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Worth the Wait (Very Personal Training Book 2)

Page 20

by Karla Doyle

  “Good thing, because I plan on opening a few more once I get you naked.”

  “A few?” she asked, releasing his hand to unlock the door. “I was thinking legs.”

  “Oh, they’ll be the first to open, so I can bury my face in your sweet pussy.”

  Just the thought of Sam’s tongue working its magic sent a jolt of need to her clit. “What are the other parts?”

  “Your pretty lips.” He cupped her chin and angled her face upward to receive a hungry kiss. “After I’ve kissed them open, I’m going to slide my dick between them.”

  Heat rushed through her, licking at her cheeks, her breasts, then lower. Somehow, she managed to get the door open, help Sam lift the stroller into the hall, then lock the door behind them. “That’s two things. Two isn’t a few.”

  “No, it’s not.” Hands on her waist, he walked her backward, into the living room, searing her with kisses until her hamstrings bumped the arm of the couch. “Good, it’s the right height,” he said, turning her around and bending her facedown over the upholstery.

  “For what?” She could barely get the words out, thanks to Sam’s calloused hands sliding beneath her dress, up the insides of her legs.

  “For opening your tight little ass with my fingers while I fuck you from behind.” A statement of intent, not a request for permission. He knew he had her consent. Knew what she wanted. Knew she’d be ready for anything with him. He tugged her panties down and off, pushed her ankles apart and settled between them. “So damn sexy.”

  His warm breath against her needy parts sent a shiver rippling through her. Tightened her nipples inside her bra, making them extra sensitive to the friction from the lacy material as Sam repositioned her exactly to his liking.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed this.” He swept his tongue over her. One broad stroke before diving in with every masterful trick in his repertoire.

  God, it felt so good. So insanely good. Letting the furniture support her fully, she spread her legs farther apart, until her toes barely skimmed the floor.

  His broad shoulders nudged her legs even wider, his strong hands gripping her at the apex of her thighs to hold her exactly how he wanted her.

  Her position put her completely at his mercy. Mercy he did not show as he held her firmly against his face while working his oral magic. Licking, sucking, circling, pressing. Everything she loved. Exactly what she wanted. Needed.

  White flashed behind her closed eyelids as the orgasm hit, sharp and urgent. She pressed her face against the cushion to muffle the moan that left her lips.

  Not before Sam heard it though. His possessive growl rumbled against her flesh as he feasted on her pussy, pushing her into a second wave of climax that left her limp and sated.

  “I needed that.” His voice accompanied a rush of air against her skin and the sound of his shorts hitting the living room floor.

  “You needed that?” she asked, angling her head to enjoy the upright-in-every-way view of Sam, standing behind her. “I think you meant, I needed that.”

  “No, I meant me. Making you come on my face is the hugest turn-on ever. I fucking love it. I could do it all day.”

  “Your tongue would cramp up.”

  “Sounds like a challenge.” He held the condom packet, his fingers poised to open it. “This can wait.”

  “It can’t.” Not only because their window of time was limited. She needed more than a string of orgasms right now. She flipped her dress up, leaving her bottom half naked and on display. “I want you inside me.”

  “Done.” He tore the packet and rolled the condom down his length. Cock in one hand, he moved closer, slid one finger in and out of her waiting body. Not testing her readiness, he had no need to do that.

  She knew the reason. Knew and couldn’t wait. Reaching around, she spread her cheeks. “Fill me up. Everywhere.”

  His cock nudged her pussy as his fingertip pressed gently against her rear entrance.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  He answered by sliding inside her—his cock deep in her pussy, his finger into her ass. “Babe, you feel so good. I’ve missed you so fucking much.”

  “Don’t worry about making me come again. Fill me up, as full as you want. Fuck me hard, show me exactly how much you missed me.”

  “I won’t last long if I do that.” Even as he spoke the words, he gave her what she wanted, withdrawing his cock and finger from her body.

  “Give me more,” she said, holding herself open. “I want everything.” Her breath hitched instinctively as a much larger item pressed against her rim, demanding entry.

