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Bloodwood Academy Shifter: Semester Two (Bloodwood Year One Book 2)

Page 14

by Rae Foxx

  I walked over there, Howl’s legs shaking as I tapped my fingers against the head of his cock, against the tiny drop of cum there, that I licked off my finger.

  “You don’t touch me, wolf,” I said, looking right into his eyes as I flicked away the hand that had been lifting to my nipples. “You don’t move. You do either and there will be punishments. Do you understand?”

  He nodded, my alpha wolf forcing him into submission. I could see the shock in his eyes, see the trepidation on what was about to happen. He wasn’t fooling me. His cock was bulging with want, his breath coming in short desperate pants.

  He wanted this.

  He wanted me.

  “Good,” I said, moving my legs to either side of where he sat, pressing my groin toward him, letting him smell me. He moaned and his tongue darted toward me. I immediately moved back.

  “Nuh-uh,” I whispered, running my finger over my slit, over my wet folds before running it down the side of his face, leaving my smell there. “You guys have tormented me long enough. Now, it’s my turn.”

  Howl moaned and threw his head back, his shallow breaths coming faster now as he tried not to buck his hips toward me.

  “This isn’t fair,” he moaned, but I laughed, lowering until I felt the warmth of his cock against my opening, pressing into me. Howl moaned, Saxon groaned, and I froze, Howl’s cock embedded in my pussy less than an inch as I shot Saxon a warning look.

  “Do you like that?” I asked him, his smile stretching as he writhed his hands together, clearly struggling with his own command not to touch himself.

  “Very much,” Saxon moaned, his hands darting toward his twitching staff only to retreat when I gave him a look.

  “Good,” I whispered, pulling myself off of Howl, rocking my hips as I rubbed Howl’s dick against my pussy. “Because I want you to watch. Are you watching Saxon?”

  I only got a moan in response as I lowered myself again, Howl one step closer to hyperventilating as I flexed and tightened myself around him.

  “Are you watching me fuck him?” I asked Saxon, the poor guy shaking with restraint as he licked his lips, his eyes focused on my lower lips as they gripped the massive cock that was impaling me.

  “Fuck him faster, my rose,” Saxon begged, shuffling his knees as if that would give him relief.

  “Like this?” I said, giving one quick thrust that sent Howl into a pant before I slowed down, letting my pussy slip against him before pulling out all the way. Howl gave a tiny sob.

  I almost joined him. There was something in this that I was enjoying much more than I thought, so much that I was having trouble controlling myself and not dissolving to goo, ready to be fucked and filled by the guys. I had almost come a second ago, which is why my next move was doomed to end all of my fun.

  Didn’t matter.

  I wanted it, so I was going to get it.

  “Crawl to me, Saxon,” I whispered, still rubbing Howl’s cock against my wetness, swinging my ass forward and back as I felt him along every inch of me.

  Saxon didn’t need to be told twice, he crawled over like a good little pet, his eyes still focused on the apex of my thighs, on Howl’s staff as I teased him.

  “What would you have me do, my rose?” he asked, the perfect submissive. It almost did me in.

  “I want you to lick me,” I said simply, even though everything inside of me was buzzing with heated arousal. I was actually amazed I hadn’t exploded yet.

  “Yes, anything,” Saxon said, leaning in, his hands running up Howl’s thighs to give himself leverage. I moved down, Howl’s dick sliding into me as I dodged Saxon.

  “Fuuuck,” Howl moaned, reaching for my hips to slam me down further before he thought better of it.

  “Good boy,” I whispered kissing Howl on the nose before I lifted myself again, sliding him in and out of me.

  “I want you to eat my ass, Saxon,” I clarified, rocking back to give him access, the vampire moaning in desire I hadn’t expected, his face burrowed between my cheeks, his tongue darting out to flick against the tight little hole a second later.

  “Christ,” I moaned, pushing myself against Saxon’s hungry mouth, then down against Howl’s cock. My wolf moved into me, my vampire lapped at me, and I controlled it all, getting exactly what I wanted. Passion swelled and I was sure I was one second away from coming.

