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LAND of the FREE (A Dystopian Society in a Post-Apocalyptic America) (Mystical Slayers Book 1)

Page 14

by Michael W. Huard

  Raegan tried to get a restful night's sleep every once in a while. Tonight was not to be one of them, and she struggled to sleep at all. Lomax rubbed her back and sang to her, but still she could not sleep. She had dozed off for an hour or so, and then Johan woke her. "Mommy, I thought I heard something," he said, shaking her up. She tried to comfort him and cuddled her boy until he went back to bed. She then tossed and turned, and even though she finally fell asleep, her mind was not at rest.

  Something very large, gigantic, had crashed into an island. The entire sea was thrown into a fit of chaos. She had waited for a prophet to come as they usually did. Yet no one came. She could just hear screams of pain and sadness. Strange people appeared, walking about as if they were dead, but they were alive. Her sisters were there too, but she could not tell which ones. Their faces were a blur, but she knew someone was hurt, a sister was in peril. A teller of tales came to her into her vision, an omen of history. It had formed from the water itself. At first as a tidal wave, then flowing back to the ocean, leaving a man-shaped figure in its wake. He was transparent, but with enough presence to be recognized as someone or something.

  "Young warrior, it is you I have been seeking," the sea person said. Raegan readied herself to fight, searching helplessly for her gun or sword. She was standing naked at the ocean's edge. But this harbinger was not here to battle, only to share his story. "There is a great price we pay to make a difference in the world," the water elemental said in a calm voice, giving the young Mystical Slayer a more soothing position now, rather than a fighting spirit.

  "Today you will see this and many more times again in the future. But you can and will change the world. Long ago, the land filled with so many different races and religions that the confusion and chaos let go of so many Gods and Goddesses, and your United America became lost in it all. The aspect of such Gods became all but folklore in the centuries thereafter." He then held out a globe-shaped water orb which began to show scenes of the crazy religious wars, and people killing other people over their supreme being's demands. "You see? Too much is overwhelming for human beings." Raegan's head pounded and she tried making sense of it all. She tried to wake up from the dream she knew she was having, but she just could not wake herself up.

  She needed answers. "How do I and my sisters change this? What can we do?" she asked. The water avatar reshaped the globe vision and made it into the image of Earth. A garden appeared, and a man and woman were standing in the middle of it. "You must simplify the world again. There is only one God!" Raegan was getting the answers she so badly needed and was about to ask more, much more, but suddenly she was hit in the head by something. She struggled to wake up, but she also struggled to stay asleep. After fighting with her conscious and unconscious mind, she opened her eyes and was back in bed. Lomax was touching her gently, he was saying something. He had accidentally banged into her and was sorry to have woken her. She tried to go back into her vision, but it was too late, she was now wide awake. The answers she was so very close to receiving were gone.

  The insect virus had slowed the women down. It had slowed the entire population down. People were downright petrified. Earth had been hit with everything under the sun, mostly those caused by humans themselves. Most felt the planet was safe enough to live as normal again. The thought of a simple insect wiping out thousands of people was a bit sickening. So when it had all ended, the women knew it was time to work harder than ever before.

  They gathered together for a meeting to discuss the best way forwards.

  Zaey was across the hall wearing a long-sleeved black shirt and a red wrap around skirt. She was teaching Envy about the finer details of her samurai sword. Envy was not easy to teach and was a wild card when it came to combat, although she did look slightly better and was recovering well from her injuries. Both women worked on the concept of distancing, and the crucial aspect of keeping the back foot on the ball of the foot when preparing to attack. Envy, not one to ever wear many clothes, was practicing in her underwear.

  The others were slowly entering the room for today's meeting, so the training would have to come to a halt.

  Chaya surprised her sisters when she arrived with red highlights in her hair and a much shorter style than normal. Jansa looked like she had just gotten out of bed, but that never really made a difference with the doctor. She still looked lovely, her blond curls tumbling down around her goddess-like face, with the complexion of an angel even without any makeup. She was still wearing her baby blue pajamas, and she was still a doll in every way.

