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Winter's End

Page 3

by Rebecca James



  Duncan hadn’t been to Echo Valley to visit Jake and Ernest in a few months. He hadn’t needed to. Not with Canaan fitting so seamlessly into his life and slaking his thirst for domination.

  The alpha had never expected that to happen. His tryst with Canaan had been meant to have a definite end date, but instead, the two continued to meet up several times a week, and so far, Canaan hadn’t shied away from anything the alpha had initiated. Duncan had tied Canaan over a chair and fucked him; he’d whipped Canaan and made him kneel at Duncan’s feet, Duncan’s semi-erect cock in Canaan’s mouth, while Duncan read a book for hours; he’d taken Canaan in the field outside Duncan’s house in plain view of anyone who walked by, and he’d even fucked Canaan over the beta’s desk at the school after hours after the children had gone. Canaan hadn’t refused or even balked at any of it, which made Duncan more determined to find something the beta wouldn’t do. Canaan was stubborn, but Duncan was up for the challenge. It helped that Canaan never pressed the alpha for more than sex. He never suggested a mating or tried to spend the night at Duncan’s house. He never asked Duncan to stay over with him, either.

  Which was all good because Duncan didn’t do relationships. His one attempt had been his marriage to Anders, and that had only happened because Anders had gotten pregnant. And then his pregnant beta mate had died in the great sickness, and Duncan had felt guilty at the secret relief he’d felt at having been set free. He was never meant to be a mate or a father.

  Since then, Duncan had done well enough by himself, his kinky proclivities met by his friends in Echo Valley until Canaan came on the scene. Duncan had to admit he got much more of a rush whipping Canaan than he ever had doing so to Ernest. Part of the reason for that was, as an alpha and Ernest’s mate, Jake had kept a sharp eye on everything Duncan did to the beta. With Canaan, Duncan had free rein as long as Canaan was willing.

  And Canaan was always willing. In fact, the beta seemed to thrive on submitting, which was a little surprising in a werewolf as stubborn as Canaan was. But every session Duncan had with Canaan left the beta calmer than he’d started out.

  Although the hour was late, Duncan set out from his home on the small rise by the lake and walked to Canaan’s house in the woods. The beta was likely asleep, but Duncan’s cock had been hard all day, and he badly needed release. Canaan had to work in the morning, and Duncan was curious if the beta would turn him down.

  Maybe he wanted Canaan to turn him down. Give the alpha a reason to end their relationship, which would probably be for the best. But the thought disquieted Duncan for reasons he wasn’t sure of.

  With this in mind, the alpha knocked forcefully on the door of Canaan’s home. A moment later, a blurry-eyed Canaan opened the door. His disheveled, sleepy appearance softened the beta’s normally sharp, angular features, and Duncan felt a pang of affection before he firmly tamped it down. Perhaps he should apologize for waking up Canaan by paying a visit so late at night, but hell—if the beta didn’t like it, he could say so and that would be that. He knew Canaan capable of speaking his own mind.

  “Duncan?” Bright green eyes squinted at the alpha, followed by a smirk that caused the dimple in the beta’s right cheek to make an appearance. Duncan’s heartbeat inexplicably accelerated. “You miss me or something?”

  Duncan growled at the very thought that missing someone would drive him over to their house at that hour.

  “More like horny.” Stepping over the threshold, he backed Canaan against the wall, reaching around with both hands to squeeze the beta’s full ass cheeks through soft sleep pants as he covered Canaan’s mouth with his. When he’d started this thing between them, he hadn’t intended to make kissing part of it, but he’d found that plunging his tongue into Canaan’s mouth was almost as addictive as plunging his cock into the beta’s tight hole. And if he could accomplish both at once, all the better.

  Canaan moaned into the kiss, and Duncan’s cock grew even harder, his knot enlarging at the base. Canaan ran a hand over the bulge in the alpha’s pants, skilled fingers sending shivers of desire throughout Duncan’s body.