  I froze, Howl’s pulse vibrating inside of me. He was close to coming, I gave him a warning look.

  “Saxon,” I said, and the vampire paused. I paused. I looked right at the panting desperate Howl, watching his reaction. I would cancel the request if he didn’t want it, but with the way his fingers had intertwined with Saxon’s I had a feeling it would be alright.

  “Lick Howl’s cock,” I whispered, watching Howl’s eyes widen in surprise. “Taste me as I ride him.”

  Everything froze, Howl’s erection twitched inside of me, Saxon’s tongue traveled down from my ass to where Howl and I were connected, as though he was waiting for Howl’s okay, as well.

  Howl’s wolf beamed from his eyes, the glow frantic as he licked his lips and nodded right as Saxon’s mouth cupped my sex, his tongue moving between me and Howl’s cock as it plunged into me. As I rode him.

  Saxon moaned in pleasure as the two held hands, Howl gasping as I fucked him, as Saxon tasted him, as his eyes rolled back in his head.

  “Come for me,” I whispered to him, kissing him down his jaw that still smelled like me. “Fill me.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. He moaned, swelling inside of me. I was sure my hips were spreading with the bulge of him. I moaned, forcing words past the orgasm that was pushing its way through me.

  “Saxon,” I gasped as I pumped myself against Howl too fast for him to keep up. “Cum on my breasts.”

  He stood and I immediately stroked him as I came, as Howl came, as Saxon sprayed us both.

  “Oh, my rose,” Saxon whined as the last of his cum spread over my breasts, Howl kissing me as it hit against his cheek. “I know what I need to buy you.”

  “Hmm?” I asked, licking the cum from Howl’s cheek, his tongue following mine into my mouth as he kissed me. As he tasted everything. We moaned together, his increasing as I darted my hand from his still swollen cock to his ass. His muscles spasming at the tiny touch.

  “A strap-on.”

  Oooo, please. My mind was instantly filled with a million other opportunities.

  After all, Finn had clearly missed out.

  Chapter 18

  We were late for school.

  But, I’ve never had a better reason to be late for school, so I wasn’t complaining.

  After sex, shower, and a promise of fun to come for Finn, along with a quick breakfast, we were out the door, ready to pile into Howl’s truck and hopefully arrive at school before second period started.

  Instead, we found ourselves facing a demon.

  Ugh. That statement should never be true, strictly speaking.

  And yet, there he was, smoking both figuratively and literally, looking nothing like the trailer trash I had always known him to be.

  I had been so pissed off yesterday that I hadn’t even noticed that those muscles that always looked ominous in a wife-beater were looking more ruggedly sexy in a leather jacket and clean V-neck. Don’t even get me started on how that ass looked in those jeans.

  God, what was wrong with me?

  “Get lost,” I said the second I was within earshot as if bitchy me would somehow negate all the thoughts that were trying to break their way in. I didn’t need the smug little side-grin that Saxon gave me.

  Dude wasn’t in my head and he could read me like a book. Made sense since his nose was always buried in one.

  I needed to buy him a video game.

  “I told you I’m not going to do that. I am here for you, Ivy,” he said as he fell in step behind us. God, even when he said genuine things, he sounded as bogus as you could get.

  “Well, you should. Because you aren’t wanted here.” Ok
ay, maybe I was being kinda bitchy. All of my guys were giving me looks now.

  “I’m sure I am,” Tommy said, ever the ego-driven maniac. “Let me prove it to you--”

  “You show up here in your demon skin, feed off me, and then say you are wanted here and want to prove it to me. What do you want to prove, Tommy? How much of a douchebag you are? Because you’ve already done that. Point taken. I’m convinced.”

  Tommy threw his partially smoked cigarette to the side, letting the thing smolder in the dirt.

  “Fucking grow up, Ivy. You sound like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. Here I was thinking you were the Alpha of your pack. Get it through your thick skull, babe, I’m here for you.” He spoke each word slowly, smiling as he took another cigarette from the pack even though he’d just discarded one. God, I wanted to punch him, smash his pretty little nose in. I had a feeling he would turn to smoke before I made an impact.

