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Page 86

by L. A. Weatherly

Page 86

  Still stroking his arm, I nodded. “I’m sure. Very sure, in fact. ” After these last two days, the thought of just being together — loving each other, spending time together — was like sunshine after rain. Even knowing what lay ahead, with new angels in the world and Alex one of the few people who could fight them.

  A chill touched me as I again saw the shining stream of angels, their wings burning with the sunset as they flew through the cathedral. “Do you think they’ll realize where we’ve gone?”

  Alex knew exactly who I meant, even though I hadn’t said the word. He grimaced. “Once I get some AKs together and we start hunting them? Yeah, they’ll figure it out. We’ll stay as protected as we can, but . . . ” He stopped.

  Our eyes met. Neither of us spoke. I knew that Alex felt exactly the same way as me; I could sense it without even trying. No matter how dangerous the future might be, or how much we simply wanted to live our lives together, not fighting the angels wasn’t an option.

  It just wasn’t.

  I cleared my throat and sat up. “So what will I be doing, while you’re finding new AKs?”

  His dark eyebrows rose in surprise. “Helping me, I hope. Willow, I really need you — you get feelings about things; you can tell just by touching someone what they’re like. ” He grinned suddenly. “Plus you get to be the one to fix the bike if it breaks down. ”

  I laughed. “Psychic consultant slash mechanic . . . yeah, OK, I accept. ” My smile faded as I looked down at the bedspread. “I just wish I could go home and say good-bye to Mom somehow. I mean — not that she’d realize, probably, but . . . ”

  Alex squeezed my hand. “I’d take you there in a second, if it was safe,” he said softly.

  “I know. ” I sighed and shook the thought away. Mom was all right; that was the main thing. And at least I’d be doing something to fight the beings that had hurt her. “Hey, you can teach me how to speak Spanish,” I said after a pause.

  He kissed my nose. “What do you want to learn how to say?”

  “How about . . . ” I gazed at Alex, taking in his dark hair, the firm lines of his face, and remembered the first time I’d ever seen him — the way his blue-gray eyes had caught and held me so that I was barely able to look away.

  I could barely look away now.

  Swallowing hard, I touched his lips with my finger, tracing their outline. “How about, ‘You make me so happy, and — and all I want is to be with you for the rest of my life’?”

  The look in Alex’s eyes was so warm that I felt myself falling. “I’ve already taught you that one, remember?” he said. Leaning his head down, he kissed me, his lips lingering on mine. “Te amo, Willow. ”

  And somewhere inside of me, I knew that my angel was smiling.


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