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The Wild Heart

Page 7

by Emrys Apollo

  Clint looked up at Sean. “Can I remove the towel now?”

  “Sure, why not? You’ve been doing what you feel like for some time now,” Sean muttered bitterly.

  Clint laughed. He removed the towel and froze as Sean’s erection appeared directly in front of his face. Sean felt his cock lurch obviously in his underwear at this, and he pressed a hand on Clint’s head, trying to push it down so he wouldn’t look. “Please,” he groaned.

  Clint obediently bent his head downwards, but he seemed to need a moment to recover. His hands were shaking a little, Sean was pleased to see, when he held out the pants in front of Sean.

  Sean stepped into them quickly and Clint stood, pulling them hurriedly up. Sean made the mistake of looking at Clint and he felt his stomach flop. Clint was looking so intense, his eyes so fierce, that Sean was mesmerized.

  “Clint,” he breathed, unable to stop himself.

  But Clint shook his head as if he was trying to come back to his senses. He picked up the fresh jersey and carefully helped Sean into it, his movements efficient and rapid. Sean’s heart was still racing, but he was calmer now.

  When Sean was fully dressed, Clint stepped back. He was breathing a little harder too, but otherwise was his usual cool self.

  “Are you good? Should we go?”

  Sean nodded and they left the room, making their way to the training ground in silence. Sean’s cheeks was on fire and he was still hard as hell.

  In other words, just a regular day in Sean’s life.


  Sean woke up to Clint gently nudging him awake. He blinked up at him in confusion for a second, then smiled. “Hey.”

  Clint was smiling, eyes slightly crinkled in worry. “Hey yourself. How’s the shoulder?”

  Sean had been told not to train with the rest of the group because of the pain. He’d instead done some light workouts with the team physiotherapist. They’d placed hot towels and ointment on his shoulder and he’d left early. He’d put the TV on when he came back to the room, but the warm room and the sunshine had made him sleepy and he soon dozed.

  “It’s actually much better,” Sean said, yawning and stretching his shoulder gingerly.

  “Good. I got you some coffee.”

  Sean smiled. He drank some in thanks and then set it aside for later. Clint was looking fresh and cool after having had a shower. He smelled good too, of soap and shampoo.

  “I missed you today,” Clint said, poking Sean’s side.

  “Did you?” Sean grinned.

  “Yeah. It was so quiet.”

  Sean raised his eyebrows. “And…?”

  “And what?”

  “What else did you miss?”

  Clint quirked his lips in amusement. “Your terrible passes.”

  Sean huffed. “Clint!”

  Clint laughed. “Okay, okay. I missed warming up next to you.”

  Sean rolled his eyes. “Fine.”

  “I’m serious! Every time I warm up next to you, I feel-I feel good. Like everything’s going to be okay.” Clint’s cheeks were a little red.

  Sean flushed, going briefly silent. He’d always been terrible in emotional situations and this was no different. “What about my hot body?” he blurted. Humor had been his escape for as long as he could remember.

  Clint tilted his head, smiling. “Eh. Avery was there.” His eyes were warm, teasing.

  Sean blushed. So Clint had known! “Shut up,” Sean grumbled, picking at the sheets.

  Clint grinned. “You do know you’re my best friend, right?”

  “Yeah,” Sean said in a small petulant voice.

  “And that I love you, right?”


  They ordered room service and Clint treated Sean like a baby. He fussed and fretted over him, tucking him in, getting water and putting food on a plate and then setting it on his lap. Sean was secretly pleased, but he felt obliged to be as grouchy and pouty as possible.

  Clint seemed more amused by this than anything and he indulged Sean in all his whining. They ordered a horror movie on the TV and Clint climbed into bed with Sean, balancing his own plate of food in one hand.

  They ate quickly, laughing at all the so-called scary scenes. After a while, plates tucked away, Clint lowered the volume a bit and turned to Sean.

  “You okay? Need anything?”

  Sean pondered this. “Ice cream.”

  Clint raised an eyebrow. “You’re not supposed to be eating ice cream.”

  “Then why did you ask?”

