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The Rising

Page 53

by Terra Harmony

  * * *

  Hailey's cave is packed with the wounded. Serena and Kai receive treatment in the hallway, where Simone applies various oils and creams, wrapping injuries with deft, expert fingers. Kai doesn't let go of Serena's hand the entire time and quite possibly, Simone is too busy to notice.

  Nerin walks the halls, speaking softly to the survivors. Serena does not remember seeing her on the beach, but Nerin has to know by now what has happened.

  Nerin bends next to Serena. "Are you all right?"

  "I'm fine," says Serena. "But others…Sasha—" her voice chokes up. She cannot finish the sentence.

  "I know," Nerin pats Serena's hand. "I know."

  My own selfish pride brought her to the battle, one from which she won't return.

  Serena lays her head back against hard rock. "I suppose you will want to send me back to the lower caves?" Serena is under no illusions that the punishment will be forgotten, even after the king's death.

  Nerin takes a deep breath, sending a quick glance at Kai. Kai squeezes Serena's hand.

  "In light of the situation, Zayla has already declared your punishment fulfilled. The king himself recorded your pardon from serving punishments for the crime in the scrolls before the battle. I will announce it as soon as Society is well enough to assemble in the Great Hall," says Nerin, standing. "But Serena," she glances at Kai and Serena's interlocked hands once again. "Please, we must maintain appearances."

  Murphy passes through the hallway in front of them, frowning down at Kai. Even after all that has happened, Murphy and Serena must hold up pretenses of a couple. And they can't do that when it is Kai's hand Serena holds.

  "I don't—" Serena says.

  She is cut off by a sharp squeeze of Kai's hand. "It's okay," he says, whispering. "It can wait." He releases her and stands to head to the Great Hall, holding his side as he goes.

  After each injured Undine receives treatment from a healer, they follow Kai to the Great Hall. No one can bear to return to their caves. The holes left empty by those that have passed on are too obvious. Undine trickle into the Great Hall without being summoned and stand in tight groups, lending or receiving support, both physical and emotional.

  Only the few that are tending to the bodies laid out in the armory, being prepared for the fires, are not there. Serena enters the Great Hall with Kai. Mariam and Rayne spot the pair before anyone else. They rush forward, placing a gentle hand on Kai's cheek before hugging Serena. There are no words. What can be said? Nothing will make what happened better.

  "Serena?" Nerin's voice is soft, but it carries throughout the cavern.

  Serena looks up at the high-platform. Nerin stands next to the throne. In the king's place is a large, hardback book and a tightly-wrapped scroll, cinched closed with the king's mark.

  Serena walks forward with Kai, Rayne, and Mariam close behind her. The Great Hall falls silent. The only sound is Serena's tread, her pace awkward and imbalanced because of her limp. She automatically thinks of Ervin and has to stop to take a deep breath, fighting back tears.

  She feels a supportive, warm hand on the small of her back. Drawing strength from the bloom of heat, Serena walks the rest of the way to the front of the room and steps up to the mid-platform, turning to face Society.

  Behind her, Nerin picks up the scroll from the throne. There is a tear of paper as she breaks the seal and unrolls the scroll. Nerin clears her throat and speaks. "Serena Moon-Shadow," Nerin glances at Serena, then back down at the scroll. "You are hereby absolved of all charges for the crime of absconding."

  The formalities seem trivial after the battle, and Serena feels guilty Society has to sit through it right now.

  "The king's seal and signature accompany the scroll." Nerin holds up the parchment to the council members for their verification. Each nod their agreement. "The account is settled," Nerin glances at Society. "Serena Moon-Shadow is cleared of all charges."

  There is no clapping, and no cheers—just a small murmur of agreement from the crowd.

  "The king ends the scroll by a passage of reference in the Ancestral Book." Nerin leans over the throne to pick up the large hardback book.

  More murmurs come from Society as they look upon a book normally kept in the King's Library. Many have never even laid eyes on the restricted literature.

  Nerin balances it on her forearms as she flips through the pages. "Ah, here it is," she says, glancing at Serena. "Lineage of the First Undine. The story begins 200,000 years ago with Atargatis, the Lady Goddess of the Sea."

  Heads bow in reverence at the mention of the first mermaid.

  "But it didn't end with the Maiden's Massacre," Nerin continues. "Nor did the royal bloodline end with tonight's battle."

  As the true story of the Maiden's Massacre and Serena's birthright progresses, Serena thinks how she will have to alter it to include the fact that Liam, the king's son and Serena's twin, also survived the slaughter.

  As Nerin continues to read, Serena looks over at the council. She sees friends, but she also sees corruption, greed, jealousy, and anger. To her right is the King's Guard formation. They are strong, willing, and devoted—she can see that even now. But they are too few.

  Next, her eyes scan all of Society standing before her. Maidens, young and old, each painted in the bold colors of the court. They all look to Serena with open mouths, faces finally enlightened with the truth.

  Like scattered ripples on the ocean's surface, the cascade of colors reminds Serena of the king's own scales. He lives and breathes right in front of her, through the shades of his people.

  "The king has made a new entry within the Ancestral Book." Nerin clears her throat and reads, "I hereby decree that Serena Moon-Shadow, my one true daughter and the last surviving maiden of the first Undine bloodline, take the throne as Queen."

  Undine eyes flit over from Nerin to Serena.

  Serena looks out at them, blood pounding in her ears.

  In the crowd, Serena sees Rayne's hands go to her mouth and a small but prideful gasp escapes her lips.

  "Your majesty," Nerin speaks up, gesturing to the throne.

  Serena turns and floats forward, as if caught in a current. She steps up, taking Nerin's hand for much needed support, and sits down on the large throne.

  Murphy and Kai leave the line of council members and come to attention in front of Serena. Behind them, the crowd shifts as the rest of the King's Guard makes their way forward.

  Once the entire guard stands in front of the crowd, Murphy bows. Kai does the same, and the rest of the guard follows.

  Serena looks behind her. Nerin curtsies. Evandre, Zayla, and the rest of the council are next.

  Nerin steps forward, facing out to Society. "All hail our new queen." The words ring out in the cavern.

  There is an echo, and it does not belong to Nerin. It belongs to the whole of Society. "Long live the Queen."


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