The Wolfe Brothers

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The Wolfe Brothers Page 6

by Eden Rose

  My eyes widen. My heart races in my chest. I can’t believe how forward he just was. Did he just admit he knows what’s happening? Is that what that was?

  “So, you know about the girls?”

  They all three nod.

  “Where are they from?” I ask. I know they are past their three minutes, but this could actually help me.

  They look at each other, sharing something only they can hear or understand. When they turn to look back at me, I know the answer. They can’t tell me.

  “You can’t tell me, can you?”

  Tank steps forward in front of me. “We made you a promise. We’ll leave and give you a couple of days. In two days, we’re comin’ back. Do you understand, Trinity? We meant it when we said you were our mate. We protect what is ours.”

  One by one, they kiss me and then leave.

  I stand alone in my backyard staring at their retreating wolf forms wondering when my life became a movie.

  The worst part about them leaving? Now I feel alone. I miss them.

  Fuck me.

  I stand in my backyard for what seems like an eternity. Why the hell did I tell them to leave? Maybe, I jumped the gun. Not having them near me made my heart ache. I didn’t even have their number to call them and tell them to come back.

  “Hello,” someone calls out from behind me.

  I turn to see a man standing in front of me wearing a leather vest.

  “You must be Trinity. I believe you have something of mine.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Uh, who are you?” I demand wishing I had my gun on me. Shit.

  The man with the dark eyes and balding head looks around to make sure we’re alone. He advances towards me, but I step back. I step back until I feel the cool glass of my patio table.

  “I’m the man who’s here to tell you something. No, warn you of something. You keep fuckin’ with my money and my product, I’m gonna kill ya. And worse than kill ya, I’m gonna let your mutts watch as I do it. No one fucks with me. Do I make yourself clear?”

  Feeling sassy, I snap back. “I don’t know who you are, but you do not march into someone’s home. Do you understand me?”

  He barrels back and pulls a gun on me. He has the gun aimed at my head with his teeth bared. I see the shiny glimmer from his canine teeth and know exactly who is in front of me.

  “You’re King, aren’t you?” I mumble.

  He smiles like he won something. “I’m King. I’m the one you’ve been fuckin’ with.” His hand goes up into the air, striking me on my cheek.

  I cry out from the pain, but then stiffen up. I don’t want him thinking he got me.

  “You dirty, whore! Letting those three mutts fuck you like you’re something special?” He yells at me.

  His hand reaches up and then does it again. This time the smack is harder than before. I feel my skin welt up from the strike already knowing I’m fucked.

  “Listen, lady. You’re gonna keep your mouth shut about this and you’re gonna stay out of my way. Do I make myself clear?”

  I nod. There isn’t anything I can do. I want to fight him, but I know I won’t win.

  He smirks at me and looks me up and down. “You’re a pretty little thing, aren’t you?” He taunts.

  “Uh, thank you?” I blurt. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say or do here.

  “I like my girls with a lot of sass. Do you know why?”

  I shake my head like a damn bobble head. “No.”

  “It’s fun to break their spirit. I might have fun breaking yours right now.”

  His hand reaches up again and goes towards me, but he stops.

  My body is tense from worrying about it. I know he’s about to hit me again, but I don’t know why he stopped.

  “Jesus, fuck!” King shouts and transforms into a wolf. A dirty, mean looking wolf. He’s gone before I can even comprehend what scared him off.

  I drop to my knees and allow the built-up tears to flow down my face.

  “Trinity!” one of my guys calls out to me. There’s panic running through his words. “Baby, where are you?”

  “I’m here,” I sob. Within seconds, I’m lifted up into big strong arms. I don’t bother looking up to see whose arms I’m in. It doesn’t matter.

  Even though I’m mad at them for not telling me sooner, I need them tonight. That asshole knows where I live and work.

  For the first time since starting my job, I feel unsafe and that’s not something I’m used to.

  Chapter Fourteen


  As much shit as Tank and I give Randy for his gut feelings about things, we probably won't give him any more shit for it. We had just made it to the hotel room, when Randy shifted back to wolf-form and took off out the door without explanation.

  Tank and I were on his tail trying to catch him and calm the fucker down. When we caught whiff of King himself and Trinity, we knew what had set Randy off. It was another one of his gut feelings.

  When we arrived at Trinity's, King was gone and thankfully Trinity was safe and unharmed. She was shaken up a bit having come face to face with King. Very few people outside his pack actually meet the motherfucker. Even fewer people live to talk about it.

  I look at the recliner, where Randy is sitting with Trinity on his lap. His arms are around her. Her head is buried in his jacket, where she's been crying the past hour.