  Duncan’s lips wandered from Canaan’s mouth to the underside of the beta’s jaw, then up to the tender skin behind the beta’s left ear. Canaan moaned and pushed against the alpha, bowing his lithe body to form to Duncan’s.

  “The moon run is tomorrow night,” Duncan murmured silkily. “We’ll run together.” The thought of running under the full moon with the beta lit Duncan from the inside, and he wasn’t sure why. At Canaan’s brief nod, Duncan swept the beta off his feet and carried him to the small bedroom at the back of the house.

  The two had fucked in Canaan’s bedroom before. The bed wasn’t large, and Duncan suddenly wished they were back at his place. But he had come to Canaan, so he would have to make do.

  “Strip,” he ordered, and watched with hungry eyes as Canaan wiggled out of his pajama pants and pulled the cotton T-shirt over his head. He had a well-toned body and small, pink nipples that Duncan loved to bite and suck on until Canaan begged him to stop.

  Canaan’s long cock was hard and dripping, the bulge of his knot resting above his pink, firm balls. Duncan’s own sack swung low between his legs, heavy with seed that was already beginning to trickle from the mushroom head of his dick. Duncan’s cock twitched eagerly under Canaan’s gaze, and suddenly all he could think about was bending the beta over the bed and breaching the muscled ring of his hole.

  “Into position,” he growled, and Canaan immediately draped his graceful body over the bed, luscious ass in the air. Without any kind of preparation, Duncan pushed the head of his cock against the small furled entrance. Canaan groaned, cheek pressed against the mattress and feet spread on either side of Duncan’s knees.

  Duncan drove inside again and again, spurred on by the yells that tore from Canaan’s throat, giving the beta, and himself, what they needed.



  “Has Grant gotten out of line with Josh?” Ian asked. He sat with his younger brother in the living room of the house he shared with Grey and Gabriel. At the moment, both of his mates were out. Gabriel had taken the kids to the park, and Grey was busy with pack business. Roanan had surprised him with the visit, and a few minutes of chatting had brought the reason to the fore: the alpha was worried about his omega son.

  Roanan sighed. “No. I don’t think so. In fact, he’s shown a lot of maturity and self-control when Josh seems determined to be around him.”

  Ian couldn’t help but chuckle. “You know, it isn’t forcing when the other person’s on board.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Roanan scowled. As an alpha, he had the more domineering personality of the two, which was part of the reason why Ian had always felt a little uncomfortable around Roanan. As the older brother, it seemed weird not to be the one in charge. But no beta could compare to an alpha when it came to bossiness.

  “If you find out Fin or Forrest is an omega, you’ll be singing a different tune a few years down the road, big brother.”

  Ian sobered. Just thinking about some horny alpha sniffing around his sons was enough to make him crazy. He sighed and rubbed his face.

  Tone gentler than it had been a moment ago, Roanan asked, “Everything okay between you and Grey?”

  Ever since Ian and Grey had had the big fight that had resulted in Ian having to stay several nights with Roanan, the two brothers had grown closer, and while Ian was glad of that, he wasn’t sure how comfortable he was with sharing information about his private life. But he didn’t want to go back to the strained relationship he and Roanan had shared over the years, so he swallowed his pride and answered as honestly as he could.

  “I’m worried about Gabriel.”

  “I’ve wondered why one of you hasn’t been taking Gabriel to Cascade City for treatments.”

  “Grey won’t talk about it. He’s afraid of risking Gabriel—even if a better formula for Gabriel’s need
s is produced. He’s been extremely protective of him since Gabe ran away. I get it, but I’m concerned about the emotional strain the separation during heats puts on Gabriel. Omegas are sensitive, and every time Gabe returns from the omega den after a heat, he’s broody and depressed for days. It can’t be good for him.”

  “Another pregnancy could kill him, right?” Roanan asked.