  Laughing, Clint settled down in the bed, raising the volume again. He spoke over the screaming, “If you want anything reasonable, tell me.”

  Sean decided it was best not to respond. Clint definitely hadn’t intended that to be sexual and it wasn’t his fault that Sean’s mind was basically that of a horny teenager’s.

  But Clint was insistent. He nudged Sean. “Did you hear me?”

  Sean grinned, deciding to laugh it off. “Yeah, whatever I want, I get. Got it.”

  Clint didn’t laugh and Sean looked at him, puzzled. He saw Clint’s eyes were suddenly arrested, his expression serious and intent. Sean felt his breath hitch, but attempted a smile. “What? Did I get it wrong?”

  Clint shook his head. “No. You’re absolutely right,” he said quietly. He looped his hand suddenly around Sean’s neck, tangling in his hair, and pressed a quick kiss on his cheek.

  Sean flushed immediately, but kept his eyes trained forward. Clint removed his arm right away and for a while they watched the movie in silence.

  Sean lounged lower on the bed, stretching his arms above his head in abandon, trying to fake his mind into being calm. He looked at Clint out of the corner of his eye. Clint was looking delicious, the white t-shirt stretching over his biceps in a way that made Sean sigh inwardly.

  He was just mentally picturing removing the t-shirt and kissing Clint's chest, when Clint turned his head abruptly and caught Sean staring. He decided to brazen it out. He raised his eyebrows and flashed a brilliant smile.

  Clint seemed amused. “See something you like?”

  Sean nodded, jokingly leering at Clint. “You know I do.”

  Clint rolled his eyes, half-smiling. “When are you not horny?”

  The answer came off Sean’s tongue faster than he could think. “When you’re not in bed with me.”

  Clint was still smiling, but his eyes were serious and absorbed. “Oh, really?” he asked absently, his eyes searching Sean’s face.

  Sean nodded, feeling suddenly shaky. He looked away at the TV, wondering what on earth was happening. He’d totally lost the plot of the movie. Taking a deep breath, he concentrated hard, aware that Clint was still looking at him.

  For a long second, Clint continued to gaze at Sean. Then Sean suddenly felt Clint’s fingers slipping in between his. His heart began to pound but he said nothing as Clint intertwined their hands, their palms flush against each other.

  The rest of the movie was an absolute mystery to Sean. Clint continued to watch and make comments to which Sean attempted to reply sensibly, but he was lost. His whole world had come down to their hands, to Clint’s fingers brushing his, to Clint’s thumb occasionally stroking his hand.

  He was also hard and leaking, but he bent his knee enough to keep Clint from looking. Sean’s hand burned hot throughout the movie and he could feel Clint’s fingers as if they were touching him everywhere, the soft brushes making his heart pound.

  When the movie was over, Clint switched it off, laughing at the ending. He was still holding Sean’s hand though their palms were both sweaty. “Are you okay?” he said, noticing Sean was still staring at the TV.

  Sean nodded, smiling quickly. “Just thinking about the movie.”

  Clint laughed. “What’s to think about? It sucked.”

  Sean forced a smile. “Yeah, just thinking about how you made me waste hours of my life.”

  Clint grinned. “Oh and me watching your stupid romantic movies weren’t a waste?”
/>   “Those were classics!” Sean said, outraged.

  “Well, it was boring as hell.”

  Sean sniffed. “I can’t help it if you have no taste.”

  Clint chuckled. “Okay, time to get to bed. You okay? Need anything?”

  Sean shook his head. Clint was still holding his hand. Wildly, he thought that maybe Clint intended to sleep with him.

  But Clint simply leaned forward, pressing his cheek lightly against Sean’s as a good night kiss. He let go of Sean’s hand and slipped into his own bed, pulling up the covers.

  “Good night,” he called.

  Sean switched off the light, burrowing deeper in his sheets. “ ‘Night.”

  He thought that it was lucky he’d had such a long nap that afternoon because he knew he wasn’t going to get much sleep now.

  Not when his hand was still on fire and his cock still so hard.