  I want to pull her into my arms, claim her and be done with it all. She'll be safer once we are all mated. Once we're back at the clubhouse. When we can't be around, our pack brothers will protect her.

  As much as I want to claim her, I know she'd never forgive me. Hell. I saw the look of disgust on her face when we had shifted. She thought we were freaks. If King hadn't spooked the fuck out of her, she probably wouldn't have ever look at us again. However, right now, in her mind, we were the safer of the freaks.

  "It's okay. We're here, sweetheart," Randy rubs Trinity's back as he continues to comfort her.

  Tank is across the room. He leans against the wall and stares out the window. He's just as fucking mad towards Trinity then he is about King coming here.

  Deep down he knows he can't be upset with her for not accepting us. But, deep down he also doesn’t fucking care. He had expectations of a mate. Hell. We all did. No male of our kind imagines meeting his mate only to have her look at him with disgust and fear in her eyes when she sees the true you. It fucking blows. It's like a knife to the fucking gut. That's what Trinity's look had felt like.

  "I'll be back," Tank snarls and pushes away from the wall. He heads towards the door.

  "Wait," Trinity sniffles. "It's not safe!" She lifts her head to look at Tank. His back is towards her and his hand on the door handle.

  "Funny," he chuckles half-assly. "Not even two hours ago we were the scary motherfuckers. Weren't we?" His words come out like bullets. Trinity flinches at his words. A tear slides down her reddened cheek.

  "Tank," Randy warns.

  I'm staying out of it because I see both of their points. Mainly Tank's; however, Trinity is still our mate, so she needs to be treated like it.

  "I didn't… Tank," Trinity sobs. She slowly gets off Randy's lap and makes her way over to Tank. He still refuses to look at her. Or maybe he refuses to let her see him hurt. Fuck. Maybe both.

  "Keep an eye on her, you two," he mutters and turns the door handle. Trinity throws herself against his back and wraps her arms around him.

  "No. Please. I can't lose you!" She cries hysterically.

  My heart fucking shatters. I know my brothers feel the same way. Our mate is scared of losing us. Maybe she accepts us after all.

  "Please. Don't leave me again. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry," she whispers.

  Tank turns in her arms and lifts her chin with his finger. He tips her head back so she's looking at him.

  "I won't leave you, baby. Ever," Tank kisses her softly. He pulls her against him and closes his eyes but not before I see the tears th
at are filling them.

  "Pussy," I chuckle under my breath. Tank's eyes flash open and he glares at me. I can't help but grin.

  He's a sucker when it comes to our mate but still a hard ass when it comes to everything else.

  "I'll order us some pizza," Randy laughs and stands up.

  "Can we go somewhere else for the night?" Trinity asks biting her lower lip. "I don't feel safe here."

  "You have us, sweetheart," I assure her then make my way over to her and Tank. "But we can go wherever you feel safe."

  "Let's take her to the clubhouse," Tank states.

  He has a point. We wanted to take her there anyway and she doesn't want to be here so now's the perfect time to pack her stuff. We can be home by lunchtime tomorrow.

  "Clubhouse?" She asks looking at Tank then me. Randy walks over to us.

  "The Dark Wolves MC we are in has a clubhouse," he replies.

  "Like for kids?"

  Randy and I laugh while Tank groans and shakes his head.

  "Not quite, babe," I tease.

  "It's more like a house slash bar," Randy explains.

  "Oh. And, you want me to go there with you and stay until all of this is over?" She asks quietly. The three of us shake our heads. "You don't want me to stay with you?" A tear trickles down her face.

  "Baby, we aren't taking you there just to get away from things here. We want to take you there to live with us," I smile.

  She looks up at me with hopeful eyes. For the first time today, everything seems to piece together. The shattered pieces of my heart from hearing her hurt are piecing back together, too. Maybe the bastard, King, was meant to cross paths with Trinity and send her back home to us.

  Doesn't mean I'm not going to kill the bastard for scaring our mate. However, for tonight, he would get a head start before we started hunting him.

  And luckily for us, we were about to get the call that would change our destiny.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Looking at the three gorgeous men in front of me has my heart racing. My breathing is coming out in pants as my thong gets soaked. Each one of them are wearing tight jeans, a Henley and a leather vest.

  The leather vest has their club insignia on it along with their names.

  Needless to say, my men are fucking hot.

  “Are you ready to go out?” Randy asks with a wink.

  “I guess?” I murmur.

  We’re going out to dinner and all three of my men are going as my date. I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I just hope I look okay. I have never had a relationship so unconventional, yet so exciting. I couldn’t have imagined that all three men would want me as much as I want them.