  Ian nodded and sank back into the cushions of the couch. He had to admit it felt good to let out the misgivings that had been churning inside him. Every time he’d broached the subject with Grey, the pack alpha had refused to talk about it, stating the decision had been made, and the situation might be difficult, but it was for the best. If he and Ian did not appear bothered, Gabriel would adapt. As far as the antidote went, Grey wanted to wait until it was honed to fit Gabriel’s specific issues.

  “Gabe’s pregnancy with Forrest was definitely more difficult than the one with Finny, but Gabe made things worse by running away. We really don’t know what would happen if he became pregnant again, and that’s a difficult risk to take.”

  What Ian couldn’t bring himself to talk about with his brother was that Ian was most likely sterile as well as infertile. Of course, his brother as well as everyone else in the pack had to have noticed Ian had never become pregnant in the years since he and Grey mated. The supposition he was sterile, too, only made sense. Knowing that Forrest had been sired by Grey, Ian felt sure that Finny had too.

  He should be able to fuck Gabriel during the omega’s heats without worry of pregnancy, but Grey still wasn’t willing to take the risk. Not only was it embarrassing to Ian that he couldn’t conceive or impregnate, Ian didn’t want to bring up the memory of his and Gabriel’s duplicity concerning Finny’s parentage. A day didn’t go by when Ian wasn’t thankful that Grey had forgiven both of them for it.

  “I know it kills Grey when Gabriel goes into heat and has to leave us. I’m sure you can understand how he must feel,” he said to Roanan.

  Roanan shook his head in wonder. “I don’t know how I’d handle it.”

  “It helps that Grey has another mate to turn to.” He flushed, thinking about the hours of sex he and Grey had when Gabriel was in the omega den for a heat. Even though the omega’s absence kept the alpha from going into full rut, Grey still experienced a voracious libido during those times.

  “Maybe you’ll be able to convince Grey to let Gabriel have the antidote sooner rather than later.”

  The theory that the humans were darting omegas during moon runs had caused Grey to place a temporary ban on omegas from participating in the monthly activity. To say the omegas were restless because of this would be an understatement. The entire pack suffered from their unease. Angel Hills had gone so long without omegas, its members had forgotten the impact the impetuous, emotionally volatile group could have on the pack.

  “I know Emory’s upset about not being able to run with me,” Roanan said. “He’s going to the omega den tonight with the others.”

  “Several betas will be staying behind with them, as well as Milo.” Grey’s second-in-command was taking his turn—the previous month, Grey had stayed behind. Ian was thankful to be able to run beside his mate this time. There was nothing like the exhilaration a werewolf felt when covering miles of earth beneath the full moon, and being beside his mate made it even more special. Ian itched to shift just thinking about it. He realized with sorrow that this was yet another fundamental aspect of werewolf life Gabriel was being denied.

  Roanan stood. “I’d better be getting back home. Thanks for listening to me.”

  Ian walked his brother to the door. “No problem at all. Remember, I can ask Grey to have a talk with Grant if it comes to that.”

  “For now, thankfully, I think Gabriel has gotten through to Josh, and he’ll stay away from Grant. But I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, bro.” They shared a back-slapping hug, and Ian watched Roanan descend the wooden ramp to the lawn below.



  Xavier opened the door to let Christopher in, nerves zinging beneath his skin. The beta looked as lovely as always with his beautiful hazel eyes and long blond hair he usually kept tied back. Xavier pressed a kiss to Chris’s lips before shutting the door, silently reminding himself he was doing the right thing.

  The beta looked around. “The place looks really nice.”

  “I cleaned it up a little, and I had Gaston make those pillows on the couch and chair.”

  “They look pretty. Any particular reason you’ve gone to the trouble?”

  X shrugged. “I just wanted it to look good for you.”

  Christopher smiled. “That’s really sweet.”

  X wanted to please the beta more than anything. He finally felt as though he could entirely leave his dead mate Trace’s memory behind and start fresh. If he and Chris could only get past this hurdle in their sex life—that was one of the reasons he’d asked the beta over that night.

  “Dinner should be ready soon.” The alpha opened the oven and peeked under the foil-covered chicken casserole.

