The Wolfe Brothers

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The Wolfe Brothers Page 2

by Eden Rose

  “Put some fuckin’ clothes on. Fuck,” Kody grimaces then he and Randy leave the room.

  I can’t help but laugh. We just shared Trinity and now me being naked is a big fucking deal? Such a fucking pussy.


  “What if one of us stays back here and the other two head back to the club house?” Randy suggests.

  He is leaned back in the driver’s seat staring at Trinity’s house.

  “We just tell her to pack a bag then take her back. What’s so hard about that?” I ask. Randy and Kody both glance back at me.

  “Are you a fuckin’ idiot?” Kody frowns. “That’s called kidnapping, douchebag.” He turns to face the front and I whack him in the back of the head. He turns, bares his teeth at me and snarls.

  “For fucks’ sakes. We need to figure this out. You two can fight later,” Randy rolls his eyes. “You two fight like a bunch of chicks.”

  That earns Randy a growl from Kody and me. I ain’t no fucking chick. I’m six foot five and built like a fucking tank. My nickname ain’t Tiny. It’s goddamn Tank.

  “One of us stays, the other two go,” Randy says looking at the clock on the dash. “Or we all go and just come back every few days.”

  “Fuck that,” Kody and I say together. For once, we fucking agree on something besides Trinity.

  “Okay, then which one of us is staying because we can’t fucking kidnap her… Tank.”

  Is this mother fucker scolding me?

  Leave it to fucking Randy to be the logical one. Sometimes you have to break rules to get what you want. Besides, who the fuck is going to catch us?

  “I know what you’re thinking and ‘no’. We are not taking her against her will,” Kody shakes his head. “If we do it that way then she’ll never accept us.”

  Tap. Tap. Tap.

  The three of us startle then face the driver’s side window. It’s Trinity. How the fuck didn’t we hear or smell her walking up.

  Her eyebrow is raised and she’s gesturing for Randy to put his window down. He does it without thought.

  “Hey, Trinity,” he says nervously. I lean forward between the seats.

  “Hey, babe.” I give her my award-winning smile. She blushes slightly.

  “Morning,” Kody smiles.

  “Um… hey,” she says mousy. I like her shy side. “Is there a reason why you are here? All of you?”

  “Well, the truth is—” Kody begins.

  “We just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Randy cuts me off.

  “Of course, I’m okay,” she smiles. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Um…” Randy clears his throat. Her eyes widen. Now her cheeks are red. She’s remembering the things we did to her. The way we made her body respond to us. The way we made her ours.

  Fuck. My cock is hard and pressing against the inside of my jeans.

  “Oh. That. Um. Yeah, I’m fine. No problems here,” she blurts. Kody, Randy and me chuckle.

  “Does that mean you want a round two?” I ask leaning around Randy and looking at her. She looks down. She’s shifting back and forth on her feet. Her heart is pounding.

  “I have to go to work. Maybe I’ll see you guys around sometime,” she says. It sounds like a half-ass statement, half-ass question.

  “Babe, we aren’t going anywhere. We’re all yours,” Kody, the Casanova, swoops in with his romantic words. He gains her attention. She’s looking at him and biting her bottom lip.

  Fuck. She’s so sexy. I’m tempted to pull my cock out and start jerking off right here in the back seat.

  “Want a ride to work?” Randy asks.

  “That’s sweet of you,” she whispers. “I have a car. I just didn’t drive it last night to the club because I knew I’d be drinking.”

  “That was smart,” Randy continues. “Can I give you my number and us go out sometime?”

  “Us? Like you and me? Or like the three of you and me?” She looks like she’s ready to pass out from mental overload.

  “However, you want it, sweetheart,” Kody smiles. Here is comes. I can sense the cheesiness from here. “We won’t ever do anything you don’t want to do. You are in control. You always will be. Promise.”

  And there it is. His cheesiness, but I know it’s going to seal the deal.

  “We’ll see,” Trinity responds before scurrying off over to a black two-door coupe.

  Kody’s mouth gapes open. For the first time in his life, his smooth talking didn’t get him what he wanted. His brown eyes are shifting to a dark yellow. He’s about to really knock her off her feet.

  “Change in plans. Randy, you go back with Tank. We’ll rotate every day,” he says staring at Trinity’s car. She’s already climbed inside it and is backing out of the parking spot.

  “Why do you get to be the first one?” Randy turns and faces Kody.

  “Because this mother fucker just got rejected,” I laugh. “Let’s give the big baby his time with her. Then you can come the next day.”

  “You don’t want to be first?” Kody asks. Randy’s giving me a questioning look.

  “No. You two use your smooth-talking and convince her to come home. Then I won’t have to come back to this raggedy ass town.”