  “Too much?”

  “No, God no.” She turned her head enough to meet his heated gaze. “I need this. I need you.”

  Groaning, he pushed inside her. Slowly, carefully. His palms splayed across her ass, he held her open, his gaze focused on his cock filling her ass.

  She pressed her face against the couch, letting the cushion absorb her low, guttural moan. God, the heat, the fullness. So, so good.

  In a breath, he retreated, then filled her ass again. So deep, his hips pressed against her. “Fuck, you feel amazing,” he said, easing back, then filling her again. And again.

  She slid one hand beneath her body, to her clit. One touch and she was on fire, so close to the edge. “Going to come,” she panted the words, rubbing faster, grinding on her fingers as he stroked harder, deeper. White-hot sensation rolled through her, stripping her of rhythm and control as she came completely undone.

  “Leigh.” Her name was a strangled plea. Then, “fuuuuck…” as he gripped her hips hard and buried himself to the hilt.

  Boneless and utterly spent, she melted into the couch with an equally molten Sam plastered to her back. She could barely breathe and it didn’t matter. Breathing was overrated. She’d rather pass out than forfeit a single second with him.

  “Leigh.” This time, her name was silky soft, its velvety depth tickling her ear.

  Eyes closed, she let the sound of his voice fill her head the way his cock had filled her ass. “Mmmhmm?”

  “I love you.”

  She really did stop breathing. She’d expected something about the wickedly amazing sex they’d just had. Maybe a compliment. Not love.

  In the quiet of the moment, he pushed up, lifting his weight from her body.

  She didn’t move, didn’t speak, didn’t open her eyes. The air echoed with the rustle of his shorts, the metallic zip of his fly, his footfalls across the hardwood as he left the room. Whoever said silence was golden had never been in a situation like this.

  At the sound of water running in the kitchen, she stood, straightened her dress. Walked to the doorway but hung back, just out of sight. She needed to say something.

  “I’ll get her,” he said when Sachi wailed from the stroller in the front hall.

  “Okay.” That’s what she had to say? She squeezed her eyelids closed. Protection against seeing even a sliver of the disappointment—or worse—that’d be painted all over his face as he walked by.

  “Sshh, you’re okay.” Sam’s gentle shushing preceded the distinctive sound of soft kisses. “Daddy’s got you, angel.”

  Sounds of love.

  Leigh’s heart pounded hard in her chest. Steeling herself with a deep breath, she joined them in the front hall. “Can I do anything?”

  “No, thanks, you’ve done enough.” The comment could’ve been generic, grateful even, yet struck her as entirely the opposite.

  She hugged herself against the subtle attack. If that’s what it’d been. Likely not, since Sam was the straightforward type, regardless of the subject, risk or consequences. He was an honest man. Always.

  No, the attack she felt came from within. Guilt, with its poisoned edges honed for slicing through the toughest defenses.

  “I’m going to round up our stuff, then we’re heading out.”

  “Already?” She didn’t need to ask why. Didn’t want to hear him verbalize why. “Okay.” Hugging herself tighter, she nodded
and moved toward the stairs. “I’ll help collect your things.”

  Sam caught her by the biceps and held her arm, along with her gaze. “I’m not running away because you didn’t say it back. I have clients this evening and early tomorrow morning, so I’m staying at my sister’s tonight. I don’t want to rush in, dump Sachi on her and fly out the door. I told you that earlier.”

  “I remember.” She’d put chicken in the fridge to marinate anyway. The light, early dinner she’d planned was now up in smoke—before making it onto the barbecue.

  Sighing, he released her. “I don’t want things to end this way.”

  End? “You’re breaking up with me?” Tears welled in her eyes. Stupid tears, tears of stupidity.

  “Hell, no.” He reached for her again, this time, to pull her against him. Hugging her the best he could with just one arm, he pressed a kiss to her head. “I’m not breaking up with you. I’m like a bad smell in the gym—I’m not easy to get rid of.”

