Not when you have forever to decide which way. You have eternity, Liv, to be worth it. To be someone worth kissing. Loving.”

  Liv looked into his eyes. “Liam...”

  She leaned forward.

  This kiss wasn’t simply hot. It was like a furnace. Her mouth mashed against his and her teeth almost cut his lips as her hands grabbed the back of his head. Her fingers worked through his hair as her tongue swept into his mouth. She molded her body against him, her breasts tiny accents to her sleek chest. Her nipples were hard, insistent points that ground
against his. Liam kissed her back, letting himself lose himself in her contact. Liv had been so many things to him over the years.






  But right now, the only thing that was left was the need of touch. The urge for two souls to feel something other than fear. Liam broke the kiss, panting. Liv rolled onto her back – her lips had tasted of salt tears. She wiped at her face with one arm – but Liam wasn’t leaning down to kiss her lips again. No. He slid from the bed, his knees pressing onto the carpet that spread across the floor. His hands cupped her thighs in the near pitch blackness, finding their way with touch rather than sight.

  Liv made a quiet, confused noise.

  But then Liam found the lips he desperately wanted to kiss.

  His mouth pressed to her sex and his tongue plunged into her. Liv’s back arched and she gasped. “Yesss!” she hissed. “Oh... oh...” She writhed, one leg kicking spasmodically as Liam’s nose ground against the hard nub of her clit. His tongue coiled up, pressing to her G-spot. He had found it before. But it felt like several lifetimes had passed since he had tasted her.

  Had she always tasted like the finest wine?

  Had her pussy always been so silky smooth?

  Had the soft sounds of her pleasure always been so beautiful?

  Liam drew his tongue back, panting. He could feel his mouth dripping with her arousal as his tongue circled her clit again and again. Then he leaned forward and captured the pearly nub, sucking on her gently, then slightly more forcefully as Liv urged him on by clutching her muscular thighs around his head, drawing him closer. Her fingers worked into his hair, fingernails pressing wantonly to his scalp.

  “Brax!” she wailed.

  Liam closed his eyes…

  And didn’t feel anything but wry amusement. He drew his mouth back, looking up through the darkness at Liv. Her eyes were wide as she looked at him.

  Liam fought to keep his face even.

  Liv whispered. “Oh god, Liam, I am- am...” She paused, watching as his lips quivered. Then as he started to laugh, Liv chuckled, then laughed as well. Her shoulders shook as she sat up, her hands sliding along the bed under her. She laughed and laughed – and moaned as Liam ducked his head back down and went back to sucking on her clitty.

  After a short time, though, Liv was hissing. “N-No more! No more, I... ah!” She gasped as Liam licked her once more. “I... I need you. I need you in me, Liam. Please. God. Please. Please.” She whispered. But Liam was already crawling over her. His cock traced a line of heat along her thigh as he leaned down in the darkness, whispering in her ear.

  “As gratifying as it is, Livianna of Sparta, you don’t need to beg.”

  “Of Babylon,” she whispered, turning her head to look him square in the eyes. Her eyes glittered in the darkness of the room – with tears and with determination. “Livianna of Babylon.”

  Her left leg lifted up. She turned and cocked her knee, so that her toes traced along his back. A big toe, drawing a circle along his spine, like a palm. Had she always been so flexible? Liam smiled down at her. Then he reached between them – guiding his cock into her. She was tight as a virgin – and as sensitive as one, considering the fact she sank her teeth into his shoulder as viciously hard as any girl that Liam had slid into. He yelped – and Liv squirmed under him.

  “F-Forgot how... hung you are,” she whispered.

  “Ow,” Liam whispered back.

  Liv chuckled, then kissed the bite mark as Liam started to thrust into her. Like with Fizit – an odd mirror, he thought incoherently, lost in the pleasure of her silk smooth pussy – he moved gently. Slowly. His balls didn’t pound her ass like a drum. Rather, his body and hers were like two musicians, and their song was growing more and more in time with every movement. Her thighs closed vice-like around his hips, her feet hooking over one another. Her hands caressed his head as she gasped and looked into his eyes.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Liv started to gasp. Her eyes flashed.


  And, in a single moment of nearly blinding light, she flared like a nova. Energies surged along Liam’s body and he felt her pleasure. Not in the tightness of her sex, but as if he had a pussy. He felt the delight she took in his muscular frame, in the way that he was gentle – like Brax. He felt the odd fixation with the firmness and size of his balls. He felt the orgasm that came not from a single place, but rather, washed through her whole body. He felt the tingling excitement of nipples grinding against nipples – similar to his own sensations... but much more intense.

  More shocking.

  And then his own climax shot through him. And Liam gaped as he felt his pleasure reflected backwards at him. It was like feeling it a second time, delayed only by a few moments. It bounced into him, even as her pleasure reflected from him. The pleasure cascaded back and forth, back and forth, until the two of them were lost in a blaze as bright as a star.

