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Page 26

by Everly Taylor

  The chartreuse glow came into my field of vision and I fought to breathe. I fought the panic as I tried to get away, but the shackles held me in place as they were intended. Not for the first time, my fear was so great that I blacked out, saving me from the pain that I knew from experience would be unbearable.

  When I woke again, the pain was almost paralyzing. Slowly I looked around and realized I was no longer bound to the chair, instead I was left crumpled against the wall. Meagerly, I sat up and gently moved my hands in an attempt to get the feeling back. I wiped my hand against my face to push the hairs back from my eyes and looked down seeing they were covered in blood. Whatever he had done I knew was bad, but damn he sure went all out this time. My head pounded and I felt like it weighed a ton as I struggled to sit up the rest of the way and dizziness threatened to overtake me.

  The secret door was closed, and my father was nowhere to be found which made me thankful for even the small reprieve. I tried to gather my thoughts through the pain filled haze that had taken over. I needed to figure out how to get out, how to get to Eva. I knew he would be after her, now. There was no question about the hunger I had seen in his eyes at her display of magic. I had to warn her that his plan was actually in motion now. I just didn’t know how or when I would get the opportunity. Now, I kicked myself, I had been so engrossed with my own need for revenge that I ignored the consequences of my own actions. Now more than ever I needed to make it right.

  The grinding of the door had me squinting against the brighter light that silhouetted my father as he came in, his lackey guard following behind holding water and towels. Fear spiked as he drew nearer with that evil look in his eyes. “I see you’ve finally woken up. How are you feeling, son?”

  As if he was concerned about my wellbeing when he caused this pain. “I’m sure you know how I feel,” I muttered.

  “Yes, you’re right. I can see the pain you’re trying to hide. You never were good at hiding it, were you?” He gestured for the lackey to step forward and I flinched, immediately regretting my show of fear. “It seems as though you might have learned your lesson on where your loyalties should lie.”

  “Yes, sir,” I responded as I hung my head, despising myself for being so weak, for not being able to fight against the pain and fear my father had caused me my entire life. I had no choice though, not if I were going to get better and have some sort of way of getting out of this room.

  “Here’s how you can make it up to me and still have a chance of getting out of here,” the smirk on his face was the only indication that he knew he had me right where he wanted me. He looked at me for another moment before he started pacing with his hands clasped behind his back. I wasn’t sure if it were natural or by design to hide his eagerness with whatever plan he had concocted this time.

  “I have learned Miss Bylar has gotten very close to two of the most powerful students within our residence and that is problematic for me, considering the scene they would cause if she were to go missing. I can’t have that kind of panic and attention. No, that wouldn’t do at all.”

  “So, what does that have to do with me?” I hissed at the sting as the lackey wiped the blood off my face roughly hitting the open cut and not caring how much it hurt. My father stopped in front of me, his heels clicking together as he crouched down to look at me.

  “I need you to get close to her. Get her to trust you. Even fall in love with you,” he declared as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

  “She already has two men, father. She doesn’t need, nor want me. I am nothing more than a friend to her. Not to mention, I’m not exactly friends with her boyfriends and I would have to get them to accept me as well,” I explained, hoping this would throw him off from learning the truth.

  I was man enough to admit that Blade and Calex were more powerful than myself and I would never win against one of them, let alone the two of them together. I had no problem admitting that to my father, he already considered me weak. I also knew they both would not let anyone near her they didn’t deem worthy. By some small miracle I had been deemed worthy by all of them, and I was not going to fuck up that small gift the universe gave me.

  “Three,” he corrected. When I looked at him questioningly, fighting back the panic that he had learned the true relationship I had just started with Eva. If he knew the truth, it would have made him even more gung ho for her, considering anything that brought me happiness he had to take away. His way of ‘reforming’ me.

  He rolled his eyes and I held in the laughter of how childish he looked. Emotion was not something I was used to seeing from him. It was almost reassuring that he still had part of him that was at least a tiny bit emotional.

  “She and a certain professor have gotten very close. They try to hide it, but I have my ways of knowing everything.” He punctuated the last word and it sent a wave of fear down my spine. I knew he was talking about Sebastian. He was right, they were more than close, bonded even. But it would appear he didn’t know that last part, and didn’t need to.

  “Ok, and I’m still just a fourth person that really has no chance. She’s already friend-zoned me.” I needed to convince him that what he was asking of me was impossible, that way he was more likely to confide in me and assign me whatever dark task he had in mind. Sure, I still wanted to get out of this place, at almost any cost. I was just no longer willing to risk her to get what I wanted.

  My father raised his voice, “You will figure it out, Jaxon. If you can get her sister and the harpy to satisfy you within the first hour of her arrival, you should have no problem wooing Miss Bylar. At least with her you already have time with her that can be used to your advantage. Even though you are a disappointment in every other way, you did at least get my ability to be charming.”

  I laughed inwardly, it looked like my short time alone with the bitches had been misconstrued, and I was not going to be the one to correct him. It was heartening to know that my father's lackeys didn't always get it right. I studied him for a moment, I knew I couldn’t appear eager or he would find me out. “How long do I have?” I questioned, dreading his response.

