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Dangerously Damaged: A Contemporary Dark Bully Romance (The Shadowed Souls Series Book 3)

Page 19

by Abigail Cole

  “Ah, that’s the best part. I’ve already found her and I’m certain she’s on her way to Meg’s location as we speak. Those troublesome twins have been the bane of my life since I discovered they existed and will finally meet their end by tomorrow night.” His sneer fills me with dread, panic flaring to life inside me. I need to find a way to be allowed access to the girls. Ironically, I might be their only hope.

  “I would like the opportunity to finish what I’ve started, see your revenge scheme through to the end.” I remain calm, taking the logical approach if there is one when having a private meeting with a notorious crime boss.

  “I don’t think that is a good idea. You haven’t seemed like yourself since she arrived.” Slumping back into the velvet cushioning, I rest my chin on my clenched fist. Maybe it’s true Meg has crawled beneath my skin and taken up residence in my head, but it could also be possible Ray doesn’t know me as well as he thought. In fact, I barely know myself anymore. For years I’ve held onto the hate that’s been devouring me, striving on the idea of a perfect family which clearly doesn’t exist. Each day ending with a round of self-loathing before I close my eyes for the night. Feeling worthless, unwanted. Filling the void with ideas of punishing my parents which I never planned to actually bring to reality.

  I miss how simple life came at Waversea, the things I cared about were my boys and my degree. I’ve never wanted to ride on my father’s coattails, I had ambitious plans to carve my own path in the world with the guys who bolstered me through every set back. A few months ago, I would have thought nothing could come between us, least of all me. Fuck, how could I have messed everything up like this? There’s no way to reverse the clock, bring Axel back to life and fix the bonds I’ve shattered. All I have now is Rachel, and a sense of obligation to Meg.

  But what this means for me, I have no idea. If I no longer have anger guiding my actions, does that mean the lightness she fills me with is permanent? Am I a sap who’s falling for the pair of baby blues I’d never noticed before, or can this be a new start for me? Maybe if I could be good enough for her, that’ll be enough. A dam breaks in my chest, feelings gushing through me as the thin rope I was grasping onto has snapped. I’m the monster who trapped her, but I’m also the one who’s going to set her free.

  “I’ve never been thinking more clearly. Let me finish this, I’ll do whatever it takes,” to save her.

  Parking the sedan behind a towering building mostly made of glass, I lie my head back and tap my thumb on the wheel, despite how eager I am to race up to the penthouse suite Meg is apparently still unconscious in. Even after the convincing Ray took about letting me continue assisting in his scheme, I’m aware a Mini Cooper has been following me the entire way here. So much for blending in, the cherry red paintjob has held my attention ducking in and out between vehicles in my rear-view mirror. I’d thought about speeding away but there’s no use when Ray knows where I’m heading and I’m desperately trying to keep a cool façade in place.

  It’s only been a few hours but the need to see her again is burning me alive. My frantic heartbeat won’t ease until I know she’s safe, especially after what happened with Frederick. A shudder ceases me, the thought of his hands anywhere near her almost too much to handle if I hadn’t made sure he won’t hurt anyone else ever again. I should be worried with the ease I was able to end his life, but I couldn’t find a shred of guilt if I tried. At least a second demonised mirage hasn’t appeared alongside my mom in the backseat, only her floating outline pressed against the rear window.

  Figuring that’s long enough to not seem too keen, I exit the car and remove my backpack from the trunk before strolling into the hotel’s lobby. Golden arches decorate the ceiling, all joining in the centre to hold the glittering chandelier. Black marble spreads beneath my feet to the match onyx surfaces and bannisters.

  Following the signs, I ignore the gawping receptionist who is using the counter for extra breast support and push the golden button to call the elevator. A bell chime announces its arrival, a couple looking at me curiously as they exit hand in hand. As soon as they’ve stepped out of the way, my reflection in the mirrored wall reveals the reason for their stares; I look like shit. Stepping into the large space, I push for the top level and try to fix my constant state of bedhead.