  Kody takes me in his arms and fuses his lips against mine. His hands travel down to cup my ass, squeezing the tender flesh. His tongue teases my lips making me melt in his arms. “You look hot as fuck,” he mumbles against my lips.

  “Mmhmm,” I moan. “You do, too.”

  “Move out of the way,” Tank grumbles at his brother pushing him out of the way. Once Kody has dropped his hold on me, I’m thrust against the wall by Tank. His tenderness is shown to me by how strong he is. His hands cup my ass cheeks and I wrap my legs around his hips. He pushes his hard dick against my center, and I’m dizzy with want.

  My one lover that is left out, clears his throat. “All right, since each of you assholes have had your hands on her, she’s on my bike. Let’s go before we spend the next four hours fucking her.”

  Tank sets me down on my uneasy legs.


  In a matter of seconds, we are in front of my house staring at the three motorcycles lined up. They all look different, signifying who’s bike it belongs to. The wolf on the front of the bikes is what gets my thong soaked. Every wolf looks mean, daring and sexy.

  Randy saddles his big body on the bike before his two brothers are on either side of the bike to help me up. My heart soars from something I have never experienced before.

  Could I love them? Could I actually be in love with all three of them?

  Once I’m on the bike, Kody and Tank saddle their own bikes before we take off towards one of the fancy restaurants in this stupid desert. Tank made reservations after convincing me to go out with them with his mouth on my pussy.

  As if I would ever tell them no.

  They make me do crazy things.

  “Lean with me on the bike,” Randy advises. “When my body leans, you lean with me. Also, hold on tight.”

  His frame is rather muscular, and my thighs feel the pull trying to get closer to him. Once my dress is gripping my thighs tightly, I slide closer to him, so my pussy is nestled on his ass.

  I have been on a bike before, but he looked so proud of himself in teaching me how to ride it, I didn’t want to break his heart. Plus, by the time we got to the restaurant, my insides are doing flips from excitement. I can’t wait to be sandwiched between them again tonight.


  The inside of the restaurant is perfectly set up and looks utterly romantic. There are candles all around, soft lighting along with soft music playing in the background.


  “So,” Kody clears his throat and looks at me. “Are you doin’ okay with all of this shit?”

  My eyes widen. “You mean about you guys turning into wolves?” I blurt.

  Tank chuckles under his breath. “Yeah, sure. About that.”

  “I think so. I just don’t understand how you guys do it and all of that,” I reply after stuffing the last of my cheesecake down my throat.

  “How long have you worked as a border patrol?” Randy asks.

  “A couple of years. It wasn’t my first choice, but now I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”

  Tank leans over the table and places a hand on my hand. I shiver from the contact. “You seem to like it.”

  I shrug. “There are days I do and there are days I don’t. What do you guys do all the time?” I ask the one question I have been dying to know the answer to. I have been dying to know what they do all day.

  Kody is the one that answers. “We do a lot of miscellaneous shit around the clubhouse and all of that.”

  “Mmmhmm,” I murmur.

  “Did I tell you how gorgeous you look tonight?” Kody sweet talks me.

  Sweet talks me right into the heart. I swear, these men have thrown my world into a sea of want and desire.

  “No, but feel free to tell me again.”

  Everything here has been amazing from the service of the waitress and my guys. They have been so attentive towards me and have ignored the slutty waitress who keeps trying to get their attention.

  In this moment, I am one hundred percent positive that I’m in love with Kody, Tank and Randy. Head over heels in love with them.

  Suddenly, they are looking around the room with intention as if something isn’t right. Their eyes are scanning the restaurant looking for a threat, but they are still guarding me from it by not telling me.

  Panic races through me and takes me back down to earth. I’m no longer on Planet Love. I have crashed back to Planet Reality.

  “Time to go, babe,” Randy says as he walks around the table to grab my hand to help me up.

  “What’s going on?” I question.

  “We need to get you out of here,” he informs me as the other two throw their napkins and some money on the table to pay the bill. A bill we haven’t received yet.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Motherfucker. Leave it to King and his goons to ruin a perfectly good night with Trinity. There is no doubt that they were there to start shit. Why else would low lives like them come to a nice place like this?

  Their scent hit me in the nose like a sucker punch. Adrenaline surges through my veins the entire time we walked Trinity through the restaurant and out to the parking lot.

  “Next time we go out, we bring the truck,” I growl.

  I didn’t like the idea of Trinity on our bikes and n
ot confined in a vehicle. It’d be easy for King or his guys to knock her off the bike and hurt her. She isn’t one of us… not yet. Her body wouldn’t recover like ours.

  “I’m scared,” Trinity sobs as she clings to Randy’s waist. He pulls her against his body and kisses the top of her head.


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