  “I need her by the full moon. You have one week to make this happen. To lead her to me without alerting the others. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done. The guards will look the other way on anything you need to get to her. You are now able to pass into any level of rooms you need to make this happen,” he stated, leaving no room for argument.

  I had no choice and he knew it. The small amount of torture I endured today was nothing compared to what he would unleash if I failed. When he said I would never get out if I didn’t do this, I knew he meant I would die here. His thirst for power was so great that he wouldn’t hesitate to end his own son’s life to get it, not that he cared about me as his child in the first place.

  I had called his guard his lackey, but he was no different than me, doing my father’s bidding, a simple means to an end. One that ensured he could remain the exalted Headmaster Jack Frost. In the eyes of the public he was kind and compassionate, taking great care of the students as he understood the problems people faced with those needing reform. Behind closed doors though, he tortured them and blamed their deaths on fights among students, while very few knew the truth.

  The blood was cleaned off my face and I wondered how bad it looked. I didn’t need the other students giving me shit about the marks to top everything off. The rest of the injuries could be covered with my clothing until they healed fully in a day or two. It was hard to say with whatever tools he had used on me, but I knew whatever he had done would leave lasting marks. They always did.

  He led me to his office, speaking over his shoulder. “You have a new uniform in the bathroom. Get dressed and get back out there. I expect you to keep up with your private lessons with Eva, and still attend classes to keep up appearances. Use whatever connection you have with Sebastian. I can’t figure that druid out, but I won’t hesitate to use him too.”

  “And how do I explain th
is away?” I asked, motioning to my face as I caught myself in the mirror. A large cut slashed across my forehead, going all the way to my ear and on the other side of my face a large bruise had formed around my eye. I chose to ignore his statement about Sebastian. There was no use in acknowledging he knew I was once close to the professor. In fact, he only echoed my thoughts from earlier that he would do whatever it took to reach his end game.

  He stood in the bathroom doorway and glowered at me, “Are you that much of an idiot that I have to do all the thinking for you? You got caught in her little show out there, after all you were standing right next to her, like a lovesick little puppy.” I recoiled at his anger as his next words worried me even more. “I’m not certain you are the right person to do this anymore. Maybe I should get someone else, someone who is better suited for the task at hand. One who doesn’t have feelings involved.”

  “You don’t have to worry about feelings. She struck any of that away the moment she fucked that cat,” I spat out. It was easy to pretend that part as I had actually felt like that not that long ago. “I’m definitely the best person as I have already started a friendship with her. Don’t you think she will be hesitant to give her trust to anyone after this?”

  He narrowed his eyes as he considered me, “I won’t fail, father. My freedom means more to me than anything. I’m just still feeling a bit out of sorts from our session, but I’ll be fine after I freshen up and get some food.” I assured him as it took everything in me to control my emotions and not lash out. I needed to be the one to do this.

  He nodded sharply and left me to finish dressing and making sure my appearance was as clean as could be considering my injuries. I took a deep breath before I walked out of the adjoining bathroom to face him, hoping that I would meet his standards and he wouldn’t assign this task to someone else. I was the only person that could make sure Eva didn’t get killed while I kept up the appearances of working for my father.

  He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands in front of his face, studying me. “Get your harpy and her new girlfriend under control. I don’t want another display like there was today. I don’t care if you must keep seeing them to do it, just don’t let Miss Bylar find out. You need to use everything at your disposal to pull this off. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, headmaster,” I nodded briskly, ignoring the fact that he had already told me that he would take care of Carmen and ensure she wasn’t in my way. I didn’t want to push his anger any further than I already had and risk this all going downhill though, so I let it go. I was glad my posture came second nature to me and I didn’t slouch in front of him, even given the pain that still coursed through me. “I am Jaxon Frost, wrapping a few females around my finger will be no problem at all.”

  I saw a faint glimmer of what I swore was approval before he barked out. “Then get on with it. Just remember I know everything that happens in this school and if I see you are failing, I will not hesitate to get rid of you.” His final words to me were a promise, not a threat. I walked from his office knowing I was now tasked with the impossible. It was time to figure out how to get us all away from his reach and attempt a prison escape, not for the first time.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep as the cafeteria incident played through my mind over and over and my worry for Eva kept me from being able to relax. Her show of power hadn’t concerned me, I had sensed as much from her. What had me worried was the warden’s hungry reaction to her display.

  I didn’t like the way Frost looked at Eva. It gave me a bad feeling and I knew something was up, but I wasn’t able to do anything rash, not if I were to protect her. My stomach had clenched when he looked at me and said, “Looks like her parents didn’t lie. How did you miss this, Professor?”

  “She didn’t show anything during our sessions. This is the first time I’ve seen even an inkling of her power, I am just as shocked as you,” I lied to him. “I think we will have to explore this more and find out what she is capable of.”