  We’ve been here for a little less than a week. We were only supposed to be here for a day. Just long enough to find out some stuff for Caine. But when we caught Trinity’s scent, there was no way in hell we were leaving without her.

  She’s ours.

  Chapter Three


  I wish I could say comfortably that I'm okay with the thought of being used as a chew toy for the triplets, but my head is swimming with doubt. What if they figure out that I'm a lame homeland security officer? That I am not some fun club bunny?

  For the past three weeks, my body has been humming from the pleasure they gave me. And for the past three weeks, I haven’t heard anything from them. Nor have I seen them. Absolutely nothing. The only thing that reminds me I was shared by triplets, is the way my body remembers them.

  "Yo, Trin!"

  I turn to look at Adams, one of the officers I have worked with since I got assigned to this bid. I wave and he saunters his ass over to me. He has been trying to get in my pants since I first saw him, but I'm not interested. Guys like him only want pussy.

  He's a good-looking enough guy. He has blond hair and looks like a Ken Doll, but not my type.

  Nah, my type is now three sexy men who have my body still humming.

  My body still feels their tongues, teeth, lips, fingers and dicks all over my body.

  And the crazy thing is? I didn’t even give any of them my phone number.

  Adams gets a little closer to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. “Are you ready? We’re on the outside today.”

  I roll my eyes. “Of course,” I chime.

  Standing up, I slip my phone into my back pocket of my uniform pants and chug the rest of my Red Bull. I haven’t been sleeping too good lately because I’m currently mentally kicking my ass for allowing myself to be used.

  I hate myself for allowing it to happen. And what’s worse? There is no one to blame but me.


  “So, what’s been going on with you lately?” Adams asks from the front seat.

  “What are you talking about?” I know exactly what he’s talking about. I’m not acting like my normal self ever since Kody, Randy and Tank came blowing through my emotional trailer park.

  He chuckles. “Women are so predictable. You guys get caught up in a man and then they all fall out of whack. What the fuck is up with that?”

  “I didn’t realize we were having drinks and getting pedicures today. Silly me thought we were here to push through a couple of sign cuttings.” I knew I would get him off the subject when I bring up the job we have to do. Men always love it when you bring up business. Sign cutting is when we’re actively looking for footprints in the sand.

  He gasps. “There’s the woman every guy here loves.”

  I roll
my eyes. “Yep. I’m still an asshole. Now, keep your eyes out. Apparently, they’ve been doing some major tracking through the area.”

  “Who told you about this tip?” Adams asks.

  I pull down the sandy road until we stop at the actual fenced in border and turn off the car. “An unknown caller gave us a tip that they found some huge paw prints and footprints leading from Mexico into Texas. He or she tried to track it, but it kept going from one to the other without a pattern. I guess they have heard some crazy shit coming from this area.”

  “And they are sure it’s an animal footprint?” He sounds skeptical.

  Over the past couple of years, we have gotten some strange calls regarding random things people have seen on the trails between the border. Most of the time, the prints can be tracked back to people, but people are getting more creative. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone altered their footprints to resemble an animal to throw us off.

  I shrug. “Doesn’t matter what they think it is. What matters is we find out what it actually is before it’s too late.”

  I hop out of the Jeep and turn my light on to cut the signs to see if I can see anything out of the ordinary. Adams isn’t too far behind me and he’s ready to be my back up if I need it.

  He has gotten extremely protective over me since my last break up. Of course, having me depressed and wanting to sleep or kill someone, didn’t deter him from wanting to stick his hand down my pants. I’m never going to sleep with someone I work with.

  Not again.

  “Trin!” Adams shouts out from behind me.

  I turn to look at him and he’s pointing at something in the sand. “What’s up?”

  He smiles and looks around the area even more before waving his finger at me. “Dude, there they are!” He’s pointing down at what looks like animal footprints. A cluster of them.

  “What the fuck?”

  He shrugs. “Looks like that caller wasn’t wrong. And it looks like they have been tracked throughout this whole border.”

  I reach behind me to get my gun ready in case we’ve stumbled on something even more insane than I’m thinking. “We got to follow the track.”

  “Lead the way. I got your back.”

  I follow the difference in the weight distribution between the different paw prints hitting the sand. From what I can see, there are three sets of paw prints throughout the sand and then every couple of hundred yards, there’s a human footprint.

  “Is someone bringing their dog?” I ask out loud.

  “You know these aliens will do anything to go unseen. Untracked. It wouldn’t be uncommon for them to change their footprints to animal prints.”

  I nod. “Just like that one guy who taped carpet to the bottom of his shoe, so he didn’t leave a mark. People are getting crazy.”

