The Wolfe Brothers

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The Wolfe Brothers Page 3

by Eden Rose

  Randy looks at me. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t need to. I know what he’s thinking. King and his goons are nearby and there’s only two of us.

  The wind picks up blowing sand in our faces. We shake our fur and snort out the sand that blew up our noses.

  “I hate the fuckin’ desert,” Randy complains.

  “I’m not too fond of the shit ei—” My words end when a smell overpowers King and his bastards’ smell. It feels like my heart stopped and dropped into the bit of my stomach.

  “Trinity!” Randy and I roar.

  Without a care in the world, we haul ass following Trinity’s scent. Our paws barely touch the sand beneath us. I see Randy out of the corner of my eye. Just like me, he’s trying to keep his eyes open on the land ahead of us. The wind is whipping ferociously making the sand that blows into our eyes feel like blasts of rocks. It hurts like a mother fucker. But nothing is stopping us from getting to Trinity.

  Chapter Five


  Adams shakes his head at me and looks at the people in the cave. “Shit,” he mumbles underneath his breath.

  “We gotta start getting them out of here and figure out where they are from,” I advise. It’s important to find out if they are truly illegals or if they are running from something or someone.

  “Yeah. I know,” he sasses back.

  Asshole. “All right,” I address in Spanish. “Please come out of the cave.”

  The women are shaking as they get to their feet to walk out of the cave. I’m waiting to see if there are any bodies left in the cave after everyone leaves.

  One by one, all twenty women are standing in front of Adams and I. Luckily, there aren’t any bodies left in the cave. Now we have to get them all back to the station before it’s too late. We don’t need any of the coyotes finding us.

  Or wolves? When did they become known as wolves?

  The one that speaks English who told us they were not coyotes but wolves, is the one I’m looking at right now. She looks scared to look at me, however she doesn’t look away.

  “Is everyone illegal?” I question.

  She nods. “Yes, ma’am.”

  I nod. “All right. We have to take you all back to the station to run some fingerprints on you.”

  As we are walking them back to the Jeep, I can’t get the sick feeling of someone watching me. Who would be watching me, though?

  For some reason, I hope it is the triplets. It has been a couple of weeks since I last heard from them; why would they be showing up now? And here of all places? It doesn’t make any sense.

  My heart beats faster, my breathing spikes. I feel desire beginning to pool between my thighs. I miss them.

  I shouldn't though. I shouldn't want to see them after I let them use me like that. I am furious with myself for allowing them to use me like some shared squeaky toy.

  "Trin," Adams calls out. I shake my head and look at him. "Not one hit. They are all illegals."

  I give him a half smile. Since we already knew the score, I’m not surprised at all. An illegal never tells the truth about their citizenship, but this one did.

  I walk over to the woman who spoke to me outside. She's shifting in her seat and looks like she is trying to make a run for it. "What happened?" I ask her as I sit in front of her.

  "You're going to think I'm crazy," she answers.

  "Nope. I promise.”

  Her eyes glisten from tears. "They were men who transformed into wolves. Large wolves!"

  Maybe I do think she is insane after all!

  "We need drug tests on everyone," I call out.


  By the time my shift had ended, I'm ready to crash. I can't keep my eyes open any longer.

  We moved the girls into a holding center to gather more information on them before we deport them. We need to make sure we get the truth before we do anything rash.

  I stop dead in my tracks as I stand in front of my car. My precious car!

  "What the fuck!" I shout.

  On the side of my car, is two sets of claw marks through my driver's side door. I look around to see if anyone else has been vandalized and no one has.

  "Mother fucker!"

  Chapter Six


  We followed Trinity, her partner and the group of women back to their post or whatever the hell they call it. Kody and I stuck around for a few hours just to make sure King and or one of his bastards didn’t follow them back. We stay towards the back to make sure our wolf forms aren’t detectable. Once we are certain Trinity is safe, we head back into the desert to go track King.

  Their scent is no longer near the cave. Their scent is moving the opposite way of where Trinity was. The tension in my muscles relaxed some knowing he isn’t a threat to her.

  King and his men went across the border and into Mexico, or at least that’s where their scent went. They could have easily doubled back around a few miles down.

  Mexico is the last place Kody and I wanted to go, but what the Prez wants the Prez gets. So, we cross the border and continue tracking.

  “Why is it always Mexico? Why can’t it fuckin’ be Canada? Someplace cold,” Kody complains beside me. We are hidden in the tree line by a small town about an hour away from the border.

  “Like New Mexico is cold,” I say rolling my eyes.

  “Fuck. Another fucking hot place,” he grumbles. “Why the hell would anyone set up shop in a hot place? We our fuckin’ wolf shifters not fuckin’ cactuses.”