  For a moment, I thought he would deny my request and send her to solitary. Even more so when his icy glare narrowed on me, “See that you do. And don’t let this happen again. If it does, I will have no choice but to put her in the caves. For the safety of the students, of course.” The way he emphasized the end of his statement had sent fear racing down my spine. Whatever his intent behind his words were, it was not good.

  “Yes, Headmaster,” I agreed with a slight bow. I hated that I had no choice but to play his game, even more so now that I knew something was up with him. My instincts had never failed me before and I was certain I wasn’t wrong this time either. I would have to get Eva to control herself better when she came in contact with the one person that seemed to set her off, her sister.

  It was clear someone was trying to get to her and I couldn’t figure out why. Thoughts raced through my mind about why and I kept coming up empty, or picturing that dark, hungry gleam in Jack’s eye when he looked at her. Pixie Dust didn’t seem to be his style though, so I was sure it had to be her sister behind it. Thankfully the guard had been the one to ingest the lethal amount. I didn’t know what I would have done if it had been her instead, I only knew I wasn’t going to put her in a position to find out.

  I felt her before I saw her, our bond thrummed with a mixture of excitement and fear. I loved that she felt the same way I did, the need to be near her so great, even if I couldn't touch her.

  Jaxon strolled in first with his head down and his hands in his pockets. He sauntered over to my desk and dropped a note. His blond hair covered most of his face, but I saw the edge of a bruise coloring his cheek, along with a cut that looked pretty fresh. I knew it hadn’t been there yesterday when he was with Eva.

  I opened my mouth to question, but he gave a slight shake of his head, barely visible, and pointedly looked at the note. I opened it and read.

  He knows. We can’t talk here.

  Those simple words shook me, and I was thankful I had a moment to collect myself before Eva came bouncing in the door. I schooled my voice to appear to be the professor I needed to be rather than the excited lover waiting for her to arrive, “Clearly, after your display yesterday, it seems you’ve been hiding things from us. You could have easily injured someone, or worse and so we must take precautions to make sure that doesn’t happen again. We will go to another location today to work on your control, and avoid any incidents.” My voice came out a bit rougher than I intended, but hopefully any listening ears would take it for sternness rather than the need I felt coursing through me.

  She looked at me as confusion flashed through her eyes and I sent a wave of comfort through our bond. I didn’t want to worry her, but I couldn’t take any risks. Looking to Jaxon, she gasped as she took in his face. “Okay,” she responded simply, seeming to understand something was very wrong.

  The only noise going up the long flight of stairs were the heavy breaths that came from Jaxon and Eva, each one of us lost in our own thoughts. I tried not to think too much on it, as I knew my mind would go in every direction. Instead I breathed steadily as I opened the door and Jaxon paused, his eyes downcast as I imagined he remembered the only time he was here.

  We all passed through and I closed the door, making sure we had no followers before we moved and settled on the benches, “What’s going on, Jaxon?”

  “I told you about my father's hunger for power, and my concern that he was interested in Eva for hers. Well he confirmed it yesterday and has begun to make actual plans for her. To take her power. I don’t know exactly how he does it, only that I’ve seen the aftermath, and it’s not good. He told me to get close to her, get her away from all of you, and lead her to him by the next full moon, somehow not raising suspicion.” Sadness filled his voice as he looked at us in shame.

  Eva wrapped her arms around him to comfort him as he continued to speak, “He knows about you and Eva. Not your bond, but that you are lovers and he wants to use that to g
et to Eva. Hell, if he knew you weren’t just a druid, he would do the same to you that he is planning on doing to Eva. He made it very clear that if he even thinks that I’m not doing my assignment, he will kill me.”

  Eva let out a small gasp, her innate goodness still shining through. “What did he do to you Jax?” she asked as she pushed his curls from his face, exposing the large cut that marred the side of his face and the bruise that wrapped around his eye.

  “It doesn't matter,’ he sighed, sounding resigned as he gently lowered her hand from his face. “What matters now is to get you out of here. His thirst for power is insatiable and he will stop at nothing until he has her power, and yours too Sebastian, if he can figure it out.”

  Eva looked at me curiously, “What are you?” she breathed out. I knew she, like everyone else, took my power at face value. I looked like the druids, and even my power was that of the druids. Sure, I yielded a lot more than the average person, but it was just considered a great skill, not an anomaly.

  It was time to tell her what I really was, not only because it could be used against her, but as my bonded mate, she deserved to know. “I’m not a full druid. My father was a druid and my mother is a powerful sorceress and alchemist, Yzma. I’m sure you’ve heard the stories of her and my brother. Most stories say my brother was the king, but that’s not true. He was a llama shifter, which for my mother was the worst sort of disappointment, not only did he not have power like she did, but he was a shifter of the worst kind in her eyes. So, she stole the crown from him. In the end, it was her quest for power that killed him.

  Inheriting magic from both my mother and father was just the nail in the coffin. He felt like he would never live up to it and searched for an escape from the shame she made him feel. ” It hurt to say it out loud, the only reason I had kept my true heritage from Eva for so long.


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