  I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket, but I shake it off. I’m working here.

  What I didn’t realize is what I’m walking into.

  About two miles away from the original site, we find a cave. When we find caves in the middle of the border areas, we know exactly what we’re about to find. It can be people stashed in the caves waiting for the coyotes to come back, or it can be runaways.

  Coyotes are people who are paid to smuggle in illegals from different countries. Typically, they are paid from the actual person, but sometimes they are paid through other channels. Most of the time, they are paid from people in the underworld who are trying to get new people in to do whatever they want with them.

  One time, we found a truck load of young female teenagers who had been kidnapped from school and were being sold off in America. It killed me the amount of them who were drugged. We pulled out two dead bodies and no one would even tell us their names or where they are from. It is sad, but that is the reality. Even if they did know, they didn’t want to be punished by the coyotes when the girls returned home.

  I point to the cave just as the sun is about to come up. Adams nods and starts walking towards it. I’m behind him with my gun aimed on the door in front of the cave. He waves his finger in the air and I approach the door. Carefully, I peel it back, eager to see what’s behind the door.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I shout out.

  Adams runs over to where I’m standing and his jaw drops.

  What the actual fuck did we just find?

  Inside the cave, there are women and young women lined up in a row throughout the bottom of the tent. All of them are chained together by their wrists or ankles and they all look scared.

  I ask in Spanish: “Does anyone speak English?” I question. Being Homeland in Texas, you have to know Spanish as well.

  One woman nods awkwardly. I keep my eyes on her as she coughs up sand. I wish I could do something to help her, but I can’t do too much without knowing what the threat is.

  “We, we… we need your help!” She begs. The woman is probably about twenty years old and doesn’t weigh more than ninety pounds.

  My eyes scan the cave to see if I can see anything more around. I need as much intel as I possibly can.

  “Who did this to you?” Adams asks. “Was it the coyotes?”

  She shakes her head. “Wolves did it. We aren’t safe.”

  Chapter Four


  “If you don’t quit pacing back and forth, I’m going to kill you,” I growl at Randy, who has been acting weird the past few minutes.

  “Something isn’t right,” he snarls at me.

  Randy has always been the more sensitive one. The one in tuned with emotions and shit. Whatever has him spooled up isn’t pretty.

  My phone rings and I reach over to grab it off the hotel table. I glance down to check the name on it before answering. Randy is looking at me expectantly to see who it is. I know he’s either thinking it is Caine or our brother. “It’s Tank.”

  “What?” I ask answering the call with my eyes locked on Randy, who is still fucking pacing.

  “Somethings wrong,” Tank replies. I sit up straight on the bed. Randy yanks the phone from me.

  “You feel it, too, don’t you?” Randy asks putting the call on speakerphone.

  “Feel what?” He asks.

  Tank has that fatherly tone to his voice; the one he uses whenever he gets onto Randy and me. He thinks the tone is the reason we tell him things. Truth is, we just want him to shut the hell up with that tone. He sounds just like our dickhead dad when he talks like that.

  “Something isn’t right.”

  “Randy’s been fuckin’ pacing again,” I say before Tank can reply.

  “Quit pacing and listen,” Tank shouts. “Prez has a job for you two.”

  Randy comes to a halt. He looks at me then at the phone.

  If the Prez— Caine — has a job for us, he must need us to scout something out. After all, it’s what us Wolfe brothers are good at. If there’s something someone needs found, we’re the ones to call.

  “King is going back and forth from Texas and Mexico. Prez wants to know what the fuck that motherfucker is up to,” Tank mumbles something under his breath and even with our hearing, it sounds like garble.

  “We’re on it,” I say standing up.

  “That’s not all.”

  “Are you going to keep fuckin’ talkin’ or let us do our fuckin’ job?” Randy growls. I can’t help but chuckle at Mr. Sensitive. He can go from sensitive to a dick in point five seconds.

  “Rumor is they aren’t too far from the border near you guys. Border Patrol,” Randy and I look at each other, “caught wind of some animals with weird prints.”

  “If Border Patrol crosses paths with King and his goons, it’s going to be a fuckin’ bloodbath,” Randy snaps. “Trinity is one of them!”

  That gets my blood boiling. No one fucks with our girl. If King even touches a hair on her head, I’ll rip his fucking head off.

  “We’ll call when we have information,” I snarl then end the call. Randy is panting and trying to not shift.

  “Let’s go find these mother fu


  Randy and I shifted in the woods near the hotel. We ran to the border fence careful to dodge patrols. There seemed to be a shit ton of them. Over the years, we had gone across the border several times, but patrols were never this heavy.

  The wind blew from the east bringing a stench of another pack. King’s pack.


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