  “It smells delicious.”

  X switched off the oven. “Would you like some wine? I asked Keith to buy a bottle last time he was in Cascade City.”

  Christopher sat on a stool. “Sure. X, what’s going on? You’re acting funny.”

  X glanced at him over his shoulder as he took two glasses out of the cabinet. “I’m trying to be romantic.”

  X poured the wine and handed Christopher his glass before taking a big gulp of his own.

  Christopher wrinkled his nose after the first taste. “Uh, sorry. Not sure I like this.”

  “I have tea and lemonade,” X offered.

  Christopher stood and crossed to the cabinet. While he poured a drink, X finished off his wine and half of Chris’s, then began plating their food. They chatted about Tarz’s horses while they ate, and X calmed a little. He told himself there was no need to be nervous, but he couldn’t help it.

  “That was delicious,” Christopher put down his fork.


  “No, I’m stuffed. I’ll wash up.”

  While Chris was doing that, X went into the bedroom and undressed, then lay down on the bed and waited.

  The beta stopped in his tracks when he walked in and saw X.

  “Got something in mind?” His eyes caressed every inch of revealed skin on X’s body, making the alpha’s cock stand at attention.

  X held out a hand, and Christopher came to him, reclining beside the alpha on the bed. They shared a kiss, and Chris tentatively began stroking X’s cock.

  “Mm. That feels really good,” X said against Chris’s mouth. He deepened the kiss, then pulled back. “Listen. I want to propose something.”

  Christopher blinked. “What?”

  X kissed Christopher’s frown away. “I want you to be open-minded about it.”

  “What is it?” Christopher still looked worried but continued to stroke X’s erection in a way that made it difficult for X to think.

  X cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “I want you to fuck me.”

  Dead silence.

  Christopher’s hand stilled on the alpha’s cock.

  “Come again?”

  “If we’re lucky,” X teased, trying to lighten the mood. He knew this was a very unusual request for an alpha to make.

  Christopher sat up. “Xavier. What are you talking about? You’re an alpha! I can’t—You can’t—”

  “What? I can’t have a dick in my ass?”

  Christopher looked confused, and X pushed ahead. “I want you to fuck me, and if you want it, I don’t see why we shouldn’t.”

  “But…why do you want me to? Is it just because you can’t fuck me?”

  “Not entirely. Look, I know you want the intimacy of penetration. It doesn’t bother me, but I can tell how much it bothers you. So let’s do it this way.” He took Christopher’s hand and squeezed it. “Please? We’ll just see how it goes. This between us, no one

  Christopher ran the fingers of his free hand down the side of X’s face, and the alpha turned to kiss the beta’s palm.

  “Come on. Say you will, Chris.”

  X could see the thoughts warring in Christopher’s head, but finally the beta nodded. “Okay. If you’re sure.”

  “I am.”

  A few moments later, and X was on his knees with Christopher behind him, cock pushing against the alpha’s hole. He’d never felt so vulnerable, and it took everything in him not to turn over and back out.

  “Am I hurting you?” Christopher asked, voice tight.

  Realizing how tensely he was holding his body, Xavier made himself relax. He knew Christopher wouldn’t attempt to force his knot inside him. But if Chris could take X’s big knot, surely X could handle the beta’s smaller one.

  Since the day it had become clear that sexual penetration hurt Christopher, X had done his best to be supportive, even though he’d been shocked and more than a little hurt that the beta had been keeping his pain a secret. The alpha wanted to shout with rage every time he thought of how Chris had just let X hurt him. X would do anything to keep the intimacy that his boyfriend wanted so much, even if it meant rolling over and taking it up the ass. He’d been relieved when Chris had agreed, but now, lying naked on his stomach with a cock invading his ass, he was having trouble letting go.

  “Oh, gods, X, you’re so tight,” Christopher said on a rush of breath. The beta bottomed out, trembled, and then began thrusting, clutching at the big alpha’s shoulders. “Oh gods, gods…”


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