  Laughter burst from her mouth, startling Sachi into a fresh fit of crying. “I’m sorry.” She eased free of the embrace, giving him room to settle the baby again.

  “I thought we agreed to stop apologizing and move forward instead.”

  “We did.”

  “Then let’s stick with that plan. I know how much you like your plans,” he said, shooting her a wink.

  Keeping it light worked for her. So much better than heavyhearted angst. “Think you have me figured out, do you?”

  “I think I’m getting there.”

  She couldn’t argue, even if she’d wanted to, because he was correct. Some of her personality traits would’ve scared off a lesser man. The universe had been extra generous when it gifted her with Sam.

  “I’ll hold the little sweetheart while you get everything organized.”

  “Thanks.” He stepped into her space, their gazes locking as he transferred Sachi to her waiting arms.

  The simple touch ignited their connection instantly. It hummed between them, invisible, intense and insistent. Not just the sparks of sexual attraction, though those fired to life too, as always. This was more. The link between them had grown beyond physical craving.

  “I loved spending the weekend with you.” She said the words to Sam before looking down at the baby in her arms. “And with you, blissful child.”

  “Thank you,” he said when she met his eyes again. “That means a lot.”

  A lot, but not truly enough. She couldn’t say the three words he wanted to hear. But she wouldn’t diminish the moment with a blasé response either. He meant too much. What they shared was too important.

  “I don’t want to mess this up, Sam.”

  “You won’t.” He stroked her cheek, cupped her face in his hands. “We won’t.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Intelligence and determination.” Smiling, he kissed the tip of her nose, then stepped back. “Maybe a pinch of confidence.”

  “A pinch? You need to spend more time in the bakery with me to learn what ‘a pinch’ of something is, because you have way more than a pinch of confidence.”

  “Maybe I do.” His grin stretched ear to ear. “But I’ll take the baking lesson anyway. I’m going to need to know how to make cookies now that I’m a parent.”

  “You’ll never have to make cookies as long as I’m around.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, entering her personal space again. He didn’t touch her this time, not physically, yet as he looked deep into her eyes, the effects of a caress rippled through her. “Then plan on making a lot of extra cookies, because you’re not going anywhere, and neither am I.”

  “Except to work.” She tipped her head toward the wall clock. A safer exit from the conversation than addressing the expectation head on.

  “Right. Guess I’d better get on that.” He warmed her lips with a sweet kiss, dropped a soft one on Sachi’s forehead, then turned and sprinted up the stairs, putting his athletic physique on display. Yum. If he’d been disappointed by her lack of verbal commitment, he didn’t show it.

  She should be relieved. Standing in the hall without him, the clock ticking down the few remaining minutes he’d be around—literally—she felt anything but.


  She’d been alone four hours. Okay, four hours and twelve minutes, to be precise. In that time, she’d accomplished a lot. Scooped the litter box, returned the bombtastic kitchen to its preferred pristine state, scrubbed the bathroom, and caught up on the laundry. All the regular weekend tasks she hadn’t had time to do while caring for Sachi. Amazing what could be accomplished without a newborn in the mix.

  Lennox and the puppy wouldn’t be home until tomorrow evening. Smokey had settled into his usual evening snoozing spot at the end of the couch. The house was serene. And the serenity was deafening.

  A problem—if you could even call it that—easily fixed by television. Wine glass in one hand, she retrieved the remote from the spotless coffee table. A single click brought the screen to life, filling the silence with scripted dialogue while casting a bluish glow over the living room. Unnatural, but it’d do for a distraction.

  The thought stopped her mid-sip of pinot gris. Since when did she need a distraction from a peaceful evening to herself? Clearly, she wasn’t meant to sit around and do nothing with this gift of solitary time. The universe was signaling her to get up and be busy. That’s all this was. Not wallowing in loneliness. She wasn’t lonely, she simply missed her daughter, as she always did when Lennox was away. This was normal empty-house syndrome. Nothing more.