  Leave it to Kody to use a comparison of a plant and animal. He could have said a damn camel. Instead he chooses a plant.

  “You’re a cactus,” I mutter.

  “How the fuck am I a goddamn cactus?”

  “Because you are a pain in my fuckin’ ass.” Kody apparently didn’t find it as funny as I did, because he snarled in my face.

  “I’ll show you a pain in—”

  A door opens somewhere in the town silencing Kody. We stare around until we see the door to the bar open. There are two men walking out. They’re speaking Spanish.

  My Spanish is choppy, and Kody’s Spanish is non-existent. This is where Tank would have come in handy. He speaks it fluently.

  Kody and I listen to the two men as they walk towards a group of motorcycles parked a few feet from the bar.

  “King,” the shorter of the two men says. They both shake their heads.

  “Maldito idiota,” the other man replies. Don’t need to be a genius to know what he just said.

  “Es un cabron,” the short man smacks his forehead. “Cabron. Cabron. Cabron.”

  This can work to our advantage. They know King but clearly don’t like him. Maybe they can tell us where he’s at and what he’s up to.

  I look at Kody and he nods. We shift back to our man form.

  “Don’t be a jackass and fuck this up,” I jab Kody in his stomach.

  “What the fuck?” He punches my arm. “Tank fucked it up last time.”

  He is right. Tank lost his shit the last time we went out tracking. All he was supposed to do was to snoop around a house to see if it housed the sex trafficking ring. That was all. Somehow, he translated that to mean, if you find girls and sex traffickers kick down the door and kill the men inside. That was a bloody fucking mess that Steel had to clean up with the law.

  We’re actually surprised Steel let’s Tank track anymore. Tank has an issue with women doing stuff against their will. Not that Kody and I don’t. We just keep our cool and handle things in a quieter way.

  “That fucker,” I laugh at the image of Steel’s face when him and the brothers made it to the house that night. Steel looked like his head was going to explode off his neck.

  “He’s lucky Steel didn’t kill his ass,” Kody chuckles. “Let’s go get this over with.”

  We make our way out of the trees, down the hill and into the town. The two men are standing next to the bikes and smoking. When they see us approach, they startle.

  “Either one of you
speak fuckin’ English?” Kody growls. So much for being fucking tactful.

  I look at him and he shrugs. I give him the look that says really, asshole? He just shrugs again. I’m kicking his ass later. I look back at the two men.

  “You’ll have to forgive my brother,” I state. The two men just stare at me. “Um… Mi hermano es… um… el stupido.”

  The men laugh their asses off. Kody, on the other hand, is definitely not laughing, which makes me grin.

  “Relax, Kody. I’m just telling them what everyone else already knows.” Kody snarls in response. The two men stop laughing.

  “English?” Kody snaps at the men.

  “Un pequito,” the shorter man says gesturing with his fingers as to small amount.

  “King was here?” he asks. The men look at each other then look around.

  “You friends with?” The taller man asks.

  “Fuck no. He’s a… what’s that word?... Cabron. He’s a fucking cabron.” If Kody was any louder fucking Steel, King and the whole fucking country would have heard him.

  “Si!” The two men agree.

  “What you need to know?” Short one asks.

  “He came here?” I ask. The men nod. “He had you do a job for him?” They stare at me cluelessly. “Um… trabajado. You trabajado for King?”

  “Oh. Si. We drive trucks for him,” the short man says and gestures with his hands as though he is holding a steering wheel.

  Kody and I glance at each other. What the hell does King need trucks for? Is he smuggling drugs and girls across the border? King is known for doing some pretty fucked up shit so there is no telling.

  “What’s in them?” Kody asks crossing his arms in front of his chest. The men are back to staring clueless. “The one fucking time Tank couldn’t be here.”

  “Senors,” I say, and the two men look at me. “Drogas? Guns? Dinero?”

  They shake their head. The tall one looks around then leans in towards Kody and me.

  “Muchachas,” he whispers.

  The man admits what we all feared and assumed. King has been behind all this mess and could be the reason why Bleiz’s girlfriend is missing. Everything is all starting to make sense.

  “How many trucks?” Kody takes a step towards the men. Fear is written all over their faces. I grab Kody by the back of his shirt and pull him back next to me.

  “Lo siento,” I offer to the two men. “How many trucks?” Blank stare.

  “How. Many,” Kody says slowly. Like saying it super slow is going to magically make them understand English.

  “Cuantos?” The tall man asks. I’ll be damned. Apparently, Kody is a fucking magician.

  “Uh. Si,” Kody says awkwardly.