  “Well, I don’t trust you.” I didn’t know how much clearer I could get, but the guy was still smirking.

  Smirking and smoking. Then he fucking winked at me.

  He hadn’t even finished smoking his last cigarette and he was already lighting his next one. Dude had a problem. I would say something, except he was a demon and already smelled like rotting sewage.

  “I’m here to help you, Ivy.”

  “Oh yeah? Prove it.” Even Howl grinned at my pathetic comeback. Maybe I needed to age up my comebacks some.

  “That’s exactly what I am trying to do,” Tommy said, blowing smoke in my face as he stepped closer. The cigarette smoke covered his demon funk, if only for a second.

  That one step was all it took for my guys to spring into action--well, Howl and Finn anyway. Finn grabbed me, holding me back while Howl stood between us, snarling and snapping like the wild animal he kept locked up inside.

  “Damn, Ivy. Control your harem, please.”

  Harem. I froze, Saxon giving me some know-it-all side eye before side-stepping deeper into the shadows of the trees to the left. Dude, you were already in the shade, you ain’t getting out of this that easily.

  “We can control ourselves,” Finn snapped from where he held me. I didn’t think I had heard him sound quite so forceful before. “But when it comes to the protection of Ivy, we will let nothing get in our way.”

  I would have been swept off my feet by that if Tommy hadn’t started laughing with a mocking sound that sent ice down my spine. His black smoke oozed off of him, seeping and slinking like the stank that covered the clearing.

  “Then let me prove it to all of you,” Tommy said, flicking his cigarette butt right at Finn’s chest. My Fae didn’t even flinch. “Let me prove that I am here to help you, to help Ivy.”

  God, he pissed me off. I didn’t think I would ever trust Tommy. I mean, the dick wad had fed off me for years--a fucking energy-sucking demon. When it came to Tommy, there was no way trust of any kind was returning to me. Not sure it was ever there in the first place.

  But he could turn to smoke, move through things, and I guessed feed off people. I wasn’t one hundred percent sure what all that meant, but I thought he could do something better than any of us could.

  “Fine,” I said, causing all my mates to whirl on me. “You want to prove that you aren’t a total rot-stuffed asshole. I’ll let you prove it.”

  His face screwed up angrily, but he still managed to growl out, “Name your price.”

  “No price.” Now it was my turn to smirk. “Just a task. There is another pack that used to live in these lands. They have gone, but they will be back. If I am right, they will know where my Mom is. Find them, find out what their plans are, and where my mother is and then I might consider trusting you.”

  “Might?” Tommy laughed with that same horrifying, inhuman sound. “You’re such a bitch, Ivy. Making me jump through hoops for a chance to suck your cock.”

  “I think you were around me enough to know I don’t have a cock.” I seethed. I would have laughed in his face if I wasn’t so pissed off, if my wolf wasn’t growling if he wasn’t stepping toward me slow, steady. Smug.

  “Oh, you have a cock all right,” he said, blowing lazy tendrils of smoke in my face. “All the best bitches know how to use it, too.”

  That’s it. I punched him.

  Hard and fast enough that he didn’t get to do his little smoke trick and my fist hit against his nose. I guess he wasn’t made completely of smoke, because I heard a bone crack. I clearly broke something with how much oozing black blood was dripping over his lips.


  “Go, Ivy.’

  “That’s my girl!”

  My guys were all pride and cheers, but Tommy was yelling, smoke rippling off his back like wings as his demonic roar echoed off the trees, sending a plume of birds into the sky.

  “Ivy!” he screamed as he rushed me, Finn grabbing at him as he bolted forward, his body melting to smoke and drifting between Finn’s fingers before he slammed against me, one very solid hand wrapping around my neck.

  “You’ll pay for that,” he snarled, little drops of blood spraying over my face as he inhaled, my head spinning.

  “I thought you were on my side,” I choked out as Howl and Finn began yelling, clearly unsure if they should attack the guy or not. They weren’t the only ones confused as fuck.

  Tommy’s eyes narrowed, his jaw twitching as he ground his teeth and lowered me until my feet were back on the ground, even if his hand was still around my neck.