  Running my hands through its overgrown length, I smooth down the stubble lining my jaw with a frown. Jeez, this isn’t a date, I’m simply attempting to convince the girl whose life is ruined because of me not to hate me completely. I won’t let myself dream she could ever actually forgive me, but maybe I can fix the mistake I made and that will have to be enough.

  The doors slide open behind me, the reflected image of her sleeping form on a corner sofa immediately drawing my eye. Stepping into the living area, no one else is in sight as I close the distance between us. Her hair has spilled across the cushions like melted chocolate left out in the sun, the faint freckles splayed across her nose I had forgotten about now visible in the well-lit room. I’m about to reach out to brush my hand across her cheek when a red flashing in the corner of the ceiling catches my attention. Reaching up to scratch my own head instead, I sneak a look around to see surveillance cameras are dotted around the whole penthouse. Fuck it.

  Meg begins to stir, her eyebrows pinching and a groan escaping her lips. Blinking rapidly, her pale blue eyes take a moment to adjust to the sunlight pouring through the floor-to-ceiling windows and probably the drugs leaving her system, before landing on me. “You,” she growls, her nostrils flaring. Pushing up onto wobbly legs, she composes herself quicker than I would have been able to and glowers right at me without a trace of fear. Shit, that’s hot. No matter what is thrown her way, Meg keeps getting back up and proving the extent of her inner strength again and again.

  Hiding the grin I’d like to give, I open my mouth to warn her we are being watched when her fist snaps out and catches my jaw. My head shifts to the side but not with as much force as I had expected from her when she suddenly uppercuts me. There it is. My head cracks backwards, the taste of blood filling my mouth. Taking full advantage of the hand she’s just dealt me; I grip her upper arms and drag her through the penthouse.

  Passing through an enormous bedroom featuring a circular double-king, I tug her kicking and screaming into the open en-suite. With a quick, fruitless hunt for cameras, I spin sharply and use her back to slam the door closed. My mouth is on hers in the next moment, the length of my body pining her helplessly in place. She bites down on my bottom lip hard and yanks on my hair, but her actions only make me grow harder against her abdomen. Every deep scratch and aggressive shove at my shoulders make me try harder, pushing my tongue into her mouth to fight with hers.

  Finally, she stops resisting the heat I know we both feel and fists her hands in my t-shirt, now pulling me impossibly closer. Her body melts into mine, her lips moving in time with my hungry ones. I’m a starving man and only her taste with fulfil me. I lift her into my arms, her legs winding around me on instinct as I turn and walk us straight into the shower. Twisting the dial, a cool spray of water rains onto us while I push her back against the tiles and grind my now solid erection at her core. Moaning into my mouth, she reaches for the edge of my shirt and I force myself to pull back.

  “Wait-“ I pant, struggling to form a sentence when she’s coiled around me like a boa. She can have it all, my withered soul, the blackened blood running through my veins and my last breath. “I need you to know- “

  “I don’t care,” she responds, tugging my soaking shirt off and kissing a trail from my neck to my chest. I groan, savouring her touch. “Whatever you have to say, don’t bother. Your words mean nothing to me now,” she breathes against my skin. Nodding gently, I accept I can’t make her understand with an explanation. I shouldn’t have the right to belong to anyone, especially not the girl I helped to kidnap, but Meg has ensnared me with her resilience and shown me the world wasn’t as bleak as I had been led to believe. Now it’s my turn to show her who I
can be, how we could be. With every kiss, lick, caress and thrust, by the end of tonight she’ll feel my promise to save her since she’s already done the same for me.


  I pull out yet another drawer from the vanity, dumping its contents out onto the floor before moving on to the next. There must be a clue, I need to find her. Throwing her duffle bag onto the bed, I toss the clothes over my shoulder and shakes the bag vigorously until every loose hair tie and stupidly small bottle of lotion falls out. How can there be nothing?! I pick up the bedside table and throw it across the room with a roar, the wood splintering on impact with the opposite wall.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Huxley bursts through the door.

  “You,” I hiss through my teeth. Rounding the bed, I grip Huxley around the neck and push him backwards until his back is arched over the railing. “You must know where she’s gone.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Huxley chokes out, not even trying to overpower me. Releasing my hold on him, I stalk back into the room with my fists clenched.