  Then it cut out – the two of them splayed on the bed.

  Liam felt utterly spent. His balls actually ached from the amount of cum that he had filled Liv with. She twitched under him, as if she was being sparked or bitten by insects. Her fingers caressed his head as she gasped heavily, her breasts rising and falling with every motion. Liam tried to move his arms but he couldn’t.

  Holy shit, he heard a voice echoing in his head.

  Liv’s voice.

  “Liv?” Liam mumbled.

  “What was that?” Liv whispered.

  Liam slowly managed to wriggle himself to the side. He flopped onto his back, panting heavily. He sprawled next to Liv.

  “I think you...” Liam spoke between gasps. “Have managed. Ah. To. Ah. Do... what was forced on Ares and Dia. Via. Ah. Sheer. Ah. Willpower.” He rolled his head to look at her. “Ares and Dia. Both of them said that they started off as, mm, normal people. Right?”

  Liv nodded.

  “But then they started doing amazing things. And people started to treat them like gods. They started to get worshiped. And those stories changed them. Ares got dumber. Became Zeus’ son, despite having never met the guy before and having actual human parents. Dia became a fucking jackal dude.” He closed his eyes. “You broke away from the story of Livianna of Sparta by just... hating your Dad enough.”

  “It wasn’t even hating him,” Liv mumbled. “It was just not focusing on him.”

  “Hmm?” Liam furrowed his brow.

  “I wasn’t thinking of him cause, um, when I did, I’d get...scared.” Liv gulped. “So, I stopped. I just thought of the cut. Of the sword. Of movement.”

  Liam was silent for a time, considering.

  “However you did it...” He started to sit up – but Liv grabbed him and yanked him back down next to her. Since she was the demigod, Liam remained right where he was. “However you did it, I think you’ve freed yourself. You don’t need to be what the stories say.” He paused. “And that includes powers. That’s how he reads minds! And teleports! Neither of those fucking fit the old purviews of a god of war, but he can just use his powers.”

  Liv mumbled something under her breath. She was cuddling against him. Liam squirmed. “Sorry, Liv, I have a wife to sleep next to.”

  The door opened.


  Liam blinked.

  “Damn straight you do.”

  Meg’s voice was husky. But there was a second form in the darkness. A tail twitched from side to side. Liam blinked – and then heard Mary’s husky voice.

  “I’m away from town for one day, and all this happens?” she asked.

  “Come on, Mary,” Meg said, cheerfully as Liv sleepily sat up and started to glow. Under her pale illumination, Liam could see Mary had dressed in her official uniform sans a few crucial parts. Acres of red flesh gleamed between black leather, which clung to full breasts and swept around swaying hips. Her wimple clung to her face, but her eyes were filled with pure sin. Meg, next to her, was in a kilt and sh
ift, her wings fanning out, catching the light and reflecting it back at Liam.

  Liam felt Tethis’ spell worming through him.

  Getting him hard again.

  The two women advanced.

  “Liv, help,” Liam squeaked.

  “Sure thing,” Liv purred.

  She grabbed his wrists and pinned them behind his back.


  Liam had been in some fairly intense situations in his life. But being held down by Liv while Mary and Meg prowled towards him was definitely took the cake. He had been laid more times today than he had once imagined he could get laid in his life, and yet his cock surged to full hardness as Mary took the front. Her red finger lazily drew a circle around his belly button, her thumb only having to extend slightly to touch the tip of his achingly hard cock. She flicked her thumb up and then lifted her hand daintily to her face as her whimple remained affixed to her face and hair, her robes flaring around her body in the darkness of the room.

  Her tongue took a long, lewd time to slurp up the juices and cum that she had collected from his cocktip.

  “Mmmh,” she sighed, quietly. “You got him nice and ready for us, didn’t you, Liv?”

  The merest touch of her thumb had set Liam’s heart hammering. His nose flared and his head spun as he breathed in Mary’s pheromones. He knew that he had only gone without for about three weeks, but even that short lapse had weakened his resistance to them.

  A lot.

  Meg’s grin was just as wicked. She knelt down on the bed beside Liam, her hand caressing his chest. “So, you and Liv seem to be getting along well.” She nodded, then glanced at Liv. Her voice was slightly guarded.

  Liv’s hands tightened on Liam’s wrists. He was about to speak up when Mary knelt down and nuzzled her nose against his balls. The edges of her outer veil brushed against his thighs and her soft, dark lips caught and sucked on his scrotum. Liam craned his head back to look up at Liv under her curtain of pale white hair, then hissed as Mary started to slowly kiss up his cock, her hand cupping his member against her face. Her nose flared as she breathed in the scent of his cock - the melange of his flavor and Liv’s. Looking past his own dick, he could see Mary’s eyes were unfocused and she was panting like a bitch in absolute heat. Liam shuddered and wondered if her being away from him had had the same impact as him being away from her.


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