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Love Sex Music

Page 18

by Michelle A. Valentine

  “I’m trying not to be that man anymore, Peter.”

  One corner of his mouth lifts into a small smile. “The old Laz wasn’t all bad. There were parts of him I respected the hell out of. He always spoke his mind, no matter what the cost. Go tell Drea how you feel. If she loves you back, she’ll forgive you. We’ll deal with this Annamea situation together.”

  For the first time in a long time, I feel like Peter and I are in a good place. It’s going to take a while to build trust back between us, but hopefully, we figure it out.


  You’re Out


  Even though my father in his current condition is unable to speak or move, I can tell he still intimidates the shit out of Peter. He was once the most feared man in the music business because if you crossed him, you could kiss your musical aspirations goodbye. He had that much fucking power in this business.

  Pop started in his garage, making hits in the 60’s, and his business morphed into a billion-dollar company. While he's not able to physically do anything anymore, his mind is still sharp, and he’s still got a good ear for talent.

  Peter looks as if he’s about to shit in his expensive slacks, sitting in front of my father, ready to confess what happened to Jenna all those years ago.

  My father still has the power to yank Peter's dream away if he wants to, so I completely understand his apprehension.

  “Mr. Rawlings, sir, there’s something I feel you need to know,” Peter says before he launches right into his story.

  Pop sits there, listening to every word. After Peter finishes explaining the situation about Jenna and what Annamae has hanging over his head, Pop begins typing on his DynaVox. It takes him a while to get everything he wants to say out, so we sit and wait patiently for my father to be able to express himself.

  “Good thing you tell me. Cut girl from group. Bring Drea back. And make sure girl knows I know about Jenna. No more problems.” Pops words are simple and concise. He’s not really big into bullshitting around the truth.

  I nod. “Understood.”

  Pop goes back to typing and what the machine says for him next surprises even me. “Laz, you are the new head of A and R. Peter, make that happen.”

  Peter nods as he stands up. “I'll get right on that. I think that will be a good spot to put Laz. He has always had the ear for talent.” Peter extends his hand out to me, and I shake it firmly. “Thank you for everything, Laz.”

  “No problem. Thank you.”

  Peter gives me a small smile. “I look forward to working with you. I think bringing you back into the fold is exactly what this company needs for a reboot to put us back on top of everything. I think we need to sign The Vixens to the Rawlings label—keep everything in-house instead of putting the record out as Second Coming Records. The radio stations will be more apt to put their songs in the rotation if they’re under the Rawlings Records label.”

  I grin, knowing this is a huge breakthrough for my girls. “I think that’s an excellent idea. Their first single has already been cut, but Annamea’s solos need redone. Once we fix that, we can put them in the fast lane if Rawlings Records is one hundred percent behind them.”

  “I’ll get the paperwork drawn up, and we’ll get the single on the air as soon as it’s ready.”

  Everything feels like it’s coming together.

  I tell Pop goodbye, and then I follow Peter out of Pop’s quarters. As soon as I’m alone, I dig out my cell from the back pocket of my jeans and dial Drea’s cell. It goes right to voicemail, so I leave a message. “Drea, I have everything worked out. Will you come back by the house today at four? I’m calling a group meeting, and I need you to be here to hear what I have to say.” I pause. “I miss you …”

  I hang up and head straight to the pool house to get things together for this meeting later. Shit is about to hit the fucking fan.

  “It’s very unlike you to hold an impromptu meeting in the middle of the day,” Cam complains. “What’s up?”

  I pat him on the back. “Patience, buddy. I want everyone to be surprised at once when I make this announcement.”

  The three remaining ladies in the group file into the room one by one. I know I shouldn't, but my eyes narrow the moment I see Annamea walk into the room. This bitch is something else.

  “Have a seat, ladies,” I order.

  I glanced around, and it makes me sad that Drea didn't show up. It hurts that she doesn't trust me enough that I would take care of this for her, but looking at it from her perspective, I'm sure she's used to fending for herself.

  “Now that we're all here, there’s something I want to go over with you, so I'm gonna make this short and sweet. This group will now become a three-person group.”

  I glance over, and a smile on Annamae's face widens, and Candace frowns. I'm sure Annamea figures she's getting her way, but she's not going like this bomb I'm about to drop on her.

  “It's come to my attention that a threesome will be better than a foursome. So I've made the decision… Annamae.” She beams after I single out her name. “You're out.”

  The smile instantly drops off her face, and her mouth drops open. “What? You can't toss me out of this group. We signed a contract.”

  “Did you read that contract? It clearly states that changes can be made to the group without notice as I see fit, so pack your shit and get the fuck out of my house.”

  She flinches at my harsh words. “Don't speak to me that way. I'll make one call and—”

  “To who? Peter?”

  She lifts her eyebrows, and that's when I know I've got her.

  “I already know about that. Calling Peter—that game is over. I know everything and so does my father, so you have nothing that gives you any power anymore. What I suggest you do is act like a lady, get up from this table, and leave with dignity. Don’t make me drag you out of here.”

  Cam stares up at me with a quizzical expression, and I know he's dying for an explanation. I'll give him one when all this is over.