  “She’s said she’s knows where Meg is and left, this time for good.” I clench my eyes shut as the words leave my lips, a fresh slice of pain cutting deeply every time I think of how she left me alone and speechless on the driveway. Huxley curses under his breath, rushing past me towards a makeshift bed on the floor and grabs his bag. Handing me a crumpled letter from the side pocket, he stalks over to the broken bedside table and sifts through the broken slats.

  “Has she taken my fucking car again?!” he huffs, dangling himself out the window to search for the burnt orange vehicle he won’t be able to find. Shuffling in the hallway announces the arrival of Garrett and Axel, looking around the trashed room curiously with their hands linked. I scan the letter, grabbing the only information I need – the name of the casino. Huxley fills in the others while I pace back and forth, scrubbing a hand over my face.

  “And you just let her go?” Axel turns to me accusingly. His amber eyes are churning with anger, looking to his partner for backup but Garrett is unusually silent.

  “It’s what she wanted so yeah, I stood and watched her leave. But about twenty seconds later I realized I can’t let her go and came to find a clue as to where she’s gone. Which I have now, so if you’ll get the fuck out of my way, I’m going to save the girl I love.” I say the words out loud without thinking, attempting to shove through the pair blocking the exit.

  “Oh yeah, and how are you going to do that?” Huxley calls over. “We’re basketball players, not felons. You can’t waltz in and say pretty please may I have my ‘would-be girlfriend if she stopped hating me long enough to realise she feels the same way’ back.” I snarl at him over my shoulder, more pissed off that he’s right than by his sarcastic air quotes. There’s no way I will be able to save Avery without back-up.

  “Well stop stating the obvious and help me find something to take – a baseball bat, an axe, a hammer. I don’t fucking care but I’m leaving in 5 minutes regardless.” Ramming my shoulder into Garrett’s to escape the negativity holding me in the room and moving onto something more productive. Luckily for me, there’s a driveway full of cars from the weekend workers and a large fishbowl on the sideboard in the central lobby holding all of their keys. Part of some game they are planning on playing tonight but looks like someone’s going to have to sit and watch.

  Ascending on the bowl, I skim through looking for the fastest set of wheels in case I need to make a swift exit, preferably with Avery locked in the trunk if she refuses to come back willingly. Logos on keyrings sift through my fingers - Ferrari, Dodge Viper, Porsche, Jaguar. Settling on the Mercedes Benz, silently praying it belongs to the GT I saw earlier in yellow with black race stripes to match the custom alloys, I turn to the three arseholes I love like brothers standing behind me.

  “Here,” Axel steps forward with misery etched into his features to hand me a heavy camo backpack. Unzipping the top, I find several handguns and hordes of filled magazine clips. My eyes widen, the danger of the situation settling on me. I’m so not ready to deal with this, but if that’s where Avery is, it’s the only place I should be. Accepting it with a nod, Huxley passes me my grey timberlands and puffer jacket next, like I’m a high-class knight preparing to head into battle with some serious style. Garrett’s hands are pushed into his hoodie pockets, regarding me seriously.

  “I’m going with you,” he exclaims, his hazel eyes not wavering from mine. Axel hangs his head in defeat, clearly unhappy with his decision. I spare a moment glancing between the two, but ultimately, it’s not my place to interfere. I could use the help if I’m being honest, even if I know it will affect Axel to be left behind. Huxley steps closer to Axel on instinct, sensing his misery and places a hand on his shoulder on comfort. Aware that I need to get on the road, I quickly pull the two remaining into a one-armed hug and head for the front door.

  Pressing the button on the keys, the GT’s headlights flash and I smirk. Fuck yes, let my luck continue until I’m back in my bed with my blonde angel curled into my side, thoroughly satisfied and fully aware of the lengths I would go to for her. Sliding into the driver’s seat, I throw the bag into the back seat and wait for Garrett to join me, tapping my thumb on the wheel impatiently.