  Raegan came into the hall where the girls were sword sparring and had picked up a sword herself. She had just had a shower, so her hair was wet still. She joined the sword play and immediately disarmed Envy. Spinning a steel oriental katana about, she then placed it on the table and called for everyone to focus and pay attention. "Everyone, come to the meeting area, gather around," she called to all the women in the hall.

  Sinaye, the robotics whiz kid, walked in wearing one of her self-converted corset tops. Mahira came over to stand next to Sinaye. "Cover those gigantic . . . " she paused, "those big . . . boobs," she said, teasing her friend. "It’s too early in the morning to be looking at those," she added.

  Sinaye gave her a look, "Bully," she laughed.

  The sisters were all gathered for the meeting. Others were in safe places away from the Green Bug and would not be attending the meeting today.

  "I don't believe anyone else will be joining us today," spoke Raegan. "I have taken the liberty to have a special breakfast made for you all," she added. "I think you will enjoy it very much!"

  The women watched as several of the Boston Underground citizens brought in plates of delicious food. Men and women served up French toast, crepes, eggs, fruit, rye toast, bacon, tea, coffee, and various other dishes for a once-in-a-lifetime morning feast.

  Jansa was shocked. "Wow, this is pretty awesome. I don't know what to say," she muttered. "Why all the yummy food today?"

  Chaya placed her hand on the young doctor's shoulder. "We all know how much you love breakfast," she jokingly spoke out to the room. "It's a real feast for a hungry bugger like you, doc." The girls all laughed. Jansa tried to deny she loved breakfast, but the others would hear nothing of it.

  "Seriously though," Sinaye asked, "what's all this for?"

  Raegan walked about grabbing plates and passing them to each of her friends. Envy looked at Zaey. "Something big is coming," she smirked.

  "It all looks scrumptious," blurted out Mahira. She went on to take her plate and filled it with a variety of delicious food from the table in front of her.

  All the women filled their dishes and cups. They sat together and ate, drank, laughed, and talked. They all wondered why Raegan had gone to all this trouble.

  When the food was mostly gone and the ladies were sipping slowly at their tea, juice or coffee, Raegan stood up. Zaey whispered to Jansa, "Here we go, get ready!"

  Mahira leaned in to Chaya and mumbled, "I hope there's a big fight."

  Chaya frowned at her. "You never stop, do you?" Mahira nodded and smiled widely.

  Raegan cleared her throat. "Well, that was quite a meal," she began, "I know all of you are wondering . . . oh, I . . . it's just . . . " she paused anxiously. "Let's just leave it at that. It was a great morning breakfast. You guys are all free to go," she smiled. No one moved an inch.

  There was a pause in the room and each Mystical Slayer looked at one another. Raegan lifted her hands up to usher them out. "Okay, you can go now. Don't you all have things to do? Workouts, cleaning, helping someone in the underground? Go! Get your butts in gear!" she persisted. Still no one got up.

  The blond-haired woman with the lip ring stood twiddling her fingers in a motion for the room to empty. Each sister sat in silence, still waiting.

  "You guys are too funny," she spoke again. "Alright, would it be too much if I was to just say this? Every day that I see you all, work with you, pray with you; I carr
y hope. I'm overwhelmed with pride and love for you all every single day." All of the sisters felt a sense of love from her words. But they still knew something bad or difficult was yet to come.

  "You women are simply amazing," Raegan continued, "You are the best, and I love and admire you. You each have the strongest of hearts, you are courageous, and I could not ask for better friends or individuals to try to make this world a better place with."

  Mahira could take no more. She jumped up on the table and yelled out, "Alright, who we got to kill?" The whole room started laughing and the tension was broken.

  The pint-sized gladiator leapt down and talk erupted around the room. What was the plan? Who would be going? Is the bug virus truly over? Words were muttered and conversations chattered on. Once the women had settled back down, Raegan continued.