  When Sean woke up the next morning, he felt unaccountably happy. He couldn’t remember why for a few minutes until he remembered Clint holding his hand throughout the movie. Smiling uncontrollably, he groped for his phone in the dim light.

  It was time to get up. They had to travel for their next match today and he hadn’t packed last night. Neither had Clint. He’d better wake him up too. He decided he’d do so after he used the bathroom.

  After finishing up, he came back from the bathroom feeling bouncy and hyper. There was a little bit of light in the room now and he threw open the curtains. Clint was still sleeping soundly and he sat on the edge of the bed. He gently shook him.

  Clint came awake quickly, turning to look at him, yawning. “Is it time?”

  Sean nodded, feeling a wave of affection. Clint looked so sweet, stretching, rubbing his eyes. “We forgot to pack yesterday.”

  “Mm.” Clint smiled sleepily, then yawned again.

  Unable to help himself, on impulse, Sean leaned forward and pecked Clint quickly on the lips. They both froze in shock at the kiss, staring at each other.

  Sean made to get up, flushing. “Sorry, I didn’t-”

  Clint caught his hands, pulling him back, even while he continued to lie down. “No. Sit. I should be the one apologizing considering my morning breath,” he said, smiling.

  Sean felt warmth spread through him. “That’s true,” he grinned. “Good thing I didn’t use tongue.”

  Clint laughed. “Now I wish I had brushed my teeth,” he said teasingly.

  They were still holding hands, fingers interlinked. Sean felt as if something inside him was soaring. Whatever this was, it made him happy. “Well, now you know.”

  “I’ll set my alarm earlier tomorrow.” Clint’s eyes were warm and full of affection.

  “Well, we’re going to be late if you don’t get up now. Up, up.” Sean tugged lightly on Clint’s hands and he got up, groaning and going to the bathroom.

  For the first time in his life, Sean started packing with a huge smile on his face.


  They went directly to the team bus after finishing breakfast, taking their bags along. Sean moved to the back of the bus, looking for a seat next to the window. He sat and Clint plopped down next to him. They were surprisingly comfortable with each other considering the number of somewhat unplatonic incidents that had happened between them in the last few days.

  Sean sent a prayer up in thanks at this. He’d never thought that Maurice revealing his secret would turn out so-well. He smiled, thinking of their kisses-two now! He glanced at Clint and saw him frowning at the front of the bus. Sean had a sudden impulse to hug him, but restrained himself, instead looking out at the crowd of fans around the bus. He waved at a few, posing for some photographs through the glass.

  When everyone had sat and the bus had started moving, Sean pulled out his phone. He showed Clint some videos of Hunter. Clint bent close to watch, his shoulder leaning heavily on Sean’s good one, the pressure warm and sweet. They argued playfully about whose child was cuter, better, smarter. Clint was insistent that Andrew was the most handsome baby in the world and Sean was sure that Hunter was the most intelligent.

  They were in the middle of laughing about some joke when Paxton, sitting across the aisle from Clint, leaned forward, interrupting them. “Hey, Clint. Is it okay if we switch? Just wanted to talk to Sean for a little while.”

  The atmosphere got so tense so fast it was astonishing. Clint stiffened, but only Sean could tell because their thighs were touching. Sean felt his heart speed up and, for one mad second, he wanted to say no to Paxton. But common sense prevailed and he held his tongue.

  Clint, for his part, nodded immediately. He stood up, letting Paxton slide over, and claimed Paxton’s old seat, sitting next to a sleeping Avery. He took out his phone and started to aimlessly browse, his face blank.

  Sean felt extremely uncomfortable as Paxton shifted closer. “Hey, man.”

  Sean smiled, trying to act normal. “Hey, Paxton. What’s up?”

  Paxton nodded. “I wanted to talk to you about that… night,” he said, voice lowered. “I don’t want things to be weird between us. It was just an impulsive thing, you know?”

  Sean felt relief flooding him. “No problem. We’re cool, man,” he said lightly, smiling.