  “You know normal boyfriends don’t run off to fight the mob right after professing their love to another, right?” A tear rolls down Axel’s cheek, his attention completely focused on the man in front of him. Dropping their shields for a moment, I’m stunned at the level of love shining through their eyes. Garrett cups Axel’s cheek, pulling him for a kiss with enough passion to make my heart squeeze. If those two stubborn asses can find love in each other, surely there’s hope for me yet.

  Garrett breaks their kiss, pressing his forehead on Axel’s and exhaling deeply. “I’ve never been one to follow the rules, but I’m learning to follow my heart. I won’t be able to rest as long as there is a threat this close to you. Someone entered your home Axel, without anyone even noticing. This world isn’t good enough for you, the least I can do is shelter you from one small part of it.”

  “Fuck you Gare. Fuck you so hard.”

  “I’ll give you the honours when I get back,” Garrett grins, flashing Axel his dimples before releasing him and hopping into the car. Axel holds his hand until I gently pull away, the sound of his sobbing sounding as we leave the driveway. I see Huxley pull him into his embrace in the rear-view mirror just before I turn and leave them behind. Garrett’s jaw matches the tension in his shoulders and I’m sure his eyes are glistening slightly as we sit in an awkward silence.

  “Do you wanna talk about it?” I offer after a while, needing to break the friction amounting between us.

  “Just drive.”


  The start of a new day is due to break any moment as we enter the state of Chicago, after Garrett and I took turns driving through the night. Not that we could have stopped even if we felt the need, not when Avery is driving herself directly into the danger, I’ve been trying to keep her away from. I’ve never felt anything close to love before, after my parent’s prime example of why two people who aren’t right for one another shouldn’t be together. I was content to wait as long as it took until the right girl came along to stir those feelings I’ve never felt. And holy shit, she did not disappoint.

  Avery landed in my life like an atomic bomb, destroying my existence as I knew it and leaving a fresh slate in its place. Now all I need is to save her life once again so I can start to rebuild a world she can be free in. All her fears will vanish when she realizes I won’t to cage her, I will encourage her to fly. I’d give her every opportunity to flourish and find a reason to live, even if that meant I could only watch from the side lines.

  I slow to stare through the passenger window as we pass The Harbour Bridge Casino, a neon sign displaying a logo to match its name. The lavish interior is visible through a set of gold-handled, glass doors with a set of security already in posi
tion outside. Continuing past, I take the next turning to round the tall stretch of glass to find a car park at the rear. My eyes immediately land on a burnt-orange Nissan and my heart double flips in my chest. I’m torn between being thankful Avery has arrived safely and terrified of the danger awaiting her inside. Swinging the Mercedes round to park beside Huxley’s beloved car, Garrett’s growl grabs my attention.

  His hazel eyes are pinned on a black sedan across the lot, his shoulders bunching with the heavy rise and fall of his chest. In contrast to how Axel wears his gentle nature like a coat of armour, Garrett uses sarcasm and anger to shield his true emotions, but I know him better than most. As much as he will rightfully want to make Wyatt pay for the hurt he’s caused, he also feels the loss of one of our own like I do. Our group with never be the same without Wyatt’s comforting presence and easy-going smirk at the ready. The one that seemed to have the best handle over his demons turned out to be our downfall.

  Reaching over to clasp Garrett’s shoulder, we share a determined nod and exit the vehicle. I stretch my arms above my head, my back cracking into place. If I never have to drive again this year, it will be too soon. My dad has a private jet I could use whenever I like, but that would involve speaking to him and I’d rather walk the length of the country than do that. We’ve come to a mutual agreement to pretend the other doesn’t exist, so long as he keeps transferring the generous allowance into my account each month as hush money. The stories I could tell would ruin his career and reputation overnight, and he’s knows I’d do it too.

  Rounding the Mercedes, I find Garrett has dropped to the floor between the cars to do some push ups, most likely to either rev up his adrenaline or to appear as butch as possible. Rolling my eyes, a flapping piece of paper tucked into the Nissan’s windscreen wiper catches my attention. I frown, looking all around as a prickle running down my spine tells me we’re being watched. A red Mini on the road beyond the car park bursts into action, speeding out of sight before I can get a look of the driver. Removing the paper, I unfold it to find a handwritten message inside.


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