  "All of you will be going. Each and every one of you in this room will take the trip." All the women knew immediately that this was a rarity. It was also dangerous to have everyone go together on one mission. Chaya was first to voice their concern. "Not so sure this is a good idea, Raegan. Having us all together on one mission?"

  The others seemed to agree, but the leader held her ground. "Nothing has been going on for quite some time now, no one is doing a whole lot. We have been cooped up for long enough. Pack your shit, ladies, we're going on vacation."

  The entire room, including the helpers who lived in the underground, stopped in their tracks. The Q-Jin, everyone knew, never went on vacation.

  Sinaye spoke up, "You can't be serious? I have never taken a vacation in my life!"

  Jansa added, "You have to be joking? I have a ton to do now this sickness bug has finally ended, there's no time for vacation."

  Zaey followed, "Yeah, me too, I'm really backed up."

  Chaya also pitched in, "We don't do vacations!"

  Mahira looked more perplexed than the others. "I thought we were going to kick some tail at Y-Wood once and for all? This sitting around crap is no fun." She then raised her arms in the air, "But, I’m up for anything!" Envy seemed to agree with Mahira, but stern looks from Chaya and Sinaye made her keep quiet.

  Raegan listened to all the complaining, the bickering, the talk of "we don't have time for this" for several minutes.

  She'd had enough. "Listen, all of you. Everything you all have mentioned will have its time. Saving the world is tough work, yes, I know. We can start that again a week from now." She smiled, looking at each sister. "We're going on vacation. The seven of us are leaving tomorrow. We're going northeast; we are taking a trip to the wild land of Maine."

  Envy finally spoke out, "Hell yeah, we are . . . woohoooooooo!"

  Chapter 14

  Back at Y-Wood headquarters, President Marcou paced about his office. The Corporation head ran his hand through his three-times transplanted hair. He had easily accomplished far more than any other human being in the entire world. Yet, he was not satisfied, not one bit.

  On his massive wall television screen he watched a Corporation update, R-Bel News Commercial Interruption Broadcast: Bringing action as it happens. At Y-Wood Corporation, we offer the latest in companionship with our true to life, soft as human sexual bots. These companions will be drone delivered right to your door step for privacy, and will offer you a lifetime of comfort and friendship. Order yours today from Y-Wood, your leader in manufacturing a better tomorrow. He laughed to himself. He was getting sick of these bots and knew where his thoughts were drifting, but other matters of consideration were at hand right now.

  The attack on the sisters' New York location had been a success. Before any further action could have been taken, the crappy-ass Green Bug virus had all but stopped everyone in their tracks for months. "They have another location, we know that now, and I want it destroyed, razed to the ground," he demanded to Resin Cador. His newest top assistant was now sitting in a high back chair at the far end of a red mahogany table.

  Resin was a fairly rugged man. Lately, he liked to wear his sleeves rolled up to show off his tattoos and muscles. The assistant nodded to the president in agreement. Resin's shaven head was glowing, and it was irritating the CEO across from him Resin liked his new position, and though the Green Bug virus had affected many and had certainly caused a lot of harm, even within the Corporation, President Marcou's top assistant felt no remorse. "Sir, with the virus now under control, just give the word and it shall become my top priority," he smirked.

  President Marcou jumped up and went to a drawer, pulling out a towel. "Here, wipe your damn sweaty head off will you?" Resin did as he was asked. He was a bit nervous, but he was where he was meant to be since Hale’s unfortunate accident.

  President Marcou paused for a second and contemplated. "We can't do that just yet. There's someone I don't want to see perish in any such attack." The president of Y-Wood took his seat at the other end of the table. He scratched his jaw and became lost in thought. Resin wondered out loud, "What is it? Who is it? How can I be of help?"

  The president tilted his chin back and took a loud deep breath. "I have accomplished everything possible as leader of this freaking world," he spoke. He shook his head, still thinking.

  Resin wondered what was on his boss' mind. "What is it you want to do? I mean, look at all you have facilitated. You, sir, are the miracle Earth always needed."