  Paxton clapped him hard on the back, then slipped a hand around him, careful not to bother Sean’s sore shoulder. “Good, good.” He squeezed Sean lightly and then removed his arm, settling back in his seat. But he didn’t ask Clint to switch back and Sean felt it would be pathetic if he asked.

  So, slightly irritated and disappointed, Sean put on his headphones and listened to music for the rest of the journey. Paxton, for that matter, slept immediately.

  Sean couldn’t see what Clint was doing, but perhaps that was for the best. He hoped to God that Paxton hadn’t ruined the fragile thing that had developed between Clint and him. He didn’t want to have to start over or, worse, lose it altogether.

  When they reached their hotel, Clint didn’t wait for Sean, getting off the bus quickly with his things. Sean frowned slightly. It wasn’t exactly uncommon for Clint to do that, but it was unusual. He followed Paxton, maintaining an impassive face for the cameras and the fans.

  They went up the elevator in a big group. Sean was squashed against Hector and Avery. He could see Clint at the other end, looking at his feet, deep in thought. Sean wondered if he was stressed about the game, but he had a sinking feeling that that was only a part of the problem.

  They exited the elevator together and made their way to their new rooms. Paxton and Avery were directly in front of them, across the hall, and Sean inwardly cursed his fate. Clint opened their door quickly and Sean followed closely.

  When the door closed with a click behind them, it was as if someone had switched off the volume. It was deathly silent except for their quiet movements. Sean felt tense and upset, wishing he’d never gone to Paxton’s room in the first place. He wanted to bring it up himself, but kept rethinking.

  He jumped when Clint spoke.

  “What did Paxton want?”

  Clint was speaking with his back to Sean, unzipping his suitcase and taking out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

  Sean swallowed, his heart beating fast. “He wanted to just get everything clear about that… night.”

  Clint was quiet for a beat. “Everything clear now?”

  Sean had finished pushing his suitcase to the corner and now he leaned against the wall, looking at Clint’s back. “Yeah.” He didn’t know what to say-whether he was supposed to reassure Clint or just stop talking about it so as not to annoy him more.

  Clint made no reply and Sean felt so frustrated by this that he crept a little forward, away from the wall and towards Clint. “Are you… mad at me?” he asked in a small voice.

  Clint sighed. He turned to face Sean, then plopped down on his bed. “No, I’m not. But I-” He looked torn and a little confused.

  “What?” Sean said, standing still.

  Clint stood, zipping up his suitc
ase and pushing it over to where Sean’s was. When he finished, he straightened, turning to Sean. They were still standing quite a bit apart, but closer than before. Clint rubbed the back of his neck ruefully. “I’m-I’m jealous,” he finally said in a rush, his breath coming out in a whoosh.

  “What?” Sean said incredulously, sure he’d misheard.

  Clint shook his head. “I’m not jealous. Or maybe I am. I don’t know. I just-just don’t like seeing you with him.” He paused, then added, flushing, “Or anyone else.”

  Sean was so stunned by this that he was speechless. He simply gaped at Clint, unable to process that Clint was jealous. But something else was clearing in his mind, a wonderful sort of clarity filling him. He felt a rush of warmth surge through him and he cleared his throat. “Okay.”


  Sean smiled. “I won’t be with anyone else.”

  Clint looked stricken. “No! That’s not what I meant at all. I don’t want you to do that for me!” he cried.

  Sean shook his head, still smiling. He felt oddly calm. “If you don’t like seeing me with someone else, then I won’t be with someone.”

  “Sean, no. You’re misunderstanding. I just-I don’t want that. I don’t even know if-” Clint looked desperate and frantic.

  Sean laughed. “Listen. It doesn’t mean that we’re together. It doesn’t mean that we even have to end up together. It doesn’t mean anything. But I want us to have a chance, and if you don’t want me to be with anyone else while you think about it, I’ll do that.” He felt thankful at how well that had come out, how articulate he’d been with his emotions.

  Clint looked agitated. “No, please. It’s too much pressure, Sean.”

  Sean held his hands up. “No pressure, I promise. You can take your own time. But I can’t do anything else anyway-if there’s even a possibility.” Of us. He didn’t say it, but he knew Clint understood.


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