  The cat lifted his head enough to shoot her an annoyed stare as she sprang from the couch.

  “Sorry to disturb you, your highness.” Not only did her sarcasm have no effect on the cranky kitty, the reference to royalty reminded her of the time she and Sam had referred to each other as Cinderella and Prince Charming. Not so long ago, yet it felt like a distant memory.

  She tapped and scrolled through her phone until she reached the exchange. A great time, as they always had together. Even this weekend, when the bulk of their minutes had been consumed by baby activities, it’d still been great.

  She sighed, pushing down the urge to shoot him a message so he’d send one back. Or better yet, call back. They could talk about anything or nothing, it didn’t matter, she loved hearing his voice. His laugh.

  She sighed again, this time while putting her phone to sleep. No point in sending a message he wouldn’t get until later, after his evening client sessions ended. He wouldn’t have time to answer then either. He’d have to hurry to his sister’s house to put on his single-dad hat. He’d be lucky to get a couple of short chunks of sleep in before heading back to the gym for his early-morning appointments. His schedule for the next twenty-four hours didn’t include time for calling her. Or texting her. Neither did the rest of his upcoming week.

  If she wanted to hear his voice, she’d have to go to Focus for a workout so she could eavesdrop on somebody else’s interaction with him. Not remotely personal contact. Definitely not the stuff of romantic relationships.

  She’d known it would be like this. She just hadn’t realized how much she’d care, or how much she’d hate it.

  Chapter 13


  Sam finished updating his client’s progress, saved the file and logged out. Then remembered another new exercise they’d discussed for their next session. “Sugar,” he said, logging in for the third time.

  “Sugar?” Brian grinned as he joined Sam behind the front counter. “That’s new.”

  “Doing a little personal training on myself. Leigh suggested cutting out any words I wouldn’t want Sachi to repeat.”

  “Leigh’s suggestion.” The big man’s ginger eyebrows rose. “I guess that means things are going well.”

  Sam raised a finger to pause the conversation while he added the note to the file. Hopefully, that was everything. Regardless, he was closing the damn thing for the last time.

  Changes have not been saved! Pr
oceed anyway? Yes — No

  “Shit,” he said, the instant his index finger hit the Enter button.

  “I think you meant sugar.”

  He shot a visual dart at his boss and best friend. “No, that time, I definitely meant shit.”

  Chuckling, Brian clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ve done that too, and I’m not running on a sleep deficit. Can I do anything to help?”

  “No, you’ve done tons already, letting me flex my schedule all over the place while I scramble to find babysitting from one day to the next.”

  “I’m just glad you’re still here, making it work. I’d be lost without you. So would your clients.”

  “I’m grateful they’ve been willing to shuffle their appointments around. I’ve told them all it’s temporary, I think that helped.”

  “You’re great with people, always genuinely interested and friendly. And you’re excellent at your job. That’s what helped.”

  “Thanks. Still, it’s a temporary inconvenience. Things should settle into a routine once my parents are back. My mom committed to looking after Sachi until I find a good sitter with an available opening for an infant. Which is not as easy as it sounds.” He laughed at the insanity of it all. “None of it is easy.”

  “You thought it would be?”

  “I didn’t think it’d take over every minute of my life, like Leigh said it would.”

  Brian nodded. “Back to the subject of Leigh. You didn’t say how things are going. I’m guessing well, since that’s the second time she’s come up in this conversation.”

  “I think ‘going well’ is a bit too generous.” More than a bit. The memory of her face when he left her house Sunday afternoon flashed in his mind.

  Beautiful, as always. Wearing her emotions as if they were bold makeup. As always. She’d been hesitant to promise their relationship would last. To admit her true feelings.

  He hadn’t pushed. Hadn’t had the time or opportunity, thanks to a crying baby and work commitments. Things that hadn’t changed since he loaded Sachi into the car he’d borrowed to accommodate her infant seat, then driven off to a home that wasn’t his own. His life was organized chaos at best. He didn’t blame Leigh for hesitating.


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