  President Marcou chuckled. "I have done a few things in my time." He pulled out a binder and began reciting:

  "I initiated Nano produced foods with perfect nutritional values, and with the perfect taste and texture of anything edible from the past. People eat better and live longer because of me. I reinvented Nano engineering, DNA, bioengineering, robotics, neural implants, and I blew the doors off of self-replication."

  Resin knew that something was still bothering the Corporation’s top dog. He pondered what it might be. The assistant had to keep pushing. "Are you still concerned over the old bible states? Is Mars giving you an issue? What is it, sir?"

  President Marcou removed his small, round glasses, and shook his head in response to all these questions. "It’s not really any of those crappy things." Both men turned as someone else entered the meeting room.

  A fembot dressed in a skin-tight, liquid silver dress entered the office with a tray of wine. She was a striking redhead with eyes of hazel-green. Her voice was soft and sweet. She strode right up to the world leader and offered a beverage. "Good evening, President Marcou. Some wine to soothe your soul?" Bending over, she placed the goblets before Y-Wood's number one. Her breasts were ample, her hips tight, her ass round, and her legs perfectly shaped. All manufactured by Marcou himself. She left the office with her strong legs supported by five inch, clear stiletto high heels.

  The CEO pointed to her as she left. "Did I forget to mention perfection?" added the President, "You can't even tell she's not human, can you?"

  The assistant smiled. "Not really, though I prefer blonds, myself," he lied. The two men both laughed together.

  The boss knew that these bots even fuck and suck cock better than most human females. With the exception of one particular human female which came to his mind. Before either man could say anymore, a knock on the office door had them both looking to see who was behind it.

  It was Chancellor Tessa, the secretary of Y-Wood. She walked in and nodded to the men. "Gentlemen, we now have the drug to kill the virus. It has worked, and may I say I am very pleased? Shall we roll it out to the public this week, or wait a little longer?" Before Marcou could answer, she continued. "People are saying it’s killing itself off, even without the use of a drug. We should move with this quickly so as to take the credit for the cure."

  President Marcou rubbed his long, slender hands together. He had no wedding ring and never would. His appetite for something better, fitter, and younger overwhelmed him. Besides, marriage was obsolete in most every corner of the new world.

  The assistant looked over the chancellor. She was somewhat older, but still attractive. Nothing speci
al. Her clothing and enhancements made the woman seem overly high-standard, but she still held power with her high ranking title, wealth, and position. Everyone also knew she was into women. Both men simultaneously recalled the chancellor having bedded the serving girl at the last big Corporation meeting and grand ball. The men's eyes met knowingly and both looked away. She looked at them, still awaiting their replies.

  That was it! It hit President Marcou like the fast, silver bullet train he too had created. It was that very meeting, that very young girl! Her name was Zaey.

  "Tessa," he said, "make it public, announce the cure and make it known that we, here at our foundation, worked endlessly to find a remedy to serve the people." There was money to be made. Chancellor Tessa agreed, bowed thankfully, and left the room.

  Her job was cruel. She needed relief. As she passed a bot cleaning the halls of the top floor, she thought of engaging with a virtual lover tonight. She skipped a beat and hurriedly got to her office to finish her work. She had to plan for an evening of fun.

  "It's that lawyer, it just hit me," spoke the boss. "The petite smarty pants with the tight little ass, brownish-red hair, and the down under accent. I can't get her out of my mind."

  Resin raised an eyebrow at his boss. "Ummmm, okay," he replied.

  There was a lingering silence in the room. "Well, how should I get her?" the President blurted out. "What do you suggest? Are you not supposed to be my new fucking genius assistant? The robotics genius, class mastermind of your graduation? I got to get this urge taken care of . . . now!"

  How nice it was for the president to be able to get and have whatever he wanted. He was, after all, the president of the biggest, richest, and most powerful entity in the universe. Resin was beginning to like his new job even more, his position, the potential of moving up the ranks and gaining himself a similar privilege one day.

  President Marcou suddenly felt amazing! He was lost as to exactly where he had first seen this girl, this lawyer. Now it was all starting to clear up. Resin could see his boss' happiness.


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