  Annamea stands up and then crosses her arms. “Fine. I may not have Peter as leverage anymore, but I do have something on her.” She nods her chin up in the direction of the doorway behind me.

  I turn to find Drea standing there, watching everything unfold in front of her, and my heart stops. She’s wearing that damn baggy hoodie again, but she’s still beautiful. Her long brown hair falls over her shoulders, and the tender skin around her eyes appears a bit swollen as if she’s been crying nonstop since she left here. It kills me to see she’s been hurting so damn much.

  “Drea,” Candace squeals as she jumps out of her seat and rushes over to her sister. Candace wraps Drea in a hug. “I was so worried. Why haven’t you called me? Why did you tell me there was an issue? You can’t just take off like that without talking to me. I was worried sick.”

  Drea stares at her sister. “I was going call you today. I didn't have any plans to come back here until I got Laz’s message.”

  Drea’s eyes flit over to me, and I give her a small smile. I fight the urge to run over to her and hold her in my arms and beg for her forgiveness for being a stupid asshole. There’s still another matter at hand.

  I turn and allowing my stare to burn into Annamae. “I know about Drea too. That information won't do you any good because I know, and I don't care.”

  “You might not, but the world will. When the time is right, I'm going drop that bomb and destroy her since you want to fuck me over.”

  “You could try, but your bullshit won't work. I promise you that. Honesty goes a long way in this business because people don’t have shit on you when the truth sets you free. You leak the information on Drea, and I’ll do my best to inform the world you’re a gold-digging devil.”

  The expression on her face turns deadly. It’s easy to see that Annamea would love to wrap her hands around my neck and squeeze the life out of me but knows her attempts will be useless.

  “This isn’t over,” Annamea huffs as she storms pas
t me.

  “Yes, it is,” I challenge before she makes it out of the door. “There’s one more thing my lawyer pointed out to me before this meeting.”

  She whips around. “What’s that?”

  “You signed an NDA as a part of your contract. You’re not allowed to discuss anything about this group or its members without their permission, and I’m pretty fucking positive Drea didn’t green light you to tell her business to the entire goddamn world.” I glance over at Drea, and she’s staring at me with wide eyes. “Did you?”

  She shakes her head. “Definitely not.”

  A smug smile fills my face as I return my gaze to Annamea. “See. You run your mouth, and I sue the shit out of you.”

  Her eyes widen. “Fuck you, then. Fuck you all!” she shouts as she rushes out of the room.

  The room is still electric when Candace finally breaks the silence. “What the hell was that about?” Her gaze flits between me and Drea. “What does she think she knows about Drea?”

  Drea loops her arm through Candace’s and tugs her toward the door. “Let’s go talk.”

  As they turn to leave, I can’t stop myself from calling out for her. “Drea?”

  She turns, her long, dark hair trailing down her back. In two long strides, I find myself in front of her. She releases Candace’s arm.

  “I’m sorry about before—about what I said.” My heart pounds inside my chest, and I’m well aware we have an audience, but I don’t care. I have to make things right between us. “You leaving … It made me reevaluate everything that’s really important.”

  She stares up at me with those big brown eyes of her. “And what’s that?”

  “You,” I say like it’s the most obvious answer in the world. “I care about you, and I don’t care who knows about it. It was a mistake to keep our relationship a secret, and I was an asshole for pushing you away. I’m sorry. Can you forgive me and give me a shot to make it up to you?”

  “What about Peter?”

  “He already knows,” I confirm. “I’ve admitted how I feel about you to him already.”

  She licks her lips slowly. “And how do you feel about me?”

  I reach up slowly and allow my fingertips to trace the smooth skin on her cheek. “I love you, Drea.”

  She leans into my touch as she whispers, “I love you too.”

  I press my lips to hers, and the sound of clapping hands causes me to pull back.

  I turn to find my idiot best friend applauding with a goofy grin on his face. “Finally!”

  Candace smiles too. “I know, right? It’s about time they stop trying to hide from us.”

  Cam comes up behind Candace and wraps his arms around her waist before resting his chin on her shoulder. “Since we seem to be in the circle of honesty, when are you going to admit you’re madly in love with me?”

  Candace jams a sharp elbow into his ribs, effectively breaking Cam’s hold on her. “How about never?”

  We all laugh, and I pull Drea against my chest. For the first time in a long time, I feel like my life is in a good place.


  Second Strike


  I snuggle against Laz’s chest as I lie in his bed as the sun peeks up outside the windows. “Can’t you stay a little bit longer?”

  A deep chuckle rumbles in his chest. “There’s no other place in the world I would rather be than in this bed with you for the rest of my life, but keeping my therapy sessions is imperative to maintaining my sobriety.”

  I've come to find Cam was right about Laz’s routine. Laz does like to get up and start his day early, but it’s not because of working out all the time as Cam had claimed. Yes, he does work out a lot—how else would he keep those delicious muscles of his—but the days he doesn't work out, he goes to AA meetings. It's been a part of his recovery process, and something he keeps private. Cam knows this. Cam is his best friend, and he protects Laz any way he can.