  “Cinco.” The tall man holds up a hand. “Cinco trucks left tres horas atras.”

  “Um… something about three. Three days ago?” Kody asks. The men shake their head.

  “Horas. Atras,” the tall man says again slowly just like Kody had done with them. I smirk at Kody, who has murder in his eyes. I sniff the air and laugh.

  “He’s saying three hours ago, you fucking moron,” Tank growls from the treeline where he is hidden.

  Chapter Seven


  “What the actual fuck?” I mutter under my breath as I try to get my insurance application to come up on my phone. Where our station is, nobody gets service and if you do, it’s very little. I need to call these scratches into the insurance company before it’s too late.

  I pull my long hair out of the pony-tale I had styled it in earlier and shake out all of the sand that I have accumulated in it throughout the day. My left hand goes straight for the crease in my hair and I let my fingers sift through the soft strands of my hair.

  “What happened?” Adams asks as he approaches with a little too much swagger.

  I point to my car. “I don’t know what happened. I came out to see this. You might want to check your car… It could be a random animal who has attacked our vehicles.”

  I’m not going to say what I think it is. The day has been strange enough with the random animal footprints and then the women saying wolves kidnapped them. I’m not going to deny or assume anything right now besides the fact that I need a psychological evaluation.



  As I’m driving home, I can’t help but get a sick feeling someone is following me home. If that’s the case, who is it? I’m a homeland security officer… Most of my work is done in the field and people typically don’t follow me.

  But still, I can’t shake this thought.

  I pick up my phone to call Adams when I see the car behind me has stopped a couple of driveways away from mine. Good.

  “You need to get it together, Trin. For real. You’re losing your fucking mind. Did those brothers fuck you so good your brain is now broken?” I harp at myself as I throw my car in park and get out.

  Almost as soon as I get out of the car, I feel something being jammed against my rib cage. “You fuckin’ bitch,” someone seethes into my ear.

  I drop my purse down on the ground and throw my hands in the air. “Who are you?” I question stupidly.

  The man hisses in my ear. “You fucked with my stash. You fucked with my money. You’re gonna pay,” he snipes at me with hatred lacing his voice.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumble to help diffuse the situation. The truth is, I bet it’s the same person who fucked with my car.

  And if that’s the case, I’m truly fucked. Absolutely screwed.

  “You fucked with my money. You gotta get me back what is owed to me or I’m gonna fuck you up.”

  “Get away from her!” I hear someone yell from behind me.

  My body seizes up and I fear the worst. Now there are two people here?

  “Fuckin’ Dark Wolves,” the man behind me yells.

  The gun that has been jammed into my rib cage is gone and I fall to my knees on the driveway.

  “Holy shit,” I whisper to myself, brushing my hair out of my eyes.

  “Trinity! Are you okay? That fuckin’ bastard!” A man asks as I feel three sets of different hands on me.

  Wait, what?

  I shake my head in hopes of clearing it. I need to have a straight mind to figure out what is happening or I’m going to need to go to a psych ward. I’m already dangerously close to needing to be institutionalized.

  I smell the sweet, masculine smell of the three men who rocked my world and I never got their phone numbers. My body tenses yet relaxes all at the same time with the thought of them finding me.

  Have they found me? Have they come to see me again? Have they come to fuck me again?

  Much more than that, am I going to allow myself to be their chew toy again?

  Judging by the desire pooling in my sex muscles, I think I’m going to.

  Their energies are rushing into me at a breakneck speed.

  “Baby,” Kody murmurs into my ear. “Thank fuck we got to you in time!”

  “Are you okay? I’m gonna fuckin’ kill him!” Tank promises next to my other ear.

  Randy, the only one left who hasn’t said anything to me, is kissing the back of my neck through my hair. Who knew that spot is such a turn on?

  “What are you doing at my house? How did you know who that was? Do you know who that was? Why was he after me? What are you doing at my house?” I ramble off the questions. I need answers and I’m not letting them get into my pants until I get them.

  I’m not going to be pushed around and treated like a piece of ass again. Fuck that. I’m not going to let some man, or men, treat me like a booty call and make me think I’m nothing.

  I’m truly fucked up. I went into the office space knowing the score. I’m making them the villains because… because why? Because I can’t fathom being the villain this time.

  “Can we go in?” Randy asks from behind me. His voice melts through me like a popsicle. There is something about him that makes my thighs quake.

ank and Kody are in the process of brushing my hair out of my face and kissing my cheeks.

  I don’t answer them. They each help me off the ground in a romantic fashion making my knees weak. I would have fallen over if it weren’t for them.

  I unlock the door and the guys go in the house first. Tank stands with me as the other two search my whole place looking for something I don’t know.


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