  “I am,” he hissed, leaning in until all I could see was the darkness in his eyes. “There are other ways I can make you pay, Ivy. Other places I belong that I plan to be again. That I plan to use to remind you what I am to you.”

  “If you think fucking me with your micro-penis is some kind of threat, you are sorely mistaken.”

  He laughed at me, “I’m a demon, darling. Do you really think I gave you all that I have?”

  “No, but I have no interest in finding out.” Then I kneed him in the balls.

  Unfortunately for me, that time he was ready for me. His body turned to smoke as his hand left my throat, as he shifted away from Howl and Finn who were rushing him and resolidified at the back of Howl’s truck.

  “I’ll see you later,” he said with a wink and a wave to the four of us. “Sounds like I have work to do.”

  Then he was gone again.

  I was left cursing at the sky.

  Chapter 19

  Now we were really late for school.

  Howl wound along the forest-lined road so fast that the tires of his car were screeching. I was thrown between Finn and Saxon like a ping pong ball who was having mood swings.

  Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold.

  It gave me some fun ideas, but not in a car that was winding so fast I felt sick. I may have burst from the car like I was being birthed from it, gasping in heaping mouthfuls of air.

  ‘Pretty sure babies cry when they are born, Ivy.’

  ‘They also breathe. You really need to stop listening in to my internal monologue. It’s distracting.’

  ‘I would if you blocked it, I mean, I could anyway, but it’s all just so damn funny.’

  I slugged him in the arm as he came around the side of the truck, rubbing his arm and laughing while Finn and Saxon gave us a look.

  Yes, this whole internal conversation thing probably made us look like we had lost it.

  ‘Who is this ‘we’ you are talking about?’

  Another slug, this time he dodged.

  Damn, being around Tommy had sure made me violent. I was going to have to find a way to blow off some steam. Gym couldn’t come soon enough.

  With how late we were, it might as well have been my next class.

  We walked in together, half-braced for the looks and whispers that followed us around. Instead, we were met with empty hallways.

  “If we are here on a Saturday, I’m dragging Ivy back to the house and locking you two out,” Finn said, his fingers tugging at the back of my shirt.
r />   “It’s not a Saturday,” Saxon mumbled, checking a watch that was hidden under the cuff of his button-up shirt. “Thursday. 10:40. These halls should be filled.”

  My mind instantly went to post-apocalyptic mayhem, a thought that was clearly shared with how my guys balled around me. It all seemed too possible seeing as a demon had burst his way into my life.

  Hallway after hallway was empty. It was only the sound of shoes and quickly deepening breath that followed us.

  “Are you sure it’s Thursday?” I asked as we turned another corner, this time facing a teacher who was mumbling something about discrepancies and bastards. Well, until he looked up and saw us. Saenger.

  I had never seen the guy so out of sorts. He jumped nearly to the sky with the sight of us.

  “Good lord! What are you guys doing out?”

  “Out of where?” Saxon asked, his icy hand wrapping around my wrist as he pulled me back.

  Yep. Totally a post-apocalyptic alien take-over.

  “The assembly.”

  Or maybe not.

  Howl gave a bit of a snort, making it clear he was listening in again.

  “All the students are required to attend,” Saenger’s rambled, pointing toward what I could only assume was the auditorium. “And you are clearly tardy.”

  Saenger’s followed us through the school, shuffling us along at a breakneck pace as he continued to mumble about disrespectful students.

  The auditorium was a weird cross between a vampire’s Keep and an underground opera house, if it was a burlesque house feel.

  So, basically, the Moulin Rouge, if that movie my history teacher back in Nevada made us watch was correct. Well, half of it anyway, I didn’t think he really realized what it was about considering how quick he had turned it off.

  Heavy blood-red drapes covered the walls and framed the stage, each one gathered and held in place with brass rings that looked too much like breasts for it to be a coincidence.

  Howl spotted the members of our pack sitting in a few rows off to the side, none of them really listening to Nicky who was rambling on about who knows what.

  I was pretty sure Owen was even drawing nipples on some of the brass knockers.


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