  I turn and rest my chin on the top of my hands so I can make eye contact with him. “You amaze me. Not many people come out of the darkness and manage to stay out of it.”

  “I have a lot more to lose these days if I don’t stay on the right path.” His blue eyes soften as he reaches up and runs his thumb along my bottom lip. “Being with you gives me one more reason to focus on staying clean. I don’t want to forget one moment with you.”

  His words cause my heart to melt. “I love you, Laz.”

  “And I love you.” He leans in and presses his lips to mine. “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  A warm sensation envelops every inch of me after hearing those sweet words flow from his lips. Laz makes me feel loved, desired, and safe all at the same time.

  After he gets up and showers, he dresses in front of me in the bedroom. He turns to find me watching him, and smiles before he walks over to the bed.

  “Go back to sleep. I won’t be long.” He bends down and presses one last quick kiss to my lips.

  For the first time in my life, I’m truly happy. Good things rarely come my way, so I’m thankful to have this beautiful man in my life.

  I roll over and glance at the clock to see it's nearly eight thirty. Laz will be back soon. He told me his group meetings lasts until seven thirty most mornings, and he would be back shortly after it’s over.

  I stretch my hands above my arms, trying to wake myself up. And just as I snuggle back down into the fluffy comforter on Lazarus's king-size bed, the sound of breaking glass causes me to sit straight up stiff as a board. Instantly, I hop out of bed and to my feet, dragging the comforter along with me. In pure panic mode, I scramble around the room, looking for anything to grab as a weapon.

  “Who's there? I've got a gun.” It's a total bluff, but one I'm willing to do in order to try to protect myself.

  When no one answers, I wrapped the comforter tighter around my naked body. I'm tempted to run, but I know the sound came from the front entrance of the pool house, which means if I run out of this room, either way, the intruder is going to be able to see me. The only way to escape is through one of these windows in this room. Going outside the door makes me an open target for whoever just broke into here.

  Before I have any time to open the window, there's a hard knock on the bedroom door. “Drea. I know you're in there. Don't you think it's time to start playing with me and not this rich asshole you've been fucking?”

  My blood runs cold when I hear that voice—the one voice I hate to hear these days—the one voice that gives me nightmares.

  I draw the comforter tighter around me. “What the hell are you doing here? You need to leave!” I shout at Carlos from the other side of the door while I scramble to throw one of Laz’s T-shirts over my head.

  I manage to get the shirt over my head just before the bedroom door bursts open as Carlos kicks through it. I race around the bed, scrambling to get to the closest window, but I don’t make it. He grabs me from behind and throws me down onto the bed and jumps on top of me.

  “Come on, baby. Don’t be like that,” he snarls. “Be nice to me like you used to be.”

  “Fuck you!” I spat.

  He grabs my face and forces me to look at him. “Don’t be a bitch, Drea. You don’t want to piss me off.” He leans down like he’s going to kiss me, and instantly, I panic as flashbacks of when he raped me pops into my mind.

  I pound my fists into his chest and kick my feet, attempting to buck him off me.

  He struggles to grab my arms, but I keep flailing, fighting him off with every ounce of strength I have.

  He snatches my wrists and pins them on either side of my head. “Hold still, you fucking bitch.”

  “No!” I scream before I turn and bite his arm.

  “Bitch!” He growls, releases one of my wrists and then draws his arm back so quickly I don’t see the smack coming until pain sears my cheek.

  I moan, reeling from the blow and before I can even fathom breaking free, he re-pins my arms.

going to give me another baby, bitch. You owe me. And eye for an eye and all that fucking bullshit. You know how it goes. Don't pretend like you don't.” His head dips, and he traces my lips with his tongue.

  “No,” I whimper as I strain to pull my wrists from his grasp. “Please.”

  He laughs darkly. “I like it when you beg.” He pushes his knee between my legs, and instantly, I kick my feet, but this doesn’t deter him. “I like it when you pretend to not want it too.” He kisses my neck, and my skin crawls. “Gets me hard when you fight it.”

  “Get off me, you sick bastard!” I scream.

  His eyes narrow. “Not until I get what I want from you.” He shoves his other knee between my legs and then shoves both of my arms over my head, attempting to pin me down with just one hand.

  When he does that, I make my move, scratching his face with my free hand and then throwing as many punches as I can in an attempt to free myself.

  “Goddamn it!” Carlos growls, and the look in his eyes turns murderous.

  I’ve only pissed him off further. This time when he draws his hand back, it’s with a fist. I squeeze my eyes, anticipating the blow heading right toward my face. Only the pain never comes.

  “Get the fuck off her!” Laz’s voice booms around the room, and my eyes snap open in time to see Laz barreling toward us.

  Everything happens so fast. Carlos flies off me when Laz grabs his shoulders and tosses him to the ground.

  Carlos’s nostrils flare as he stares up at Laz from the floor. “I’m getting real sick of you getting in my business.”

  “She is my business, motherfucker,” Laz growls as he flexes his fingers at his side while he shields me with his body.

  It’s not hard to tell Laz is itching to lay into Carlos, but instead, he stands in front of me, putting a wall of muscle between me and Carlos.


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